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Distributors of Robert's Materials - Click on abreviation for available titles from each distributor.

  • (UN) United Nations Bookstore
  • (GPR) Global Public Relations
  • (EB) East Beach Productions
  • (Amz)
  • (Wsd) Wisdom Media
  • (AdT) Adventure Trail
  • (GMW) Good Morning World Free Downloads

Books - Hard Cover

Books - Paperback

  • Decide To - For A Better World, 21 poems, by Robert Muller, 1998, 15 pages, $15, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Ideas & Dreams For A Better World, 5,000 Ideas & Dreams, 500 Idea Dreams per book, plus index books by Robert Muller; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; 292 pages, $17, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • A Planet of Hope, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR

Pamphlets, Cards

  • The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government, by Robert Muller; 2003, 28 pages, $5,
    UN, GPR
  • Decide To Be Happy Greeting Card, by Robert Muller; 1998, 3 3/4" X 8 1/2", $2, Distributors: GPR
  • Decide To Be Thankful Greeting Card, by Robert Muller; 1998, 3 3/4" X 8 1/2", $2, Distributors: GPR
  • Mount Rasur, the Legend and the Dream, by Robert Muller; 2003, 12 pages, $5, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Topical Searches of the more than 5000 Ideas & Dreams, Eg. Peace, Nuclear Arms, Happiness, Earth Government, Children, Global Education; $25, Distributors: GPR
  • The World Core Curriculum, The Robert Muller Schools, by Robert Muller; 1990?; 50? pages, $20,
    UN, GPR

Video Tapes

  • Conversations with Remarkable People: Robert Muller, 2003, 60 minutes, $25, Distributor: Wsd, More . . .
  • On The Edge with Robert Muller, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ted Turner, Jane Goodall, Huston Smith, Carl Sagan, Lester Brown, Jane Fonda, Oren Lyons, Deepak Chopra, 1999, 52 Minutes, $30, Distributors: EB, More . . .

Audio Tapes, CDs, Dowloads

  • Paradise Earth, Two talks by Robert Muller, February, 2004, Audio Recording, Available On Tape, CD & On Good Morning World, Distributor: AdT, GMW
  • Passion - The Meaning of Life, The Meaning of Death, A talk by Robert Muller; 1995; Tape, 50 Minutes, $10, Distributors: EB, More . . .

Free - Downloadable Print Ready Materials From Good Morning World

  • Waging Peace: Taking Comfort In Remarkable Footholds Gained, March 19, 2003, 1 page.
    • Now there are two superpowers: the US and the merging voice of the people of the world.
    • All around the world, people are waging peace. It is nothing short of a miracle, and it is working.
  • The Absolute, Uregent Need For Proper Earth Government, March 11, 2002, 29 pages.
    • Still missing or underdeveloped are:
      • a global heart: love stops at the nation or at an ethnic group. Beginning of global love for humanity, for peace, for nature and for the preservation of the Earth.
      • a global soul: stops at a religion. Not yet a global spirituality in which all religions and humans would be in tune with the universe and eternity.
  • Paradise Earth, March 1, 2003, pages 6
    • ~ Idea 1987 ~ In my view the two main purposes of government should be:
      • to make the Earth a paradise
      • to render humanity happy.

More Books By Robert Muller, These books may be out of print. Contact GPR for more information. Also these books may be found at the various online used bookstores:,

  • The Birth of a Global Civilization
  • Dialogues of Hope
  • First Lady of the World (A Novel)
  • Good Humor, World Joke Book
  • Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
  • My Testament to the UN
  • New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality
  • A Planet of Hope
  • Safe Passage into the 21st Century
  • Sima, MON AMOUR


