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Former UN Assistant Secretary General
Co founder and Former Chancellor
of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica



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La Casa de Maria in Santa Barbara, California, was the place we met in 1994 during an event called THE BIG PICTURE SUMMIT. On the third day, I was delivering a speech describing the public relations we could use to get the world's media to write about the theme of the summit: "How we could get the world to see the big picture."

I noted that on 11 July 1994 there would be 2000 days before the year 2000. An interesting fact which may inspire the media. "What if we wrote one idea a day from now until 2000, we would have 2000 ideas and I would publish the book 2000 Ideas for a Better World. Robert Muller was in the audience and stood up and said, "I will do it."

And so Robert began to write ideas based on his more than 50 years of working on the problems of the world at the United Nations and now at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. Sometimes he wrote one a day or several depending on what he was thinking about and on all world subjects from human rights to water pollution and the solutions. In a plane, a restaurant, church or the car, he wrote ideas. Today the miracle of 2000 ideas have turned into 4000 in 10 published volumes.

I know because I married this idea man 5 years ago and together we work to make this Earth the true paradise it was meant to be.

The document you have in your hands took over 3 yews to develop, edit and perfect and we give it to you, one of our precious leaders and world thinkers, for reflection, reading and possible implementation.

We look forward to bearing from you and to watching THE ABSOLUTE, URGENT NEED FOR PROPER EARTH GOVERNMENT use our resources and skills to bring peace and harmony to our Earth's inhabitants and Nature.


October 24, 2002


To Dr. Robert Muller

Rosalynn and I are pleased to congratulate you on receiving the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation's 2002 World Citizenship Award. Since your prizewinning essay on world governance, written 54 years ago, you have devoted much of your life to the peacekeeping efforts of the United Nations, directly assisting three secretaries general. Your schools and books emphasize the increasing importance of global education. Your courageous leadership for peace is certainly worthy of this fine recognition.

With warm best wishes,



Jimmy Carter



Dr. Robert Muller
Chancellor Emeritus
United Nations University for Peace
Costa Rica

~ Idea 4000 ~

"Dear Robert, congratulations for having finished your 4000 ideas. May I ask you: which one do you consider the most important?"

Well, my most important idea and conclusion after all my adult life as a world civil servant is this:


I recommend that the UN General Assembly should meet again urgently at the heads of states level and that one of them will stand up and say to his assembled peers: "The world of sovereign nations is in disarray. The Earth, our vital air, waters, nature, vegetation and many species which it took millions of years to form, our climate are in jeopardy. All this will end in a global disaster without precedent, if we do not react with urgency, vision and audacity.

I appeal to you, I beg you, I implore you, let us put aside all other items on the world agenda and keep only this fundamental one: to have this General Assembly of heads of states remain in session day and night if necessary, until we give birth to a new political system for our miraculous planet and our sacred human family. Please stand up, delegates of the world, hold each other's hand and let us swear together that we will accomplish this historical miracle before it is too late: to save this Earth, to save humanity with a new world order. All the rest is secondary. Let us strengthen and reform the United Nations into a United States of the World or a World Union like the European Union. Let us perform this miracle in the House of Mica, on the shores of the River of the Rising Sun, wherefrom our indigenous brethren prophecized that a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world."

I offer further below a framework within which the work for the creation of a proper Earth government can be undertaken immediately.

"Nothing is so powerful as an IDEA whose TIME has come" - Victor Hugo

Statements on proper Earth government
which struck me during my life

"The primary cause of all disorders lies in the different state governments and in the tenacity of that power which pervades the whole of their systems."
George Washington
"Is there a doubt whether a common government can embrace a larger sphere? Let experience solve it...It is well worth a fair and full experiment."
George Washington
"The Republic is a dream. Nothing happens unless first a dream."
George Washington
If he lived today, he would say:
The Earth Republic is a dream.
Nothing happens unless first a dream.
"It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is for you to get along in the republic of the United States."
President Harry S. Truman
"With all my heart I believe that the world's present system of sovereign nations can lead only
to barbarism, war and inhumanity. There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government."
Albert Einstein
"Humankind's desire for peace can be realized only by the creation of a world government."
Albert Einstein
"Unless some effective supranational government can be set up and brought quickly into action, the prospects of peace and human progress are dark and doubtful. If it is found possible to build a world organization of irresistible force and inviolable authority for the purpose of securing peace, there are no limits to the blessings which all humans may enjoy and share."
Winston Churchill
"Science has made unrestricted national sovereignty incompatible with human survival. The only possibilities are now world government or death."
Bertrand Russell
"World Government is not an 'ultimate goal' but an immediate necessity. In fact, it has been overdue since 1914. The convulsions of the past decades are the clear symptoms of a dead and decaying political system."
Emery Reves
"World Government is not only possible, it is inevitable; and when it comes, it will appeal to patriotism in its truest sense, in its only sense, the patriotism of humans who love their national heritages so deeply that they wish to preserve them in safety for the common good."
Peter Ustinov
"No difficulty in the way of a world government can match the danger of a world without it."
Carl Van Doren
"I have long believed that the only way peace can be achieved is through world government."
Jawaharlal Nehru
"When all humanity calls planet Earth our home, there is no alternative for the Earth but Global Government."
Barbara Gaughen Muller
"Today the universal common good poses problems of world-wide dimensions, which cannot be adequately tackled or solved except by the efforts of public authorities endowed with a wideness of powers, structure and means of the same proportions; that is,...on a world-wide basis."
Pope John XXIII
"The age of nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish, we must shake off our old prejudices and build the Earth. The more scientifically I regard the world, the less can I see any possible biological future for it except in the active consciousness of its unity."
Teilhard de Chardin
"Have I said clearly enough that the Community we created is not an end in itself? It is a process of change, continuing in that same process which in an earlier period produced our national forms of life. The sovereign nations of the past can no longer solve the problems of the present: they cannot ensure their own progress or control their own future. And the Community itself is only a stage on the way of the organized world of tomorrow."
Jean Monnet
Conceiver of the European Community
now the European Union
"There are no boundaries in the real Planet Earth. No United States, no Russia, no China, no Taiwan. Rivers flow unimpeded across the swaths of continents. The persistent tides
the pulse of the sea do not discriminate; they push against all the varied shores on Earth."
Captain Jacques-Yves Cousteau
"We are facing problems that transcend nations. When we talk about the greenhouse effect, we are talking about something that affects not just the United States or Brazil but the entire planet."
Isaac Asimov
"...The point of a nation is not to draw a line in the sand and keep its members behind it, but to create world citizens who are secure enough to treat others equally."
Gloria Steinem
May I add this personal conviction:
"If heads of states fail to seize the opportunity of our entry into the third millennium to provide for a better government of planet Earth, history will not forgive them if there is a history."
Robert Muller

