World Peace Plan 2010

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Title: Waging Peace: Taking Comfort In Remarkable Footholds Gained
  • Now there are two superpowers: the US and the merging voice of the people of the world.
  • All around the world, people are waging peace. It is nothing short of a miracle, and it is working.

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World Peace Plan 2010
by Robert Muller
First Published March 10, 2003
Updated 1 January 2007
"For it isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough
to believe in it. One must work for it."                                     Eleanor Roosevelt
1.     A new Marshall Plan should be created to help the poor countries. Premium aid, debt reduction, and debt forgiveness are granted to countries that disarm and demilitarize under UN protection and guarantees. A series of engineering and power projects are implemented with savings from disarmament and demilitarization to improve the productivity, efficiency, and environmental impact of the world economy.
2.     Nuclear free zones, peace zones and demilitarized areas should be established, guaranteed by the UN, accompanied by premium economic aid.
3.     The world’s religions should put an end to all religious conflicts, to support peace, disarmament, and demilitarization, to cooperate on a world spirituality and to draft in common a world code of ethics and cosmology to guide governments and world agencies within the larger framework of the universe and eternity. The United Nations should create a World Spiritual Agency, which brings the resources, visions and wisdom of the spiritual traditions to bear upon world problems.
4.     The Marshall plan for the dramatic improvement of the standards of living of the poor countries drafted by the UN Economic and Social Council is endorsed by the General Assembly and put into operation.
5.     World summit meetings should be held annually between all heads of state:
i.     They decide to chart a new course for humanity and the Earth-a Global Renaissance, a new Planetary Deal unfolding better ways to administer properly and peacefully our magnificent planet.
ii.    They agree to total nuclear disarmament by the year 2010 and total disarmament and demilitarization by the year 2020.
iii.   They agree to stop all arms sales and call for a United Nations conference on the worldwide prohibition of arms sales and production.
iv.  New world priorities are set, to be implemented with the huge resources released by disarmament and demilitarization.
v.   High-technology video and sound communications systems are established between the offices and the homes of the heads of state in order that they can remain in direct, instantaneous communication at any time on any crisis, problem, idea, proposal or action for peace and a better world.
6.     The U.S. scraps all "Star War" plans and research.
7.     The U.S. ratifies the UN Law of the Sea, which creates legal order for the largest world commons the seas and oceans which cover 71 percent of the planet.
8.     A group of experts is appointed jointly by the heads of state to draft proposals for a quantum jump in the role and resources of the UN system, to enable it to deal effectively with global problems confronting humanity at an accelerating pace.
9.     A UN specialized agency on population is created. The U.S. renews its support to the UN Fund for Population Activities and increases tenfold its contribution to it.
10.  The UN World Meteorological Organization is transformed into the World Climate Organization.
11.  Following the path-breaking reports of Eminent Persons on North-South relations (the Brandt report), on Disarmament and Our Common Future (the Palme report), on environment and development (the Brundtland report), three further groups of Eminent Persons are established:
i. On the elimination of all forms of violence in human society
ii. On a New World Deal for humanity, including world priorities;
iii. On a proper, peaceful, just world government and the creation of a true world community that encompasses the European Union and new regional communities for Africa, America, Asia and the Middle East.
13.  The UN General Assembly takes six major steps:
i. In consultation with governments, world agencies, and the best minds of the planet, it prepares a plan for world peace by the year 2010. All member states are requested to submit proposals. National committees are established with peoples’ participation to draft ideas and concrete action proposals towards "World Peace 2010" and "World Disarmament and Demilitarization 2020." ii. The General Assembly requests that all existing UN plans 2010 (Food 2010, Health 2010, and the Economic Development Decades) be put together into a World Action Plan 2010. The Assembly calls for the rapid solution of all remaining conflicts to enable humanity to proceed with a clean slate. A worldwide cease-fire is proclaimed under UN control.
iii. It decides to abolish the Trusteeship Council, which has completed its work, and to replace it with an Environmental Security Council as proposed by Russia.
iv. The Assembly decides to celebrate in 2005 the sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations, both as a retrospective of the successes and failures of the world community during the past sixty years, and as a forward look to the year 2010.