  • German - Drei Eichen Verlag, Hammelsburg, Germany
    • Ich Lernte zu Leben (Most of All They Taught Me Happiness)
    • Die Geburt einer globalen Zivilisation ( The Birth of a Global Civilization)
    • Dialoge der Hoffnung (Dialogues of Hope)
    • Mein Testament an die UNO (My Testament to the UN)
  • French - Editions Pierron, Sarreguemines, France
    • L'Economie de la Sarre, 1951
    • Sima mon Amour, 1983, won the Erckman-Chatrian literary prize
    • Au Bonheur, a L'Amour, a la Paix (New Genesis)
  • Italian - Una vita al servizio di un mondo migliore, Editrice Nuova Era, Roma
    • Battersi Per La Felicita (Most of All They Taught Me Happiness)
    • Nuova Genesi (New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality)
    • Alessandro Carletti: Robert Muller, Sopratutto Mi Insegnarono la Felicita, Scuola Superiore per Interpreti Traduttor, Florence, Italy 1983
  • Spanish - Gallo Pinto Press, Costa Rica
    • La Escuela Robert Muller, Manual del Plan de Educacion Mundial (World Core Curriculum)
    • El Nacimiento de una Civilizacion Mundial (The Birth of a Global civilization)
  • Portuguese - Editora Aquariana - Sao Paulo, Brasil-SP
    • Decida - Se (Decide To)
    • Nascimiento de uma Civilizacao Global (The Birth of a Global Civilization)
  • Polish - Instytut Wysawniczy PAX, Warsaw, Poland
    • New Genesis in Polish
  • Japanese - University of the Sacred Heart, Catholic Press, Tokyo
    • New Genesis in Japanese
  • Dutch - East West Publications Den Haag/London
    • Het Wereld Dern-Curriculum (World Core Curriculum)
    • The Birth of a Global Civilization

United Nations Bookstore - Phone (800) 553-3210

United Nations Bookstore, Room 32A
United Nations,
New York, New York 10017 USA

Books - Hard Cover

French - Editions Pierron, Sarreguemines, France
  • L'Economie de la Sarre, 1951
  • Sima mon Amour, 1983, won the Erckman-Chatrian literary prize
  • Au Bonheur, a L'Amour, a la Paix (New Genesis)

Books - Paperback

  • Decide To - For A Better World, 21 poems, by Robert Muller, 1998, 15 pages, $15, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Ideas & Dreams For A Better World, 5,000 Ideas & Dreams, 500 Idea Dreams per book, plus index books by Robert Muller; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; 292 pages, $17, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • A Planet of Hope, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR

Pamphlets, Cards

  • The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government, by Robert Muller; 2003, 28 pages, $5,
    UN, GPR
  • Mount Rasur, the Legend and the Dream, by Robert Muller; 2003, 12 pages, $5, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • The World Core Curriculum, The Robert Muller Schools, by Robert Muller; 1990?; 50? pages, $20,
    UN, GPR

Global Public Relations, 1-805-968-8567,

Barbara Gaughen Muller,
Global Public Relations
7456 Evergreen Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
Fax: 805-968-5747

Books - Hard Cover

Books - Paperback

  • Decide To - For A Better World, 21 poems, by Robert Muller, 1998, 15 pages, $15, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Ideas & Dreams For A Better World, 5,000 Ideas & Dreams, 500 Idea Dreams per book, plus index books by Robert Muller; 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003; 292 pages, $17, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • A Planet of Hope, by Robert Muller; 1995?; 150? pages, $10, Distributors: UN, GPR

Pamphlets, Cards

  • The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government, by Robert Muller; 2003, 28 pages, $5, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Decide To Be Happy Greeting Card, by Robert Muller; 1998, 3 3/4" X 8 1/2", $2, Distributors: GPR
  • Decide To Be Thankful Greeting Card, by Robert Muller; 1998, 3 3/4" X 8 1/2", $2, Distributors: GPR
  • Mount Rasur, the Legend and the Dream, by Robert Muller; 2003, 12 pages, $5, Distributors: UN, GPR
  • Topical Searches of the more than 5000 Ideas & Dreams, Eg. Peace, Nuclear Arms, Happiness, Earth Government, Children, Global Education; $25, Distributors: GPR

The World Core Curriculum, The Robert Muller Schools, by Robert Muller; 1990?; 50? pages, $20, Distributors: UN, GPR

East Beach Productions, 1-800-942-7617,

Books - Hard Cover

Video Tapes

  • On The Edge with Robert Muller, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ted Turner, Jane Goodall, Huston Smith, Carl Sagan, Lester Brown, Jane Fonda, Oren Lyons, Deepak Chopra, 1999, 52 Minutes, $30, Distributors: EB, More . . .

