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Robert Muller's








Santa Barbara, US

24 October 2003

United Nations Day


During my many years of service at the United Nations I had a great admiration for Secretary General Dag Hammarskj ld and even a greater one when his Markings were published.  He did what all heads of government, of great institutions, of corporations should do: keep a personal journal with comments, queries, ideas, dreams, sayings and ideals which may enrich, enlighten the further evolution and progress of humankind on our paradise Earth.

In 1983, being on a sacred mountain in India, Mt. Abu, I started to write my sayings.  I had already written my earlier testimonies to life in my books: Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, What War Taught Me About Peace, New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality and my Testament to the United Nations.  

I decided to leave behind to humanity my sayings too, written during my advanced years of life.  They might perhaps be of some value to my human brothers and sisters, especially to youth, to my children and grandchildren who might be dreaming, planning and working for an ideal humanity on our miraculous, beautiful planet.  God willing, perhaps these reflections of a world servant might help to perfect at long last Paradise Earth, inhabited by a peaceful, loving, genial humanity.

May a volume of these golden sayings be placed into my coffin, together with my harmonica, so that I can try to convince God, the saints and the angels to help us fulfill at long last our highest, most desired, mind-boggling dreams of a united, happy, peaceful human family on divine Paradise Earth.




Dr. Robert Muller


Born in Belgium in 1923 and raised in the Alsace-Lorraine region of France, Robert Muller experienced constant political and cultural turmoil during his youth.  His grandparents had five successive nationalities (French, German, French, German, French) without leaving their village as a result of three wars (1870-1871, 1914-1918, 1939-1945).  Often as a child, Robert Muller would look out of his window at the border he could not cross and long for the day when he, like the birds, the clouds, the sun and the stars, would no longer have to observe the imaginary line.  Today, thanks to the dream and effort of his compatriot Robert Schuman who similarly hated these borders, Robert Muller's passport reads, "European Union" with the sub-title France, and he is free to cross the abolished borders of fifteen western European countries.

Robert Muller knew the horrors of World War II, of being a refugee, of Nazi occupation and imprisonment.  During the war he was a member of the French Resistance.  After the war he returned home and earned a Doctorate of Law from the University of Strasbourg.  In 1947 he entered and won an essay contest on how to govern the world, the prize of which was an internship at the newly created United Nations.

Dr. Muller devoted the next 40 years of his life behind the scenes at the United Nations focusing his energies on world peace.  He rose through the ranks at the UN to the official position of Assistant-Secretary-General.  He has been called the "Philosopher" and "Prophet of Hope" of the United Nations.  Robert Muller is a deeply spiritual person.  From his vantage point of a top level global states-person he has seen a strong connection between spirituality and the political/cultural scene.

Robert Muller created a "World Core Curriculum" and is known throughout the world as the "father of global education."  There are 43 Robert Muller schools around the world with more being established each year.  The "World Core Curriculum" earned him the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989.  Based on this curriculum and his devotion to good causes, Dr. Muller has drawn up a "Framework for World Media Coverage" as a public service, as well as a "Framework for Planetary and Cosmic Consciousness" and a "Framework for the Arts and Culture".

Now Dr. Muller is in active "retirement" at the UN University for Peace he co-created with President Rodrigo Carazo in demilitarized Costa Rica.  He is in great demand to make speeches to educational, environmental, spiritual and political conferences around the world.  Dr. Muller concentrates his efforts on promoting greater human understanding and global awareness.  He has received many awards, e.g. the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities, the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award, and was nominated 22 times for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Dr. Muller lives most of the year at his small farm overlooking the University of Peace, on a sacred indigenous hill, Mt. Rasur, from which according to indigenous prophecy, a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world.  His traditional Costa Rican house is located just up the hill from the Peace Monument of the University.  In addition to his duties at the University, he devotes time to his writings and is an internationally acclaimed, multi-lingual speaker and author of many books published in various languages.  He has published his Testament to the UN  as well as his plans and dreams for a peaceful, happy world.

At the prompting of many of his friends, admirers and non-governmental organizations Robert Muller was a candidate as a global citizen in 1996 for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations.