v. A third world conference on the environment and development is organized to adopt a bold World Environment Action Plan. The United Nations Environment Program becomes a specialized agency with vastly increased resources, including taxes on environmentally detrimental activities.
vi. A UN Outer-Space Agency is created, as proposed by Austria.
14.  Eminent thinkers meet during the year to draft a world Constitution. Provisions are made for world democracy, world elections, world public opinion polls and referenda to give people a direct voice in the world’s affairs, a step rendered possible by modern communication technologies.
15.  The UN Security Council meets several times a year at the heads of states level to review the world political and security situation, to settle disputes, finalize agreements and initiate further action. The Security Council meets in various cities of the world, to be closer to the people, especially the troubled areas.
16.  The summit meetings of Eastern, Western, and non-Aligned countries are replaced by a yearly world summit meeting of all heads of states, preceded by regional summit meetings (African, American, Asian, European, Middle-Eastern).
17.  A World conference on Security remains in session, like the Law of the Sea Conference did, until it hammers out a proper world security system.
18.  The Military Staff Committee of the Security Council meets at the chiefs of staff level and undertakes three tasks:
 i. Plans a World Disarmament Agency;
 ii. Adopts immediate measures to prevent a nuclear war;
 iii. Implements worldwide military cooperation in multiple fields, starting with the creation of a UN fleet to patrol the seas and the oceans and a UN satellite system to monitor disarmament, as proposed by France.
19.  Direct video and teleconferencing systems are set up between heads of states, especially members of the Security Council, and the Secretary General.
20.  The Secretary General’s office for conflict information and prevention is strengthened. A Peace Room is set up at the UN to prevent, track, contain and solve conflicts in any place on earth. UN offices are established in each capitol.
21.  Four additional world conferences are held:
 i. A world conference of scientists from environmental fields (oceanography, atmospheric science, hydrology, climatology, biology, deforestation, radiation, immunology, toxicity, etc.);
ii. A world conference of education ministers, to adopt measures for urgent environmental education in all countries of the planet;
iii. A world conference on Voluntary Simplicity and Frugality, to address over consumption, greed, garbage, unnecessary waste, and planned obsolescence;
iv. A fourth world conference on women;
v. A world conference on the Future of Humanity; vi. A world conference on the Future of the Earth.
22.  The Conference on World Security completes its work and submits a treaty for ratification by member states. The Military Staff Committee submits to the Assembly a blueprint for a World Disarmament Agency as part of that treaty.
23.  A majority of countries change the name of their Ministries of "foreign" affairs to Ministries of Peace or Ministries of World Affairs and Cooperation.
24.  More and more nations celebrate the world days proclaimed by the United Nations, such as Earth Day, the International Day of Peace, United Nations Day, Human Rights Day, World Health Day, World Food Day, International Children’s Day, International Women’s Day, and the Day of the Elderly. National war memorial days are shifted to United Nations Day, a symbol of hope and rebirth from all past wars. Monuments to known and unknown peacemakers, peace parks and peace museums are created in many places. National hymns are rewritten in peaceful, global terms.
25.  A World Peace Service is created allowing young people to do world service in developing countries and world agencies in lieu of the abolished military service.
26.  Commissions on the Future are created in the United Nations General Assembly and in all UN Specialized Agencies. Ministers of the Future are created in all governments.
As a result of these steps, governments begin to realize that world peace is possible and an entirely new period of human history can begin, marked by synergetic cooperation in a world society no longer stifled by national sovereignty.
"Robert Muller is one of the leading peacemakers and visionaries on our planet. He was former U.N. Under Secretary General to three U.N. Secretary Generals who initiated 12 of 32 agencies/ world programs during his 37 years in the U.N.  He is the co-founder of the University for Peace in Costa Rica.
Margaret Mead called him the most brilliant man that has ever served in the U.N.  He has dedicated his life to peace and healing the planet Earth. Anyone who has ever heard Robert speak will never forget him, or the great soul that he is."         Dyanne Routh
Good Morning World:
Robert Muller’s website:
Decide To poems:
Prophet the Hatmakers Son, Robert Muller's exciting biography, is an epic tale about how two world wars resulted in the birth of the United Nations. Outstanding and highly recommended! Midwest Book Review. Available at and or (800) 942-7617
Dr. Robert Muller, email: 7456 Evergreen Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93117