Audio Tapes

  • Passion - The Meaning of Life, The Meaning of Death, A talk by Robert Muller; 1995; 50 Minutes, $10,
    EB, More . . .


Wisdom Media, 1-888-894-7638,

Books - Hard Cover

Video Tapes

  • Conversations with Remarkable People: Robert Muller, 2003, 60 minutes, $25, Distributor: Wsd, More . . .,

Adventure Trail, (AdT)

  • Paradise Earth, Two talks by Robert Muller, February, 2004, Audio Recording, Available On Tape, CD & On Good Morning World, Distributor: AdT, GMW

For a tape or CD send $3 by check of Electronic Funds Transfer or $5 ($7 international) by PayPal which includes credit card payments. If that is too much, send what you can. Additional contributions are welcome. All proceeds are to be used to make Robert's idea dream materials more readily available.

For more information email:

Send checks to:
Adventure Trail
116 East 40th Avenue
Spokane, WA 99203-2750

$5 USA &




Please include a contact email address and or phone number along with your mailing address and whether you want a tape or CD.

Good Morning World,

Free - Downloadable Print Ready Materials From Good Morning World

  • Waging Peace: Taking Comfort In Remarkable Footholds Gained, March 19, 2003, 1 page.
    • Now there are two superpowers: the US and the merging voice of the people of the world.
    • All around the world, people are waging peace. It is nothing short of a miracle, and it is working.
  • The Absolute, Uregent Need For Proper Earth Government, March 11, 2002, 29 pages.
    • Still missing or underdeveloped are:
      • a global heart: love stops at the nation or at an ethnic group. Beginning of global love for humanity, for peace, for nature and for the preservation of the Earth.
      • a global soul: stops at a religion. Not yet a global spirituality in which all religions and humans would be in tune with the universe and eternity.
  • Paradise Earth, March 1, 2003, pages 6
    • ~ Idea 1987 ~ In my view the two main purposes of government should be:
      • to make the Earth a paradise
      • to render humanity happy.

Free - Audio Materials From Good Morning World

Paradise Earth by Robert Muller, February, 2004, Audio Recording, Available On Tape, CD & On Good Morning World, Distributor: AdT, GMW, Download Here.

Prophet, The Hatmaker's Son, The Life of Robert Muller, by Douglas Gillies, 2003, 292 pages, $25,
UN, GPR, EB, Amz, Wsd, More

Robert Muller's Biography
PROPHET - The Hatmaker's Son

My dear Friends and workers for a better world, I had many magic moments in my life allowing me to fulfill the dream of my youth to spend my life working for peace.

My friend and author Douglas Gillies went even beyond my dreams. He decided to write my biography before my death, Prophet the Hatmakers Son, to be released on United Nations Day, October 24, 2002.

It is a tremendous contribution to another dream: to see all human brothers and sisters work for peace and to make, at long last, this marvelous planet, a planet of peace and human joy and happiness.

As I was reading Prophet the Hatmakers Son, I said to Douglas, I am on page 82. This is one of the most extraordinary biographies ever written. You have a story that goes much farther than one man.

All the stupidities of war, all of those people killed unnecessarily.

This biography can have an effect on the future, by having heads of states realize that they cannot afford any wars anymore.

Your purpose was to show an individual going through all this and having the luck to spend his life working in the United Nations so that his children and grandchildren would never have to go through war again. It's incredible the pain you went through to get the details.


The Hatmaker's Son - The Life of Robert Muller

by Douglas Gillies

Book Available October 2002
Hardcover: 288 pages, 20 photographs,
index, bibliography and footnotes.
Order online or call: 1 800 942-7617

Sample Pages
Front Cover
Back Cover

In the 1920's, after the deafening sounds of the Great War subsided and people went on with their lives, a generation of children in Europe was raised to believe that the Treaty of Versailles had outlawed all wars. They held fast to their convictions while Hitler's armies enslaved their countries. Some of those children survived the Second World War and dedicated their lives to peace. Robert Muller was one of the lucky ones.