In 1998 he was appointed co-chairman, with Dr. Karan Singh, of a World Commission on Global Consciousness and Spirituality.  The UN's Global Peoples' Assembly created in 2000 honored him as its Lifelong Honorary President.  In 2002 he received the prestigious World Citizenship Award of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation in California.  After his Testament to the UN (see at end of this volume the list of his books in various languages) he wrote also his Testament to Life in three volumes of The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living.  On 24 October 2002 - United Nations Day and the day of the award ceremony of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - the first volume of his biography by Douglas Gillies Prophet, The Hatmaker's Son  was launched to the public.  In 2003 he received the prestigious Japanese International GOI Peace Award.








Our absolute priorities and objectives

for the 21st century and the third millennium should be:





1. To make this planet Earth a                         paradise

2. To stop destroying nature at all cost

3. To eradicate all the poverty,                          miseries and errors engendered by              power, greed and egotism

4. To make out of all humans one                    united, cooperating family

5. To create a new social, political                    world order for Paradise Earth

6. To attain a life of fulfillment and                  happiness for all humans

7. To achieve a human family in                       harmony with the Earth and the                  heavens

8. To be the ultimate cosmic success of             the Universe and God.


No dream is too big


Barbara Gaughen Muller and Dr. Robert Muller

A Cosmic Couple of Paradise Earth


See Paradise Earth with global eyes

Love Paradise Earth with a global heart

Understand Paradise Earth with a global mind

Merge with Paradise Earth and the heavens with a global soul






War is a sin.

War is the highest degree of immorality.

War is inhuman insanity

for it kills sacred human lives wholesale.

How can there still be any war on our miraculous planet?




Now that there is a universal United Nations with rules of conflict resolution, there is no longer any just war.





Not to work for a peaceful world is a sin.




Love for peace is not enough.  Beyond it we need a vision of peace, a science of peace, a strategy for peace and innumerable actions for peace.




This time we can and must succeed.  Peace progresses too slowly.  We must make it progress much faster.




We need peace to concentrate on the happiness and fulfillment of people.  Wars, armaments and conflicts make us lose much precious time and resources.




Even if they are not used, armaments kill: they kill little children who could have been saved if resources spent on arms had been available for their nourishment, care and education.




O nations, you don't want to nationalize your natural resources, but you have one hundred percent nationalized your people.



You will never be really happy if you don't understand that producers and merchants must constantly create new unhappiness in order to sell more goods and new goods to you.




Happiness is an art.  It must be practiced.  It is like writing: write anything, just for the exercise of it, and you will become a writer.  Practice any form of happiness, just for the sake of it, and you will become a happy person.




We must believe in evolution which is the key and way to humanity's success.




We must walk with utmost care on our beautiful planet, the result of such a long, miraculous, cosmic journey.  We must love this marvelous jewel in the universe with all our mind, heart and soul and make it a Paradise.




A loving smile is the cheapest and most rewarding gift on Earth.




We are all passengers on the same planet sailing towards eternity on the vast ocean of the universe.




The question can non longer be that of the power of a certain country or the assertion of a certain belief, mode of life or ideology.  Such approach would be criminal towards our planet and its human family.  The problem is essentially that of the fate of the total human race on a given planet.  This new global paradigm must be accepted by all groups, if we want to survive.




Paraphrasing something which Arnold Toynbee said: When the history of the twentieth century comes to be written, a hundred years or a thousand years from now, it will not be the wars, or the technology, or the flutter between the communist and the free market economies that will really interest historians.  What will compel their focus of attention will be what happened when humanity for the first time in history tried to find its destiny in the United Nations.




Over the years I have come to believe that some day the UN system will be recognized as one of the most astonishing meta-organs ever produced by any species on this planet.  It is indeed an evolutionary event of the first importance.




From a letter received from Stephane Hessel, the French Ambassador to the UN in Geneva:


'Even the disparate character of the philosophical reflections is after all an encouraging sign: between Levi-Strauss and Teilhard de Chardin   the sight that jells and analyzes and that which follows or precedes the movement and the take-off, the tension (or dialectic) is at least proof that those who predict the end of the human adventure are far from their count.  They are men of little faith.'