Advocates of World Government/World Citizenship

Gary Davis, is a US pilot whom I saw camping at the Bridge of Kehl between France and Germany in Strasbourg in 1948 refusing to show a passport because he considered himself a world citizen, dismayed as he was for having bombed German cities and killed women and children during the war. I proposed to his World Citizens Foundation to create a world-wide alliance of all organizations, associations, and citizen's movements which are in favor of world government. And since world government has been downgraded by a systematic campaign of extreme right parties claiming that it would lead to dictatorship, I recommend to use the words proper Earth government. I also proposed that there should be an honor roll of world personalities who throughout history have recommended world government and global citizenship. He sent me the following impressive list which should be widely known*:

The following prominent individuals have advocated world government and/or world
citizenship in their writings or speeches:Mortimer Adler

Jane Adams
Mortimer Adler
John Anderson
Percy Barbevik
Stringfellow Barr
Pierre Bergé
Lord Beveridge
Ernest Bevin
Sir Adrian Boult
Claude Bourdet
Chester Bowles
Lord Boyd-Orr
Heather Brandon
André Breton
Gro Harlan Bruntland
Albert Camus
Brock Chisholm
Grenville Clark
Sen. Joseph Clark
Norman Cousins
Alan Cranston
Walter Cronkite
Justice William Douglas
Katherine Dunham
Albert Einstein
Clifton Fadiman
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Thomas Finletter
Charles Frankel
Benjamin Franklin
John Kenneth Galbraith
Mahatma Gandhi
André Gide
Mikhail Gorbachev
Mike Gravel
Hugo Grotius
Oscar Hammerstein
Václav Havel
Edouard Herriot
Arthur Holcombe
Robert Hutchins
Immanuel Kant
Adm. Gene LaRoque
Georgia Lloyd
Lola Maverick Lloyd
Thomas Mann
Marcel Marceau
Lord Menuhin
Akio Morita
Edgar A. Mowrer
Robert Muller
Lewis Mumford
Jawaharlal Nehru
Paul Newman
Robert Oppenheimer
Tom Paine
Ronald Reagan
Walther Reuther
Emery Reves
Owen Roberts
Elliot Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Joseph Rotblat
Bertrand Russell
Andrei Sakharov
Kory Sanford
Jean-Paul Sartre
Robert Schuman
Rosita Schwimmer
Louis Sohn
Harold Stassen
John Steinbeck
Gloria Steinem
Patrick Stewart
Strobe Talbott
Lord Tennyson
Hans Thirring
Arnold Toynbee
Henry Usborne
Peter Ustinov
Carl Van Doren
Mark Van Doren
George Wald
H.G. Wells
E.B. White
Wendell Willkie
Harris Wofford
Joanne Woodward
Richard Wright
Wendell Willkie

*The World Government Institute, Gledoux Terrace, South Burlington, VI 05403


A framework and approach to create it*

During my fifty-three years of global service with the United Nations I was particularly struck by the following factors in the world situation:

Factor 1

The accelerated development of the human species into a global species through the multiplication and extension:
of hands by machines
of legs by transportation
of eyesight by microscopes, telescopes, television
of hearing by telephone and radio
of the nervous system by telecommunications
of the brain through the birth of a global brain (science, global knowledge, the United Nations, the media, computers)

Still missing or underdeveloped are:

a global heart: love stops at the nation or at an ethnic group. Beginning of global love for humanity, for peace, for nature and for the preservation of the Earth. a global soul: stops at a religion. Not yet a global spirituality in which all religions and humans would be in tune with the universe and eternity.

Factor 2

From 1945 to the early 1970's: a comprehensive, unprecedented period of Humanism (avoid wars, prevent early childhood deaths, eradicate epidemics, increase the well-being of all humans, defend universal human rights, put an end to colonialism, apartheid and racism, increase literacy, longevity and good health, help the handicapped, etc.)

1970's: while the agendas of the preceding period were still unfulfilled and were overtaken by the world population explosion, a new major world concern came to the fore, namely the Environment (UNESCO's World Biosphere Conference in 1968 and the UN World Conference on the Environment in Stockholm in 1972), in other words: we humans on one side and the Earth and nature around us.

1980's: the new phenomenon of the depletion of the ozonosphere and menacing climate changes made the Earth priority No. 1 of our concerns and reduced economic development to "sustainable economic development".

This represents a fundamental change in the evolution of this planet. From now on the world will never be the same. This is why we should no longer speak of World Government, but of Earth Government, the wise management, saving and preservation of our planetary home of which we are an integral part and whose further evolution now depends largely on us.

*I apologize to those readers who have acquired the preceding volumes of my ideas and dreams, for the repetition here of basically the same text as that in Volume IV, pages 135 to 155. But that text is so fundamental that it cannot be repeated enough. I made it therefore my concluding proposals

The UN Charter of 1945 does not use the words Earth, nature, natural resources and the environment. Why? Because at that time we considered the Earth to be unlimited in resources for a relatively small world population. The western countries also saw, and still see humanity as separate and superior to the natural world. This view has accomplished wonders for the human race. But humanity must now change its course, dominant objectives, values, institutions and laws if we want to prevent disasters in the further evolution of the Earth and of the human race.

Factor 3

· humanity rushed into economics (oikos, nomos) changing our home, before ecology (oikos, logos) the knowledge of that home;
· capitalism and business became the dominant ideals of the human society and not the environment and preservation of our Earth and nature;
· business globalized itself very rapidly and became the master of the world and of our lives, while governments, the entrusted defenders of justice, of the poor and the downtrodden, globalized themselves only timidly in the United Nations and even became the servants of business;
· religions did not globalize themselves at all. There were excuses for the above:
· capitalism did wonders for humanity at the beginning when the world population was small and the resources of the Earth unexploited and seemingly unlimited;
· governments were still in the era of consolidating nations recently born from ethnic groups or provinces fighting each other; · religions still believed that their truths were absolute, immortal and meant to spread to the entire world.