This is the origninal Peace Plan 2010 written in 1995

A World Peace Plan for 2010

22 November 1995

This is the conclusion to the first 500 "Ideas & Dreams for a Better World", which were completed 22 November 1995.

This World Peace Plan is from Robert's novel, "First Lady of he World" in which he serves as an advisor to the first woman Secretary General of the UN and helps her achieve world peace by the year 2010.

Robert is now working on an updated World Peace Plan for 2010. The evolution of this Peace Plan for 2010 is to be posted on this webpage:

Robert requests and welcomes, the smallest to the boldest, ideas and dreams for this Peace Plan. These ideas and dreams can be sent by email to Robert at:


1. Several personal summit meetings are held between the President of the US and Russia

i. They decide to chart a new course for humanity and the Earth, a Global Renaissance, a new Planetary Deal.

ii. New world priorities are set to be met with the huge resources released by disarmament and demilitarization.

iii. The two countries plan jointly total nuclear disarmament by the year 2000 and total disarmament and demilitarization by the year 2010.

iv. The two countries agree to stop all arms sales and to call for a United Nations conference on the world-wide prohibition of arms sales and production.

v. High-technology video and sound communications systems are established between the offices and the homes of the two Presidents in order to be in direct, instantaneous communication at any time on any crisis, problem, idea, proposal or action for peace and a better world.

vi. The two leaders solemnly rededicate themselves and their people to the United Nations Charter.

2. The US scraps all "Star War" plans and research.

3. The US ratifies the UN Law of the Sea which creates an unprecedented legal order for the largest world commons, the seas and oceans which cover 71 percent of the planet.

4. The US returns to UNESCO and pays all its arrears to the UN and its specialized agencies. A group of experts is appointed jointly by the Presidents of the US and Russia to draft proposals for a renaissance, forward-look and quantum jump in the role and resources of the UN system, to enable it to deal effectively with the host of global problems confronting humanity and the planet at an accelerating pace.

5. In view of the top urgency of world population control, the US renews its support to the UN Fund for Population Activities and increases tenfold its former contribution to it. A UN specialized agency on Population is created.

6. The Second World Conference on Climate which met in Geneva gave the world the necessary warnings and action proposals. The UN World Meteorological Organization is renamed and transformed into the World Climate Organization.

7. Following the path-breaking reports of Eminent Persons on North-South relations (the Brandt report), on Disarmament (the Palme report) and Our Common Future, on environment and development (the Brundtland report), three further groups of Eminent Persons are established:

i. On the elimination of all forms of violence in the human society.

ii. On a New World Deal and course for humanity, including world priorities.

iii. On world government and the creation of a true world community, to include the existing, successful European community, and planned new regional communities for Africa, America, Asia and the Middle East.

8. The UN General Assembly takes four major decisions:

i. It adopts a turning point declaration requesting the Secretary-General, in consultation with governments, world agencies and the best minds of the planet, to prepare a plan for world peace by the year 2010. All member states are requested to submit their proposals. National committees are established with peoples' participation for the formulation of ideas and concrete action proposals towards "Total World Peace 2000" and "Total World Disarmament and Demilitarization 2010". The General Assembly requests that all existing UN plans 2000 (Food 2000, Health 2000, and the Economic Development Decades) be put together into a World Action Plan 2000. The Assembly takes note of the recent settlement of most conflicts, and calls for the rapid solution of all remaining ones to enable humanity to enter the next millennium with a clean slate. A world-wide cease-fire is proclaimed in the meantime under UN control.