'How right you are to underline above all what is new, incomparable, unprecedented and rare in the UN system which is a forum for the interplay and adaptation of more cultures and energy than humans as living species have ever tried to combine.'






Do not let your enthusiasm and life abilities be diminished by false humility:


Yes, I am proud of myself,

Yes, I am happy with my gifts and capacites,

Yes, I sometimes feel like a God,

Yes, I exult with joy and happiness,

Yes, I am happy to inspire others,

Yes, I believe that I can aggrandize myself to untold limits,

Yes, for me life is an incredible miracle.




If you love life, you will care for life

If yo love yourself, you will care for yourself

If yo love your family, you will care for your family

If you love humanity, you will care for humanity

If you love the world, you will care for the world

If you love God, you will care for God.


So, everywhere you look, you will find love as the key to caring.  And life without caring is tantamount to death.


The reverse is equally true:

If you do not love life, you will not care for life.

If you do not love yourself, you will not care of yourself.





Whenever I have found beauty in life, there was a great act of love at the origin.




Give everything in you and around you a supernatural, divine, sacred, miraculous character, and you will know untold happiness and pride.




The age of reason is not sufficient for human fulfillment.  We must now enter the age of love: love for ourselves, for humanity, for our planet, for our wondrous universe and for its mysterious Master.




Wherever you are, whatever you do, if you love the world you will serve the world.




It remains for humanity to develop multiple, non-conflicting, harmonious allegiances and devotion to:


our self

our family


our planet

the universe


and God.



Be a good gardener of your life: have a green, colorful life thumb.




It is strange that so very few humans are interested in the most stupendous, most miraculous, most unique, most fascinating object on Earth: their own human being.  Try to understand your physical, mental, sentimental, spiritual and total life, and you will be astonished beyond belief.




The Earth is a macrocosm of each individual and each individual is a microcosm of the Earth.  Humanity is the macrocosm of each individual and each individual is a microcosm of humanity.




Use the freest goods for happiness:


the stars cost nothing

nature costs nothing

your inner life costs nothing

God costs nothing

And yet they are all infinitely precious




Be a good goldsmith of your life: make it a jewel, develop a golden life thumb.




Work on your internal life and express your happiness externally.  Work on your external life and enrich it with your internal life.




People often say to me with a tinge of preoccupation: 'Take good care of yourself.  We need you so much.'  This is the apex of my life: to be needed by others, to be of service, to see others worried that I might die.  What greater award and satisfaction could anyone ever earn?




The Lord is always with me, in my home, in my heart, in my travels, in my thoughts, in my books, in my speeches, in my office, in my workshop, in my dreams and in my sleep.  He has been the most faithful companion of my life.  He never failed me with His advice, consolation and inspiration.




Never get weary of giving and you will never cease receiving.




Anything else than pleasing God and the universe is of little value.  If we do something that pleases God and the universe we are doing a great thing.





We must start learning to love the most sacred entity of all: humanity.




Love is to think what good we can do and what happiness we can give.




To those who see this world as part of God's Creation, death will come naturally and gently.




I am as great as the thoughts I conceive

I am as great as the universe I perceive

I am as great as the love of my heart

I am as great as the God in my soul.




Illusion is probably the most commonly needed and shared human characteristic.  For example, we live as if we were immortal.  And why not?




The degree of non-management or mismanagement of this planet is truly insane.  For example, as a result of climatic changes, the whole continent of Africa might become a disaster area.  And yet the African countries do not even have the resources to maintain the necessary meteorological services left by the former colonial powers.  The resources of the rich countries in the meantime go to armaments which endanger the whole planet.  And who, except the UN, denounces such mismanagement and tries to get it corrected?




If a team from outer space visited our planet, they would undoubtedly conclude that this is one of the worst managed planets in the universe.  They would give us an F, failure. And indeed, a neutral observer, not programmed by our earthly ideological, national and other wrong values, can only conclude that this is not a way of running a planet.