Today our objectives and efforts must be:

1. to see the religions globalize themselves into a global spiritual Renaissance in order to give us a universal, cosmic meaning of life on Earth and give birth to the first global, cosmic, universal civilization. The United Religions Organization which is in the process of being created can and must be helped to achieve that;
2. national governments must absolutely globalize themselves significantly in a new, second generation United Nations with much more power, especially power of implementation, legislation and vastly increased resources commensurate with the tasks of the 21st century, or a United States or Republic of the World with proper balance of powers in a world democracy, or a World Union on the model of the recent European Union;
3. business must be put in its right place as a servant of the peoples' needs within a properly preserved Earth and renewed natural resources, and no longer be an instrument of unlimited power, profit and enrichment as the principal objective of life;
4. more generally we have come to the moment in evolution when we must give second place to the Darwinian theory of competition and survival of the fittest, and first place to a new ideology, science, strategy and methodology of cooperation for our evolutionary survival and continued progress on this perhaps unique, life-endowed planet in the universe.

Factor 4

During this period the rich countries and the rich in all countries became richer and the poor countries and the poor in all countries became poorer for the following reasons:*

The rich people thanks to savings, inheritance and business can invest their money in banks, stock-markets, mutual funds, retirement plans or in business ventures; many people do not have to work anymore to get richer;

The poor cannot save much or anything to put in banks, stock markets, mutual funds, retirement plans or to engage in business, and as a result remain poor.

The rich countries have the monopoly of inventions and patents, huge capitals accumulated over the years, sell highly elaborated, sophisticated goods at high prices to the poor countries from which they buy primary products at low prices. Investments, marketing techniques and advertisement are also extended to the latter countries to make huge profits and gain new consumer markets for the rich countries.

Moreover poor countries and poor people have the highest number of children. Poverty elimination must therefore become a major factor in stemming the population explosion and vice versa.

Section I
Our new, overriding concern: the salvation and preservation of the Earth

Since 1945 the needs, injustices and complaints of humanity, especially of the poor countries, have been high on the agenda of the United Nations. Recently the UN has held a World Social Summit on all these problems in Copenhagen and launched a United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty, 1997-2006.

Regarding the newcomer in the age of global preoccupations, namely the Earth, we must listen to her too and respond to her complaints. If the Earth could speak she would say:

Why did I have to take all of a sudden a population increase from 2.5 billion people in 1952 to 6.1 billion today (2000), more than a doubling in less than fifty years?

We could answer as an excuse: it happened out of sheer ignorance. After the war the rich countries and the United Nations wanted to prevent the early death of innumerable children in the poor countries. They died young because of epidemics, bad health conditions, malnutrition and hunger. But having no population statistics for the world and for most of these countries, we did not tell the parents that they would no longer need to give birth to an average of six children per family to have at least two left to till the land and to take care of their old age. Until 1952 we did not even know what the world population was! When the UN organized for the first time in human history decent global statistics and world censuses, we discovered that women did not have more children, but that children no longer died early (the mortality rate fell from 34 per thousand to 14 per thousand). When this was discovered it was too late, the children were born and a young population is highly reproductive. The UN warned nations and humanity by means of world population conferences and every other possible means that a world population explosion was upon us. But religions and other factors opposed it. Nevertheless, these efforts saved you from 2.2 billion more humans on your surface by the year 2000. Instead of 8.3 billion human beings in that year we are only 6.1 billion.

*The Secretary General of the UN reported to the 1997 UN General Assembly that 100 nations on this planet have become poorer in the last fifteen years and that 1.3 billion people of this Earth have a daily income of only one dollar.

The Earth:
Yes, but I hear that at the present rate you will be 9.3 billion in the year 2050 and stabilize only at 10.7 billion in the year 2,200, which means 4.8 billion more people than today! You still increase by 80 million people every year. You will end by destroying me.

Our answer:
We continue to do our utmost. Each year the figure of population growth decreases by a few more millions. On 12 October 1999 we were 6 billion people. The increase during the preceding twelve months was 78 million. To change the course of global phenomena takes time. Humanity which is in the kindergarten of the global age has not learned it yet.

The UN's latest forecasts of the world population in 2050 are: a total world population of 8.91 billion, of which 1.16 billion (a decline of 40 million) in the rich countries and 7.75 billion (an increase of 3.05 billion) in the poor countries.

The Earth:
You better learn it fast. I have another major complaint, namely while there is a population explosion in the poor countries you have also triggered off a wild inventions, production, business, marketing, advertising and overconsumption explosion in the rich countries. In these countries an individual consumes 30 times more of my resources than in the poor countries. From my point of view, namely the damages you do to my body, your population statistics are wrong: while the less developed countries count 4.7 billion people, the more developed countries' 1.2 billion should be multiplied by 30, i.e. they represent in my eyes 36 billion people!

The Earth would have other complaints, she could ask for example:


· do you destroy 21 hectares (52 acres) of my tropical forests (38 million acres a year) after having destroyed most of the forests in your "rich" countries? · do you consume 35,725 barrels of petroleum to run around in cars and fly around me in airplanes? · do you let 50 tons of fertile soil be blown off my cropland? · do you add 12,000 tons of carbon dioxide to my atmosphere, to the air you breathe, a staggering total of 6.3 billion tons in 1997?


· do you let 685 hectares of productive dryland become desert? · do you spend 120 million dollars on military expenditures, a trillion a year, which you could use for the good of your poor and for my preservation? · are 55 people poisoned and 5 killed by pesticides? · are 60 new cases of cancer diagnosed in the United States alone, over 5,000,000 cases each year with 20,000 cases leading to death, because of the thinning of my ozonosphere which protected you from the ultra-violet rays of the sun?


· do you let a species die out on this planet? This would mean a loss of 84,000 species in the next 50 years.