ii. It decides to abolish the Trusteeship Council which has completed its work and to replace it by an Environmental Security Council as proposed by Russia.

iii. The Assembly decides to celebrate in 1995 the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations, both as a retrospective of the successes and failures of the world community during the past fifty years, and as a forward look to the year 2000 and third millennium.

iv. In 2000 a world-wide Bimillennium Celebration will be held, preceded by unparalleled thinking, perception, inspiration, elevation, planning and love for the achievement of a peaceful and happy human society on a well-preserved planet. For the first time in history humanity is entering a new millennium with most of the necessary planetary and human information at its disposal. For the first time it can intelligently plan and prepare its future evolution. All nations, professions, arts, media, firms, religions and people are invited by the UN to participate in this celebration and to contribute their ideals, visions, wishes, proposals and ideas to it.

The following progress is also achieved in 1992:

1. The second world conference on the environment and development held in Brazil twenty years after the first one in Stockholm, constitutes a major turning point in human history and in the planet's evolution. The conference adopts a bold World Environment Action Plan, both immediate and reaching far into the third millennium. The United Nations Environment Program becomes a specialized agency with vastly increased resources, including taxes on environmentally detrimental activities. The UN Trusteeship Council has become the World Environment Security Council. Further accelerated world conferences on environmental issues are decided for the coming years.

2. In 1992, international Year of Outer Space, a long overdue decision is taken to create the UN Outer-Space Agency as proposed by Austria.

3. 1992, being the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the New World, eminent thinkers meet during the year to draft a world Constitution as a step towards discovering the next new world. Provisions are made for world democracy, world elections, world public opinion polls and referenda to give people a direct voice in the world's affairs, a step rendered possible by modern communication technologies.



On the basis of governmental proposals and the year 2000 Peace Plan presented by the Secretary-General, the following Ten Major World Steps are set into motion:

1. The UN Security Council meets several times a year at the heads of states level to review the world political and security situation, to take decisions, settle disputes, finalize agreements and initiate further action, especially by the Security Council and Military Staff Committee. The Security Council meets in various cities of the world, to be closer to the people, especially the troubled areas.

2. The summit meeting of Eastern, Western, and non-Aligned countries are replaced by a yearly world summit meeting of all heads of states during the UN General Assembly, preceded by continental or regional summit meetings (African, American, Asian, European, Middle-Eastern).

3. Incessant meetings, visits and communications are taking place between heads of states. Reports on their outcomes are submitted to the Security Council and to the General Assembly. The UN establishes a specific office to receive and publish such information. United Nations offices in New York, Geneva, Vienna, Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East are organized and used as supra-national grounds for meetings between heads of states.

4. A World conference on Security is decided, to remain in session like the Law of the Sea Conference did, until it has hammered out a proper world security system (target: 1995).

5. The Military Staff Committee of the Security Council meets again at the chiefs of staff level and undertakes these immediate tasks: 1. planning of the World Disarmament Agency fore seen in the McCloy-Zorin agreement; 2. adoption of immediate measures to prevent a nuclear war by accident; 3. planning and implementation of world-wide military cooperation in multiple fields, starting

with the creation of a UN fleet to control the seas and the oceans, and of a UN satellite system to control disarmament as proposed by France.

6. Preparation of a Marshall Plan for massive help to the poor countries, with savings from disarmament and demilitarization in both rich and poor countries. Premium aid and debt reduction and forgiveness are granted to those poor countries who decide to disarm and demilitarize under UN protection and guarantees. A whole series of major world engineering and power projects are implemented to improve dramatically the overall productivity, efficiency and environmental conditions of the world economy.

7. Immediate fostering of nuclear free zones, peace zones and demilitarized areas guaranteed by the UN, all to be given premium economic aid.

8. Setting up of high-technology direct communication, video and teleconferencing systems between all heads of states, especially members of the Security Council, and the Secretary General.