Our only excuse for managing so irresponsibly our home the Earth is that this is all so new, that we have never done it before. But governments cannot shirk their responsibilities and doing irreparable damage to our globe.  Governments should think how they will be judged by future historians and generations. They might not look as great as they think they are today.




My cousin Marthe had eight heart attacks.  Her reaction each time was: 'I won't let the devil take me!'




Love is above all the willful decision to experience the beauty of our immediate environment, of the Earth, the skies, the stars, the waters, the plants, the animals, the people, the universe and God.  Love is the most powerful ingredient of the will for life.



Truth goes far beyond the so-called 'immutable' facts of the natural sciences: it is the ability to experience the wholeness of life and time, and to see our right place in Creation.




My dog does not write, speak, read or play music, and yet he is a very happy dog, very alive, very fulfilled.




With our help, a day will come when all humanity will live, feel and work together as beautifully and harmoniously as when we sing and celebrate together in a cathedral.  Our miraculous planet Earth is a cathedral floating in the universe.




When God looks upon th Earth, He must say: 'What a tremendous success I have achieved: among the infinite forms of energy, voids and matter, I have at long last produced life on that little globe peacefully twirling in the universe.   I hope that humans will succeed, that they will not destroy themselves, that they will administer well this living body as the true miracle it is and make it even a greater miracle.




Given the constant beating we are giving to our body, nerves, heart, mind and spirit, it appears that a human being is the incarnation of a tremendous, renewable cosmic force: the will for life.  The cosmos must be trying to achieve something very special through the human race.  Our responsibilities may reach far beyond anything we have ever dreamt heretofore and which was understood only by the great religious seers and prophets.




I consider every moment of my life precious, divine and wonderful.




When it comes to peace, justice, love, honesty and all that is good for the human race on this god-given planet, never give up, never give up, never give up.




The greatest achievement in life is to live in constant communion with God, the Father in Heaven.  Then one becomes like Christ, a cosmic being, a son, a daughter, an earthly incarnation of God.  Then everything is clear and falls into place.




What is really expected of us is to become total, cosmic, divine, very special beings of the universe.




How beautiful it is to be alive and able to say: I am a citizen of this planet, I am a divine, miraculous being of the universe.



Life is divine. Das Leben ist g ttlich.  I wish this exclamation of mine as a child were translated in all languages and displayed in every school on Earth.




To students of political science: forget completely about any textbooks ever written, any systems ever devised, any ideologies ever constructed, for none of their authors knew the entirely new, planetary, global and scientific conditions of today.  You will have to write the new textbooks, devise the new systems and construct the new ideology needed for our time.  Old ideas will only confuse and blind you.




May you live with light, love, goodness and beauty every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year of your life.




What an empty universe it would be without God, without a purpose!




What is more important, life or your nationality?  If you take away my passport, I will still have my precious life.  If you take away my life, you can throw away my passport.  Hence my life and that of all humans is more important than nationality.




The great Greek orator Demosthenes copied many times the History of Thucydides in order to perfect his style.  Do the same, copying the author you like and you will write like him.




There exists a foolproof system to acquire the style of any great author on Earth in any language: copy every day for at least six months, very slowly during at least ten minutes ten lines from the works of that author.  After six months you will write exactly like him.  I have done it during my own life for French, German, English and Spanish.  Later, when I had reached wisdom and confidence, I developed my own style.




The wise Athenian legislator Solon devoted his remaining years to culture and poetry.  I intend to devote mine, God willing, to wisdom and philosophy, concluding from my life, telling stories and transmitting the wisdom I have acquired.  I will try to be a useful, happy long lived man.




The beauty, culture and sharing of hearts and minds that occurs in the United Nations on a day-to-day basis is astounding and should not be measured on the yardstick of instantaneous results, as some would want.



Begin everything with love.  Begin with the heart.  God should have placed the heart in the head.  It is up to us to do it now to help our further, successful evolution and ascent.




Our first and foremost experience of God is in the beauty and glory, the brilliance and infinity of His Creation.




Always select the via positiva of the monks, the positive way.




Optimism and pessimism are formed of imagining, of thinking.  The image, the thought is the first step towards a new reality.  The Greeks held that all reality was the product of thought.  In Hawaiian language Hana, action means 'movement following a thought'.