· do 25,000 people die of water shortage and contamination? · are 10 tons of nuclear waste produced by 445 and a constantly increasing number of nuclear plants? How can you let my body be reatomized when it took millions of years for me to loose the nuclear radiations I had when being born from the sun, and it was only when that atomized condition ended that I was able to give birth to life and to you? · do 250,000 tons of sulfuric acid fall as acid rain in the northern hemisphere, killing lakes and damaging remaining forests? · are 60 tons of plastic packages and 372 tons of fishing nets dumped into the seas and oceans by commercial fishermen, killing fishes, sea birds and sea mammals? · why each day are tens of thousands of men rushing to skyscrapers around the world to invent more, to produce more, to market more, to advertise more, to sell more, while only a few are concerned with my preservation? You cannot say, as you say for the population explosion, that each year that explosion diminishes somewhat. On the contrary it gets worse every day.


· have you destroyed more than thirty per cent of my nature and the destruction is accelerating, not decelerating as is the population explosion?



· do you dump so much garbage and waste on me: while the average is 150 times of the weight of a person in a poor country over a lifetime, why does the average American create a mountain of waste 4,000 times his own weight?

And the Earth could go on. She could say:

"I regret to have no total figure on what you dump into the seas and oceans which cover 71 percent of my body and contain the largest number of longest living of my species. US industries and cities dump an estimated 6.4 trillion gallons of waste and sewage into the oceans every year.

I heard her also murmur:

"I almost wish that you humans would put coloring materials in the exhausts of your cars and airplanes to see what you add to the air which goes into your lungs and which I made so pure for you. Thank God, it begins to show in the form of smog over your cities."

The Earth would further say:

The UN Charter does not even mention me or my nature, natural resources, or the environment. But since the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the environment and the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit you have begun to look into my miseries. You have created a UN Environment Program and an Earth Council, and you are drafting an Earth Charter, a Declaration of my rights. I hear that next you will take up the drafting of a universal declaration of human responsibilities. Ministries of the Environment have sprung up in almost all countries. I thank you for that. But alas, the UN's recommendations have been often ignored and most poorly implemented, as was revealed by your 1997 Special General Assembly to review the situation. Why don't you transform the UN into an Earth Organization, in which humans and nature would cooperate for the optimum fulfillment and survival of both, and make me the most beautiful and flourishing planet in the whole universe?

She would add:
I have just read a statement by Mr. Mario Soares, the Prime Minister of Portugal and Chairman of a World Commission on the Oceans, who says: "the action taken for the seas and oceans since the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit have been quite depressing." May I warn you: if the ultra-violet rays going through the vast hole in my ozonosphere (it has reached the size of continental China) kill the plankton and diatoms of my seas and oceans you might lose 2/3rds of your oxygen!

And why do you have 556 militaries, 85 doctors and only one world servant per 100,000 Earth inhabitants?

Yes, why, why, why...

It is to these fundamental global Earth challenges, in addition to the unresolved human ones, that the world community must address itself as we enter the 21st century and new millennium.

It is a vast subject which reaches from the individual to local, city, provincial, state, national, regional, continental and international, global levels, including the world's commons (the seas and oceans, the atmosphere, the ozonosphere, the moon and outer-space).

It is a vast subject also regarding the means of action: institutions, law, financial resources, taxation, human talent and resources, and the proper education and cooperation of more than 6 billion human individuals on this planet.

Section II: Next Development of the World System

Since globalization is the primary evolutionary phenomenon, challenge and opportunity of our time, it obviously raises the extremely important question of the type, role, structure, strength and resources of the world system.

And since the Earth is in peril and the greatest part of humanity is still in misery, the remedies must be audacious and strong, even if they seem irrealistic or difficult to accept by those in power. We must stretch our minds and hearts to the dimension of the problems. As President Roosevelt wrote in his own hand on the day before his death for the speech he was to deliver at the opening of the San Francisco Conference convened to give birth to the United Nations:

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today."

In my view, after fifty-three years of service in the United Nations system, all the above points to the utmost urgency and absolute necessity for proper Earth government.

This should become the priority item number one on the agenda of world affairs at our entry into the third millennium. The poor countries who have been waiting so long for world justice should be the first to request it after 50 years of promises from the rich countries.

There is no shadow of a doubt that the present political and economic systems &endash; if systems they are&endash;&endash; are no longer appropriate and will lead to the end of life evolution on this planet. We must therefore absolutely and urgently look for new ways. The less we loose time, the less species' and nature will be destroyed.

I would urge therefore that consideration be given to the following avenues:


to hold a World Conference on Proper Earth Government through the Free Market System

Since business was the first to globalize itself world-wide, far beyond governments, and since corporations are now for all practical purposes ruling the world, we should give them the opportunity, even request them to assess their full responsibility for the future of all humanity, all living species and of the Earth herself and prove to us the validity of their claim that the free market can do it all.

The world corporate community should be asked to answer how they would take care of the above complaints of the Earth, how they would provide for a well-preserved planet and the well-being of all humanity, full employment, the renewal of natural resources, the long-term evolution of the planet and continuation of life on it, the real democracy of the consumers in a corporate power and wealth economy.

Such a conference would bring together the heads of the major 180 world companies, banks and stock-exchanges, the World Bank, the IMF, the ILO, the GATT, the new World Trade Organization, the International Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations.


to ensure proper Earth government through a second generation United Nations for the 21st century

Since the United Nations is the only world-wide, universal organization at present available, since it had fifty-three years of valuable experience and many successes, since it paved the way to proper Earth government, instead of putting it on the defensive, unjustified attacks and criticism, reduction of resources and non-payment of obligatory contributions, governments should honestly ask themselves if a better way would not be to consider a second generation United Nations upgraded by a true quantum jump into a proper Earth preserving and human well-being and justice ensuring organization of our planet.

Such a conference would have at its disposal many proposals and ideas for the strengthening of the UN made by various UN bodies, governments, Secretaries General, World Commissions, outside organizations and retired elders like myself. I have formulated mine in my Testament to the UN and in these 4000 ideas and dreams for a better world.

I recommend the urgent holding of a UN Charter Review Conference and second Bretton Woods Conference to assess the United Nations system's role, potentialities and substantial strengthening to cope with the critical issues and needs of the Earth and of humanity in the future. A Charter review conference would moreover give a voice to 134 governments of the present 189 members, which did not participate in the drafting of the Charter and creation of the UN. If a Charter review conference is vetoed by the big powers, these 134 governments should hold their own conference and offer the world a new draft Charter. They owe it to their people and to world democracy.