9. Bold strengthening of the Secretary General's office for conflict information and prevention. Establishment of a high-technology World Peace Room at the UN, jointly run by the Secretary General and the Military Staff Committee of the Security Council, in order to prevent, track, contain and solve conflicts swiftly in any place on earth. UN political offices are established in each capitol.

10. All UN agencies and world programs are requested to revive major plans and projects for world cooperation which had been shelved as a consequence of the cold war. The concept of risk capital is applied to world cooperation. New bold ideas and financial and management approaches, commensurate with the magnitude and acceleration of global problems are introduced.

During the year 1993, the UN Secretary General addresses the second World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, one hundred years after the first one in 1893. The world's religions pledge to put an end to all religious conflicts, to support peace, disarmament and demilitarization, to cooperate on a global world spirituality and to draft in common a world code of ethics and new cosmology as guides to governments and world agencies within the larger framework of the universe and eternity. The United Nations creates a World Spiritual Agency which brings the resources, inspirations, visions and wisdom of the spiritual traditions to bear upon the solution of world problems.

The International Year of the World's Indigenous People reminds humanity of some fundamental human values and traditions which need to be restored:

• Strong family ties and values

• Love for Mother Earth

• Respect for Nature

• Love for the Creator



1. The Military Staff Committee completes its work on the prevention of nuclear accidents, on the UN satellite system for disarmament control and on a UN fleet. The implementation of these proposals is set into motion by the General Assembly. The blueprints for a World Disarmament Agency are well developed and will be ready for 1995.

2. Three further world environmental conferences are held during 1994:

i. A world conference of world scientists from crucial environmental fields (oceanography, atmospheric science, hydrology, climatology, biology, land use, deforestation, radiation, immunology, toxicity, etc.). The scientists are asked in how many years they expect planet Earth to become unlivable if present trends continue unchecked, and what measures they propose.

ii. A world conference of education ministers adopts measures for urgent environmental education in all countries of the planet.

iii. A world conference on garbage and waste in held.

3. Celebration of the International Year of the Family, restored to its natural, central role in the human society.

4. Visit of the Pope to the United Nations on the occasion of that year. In a major historical address, in the name of all religions, he outlines the vision of a united family of nations and a spiritual peaceful, just third millennium.

5. A world conference on Voluntary Simplicity and Frugality is held in order to save the planet's resources from overconsumption, human greed and monumental, accelerating, unnecessary waste, garbage, and built-in obsolescence.

6. A third world conference on population is held.



1. Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. The General Assembly meets at the heads of states level and receives from the Secretary General a state of the world report reviewing the successes and failures of the world community during the last fifty years, and outlining the vision and proposals for a peaceful, better world and family of nations in the decades ahead. A solemn rededication of all member states to the Charter takes place during the Anniversary ceremony of 24 October 1995, transmitted by television and the media world-wide. World prayers are held for the UN by all religions and people.

2. A fourth world conference on women is held.

3. The Marshall plan for the dramatic improvement of the standards of living of the poor countries drafted by the UN Economic and Social Council is endorsed by the General Assembly and put into operation.

4. The Conference on World Security has completed its work and submits a treaty for ratification by member states within a year. The Military Staff Committee submits to the Assembly a blueprint for a World Disarmament Agency as part of that treaty.

5. All other Ten World Steps are implemented, or well underway, creating a great deal of enthusiasm, emulation and stimulation among governments who are now convinced that world peace is possible and that an entirely new period of human history can begin, marked by unprecedented synergetic cooperation in a world society no longer stifled by absolute, obsolete and abusive national sovereignty.

1995 - 2000

During the entire period 1995 - 2000, an unprecedented flourishing and outbidding of ideas, initiatives, activities, projects and achievements takes place in an astonishing euphoria of explosive world consciousness which breaks up old barriers and takes the Earth and humanity on an incredible bandwagon into a new age. For example:

1. Several countries have their delegates to the United Nations elected by popular vote.

2. The majority of countries change the name of their Ministries of "foreign" affairs to Ministries of Peace or Ministries of World Affairs and Cooperation. In some countries, the Vice President is put in charge of world affairs and cooperation.