The love of country has succeeded to bind people at the national level.  Our next great historical task is to develop love among all Earth inhabitants, and for the Earth.




The world steps aside when a person comes who knows his way.  Please dear reader, know and cultivate yours.




We want change but we do not want to change our values and minds.  And yet we cannot obtain change without changing our values and minds.




I will shout to the stars and work until my last breath: let us make a paradise of this beautiful planet.




We must act spiritually

Think spiritually

Love spiritually




All I can say is this: I tried to be as little negative and as much positive as I could during my life.




Seen from the universe, we are all one family and one Earth.  From outer space astronauts did not see any borders and countries.




An Alsatian schoolboy visiting the United Nations asked me: 'Why doesn't the UN abolish all borders as we did in Europe?'  Out of the mouth of children comes the truth.




Happiness is the test of being a successful, marvelous, cosmic unit.  World happiness will be the test of our Earth being a successful cosmic paradise.



Peace and non-violence are the most fundamental stepping stones to our cosmic success, to becoming a paradise.  Whoever breaks the peace commits a cosmic crime.  Any child knows that from Star Wars.  Jesus said it too!




Why should anyone advertise the normal state of health, marvelous functioning and self-healing capacity of the human body?  It does not bring in money!


Why should anyone advertise fresh air and fresh water?  They do not sell.  Not yet!


Why should anyone advertise inner life and happiness?  They do not sell.


Why should anyone advertise the heavens, the stars and God?  They do not sell.


But beware.  All these free goods are beginning to be packaged and sold to you.




The negativism and unhappiness of human society is organized on a colossal scale by those who benefit from them.




Sickness is stressed over health by the medical and pharmaceutical professions.


Bad news are stressed over good news by journalists and the media.


Problems are stressed over happy states by politicians.


Obsolescence is stressed over durability by producers.


True modern freedom and happiness is to escape from these bondages.  Except for the essentials


escape from the doctors and pharmacies

escape from the media

escape from the politicians

escape from the waste-makers




Are you unhappy about society?  Well, concentrate instead on one of your treasures:


you are alive

you are healthy

you are young

you have a family

you have a good mind

you have enough to eat

you have a good shelter

you can see the sun and the stars above you

you can talk to God and He answers you


Things are not as bad as you thought.



Youth cannot tell us that there is nothing left to do on this planet.  The biggest objectives are still to be achieved: peace, justice, development, human rights, our harmony with nature, human unity, the preservation of the past, the preparation of the future, our harmony with the heavens and God, to make the Earth a paradise of happiness.




Being a cell of humanity, of this Earth and of the universe, I can contribute to the success of humanity, of this planet and of the universe by being positive, loving, peaceful and just, i.e. by fulfilling my divine, given cosmic nature.




Our poor universe is seeking success too: after having at long last produced the right planet with advanced life forms, it would like the most advanced of the living species on this planet to make it a showcase, a success story of the universe, a paradise.  That will be our next task for our further evolution.




I wish happiness to all those I love

I wish happiness to all humans

I wish happiness to this divine planet

I wish happiness to God and to the universe


What an extraordinary universe we live in!




Human history so far has been the history of a primitive race.  Only now, with planet-wide knowledge and consciousness, have we entered the real challenge to our species: the good management of our Earth, the global age, the planetary age, the achievement of paradise Earth.  The real history of the world is only beginning now!




Our global history started in the 1970's with the UN's first world conferences on outer space, population, the environment, water, energy, habitat, the deserts, the seas and oceans, the children, youth, women, the aging, the handicapped, etc.  All this work will have very long-term effects.




Do not only be men-pleasers.  Be God-pleasers.  Seek the highest, most elevated, most total ideal  recognition.




In all things, try to please God.  Reference to God is the surest way to become a serene, just, happy, fulfilled person.




God is the image we have of our own still unachieved perfection.  Reference to Him is therefore the yardstick and way to perfection, both individual and collective.




Each human person should practice four optimisms:


optimism of thought (intelligence)

optimism of heart (love)

optimism of action (activism)

optimism of soul (spirituality)


As a result, all our vital forces will be mobilized and a successful life will ensue.  Since we live, why not try to live fully in every respect, to the highest, fullest ideals?