There is no doubt that given the massive changes which have taken place since 1945, an Organization created 53 years ago can simply not be adequate to deal effectively with the mounting, unprecedented and massive world problems of a new century and new evolutionary phase of our planet.



a New Philadelphia World Convention for the Creation of the United States of the World

The star-performance, often called "miracle" of the American States in the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia 200 years ago which put an end to a similar political chaos in North America between numerous, sovereign independent states at the time, should be repeated.

Such a Convention of all nations would review the state of world democracy and would have to add to the system of balance of powers the new dominant power of business and the immense, global new claims of the Earth for her and our salvation.

"Philadelphia II" is a project of US Senator Mike Gravel who proposes a convention for the writing of a charter for a Global Constitution.

In this regard, we might well apply to the present world these words by George Washington concerning the political chaos which reigned in North America at his time, replacing in it the word state by national:

"The primary cause of all disorders lies in the different state governments and in the tenacity of that power which pervades the whole of their systems."


a World Conference of all world federalist and world government associations and movements, to propose a federal constitution and system for the Earth

An immense work has been accomplished by the World Federalist Association headed by Sir Peter Ustinov, by its national associations and many other world government movements. There exist already several draft World Constitutions. World philanthropists should sponsor a World Conference or other ways to come up with a world constitution for the 21st century. We may remember that during World War I, Andrew Carnegie brought over to the US two Belgian scholars who drafted the statutes of the League of Nations and earned the Nobel Prize for it. Contemporary philanthropists should be inspired by such examples. According to UNESCO only 15 percent of philanthropy is international and most of it is bilateral. When the global world and the human family are in greatest need, they are the orphans of philanthropy.

And is it so inconceivable that two big federal countries like the United States and Russia might take the initiative of calling a world conference for the establishment of a global federal government in their image? After the cold war, what a warm spring, a spring of truly united nations this would be for our precious planet!


a World Conference for the creation of a World Union on the pattern of the European Union

The world has recently witnessed another political miracle, similar to the American miracle in Philadelphia: the miracle of Strasbourg, the birth of the European Union of 15 European countries which have finally put an end to their antagonisms and wars, decided to unite and cooperate and have abolished the borders between them. Every European can now settle anywhere in the Union, elect a European Parliament at the same time when electing his national Parliament, and can have his governmentcondemned by a supra-national European Court of Human Rights when his rights are violated. Also, the European Union has its own European budget and tax system and is not dependent on national contributions as is the United Nations. In 1990 the European Economic Community had already a budget of 7.4 billion dollars, ten times the UN budget for all its world activities. This example is so hopeful, so powerful, so novel and inspiring that I recommend it as an outstanding model or guidelight for more regional communities and for the entire globe.

It is significant that the European Parliament has called for the setting up under the auspices of the United Nations, of an International Environmental Court and a World Environment Agency, of which the European Environment Agency would be a regional branch. It also wants that consideration be given to the setting up of a Parliamentary Consultative Assembly within the UN. We should wholeheartedly support these proposals.

I recommend that the European Union organize meetings and conferences with outside countries to show them how they can move towards regional unions and how a World Union can be established. This would render a great service to the world and to the UN General Assembly.


a World Conference of the planet's five continents for a Proper Earth Government through continental Unions and a World Union

About ten years ago or more, I suggested to President Bush that in view of the creation of the European Union, the American countries from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego should create an all-American community or union. He listened to me but instead of creating that community in a common, joint effort of all American countries, as was done in Europe, the US negotiated separate trade agreements first with Canada, then with Mexico, and then the Latin American countries created their own Mercosur (the Southern Latin American market) and the future of an American Union is in doubt.

It might be noteworthy that indigenous people of the Americas believe in a prophecy according to which the Eagle and the Condor will meet on sacred Mount Rasur in Costa Rica from which a civilization of peace and nature will spread to the entire world. It is on that hill that the dream of the demilitarization of Costa Rica was born, where the United Nations created the first University for Peace on this planet, and the Earth Council created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment, as well as the International Radio for Peace. Simon Bolivar, for his part, in his dreams, prophecized that someday the capital of the world will be located in Central America.

The continental approach to a world union remains an important avenue. One could conceive five continental unions: the European Union, an American, an African, an Asian, and an Australian Union. A World Union could be constructed as a super-structure and common political system of the five continents.


a World Conference on Earth and Human Government through new bio-political modes patterned on examples from nature

A very novel approach to the organization of humanity and its proper relations with the Earth and nature is to follow the biological models offered by the formation and admirable functioning of numerous colonies of cells, bacteria and living species observable in nature and now well studied. This is a very advanced science which opens up the most interesting and promising vistas. A bio-political science can and should now be rapidly developed on its basis. It would offer a very much needed bio-political revolution of the Earth' political system and science. Here the Earth and nature would come to their full preeminence and rights. All other world governmental avenues will sooner or later lead to it. First models are already the bio-regional approaches existing in certain areas of the world such as the Arctic Forum and the big river basins and mountain chains cooperative agreements.

Beyond this bio-regional vision and approach is the idea and proposal of Barbara Gaughen-Muller to create a United Nature, a transformed United Nations to respond to the fundamental unity of nature of which humans are part. Humans would not dominate nature but cooperate with her and learn from her. It is probably the most advanced, timely and imaginative vision of the total, proper functioning of planet Earth.