3. The United Nations flag and emblem gain world-wide affection as the planetary symbols of one world and one human family. The UN emblem is displayed on all vessels, aircraft and satellites to discourage piracy, high-jacking and terrorism. Some countries adopt a new flag showing their national flag on one side and the UN flag on the other. The UN's world hymn composed by Pablo Casals is better known.

4. More and more nations decide to celebrate the world days proclaimed by the United Nations, such as Earth Day, the International Day of Peace, United Nations Day, Human Rights Day, World Health Day, World Food Day, International Children's Day, International Women's Day, the Day of the Elderly, etc. All national war memorial days are shifted to United Nations Day, a symbol of hope and rebirth from all past wars. Monuments to known and unknown peacemakers, peace parks and peace museums are created in many places. National hymns are rewritten in peaceful, global terms.

5. A world wide minute of silence for prayer or meditation is held by all peoples of the world, together with their delegates to the General Assembly when it opens each year on the third Tuesday in September (International Day of Peace). The event is televised world-wide. All religions join in prayers. Church and temple bells, muezzins, gongs and chofars contribute their cosmic vibrations to this world pentecost.

6. The two yearly cabinet meetings of the UN Secretary General with all the heads of UN agencies and world programs are televised world-wide.

7. A World Peace Service is created allowing young people to do world service, especially in poor countries and world agencies, in lieu of the abolished military service.

8. A World Core Curriculum and a Planetary Management Curriculum are adopted by UNESCO as common guides for proper Global Education in all schools and universities of Earth. 1996 is proclaimed International Year of Global Education.

9. All countries follow the example of the US and Canada and create national Peace Academies or Institutes. The University for Peace in Costa Rica develops a comprehensive peace science (irenology) and strategy and training programs concerned with every layer of our planetary reality, (outer space, the atmosphere, the seas and oceans, the continents, down to the atom) and of the human family (world peace, peace between nations, races, sexes, generations, religions, political systems, minorities, corporations, the family, etc.). National peace academies and institutions meet every three years at the University for Peace to coordinate their actions and plans.

10. Following the creation of the International Institute for Training in Nuclear Physics in Trieste, the United Nations University in Tokyo, the University for Peace in Costa Rica, and the International Maritime University in Malmö, many more world universities are created under the auspices of the United Nations and its specialized agencies: on aviation, on outer space, on the oceans, on the deserts, on population, on reforestation, on the biosphere, on planetary management, on world spirituality, hope, dreams, visions, happiness, gratitude, forgiveness, etc.

11. The University for Peace in Costa Rica becomes the world's school for heads of states, ministers of peace and world affairs, world servants, corporate heads and diplomats. A center is created at it for the study, collection and exchange of experiences in the function of head of state. Regional UN peace universities are created on each continent.

12. More and more countries disarm, demilitarize and have their borders protected by UN observers under regional and international guarantees. The savings are devoted to development, the environment, education and social services.

13. The world's regional organizations, the regional provisions of the Charter and the United Nations are considerably strengthened.

14. The US, Russia, and other countries relinquish their claims of total righteousness and agree to have their performance judged by the international community in the United Nations and in its specialized agencies.

15. More world ministerial councils are established along the pattern of the UN's World Food Council and the World Environmental Security Council.

16. A host of new world conferences are convened at an accelerated pace: on soil erosion, on mountain areas, reforestation, the world's cold zones, consumer protection, standardization, world commons, a world tax system, the media, etc.

17. Several new world agencies are created: a World Transport Agency, a World Organization of National Parks, a World Organization for the Handicapped, A United Nations International Fund for the Elderly (UNIFELD) on the pattern of UNICEF; the UN Institute for Training Research (UNITAR) is transformed into a World Academy; UN statistical and data services are integrated into a World Data and Optimum Design Agency. The International Bureau of Informatics in Rome is made part of it. A UN Institute for the study of national and world management (gaia or geo-management) is established.

18. The world community decides to tackle the fundamental, ominous question of truthful, objective information, the exercise of democracy being possible only if people are objectively informed. The UN and its specialized agencies and world programs are major contributors to such information.

