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Title: Peace Corner

Author: Barbara Gaughen-Muller

Date Published On GMW: February 17, 2004 | ID#: 040217

Category: Idea Dreams

Keywords: Peace Corner


Title: Paradise Earth - Recording of two talks

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: February 15, 2004 | ID#: 040215

Category: Idea Dreams

Keywords: Pardise Earth

Title: Robert's Harmonica Ode to Joy, and French Song of Love

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: February 1, 2004 | ID#: 040201

Category: Idea Dreams



Title: My Testament to the UN

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: January 5, 2004 | ID#: 040105

Category: United Nations




Print Ready Files:

040105.pdf 197 pages. Coming soon



Title: Decide to Poems For A Better World

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: May 1, 2003 | ID#: 0300501

Category: Idea Dreams

Keywords: Decide to, happy, healthy, peaceful, spiritual, thankful, forgive, open, laugh, ask, network, good action, human, blessed, good news, never negative, cheerful, lookout, global citizen, dream,

Quotes: Decide to be happy.


Web page:


Print Ready Copy:

  • 030501.pdf 17 pages. In page number sequence.

  • 030501b.pdf 17 pages. In booklet format. Print or copy on back to back pages, fold in half, and staple to make a booklet.

Title: Robert Muller - UN Mainstay: Still Reasons for

Author: Tim Rogers, Tico Times, Costa Rica

Date Published On GMW: May 1, 2003 | ID#: 0300502b

Category: Idea Dreams



Web page:

Print Ready Copy:


Title: Songs For A Better World

Author: Good Morning World Suggestions

Date Published On GMW: May 1, 2003 | ID#: 0300502

Category: Idea Dreams



Web page:

Print Ready Copy:


Title: The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living - My Testament to Life - Volume I - The Great Scene of Creation

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: May 5, 2003 | ID#: 0300505

Category: Idea Dreams



Web page:

Print Ready Copy:

  • The Great Scene of Creation, Volume 1, pages 101, 030505v1.pdf

  • The Art of Personal, Happy Living, Volume 2, pages 214, 030505v2.pdf

  • The Seasons of Life, Volume 3, pages 87, 030505v3.pdf


Title: Nobel Prize Additions

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: April 6, 2003 | ID#: 030406

Category: Paradise On Earth Plan 2050

Keywords: Nobel Prize


Print Ready Copy:

Title: The United Nations at Work: The Power of Ideas and Dreams for Peace and a Better World, Seattle UNA Announcement

Author: Robert Muller

Date Published On GMW: April 30 2003 | ID#: 030430

Category: Proper Earth Government 2020

Keywords: United Nations, Ideas and Dreams, Peace, Better World


Print Ready Copy:


Title: Paradise Earth

Author: Robert Muller

Date: March 1, 2003 | ID#: 030301

Category: Paradise On Earth

Keywords: Paradise Earth


  • ~ Idea 1987 ~ In my view the two main purposes of government should be:

    • to make the Earth a paradise

    • to render humanity happy.

Print Ready Copy: 030301.pdf, 6 pages

Title: Peace Plan 2010

Author: Robert Muller

Date: March 10, 2003 | ID#: 030310, Rev D April 3, 2003

Category: Peace Plan 2010

Keywords: Peace Plan, Waging Peace, UN, United Nations


  • elimination of all forms of violence in human society

  • a New World Deal for humanity

  • a proper, peaceful, just world government

Print Ready Copy: 030310.pdf, 4 pages

Title: The Absolute, Uregent Need For Proper Earth Government

Author: Robert Muller

Date: March 11, 2003 | ID#: 030311

Category: Earth Government

Keywords: Earth Government


  • Still missing or underdeveloped are:

    • a global heart: love stops at the nation or at an ethnic group. Beginning of global love for humanity, for peace, for nature and for the preservation of the Earth.

    • a global soul: stops at a religion. Not yet a global spirituality in which all religions and humans would be in tune with the universe and eternity.

Print Ready Copy: 030311.pdf , 29 pages

Title: Waging Peace: Taking Comfort In Remarkable Footholds Gained

Author: Robert Muller

Date: March 19, 2003 | ID#: 030319

Category: Peace Plan 2010

Keywords: Waging Peace, UN, United Nations, Super Powers, Christian Science Monitor Op-Ed


  • Now there are two superpowers: the US and the merging voice of the people of the world.

  • All around the world, people are waging peace. It is nothing short of a miracle, and it is working.

Print Ready Copy: 030319.pdf, 1 page



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