Never be negative in intention

Never be negative in thoughts

Never be negative in ideas

Never be negative in words

Never be negative in action




Do not destroy or diminish anyone or anything.




If a team from outer space visited our planet, they would undoubtedly conclude that this is still a badly managed planet in the universe.  They would give us an F, failure.  And indeed, a neutral observer, not programmed by our earthly ideological, national or other narrow values, can only conclude that this is not a way of running a planet.




Our only excuse for still managing irresponsibly our planet is that this is all so new, that we have never done it before.  But governments cannot shirk their responsibilities and do irreparable damage to this planet.  Governments should think how they will be judged by future generations.  They might not look as great a they think they are today.  They might even go down in history as grave-diggers of civilization and of future human ascent.  The glorious national leaders of today should ponder this.




The word foreigner should be abolished from the languages of the world.  We are all Earth inhabitants, not foreigners.  Young people sometimes call foreigners 'internationals'.  That is already a progress.




Think with your heart

See with your heart

Hear with your heart

Feel with your heart

Act with your heart

Speak with your heart

For love is the highest, most powerful, durable human capacity.




Kepler was right when he studied astronomy and astrology to find the laws of the universe which should regulate our conduct on Earth.  Cosmology is trying to do that today.




It is difficult to understand that people should still be seeking national glory when nations have become so numerous and many so small.  Only global, world glory is worth being sought in our time.




Someday humans will realize that the United Nations is one of the greatest biological phenomena of all times, a true turning point in our planet's and human evolution.




The UN is the greatest human service organization on Earth, and by being that it is an instrument of God.  To work for the UN is a true Ministry.  Many UN servants are saints.




Suppose we both possess the same thing.  You consider what you have to be worth little and I consider what I have to be great.  Who is the happiest of us two?




Be an artist of your life: make it a work of art of which you can be proud, as artists are with their paintings, sculptures, music or writings. As a matter of fact, art and writing will follow, for you will want to express and preserve your life in a durable form.




Writing and art are preserved life, a form of duration, of eternity.




I am sad that my life and work for the world will soon come to an end

I am sad that I will return to the Earth

I am sad at God for not having made me eternal on this beautiful planet,

But perhaps He did

Perhaps we are part of an unceasing change of worlds

Perhaps my life and work will not die

Perhaps my matter will be reborn in other forms of life

Perhaps I am part of the whole universe and eternity, for ever and ever




Often in the evening of warm days, I lay down on the grass of my God-given land, I look at the sky and I say to myself: all this belongs to me!  Half of the infinite firmament belongs to me!  I just cannot believe it.




Cast away any bad thoughts or sentiments from your mind, soul and heart.  Do not let them germinate and take root.  The longer you wait the more difficult they will be to uproot.



If Epictetus, a lame slave, was able to expound his beautiful golden sayings, how could I not do it, a healthy and well-off being?  The question no longer is what do I expect from life?  It is: what good can I do in return for life?




Retirement is the grand pay-off period.  What a joy it can be to repay life and society for all they gave us!




I would like to see these sentences displayed in all schools of Earth:


'We die on the day our lives cease to be illuminated by a wonder beyond all reason.'

Dag Hammarskj ld.


'The tragedy of life is not death, but what we let die inside of us while we live.'

Norman Cousins




It is the natural and perennial role of parents to teach, to warn, to protect, to guide, to help, to prepare, to 'raise' their children.  Children, for their part, have their own predispositions, nature, dreams and likings.  The result will be blending of the two, of the past, the present and the future.  And thus humanity proceeds on its evolutionary path, epitomized and molded in each of the Earth's hundreds of millions of families.  The family is the first and greatest school of love, peace and happiness on Earth.  As for all other human groups, there should be no confrontation, no conflict, no breakage of the family, only give and take, understanding, love and cooperation.  For these are the ways of ascent of humanity.