19. A world cadastre of property registration is established in order to determine what the exact legal status of ownership is in the world: world commons, national and state properties, municipal properties, corporate properties, religious properties, private associations ownership, family and individual ownership.

20. Following the example of the world navigation satellite of the International Maritime Organization, several other global satellite systems have been created and joint space ventures are organized by the world community.

21. The International Court of Justice's judgments are now enforceable and no nation can take exception. The court is reorganized as the World Supreme Court. The UN Secretary General is entitled to submit cases to it.

22. Regional Courts of Human Rights have been established on the pattern of the European Court of Human Rights, empowered to render verdicts in favor of individuals against governments. A World Court of Human Rights is created as an appeal's court on human rights.

23. A World Ethics Chamber determines what is ethical from the world's and humanity's point of view rather than that of nations, sub-groups and special interest groups. A Sub-Chamber on Media Ethics receives complaints against unethical treatments by the media.

24. A world anti-trusts and anti-monopolies legislation is adopted.

25. A Commission on Subversion is created in the United Nations to which governments can submit complaints against foreign subversion.

26. A World Foundation is created to allow private citizens, organizations, firms and corporations to contribute to world peace and cooperation through the United Nations and its specialized agencies and world programs.

27. World standardization makes considerable progress: e.g. the UN convention on road signals and traffic rules is applied world-wide as well as the World Health Organization's standard nomenclature of pharmaceutical products. The International Standardization Organization has become a specialized agency of the UN.

28. World consumer protection is promoted through world-wide cooperation of national consumer agencies and the creation of a World Consumer Agency with tri-partite representation of governments, producers and consumers.

29. The UN publishes each year a world budget showing the total national and world expenditures on every aspect of humanity's and the Earth's condition.

30. The taboo subject of world taxation appears at long last on the world agenda. Strong measures are taken to combat world fiscal evasion. The US formalized its proposal for the establishment of a World Bureau on Income Information. A percentage of the proceeds from effective international control of fiscal evasion is allotted to international humanitarian programs. A world tax system is planned.

31. A yearly report is issued by the UN on the state of ratifications and implementations, non-ratification and non-implementation of international treaties, conventions and agreements. A watchdog UN implementation Council is established for that purpose.



An unprecedented, hopeful, optimistic world-wide celebration of the Bimillennium takes place all over the Earth, preceded by much public and governmental preparation and excitement. Gratitude is expressed and prayers are held for having overcome one of the most dangerous and promethean periods of change on any planet in the universe. Innumerable rich materials have been published on the human journey and ascent over the last 5000 years and on hopes and remaining challenges for the future. The UN State of the World Report 2000 highlights the following accomplishments and failures.

1. World population down to 6 billion people (against forecasts of 7.3 billion in 1970, during the twenty-fifth anniversary of the UN, and 6.1 billion during the fortieth anniversary); early child mortality reduced in 9/10th of the world; longevity progress world-wide; racial and sexual equality nearly achieved; decolonization achieved; UN universality achieved; UN world plan for the handicapped implemented; environmental deterioration slowed down, the pendulum swinging back to improvement in many places; soil erosion, loss of tree cover and desertification considerably reduced; agriculture and economic conditions improve world-wide. The world's global warning systems work more satisfactorily. There is better coordination between global, national, regional, local, and individual policies and behavior. More accurate, truthful information is available as well as a vastly improved global education in the world's schools.

2. All international wars and disputes of the 1980's are resolved; a world security system is now in place; UN land, air, and naval peacekeeping forces are ready to intervene anywhere to guarantee the territories of all nations; a World Disarmament Agency has begun to operate; reconversion of defense and arms industries is in full swing; the military are being used for constructive activities, help to natural disasters, environmental conservation and are demobilized or transformed into peace forces; nuclear weapons have been destroyed on an increasing scale; transfer of military expenditures to greater world productivity and help to the poor is underway; conventional armaments are being destroyed by ten percent each year, in order to achieve total disarmament of the planet by 2010.