The Natural Law Party created by British scientists, which exists already in 100 countries and has become the third largest party in the United States could be the spearhead of this new approach. See the book by the President of the US Natural Law Party, physicist Dr. John Hagelin: Manual for a Perfect Government. How to harness the laws of nature to bring maximum success to governmental administration. Maharishi University, Fairfield, Iowa 52557


a World Conference on proper Earth government through what the world's religions have in common in terms of universal, global spirituality and world-wide human experience

Last, but not least, humanity has reached a point when we must consider our human presence, past, present and future on this particular planet in the universe. We have now a tremendous information on the universe in which we live. In addition to our total consciousness of our Earth and its global evolution we are also now acquiring and developing a cosmic consciousness of the universe. This is one of the greatest advances in human history. But the mysteries of infinity and eternity will probably remain beyond human and scientific grasp. This has the result of bringing together the spirituality or basic "faiths" of the religions and science. God, the gods or the Great Spirit or Spirits and their emissaries, prophets and human incarnations like Jesus gave humanity at its early stages a cosmic, universal, all-encompassing faith or feeling for the mysteries of the cosmos, for the norms of love and for the miracle of life and norms of behavior between all humans, other species and nature. These messages or "revelations" should not be neglected. They contain some of the profoundest answers to human behavior, fulfillment and survival. Great was our astonishment in the environmental crisis to discover the wisdom and rules of behavior towards nature dictated by the Great Spirit to the indigenous people of this planet, and towards Creation in practically all religions. The world's 5000 religions are filled with incredible wisdom regarding human morality, belief in life, environmental adaptations, survival and future evolution. This is strongly coming to the fore at this time in the following:

1. the dream and plan of my compatriot Robert Schuman from Alsace-Lorraine to see the European Union, which started with a coal and steel community followed by an economic community, followed by a political union, culminate in an all spiritual European Union including the Eastern European countries, especially "Holy Mother Russia". For him this was much more important than the extension to these countries of a military union through NATO. 2. the San Francisco Initiative to create a United Religions Organization similar to the United Nations also born in that city, where all religions of the world will cooperate, define what they have incommon, provide their wisdom on human behavior and morality, and right relations with nature, God's Creation and the universe thus ushering the world into a great Spiritual Renaissance. In the process they will hopefully reduce and progressively give up their fundamentalism in favor of a global spirituality, the same way as nations in the United Nations have reduced to some extent their national fundamentalism called sovereignty. 3. in August 1998, at the 20th World Congress on Philosophy in Boston, a World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality was created. Mr. Karan Singh of India and I are its Co-Chairmen. It will meet for the first time in September 2001 in Canada. 4. In December 1999, at the invitation of Nobel Peace Prize winner, Bishop Edmund Tutu, a third World Parliament of Religions was convened in Pretoria, South Africa. The first such Parliament was held in 1893 and the second in 1993, both in Chicago. A fourth one is being planned for 2003.

Global religious cooperation towards a world spiritual Renaissance is accelerating.

Section III: The Need for a Change in Values and Basic Rethinking of all
Principal Segments of Human Life

In recent years, Erika Erdmann, the research aide and Librarian of Nobel Prize winner Roger Sperry, and Professor Jean-Claude Leonide, a reputed French anthropologist undertook a survey of long-term evolutionary scientists which showed that scientists were becoming more optimistic as a result of the birth of a global consciousness which makes us humans aware of our mistakes and problems and helps us solve them by changing course and adapting to new evolutionary requirements. Their survey revealed that the theory of "chaos" according to which the universe and human life make no sense is losing ground. The new theory is that on any planet having life in the cosmos one species sooner or later evolves to a point of gaining a total knowledge of the planet it lives on. It will then be in its power either to continue evolution or to bring it to an end. The first course will require that the former values of that species, values not respectful of the new phase of evolution, must be replaced by new ones which cater to evolution. These new values are a major new evolutionary imperative.

In my view and in theirs, humanity has reached that stage on Planet Earth: we must revise our basic values dating from the 19th and early twentieth century and acquire a new evolutionary wisdom which respects nature, the Earth and their basic laws. If nature has produced the incredible, sophisticated variety of innumerable living species around us, each one a true miracle, it is simply not possible that the human species is not a miracle too, perhaps the most advanced of all. We are no longer our own objective. We have become the caretakers, the trustees, the shapers of future evolution, the instruments of the cosmos, integral parts of it, as we have already recognized of late to be of the Earth.

The future of the Earth will be bright and life will not become extinct if we decide so at the beginning of a new century and millennium. We are entering a thrilling, transcending new global, cosmic phase of evolution in the line indicated by Teilhard de Chardin, the anthropologist, if the human species understands

its suddenly momentous, incredibly important evolutionary role and responsibility.

The preceding requires that all basic segments of human life on Earth be reviewed and rethought from scratch in the 21st century. These are:

a new political system for planet Earth
a new economics a new education a new media and communications a new democracy a new global leadership a spiritual Renaissance and inter-religious cooperation a non-violent human society a well preserved planet a decent well-being for all humans a stabilization of the world population right human settlements on the planet the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global security of the planet a new science and technology a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life a new human biology a new philosophy, cosmology and long-term view of evolution a new world ethics and justice a new world psychology a new science and art of planetary management an art and culture Renaissance


Such reconsideration is taking place currently in a whole series of institutions and conferences around the world. We can therefore be optimistic about our future as we enter a new century and millennium.

Section IV: The Need for Futurization

With our human concern for the phenomenon of globalization must also come a growing concern for the future, a long-term future, a new phenomenon which I would call "futurization".

Having recently attended as a member of an international advisory board, a conference on Humanity and the Earth in the year 3000 by a new Foundation for the Future created in Bellevue, Washington by two firms of outer space satellite and stations construction, I was deeply impressed how all things earthly and human must be seen in their globality and interdependence when considered from a long-term point of view. Alas, political thinking today most of the time does not go beyond the next elections. We do not heed the Iroquois' custom not to take any decision without thinking of its effects on the seventh generation.

I therefore recommend that all governments should create a Ministry of the Future and that the United Nations should create a main committee on the Future in the General Assembly to receive yearly reports from all UN specialized agencies and world programs on the long-term future. The Foundation for the Future has held in 2000 a meeting of 100 eminent long-term scientists and visionaries to provide a view of what the Earth and humanity are likely to be in the year 3000 under various conditions. Such long-term thinking and envisioning must become an important component of proper Earth government.

Also to be noted is the prestigious Millennium Project of the United Nations University in Tokyo designed to assist in organizing futurists, scholars and policy makers in 60 countries who work for UN organizations, corporations, governments, universities and non-governmental organizations.


After my many years as a global servant I have come to believe that our future peace, justice, fulfillment, happiness and harmony on this planet will depend in the 21st century and third millennium, beyond proper Earth government, on divine or cosmic government, meaning that we must seek and apply the "natural", "evolutionary", "divine", "universal", "cosmic" laws which must rule our journey on this particular, miraculous planet in the vast universe. After global government, we will discover government according to the laws of nature, and will then discover that these are solar laws which themselves are cosmic laws of the universe. We are on the threshold of an extraordinary, mind-boggling, new age of our human progress and evolution on planet Earth if we do not stick to obsolete beliefs, values, systems, institutions and laws.