On the night of the liberation of Lyon, he stood in a fallow field weeping for all the young people whose lives were squandered during the battles he fought in the French Resistance. That night Muller swore he would devote his life to peace.

"Inspiring, true story...Gillies brings to vivid life the remarkable achievements and astounding story of this great global citizen."
Mary Manin Morrissey
After the guns fell silent and the fields again were fertile, Muller could not settle for one more hopeful interlude of peace and prosperity between wars. He was determined to create a permanent end to all the wars and bloodshed, but then he began to catch glimpses of something even greater. He saw the architectural details of a world quite unlike the old Europe: a united, harmonious world where people could enjoy their lives together and be fulfilled. Muller left everything behind and joined the United Nations in its third year to follow his dream. This is the true story of a man who never gave up.
"Robert Muller has had a very large positive influence on me. He has a wonderful global outlook and a loving, kind-hearted attitude of forgiveness and understanding and patience. I have great admiration and respect for him. He's one of the greatest men to come along in a long time."
Ted Turner, CNN, AOL Time-Warner
Robert Muller fought in the French Resistance during World War II then joined the United Nations in 1948 and rose from the lowest position to the highest appointive office in the international community. His life is a thrilling adventure story about the history of the 20th Century.
"Robert Muller is the most brilliant man in the United Nations."
Margaret Mead, anthropologist
Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son is the biography of Dr. Robert Muller: Assistant to legendary Secretaries General of the United Nations, Recipient of the UNESCO Peace Education Prize, Co-Founder and Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace in Costa Rica, and Nuclear Age Peace Foundation World Citizen honoree for 2002. Robert Muller is the man behind Ted Turner's billion dollar donation to the United Nations and thousands of other acts of conscience.

Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son reads like a novel, but it's all true. Raised in the troubled European region of Alsace Lorraine - a pawn in the power struggle between France and Germany for centuries - Muller was taught allegiance to first one nation, then the other. He grew up searching for an alternative to the nationalism that sent young men, including almost everyone of his classmates, to die on a regular basis. Eyewitness to atrocities, captive of the Nazis, he did not grow to hate his enemy, but instead became convinced that war was not inevitable and conflict was not a solution. He dedicated his life to the cause of peace and was branded a dreamer. His father, afraid his son would never earn a living, counseled him to follow the family tradition into hat making. Fortunately, the young didn't heed the advice and we are all the beneficiaries of his action.

Robert Muller's courageous story is an inspiring antidote to gloom-mongers and flag-wavers alike. With the United Nations at the forefront of today's headlines, Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son gives insight into why one young man dedicated his life to being part of its mission. Within a span of 40 years - from UN Intern to Assistant Secretary General - Robert Muller became the most important world planner and peace-maker you may never have heard of until now.

"When the true history of the Twentieth Century is told, Robert Muller's name will stand out as one of the greatest world servers of all time. This powerful book is filled with stories and anecdotes that delight as they illumine the path of greatness. Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son by Douglas Gillies ennobles as it instructs. One discovers how high intelligence matched with deep compassion can lead to the way of wisdom and the winning of a better world. Robert Muller is a spiritual giant as well as a hugely original thinker, and the story of his life is a testament to the glory of the human spirit.
Jean Houston, Ph.D., Author of Jump Time
"I could hardly put it down!"
Lucile Green, co-founder, Global People's Assembly
"Prophet-the Hatmaker's Son touches our very essence with the spirit of a genuine modern hero."
Barbara Marx Hubbard, President, Foundation for Conscious Evolution
"Robert Muller is a prototypical global citizen. My respect for him deepened as I read more of his extraordinary, exemplary life story. I hope Douglas Gillies will go on to write a sequel to this wonderful book."
Hazel Henderson, author of Building a Win-Win World
"Robert Muller is one of our greatest and most committed voices for peace. His biography should be read by everyone dedicated to global unity and the spiritual well-being of humanity."
John Hagelin Ph.D., author of Manual for a Perfect Government
"Robert Muller is a global treasure. Let his spirit enter your life."
Vicki Robin, coauthor with Joe Dominguez of Your Money or Your Life
"An extraordinary saga of an extraordinary man."
Ervin Laszlo, Founder of the Club of Budapest, author of Macroshift
"This is a great book, a powerful piece of work."
Frank Kelly, author
"Breathtaking! Gripping style by Gillies. It jumps up and says Great! One of our staff members took Robert's book from my reading table. He wouldn't return it; he couldn't put it down! I think that is the best that any author can hope for. Robert Muller and Jimmy Carter are two of the most productive citizens of the world."
Nada-Yolanda, Exec. Director Mark-Age/I Am Nation
"The writing is very good and the story is fascinating."
Dan Poynter, author of The Self-Publishing Manual
"I couldn't put it down!"
Gloria Crook, Founder, Robert Muller Schools
"Tour de force. Gillies nailed it. Better reading than any fictional hero."
Lois Clark McCoy, President, Nat'l Institute for Urban Search & Rescue

