Good Morning

Good Morning
Nurturing A Happier Better World For Everyone
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A Brief Selection Of GMW Idea Dream Messages From The Blogs:
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#001, 24 October 2002
Introduction to Good Morning World
Dear Brothers and Sisters for a Better World,
I have always said if I were Secretary General of the United Nations, I would start each day with a message to you, my dear friends and I would call it "Good Morning World". My dream for our Earth is Peace and now that I have finished my 5000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World ( and to celebrate the 57th birthday of the United Nations, with your permission I would like to start "Good Morning World" and share one Peace idea a day.
I also have a very special thank you to my friend Douglas Gillies, the author of my biography 'Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son', which is such a gift and it was also released today.
And please let me hear from you too..With you I will start the next 5000 Ideas...
May Peace Prevail on Earth,
Robert Muller
#001, 24 October 2002
My Dreams for Peace Education
UN Secretary General U Thant, a former school headmaster from Burma, and my spiritual master, often said to me when I was his assistant: "Robert, there will be no peace on Earth, if there is not a new education." He was right. I will therefore reproduce here, in his memory, my peace education dreams given in my acceptance speech of the UNESCO 1989 Peace Education Prize. [More]
#010: 2 November 2002
Dreams Really Work
~ Idea 2874 ~
Someday I should write another book on all my dreams which became true during my life. For instance, the dream after World War II to work for peace the rest of my life. The dream to join the United Nations. The dream to see the border in my hometown disappear. The dream to live in a demilitarized country. The dream to be an educator for peace. The dream to live as long as possible to help bring about a better world. The dream to live some day on a beautiful hill with a magnificent view and to write as an elder of the United Nations the beautiful stories of my life and my further dreams and ideas for a better word. I have come to believe that the only things that really work on this miraculous, magic Earth are dreams.
#011: Sunday 3 November 2002
Audacity. A First Step
For A Better World
Slavko dropped into Robert's room. "I've been reading some Goethe, and it started me thinking about some of the choices I've made. Tell me what you think about this."
"Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans:
That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred.
A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no one could have dreamt would come their way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
"This is a good time to be bold," Robert said. "Audacity is the first step in any worthwhile adventure."
From "Prophet--The Hatmaker's Son, The Life of Robert Muller", page 155.
#002, 25 October 2002
Tranform Military & Police To Peace Agents & Protectors
This morning Robert said " I am so glad that the United States has decided to resume its membership in UNESCO as did Great Britain and also I am so glad that the US government has decided not to act unitaterally with a war in Iraq and to work with the Security Council of the United Nations". - Barbara Gaughen-Muller
I urge that by the year 2000 all military and police forces of this planet, from the United Nations Peacekeeping "Forces" at the top, to national military "forces" and local municipal and rural police "forces," will be transformed into beloved and respected Peace Agents and Protectors.
I hope that soon the University for Peace created by the UN in demilitarized Costa Rica will be ratified by all governments and made the world's guiding and inspiring center for peace education.
It is a historical blemish that after twelve years only 32 governments out of 185 members of the United Nations had the decency to ratify it and only 3 have supported it financially. Military "Academies" for their part receive billions of dollars. Please check the list of ratifying countries in the footnote below, and if your government has not done so write a letter of protest to your elected representative.
#012: Monday 4 November 2002
What an incredible planet this will be
~ Idea 1888 ~
What an incredible planet in the universe this will be when we will be one human family living in justice, peace, love and harmony with our divine Earth, with each other and with the heavens.
#013: Tuesday 5 November 2002
World Core Curriculum -
Unfragmenting Learning
~ Idea 2929 ~
It is strange that at a time when we have such an incredible, unprecedented knowledge of the whole universe, of our solar system, of our entire planet and whole humanity, the 188 'national' educations of this Earth continue to spend more time on what is in their interests and on national allegiance of their students than on the interests of our Earth and of the whole human community.
As a result the students cannot become the fulfilled, happy, global beings they could and should be at our stage of evolution.
Recent scientific studies show that the fragmentation of the knowledge taught to children and youth is a major cause of violence. The frontal lobe of the brain, whose function it is to give a synthesis of our knowledge of the outside world, develops 'holes' and cannot give the peace and happiness expected by the whole human being. Hence sicknesses, depressions and violence.
I have found happiness and meaning in my life only in the United Nations, the most universal, wholistic university on Earth and have therefore developed from that blessed experience a World Core Curriculum which should be applied in all schools of the world (see table in 'Ideas and Dreams For A Better World, Volume I').
#014: Wednesday 6 November 2002
Declarations of Interdependence
~ Idea 1717 ~
We should have Declarations of Interdependence in a whole series of fields: a Declaration of Interdependence in the educational field, in the political field, in the medical field, etc. There should not be a single field and segment of human concern without a Declaration of Interdependence and a Code of Ethics. This would definitely enhance human progress and world-wide cooperation.
We should also have a whole series of World Declarations of Cooperation and Friendship. I could imagine a first great Declaration of Cooperation between the rich and the poor countries in all fields of life from development to the environment, from peace to non-violence, the avoidance of terrorism, etc