As Leibniz said when the exact sciences were born: "Humanity will now be busy dissecting and analyzing reality for hundreds of years, but the time will come when it will be lost in so much detail and findings that it will have to acquire again a total, global view of reality." That "holistic" age has come.

The table which follows, derived from the Copernican, meta-biological, almost cosmic work of the United Nations, gives a glance of this total view in space and in time.

A World Framework


Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness


(This section is not yet complete, check back later!)


In the final analysis the main function of education and the media is to make children and adults happy, fulfilled universal beings with full planetary and made consciousness.


The future of humanity requires a Laszlo Ervin a of the Club of Budapest dramatically

Un part of one big. big, hman family, hope to bring about peace and happiness. - The Dalai Lama winner of the Nobel Peace Prize

· the infinitely large: the universe, the stars, outerspace


Quantitative Characteristics

· the total world population and its changes

· Human geography and migrations

· Human longevity

· Races

· Sexes

· Children

· Youth


the elderly

The handicapped


Qualitatie Characteristics

· Our Levels of nutrition

· Our levels of health

· Our standards of life


· Our skills and employment

· Our levels of education

· Our moral levels

· Our spiritual levels

· Regional organizations

· World organizations




The Universe Past Future


Our biosphere, etc



Information on Physical Human Life on Physical Human Life H~ I*

· To see, to hear, to observe, to create, to do, to use well all our senses capabilities vastly extended by science and technoloogy

· Information on Our Mental Life M W Bfi,


Moral Life Lift

Our Spiritual Life spwaw Life

of the Universe and God.
The Absolute, Urgent Need For Proper Earth Government · Robert Muller ·

An Agenda for the Future

Our absolute priorities and objectives for the
21st century and the third millennium should be:


1. To make this planet a paradise
2. To stop destroying nature at all costs
3. To eradicate from it all the poverty, miseries and errors engendered by power, greed and egotism
4. To make out of all humans one family
5. To create a new social, political world order for the centuries to come
6. To attain a life of fulfillment and happiness for all humans
7. To achieve a human family in harmony with the Earth and the heavens
8. To be the ultimate cosmic success of the Universe and God



See the world with global eyes. Love the world with a global heart. Understand the world with a global mind. Merge with the world and the universe through a global soul.


Our own inner harmony The harmony of the entire human family Our harmony with the Earth Our harmony with the past Our harmony with the future Our harmony with the heavens and God

Robert Muller and Barbara Gaughen Muller
A Cosmic Couple

My most recent conviction is that the world's survival requires an enormously strengthened second generation United Nations, or a UN transformed progressively into a World Union on the model of the European Union, or a United States of the World on the great precedent of the United States or a United Nature without precedent. On the eve of a new century and millennium it is a matter of utmost urgency, of life or death.

Yes, by writing my 4000 ideas and dreams for a better world, I have come to the same conclusions I held as a young man after World War II, that we absolutely need a proper Earth government, far beyond the United Nations. Not to do it at the entrance of a new century and millennium would be unbelievable and unforgivable by our future generations and might irreversibly jeopardize our entire future.

Fifty years later we should remember these lines which Franklin Roosevelt wrote to the San Francisco Conference creating the United Nations.

"The work, my friends is peace: more than an end of this war &endash; an end to the beginning of all wars. I ask you to keep up your faith. The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with a strong and active faith."

"Thank you, dear Robert, for what you are recommending. Perhaps after all, the greatest jewel of my Creation, the Earth, can be saved.

You forgot to mention two important recent efforts which failed: a World Commission of Eminent Personalities on Global Governance met under the Chairmanship of Mr. Ingvar Carlsson, former Prime Minister of Sweden in 1994 and recommended "the General Assembly should agree to hold a World Conference on Governance in 1998, with its decisions to be ratified and put into effect by 2000. That will allow more than two years for the preparatory process." No action whatsoever was taken by the UN General Assembly on these recommendations.

Secondly, the year 2000 General Assembly of heads of states level had the following task on its agenda: "to focus on means to solve our primary global problems and to reform the means of global governance in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century."

Again the General Assembly did nothing.

Under these circumstances I cannot accept that you consider your 4000 ideas to be the end. You should, you must continue and work hard on implementation. I will help you from heaven, creating the right circumstances and ensuring that your ideas and efforts will be known at the right, highest world levels."

already written 232 more ideas which will lead hopefully someday to a total of 5000!

"I sincerely hope so and I will bless you with a longer life to do it."

November 2002: the 5000 ideas and dreams are finished and will be issued as Volumes X and XI in January 2003.
The Absolute, Urgent Need For Proper Earth Government · Robert Muller ·


Resolution of the European Parliament
on the Role of the Union within the United Nations
and the Problems of Reforming the UN

Though believing that the duties of the UN should remain the prevention of war at and aggression, the promotion of collective security and the peaceful settlement of disputes, Parliament emphasized the need for rapid and efficient reform of the organization, updating its aims and improving its working. Parliament also considered the Union's involvement in the Work of the United Nations and its specialized agencies inadequate. It saw a vital need to define precisely and unambiguously the principles on which decisions on UN intervention were based, place peace keeping units under the sole responsibility of the UN Secretary General, change the rules governing the distribution of humanitarian aid, recognize the universal validity of the right to intervene on humanitarian grounds and provide the UN with the human, financial and technical resources needed to implement its decisions effectively.

Parliament also suggested that the General Assembly could be more closely associated with the decisions of the Security Council, which should be made to reflect more accurately the wlities of the modern world. it argued that once all the necessary institutional steps had been taken for the establishment of a common foreign and security policy, consideration should be given it) granting the Union the status of full member of the General Assembly and a permanent scat on the Security Council.

Parliament also called for the setting up, under the auspices of the UN, of an Intentional Err, Environment Court and a World Environment ironment Agency, of which the European Environment ironment Agnecy would be the regional branch. It also wanted indigenous peoples to be better represented at the UN and consideration to be given to the possibility of setting up a Parliamentary Consul Consultative c Assembly N within the UN.*

Adopted on 8 February 1994


1998: these these very er3 important recommendations from the peoples' ' representatives es of 16 European countries at the European Parliament ha received little, if any attention. They should be placed official IN, on the agenda of the UN.