ON THE EDGE, A Wake-up Call

A thought provoking and exciting video, including Robert.

Video: 52 Minutes

Mikhail Gorbachev assembled hundreds of the world's top thinkers to confront the most daunting challenge of all time. In this award-winning program, they chart a course for a safe passage into the new century.

Watch it with friends or family and you'll talk for hours about how you can contribute to life.

Gorbachev is joined by Robert Muller, Jane Goodall, Ted Turner, Oren Lyons, Huston Smith, Lester Brown, and Deepak Chopra.

Price: $29.95 US

"To imagine a future where the world's big problems are solved, you need to watch this video and decide to solve one of these mega problems."
-- Mark Victor Hansen
Co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul®
"There still is a fighting chance for us."
-- Ted Turner, Times Warner
"This is one of the most moving programs I have ever seen. It should be shown on all of the televisions in the world."
-- Robert Muller, United Nations
Now you can order your copy of On the Edge - A Wake-up Call. Call today: (800) 942-7617.
Order on line at:

PASSION, The Meaning of Life, The Meaning of Death

A talk by Robert Muller

Audio Tape: 52 Minutes

Drawing upon a wealth of information on the human condition which was compiled at the United Nations over the past 50 years, Robert Muller soars though a kaleidoscope of issues to arrive at a resounding conclusion that is both enlightening and encouraging.

If you don't have time to read the millions of documents in the UN archives that form the basis for Muller's optimistic outlook, take an hour to listen the fruit of his life's work at the United Nations. This program will give you a clearer picture of the world.

ISBN 0-9702705-2-6

Price: $9.95

Now you can order your copy of Passion. Call today: (800) 942-7617. To order online:

Conversations with Remarkable People: Robert Muller, 2003, 60 minutes, Distributor: Wsd, More Information

When a man imprisoned by the Nazis survives to later be hailed as the UN's "Prophet of Hope," the power of that individual's courage and benevolent influence during four decades of distinguished service cannot be overestimated. That is the personal history of Dr. Robert Muller, who refused to let his experience as a prisoner of war destroy his belief in happiness and the power of imagination. Honored by all who know him as one of the most ambitious and loving men on earth, Dr. Muller -- nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 19 times -- takes us into his world of dreams and miracles. His deep commitment to global and spiritual consciousness yielded recommendations for an Earth Health Organization and the Parliament of the World's Religions. He also founded the University for Peace in Costa Rica, where he now spends most of his time. Beethoven's Ode to Joy, as Dr. Muller plays it on his harmonica, is the perfect finale for this extraordinary and inspiring interview.

Guest(s): Robert Muller
Host(s): Chantal Westerman
Topic: Personal Growth > Relationships > Self
Show #: 12002
Format: VHS Tape
Retail Price: $24.95
call 1-888-894-7638


Paradise Earth, Two talks by Robert Muller, February, 2004, Audio Recording, Available On Tape, CD & On Good Morning World, Distributor: AdT, GMW

Paradise Earth, is a 50 minute recording of two talks by Robert speaking about, "We have to make out of this planet a Paradise, which it is."

The talks were given at the Agape International Spiritual Center where Robert received the Millinium Man Of The Year - God Of Light Expressing Award given by the 900 Unity Churches.

To listen to these two talks click here.