3. Yearly State of the World Reports are issued by all UN agencies on every global facet of our planetary home and of the human family. Plans and targets for each next decade throughout the century are prepared and a general out-look 3000 will be issued in 2025.

4. The UN has produced a new planetary ideology and spirituality consisting of five basic harmonies.

i. Harmony between humanity and the planet (population, conservation, environment, no armaments).

ii. Harmony of the human family and of its natural and human-made groups (races, sexes, generations, nations, cultures, languages, religions, corporations, no wars, no violence, all conflicts and differences being resolved with civilized, peaceful means).

iii. Harmony with the past and with the future (preservation of genetic material, of nature's elements, of the earth's living species' and flora, of cultures, preservation and preparation of a better, safer and more beautiful planet for future generations).

iv. Harmony with the heavens: the religions are cooperating in a United Religions Organization and have produced a code of cosmic laws to be followed by all peoples and groups on our celestial body.

v. The fulfillment, happiness, harmony, and contribution of each human being to the human family, to the planet, to the universe, and to the stream of eternal time. The art of peaceful, happy, responsible, contributing living is taught to all.

5. A Consultative Parliamentary Chamber has been added to the UN. Steps have been taken to introduce a new system of planetary government: Harold Stassen's redraft of the UN Charter calling for an executive ministerial council composed of ministers appointed by the different regions to administer the two first world commons - outer space and the seas and the oceans - is being implemented. Strong world-wide revival of parliamentarism.

6. On the negative side: there are still 500 million malnourished people on the planet and 900 million illiterates; misery and unemployment are still far from being eradicated world-wide; urban growth remains unchecked in many places; mortality due to accidents, especially automobile accidents, and to environmental diseases are rampant. All nuclear armaments are not yet destroyed. Species continue to disappear.

World accidents and degenerative diseases are on the increase. There are signs of the break down of the immune system of the human body under the rapidity and intensity of environmental changes. Some big cities have become environmentally unlivable and are being abandoned. Epidemics have reappeared in poor countries. World government is still primitive and imperfect in the face of growing world problems. There is still no true world democracy, no world budget and no proper world tax system for the benefit of the Earth and humanity as a whole.



1. The first decade of the New Planetary Age is now over. There are no more wars and conflicts in the world. The rate of arms destruction has continued unabated. All governments recognize that their people and the world are much better off after each phase of arms destruction and demilitarization. A totally disarmed and demilitarized planet is now in sight.

2. The State of the World Reports show progress on all fronts. The world is in an optimistic phase and there is progress in achieving right relationships between the human species and the Earth.

3. World trusteeship and management is improving everywhere. The UN World Climate Organization has devised methods and techniques to detect and prevent climatic changes. We are becoming intelligent, knowledgeable caretakers of our planetary home, living children of the earth taking good care of their mother, as was meant to be.

4. Humanity is happier physically, mentally, morally, and spiritually. More and more people are enjoying life in its rich, astonishing diversity and understand that life is a privilege, a true miracle. No other planet with life has yet been detected in the universe. It is becoming increasingly evident that the cosmos has produced unique, rare phenomena on this planet, especially human life with its constantly transcending consciousness and knowledge of the entire universe, from the infinitely large to the infinitely small. We have become a new species by extending incredibly the power of our senses, physical strength, memory, and mental capacity through science and technology. We are a unique cosmic phenomenon in the evolution of the universe. Our duty is to help the cosmos succeed in its evolutionary experiment on this planet. Heads of state recognize that they have a duty not only toward their people, towards the planet and towards humanity, but also towards the success of cosmic evolution on Planet Earth.

5. The next phase of our evolution will therefore be a cosmic, spiritual age in which the Earth becomes a true showcase in the universe, with human beings in perfect physical, mental, moral, affective and spiritual union with the universe and time. Humans at long last recognize that they are living cosmic entities, part of the universe's evolution on a particular, miraculous, lucky, life-teeming planet circling in the fathomless, mysterious universe.