Dear Reader,

After 55 years of world service with the United Nations and the UN University for Peace in Costs Pica, I gave you above my main ideas and proposals concerning the fate and future of humanity and of the Earth.

I recommend that in every office of heads of states, in all public libraries, University libraries and head offices of the media and corporations in the world, the following books should be available:

the present pamphlet on The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government my 5000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World

my Testament to the United Nations

the three volumes of World Problem and Human Potential, an Encyclopedia of 10,233 world problems collected by the Union of International Associations in Brussels, Belgium, published by KG SAUR Verlag, Munich, distributed in North and South America by K.G. SAUR, Inc. 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010

The ECO 92 SUMMIT, Different Visions, published by the University for Peace

Prophet, The Hatmaker's Son, the Life of Robert Muller by Douglas Gillies

A list and order form of my books in English is attached. Some of them are out of print but can be obtained on Internet at If philanthropists would like to help republishing some of them, I would be very happy and grateful. Any person or institution republishing one of my books would receive full credit for it at the beginning of the book.

A list of foreign editions of some of my books is also attached.

Yours in devotion for peace and a better world,

Robert Muller


And please order or photocopy this Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government and send it to the head of your government and to your representative in Parliament.


From my 5000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World and others to follow

~ Idea 3521 ~

It took ten years to get the Constitution of the United States of America adopted.


It took forty-three years to create the European Union.


It took fifty years to get the healing of scurvy through fruit juices (vitamin C) recommended by scientist Lind adopted.


For over one thousand years the medical establishment believed firmly that the heart only heated the blood, until 1630 when it was discovered that the blood circulated and that the heart was a pump. It took until the discovery of bacteria by Pasteur for doctors to believe Semelweiss who in 1840 asked already doctors to wash their hands in order not to transmit diseases.


The acceptance of new ideas and discoveries seems to be slow for humans.


My question is: how many years will it take until national governments and humanity will at long last recognize the absolute need to create a proper Earth government, either in the form of a United States of the World or of a World Union along the model of the recent European Union or even more modern forms favorable to the Earth's survival and further evolution? (See Ideas 1901 to 2000 in Vol. IV.) If this is not done, we will see untold disasters on this planet. Mark my words.


Ideas 5285 to 5292

The United Nations should urgently consider several world urgency plans or conferences to halt the rapid decline of Plane Earth's life giving capacities and wealth:


Idea 5285 a world emergency plan to stop for at least five years the human population explosion;


Idea 5286 a world emergency plan for the more rapid reduction of carbon dioxide emissions;


Idea 5287 a world emergency plan to reduce humanity's colossal unnecessary productions and Earth destroying wastes;


Idea 5288 a world emergency plan to avoid further risks of climatic changes;


Idea 5289 a basic review of the entire transportation ways, systems and habitats of human on planet Earth;

Ideas 5290 two immediate world conferences on world use, abuse and deterioration of die

and 5291 two most vital elements for humans:

air and

Idea 5292 an urgent and deep, serious, fundamental review of all other aspects of the 21

basic segments of human life on planet Earth listed earlier in this document but

worth repeating:

a new political system for planet Earth
a new economics
a new education
a new media and communications
a new democracy
a new global leadership
a spiritual Renaissance and inter religious cooperation
a non violent human society
a well preserved planet
a descent well being for all humans
a stabilization of the world population
right human settlements on the planet
the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global security
of the planet
a new science and technology
a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life
a new human biology
a new philosophy, cosmology and long term, view of evolution
a new world ethics and justice
a new world psychology
a new science and art of planetary management
an art and culture Renaissance

Dr. Robert Muller
2002 World Citizen

Robert Muller was born in Belgium in 1923 and raised in the Alsace-Lorraine region in France, he experienced constant political and cultural turmoil during his youth. His grandparents had five successive nationalities (French, German, French, German, French) without leaving their village as a result of three wars (1870-1871, 1914-1918, 1939-1945). Often as a child, Robert Muller would look out of his window at the border he could not cross and long for the day when he, like the birds, the clouds, the sun and the stars, would no longer have to observe the imaginary line. Today, thanks to the dream and effort of his compatriot Robert Schuman who similarly hated these borders, Robert Muller's passport reads, "European Union" with the sub-title France, and he is free to cross all western European borders.

Robert Muller knew the horrors of World War II, of being a refugee, of Nazi occupation and imprisonment. During the war he was a member of the French Resistance. After the war he returned home and earned a Doctorate of Law from the University of Strasbourg. In 1948 he entered and won an essay contest on how to govern the world, the prize of which was an internship at the newly created United Nations.

Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace. He rose through the ranks at the UN to the official position of Assistant-Secretary-General. He has been called the "Philosopher" and "Prophet of Hope" of the United Nations. Robert Muller is a deeply spiritual person. From his vantage point of a top level global states-person he has seen a strong connection between spirituality and the political/cultural scene.

Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" and is known throughout the world as the "father of global education." There are 29 Robert Muller schools around the world with more being established each year. The "World Core Curriculum" earned him the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989. Based on this curriculum and his devotion to good causes, Dr. Muller has recently drawn up a "Framework for World Media Coverage" as a public service, as well as a "Framework for Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness" and a "Framework for the Arts and Culture."

Now in active "retirement," Dr. Muller is Chancellor of the University for Peace created by the United Nations in demilitarized Costa Rica. He is in great demand to make speeches to educational, environmental, spiritual and political conferences around the world. Dr. Muller concentrates his efforts on promoting greater human understanding and global awareness. He was recently the recipient of the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities and the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award.

Dr. Muller lives most of the year at his small farm overlooking the University of Peace, on a sacred indigenous hill, Mt. Rasur, from which according to indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world. His traditional Costa Rican house is located just up the hill from the Peace Monument of the University. In addition to his duties at the University, he devotes time to his writings and is an internationally acclaimed, multi-lingual speaker and author of fourteen books published in various languages. He has published his Testament to the UN as well as his plans and dreams for a peaceful, happy world.