If, as is the case, everything on this planet is a coagulation or form of cosmic forces, then we might as well have an immense respect for everything we see, including ourselves.  A grain of dust, a flower, a drop of water are not just anything.  They are stupendous miracles demanding our astonishment.  And more astonishing of all are humans who through enquiry, questioning and reasoning are ever expanding their knowledge of planet Earth and of the universe.




Don't be black or white before being human

Don't be a Catholic, Muslim or a Jew before being human

Don't be American or Russian before being human

Don't be European or Asian before being human

Don't be communist or capitalist before being human

At long last for the first time in history to be human comes first.




Our lives resemble those of trees: heavy winds and tempests make us stronger and dig our roots deeper.  We must gain strength from every gust of adversity.




Take a large city like New York or take the entire world.  If in the immense mass of people one human being or cosmos, held erect by the will to live, suddenly lets go, don't you think that he will go under?  The will to stay erect, to live and to be fully one's self is the single, most important force available to us.



The world always needs and produces fighters for the 'underdog'  I was born a fighter for the planet, for humanity and for the individual underdogs of nations.  The power of nations is totally out of proportion with the natural hierarchy of values of a planet.




Nature all around us is so beautiful, a real magic, a true palace.  And what is behind it is probably even more beautiful.  It is that transcendent beauty and meaning which we must seek at this stage of our evolution.  And for that purpose we must settle our earthly problems and differences quickly for we are losing much precious time.




Think what beatings your body has taken during your life and you will be astonished that you are still alive and well.  Your body is indeed an incredible, faithful, hard worker, a true miracle.  Take good care of him.




All I think, all I feel, all I say, all I do must help and not hinder God's great design for this magnificent Earth and miraculous human race.




The human species is evolving over time from primitive stages of life to ever more advanced forms.  It would be more proper for us to speak of 'evolution' from the past and 'advolution' to the future.




If the world's waters and rivers were suddenly filled with carbonated air, there would be an outcry of the people.  And yet the same people instead of pure water fill themselves with carbonated, sugared so-called 'soft drinks' like Coca Cola and so many others!  Perhaps someday the merchants will also sell pure water as a 'decarbonated' drink!




If the world's waters became suddenly alcohol, it would be considered a catastrophe.  And yet you can see half of humanity sitting at tables and drinking alcohol (from the Arabic word Al Kohol, the Devil) with cheerful, unconcerned faces.




We unanimously want pure air.  And yet a great part of humanity is filling its lungs and our air with the smoke of a cancerous herb, tobacco.  My basic human right to pure air is violated by anyone who smokes.




If you work for the world, do not expect to be applauded by nations.  But you can expect the beginning of a recognition and love from the people.




What miracle, what good actions have you done today?



We always expect a lot from life.  But isn't life also expecting a lot from us?  Mustn't we be of service to life, to our miraculous Mother Earth who gave birth to all of us?




Memories are a second chance at happiness.




I write only what I love.  What happens to the fruit is not of concern to the tree.




As we pray to God, so shall we receive.




I have married the three most beautiful works of art in the universe: planet Earth, humanity and my wife.




With retirement I disappear from a given structure: a business, an administration, an institution, in which I had a role, a power, an influence, an activity.  In retirement I can seek other structures: a new activity, clubs, associations, teaching, humanitarian causes.  In my retirement, I seek to integrate myself into the vastest structure of all: the world, humanity, the universe, time, and to do good.




Do not seek fame or glory, let them come to you.  What you are, what you do, what you think, what you say, what you write, will speak for you.  You will never be more than a vine which produces a fruit or remains infertile.  If the fruit is good, people will say: this vine is good and they will love you.




Read only good books, inspiring books, non-depressing books.  Do not waste money on prefabricated best-sellers.  Read a few pages of them before disbursing your money.  Know that they are not supposed to last, since your money will be solicited almost immediately for the next one.  Seek books which you will keep and read time and again for your happiness, enrichment and life fulfillment.




Forget anything that is bad, be it past, present or future.  It only poisons your life.  Or consider what is bad with sympathy, look it right in the face and seek the good you can derive from it.




By what kind of strange aberration has 'political', i.e. the 'administration of the city', 'of the nation' become synonymous with 'selfish', 'glory', 'power', 'enrichment', 'influence', 'games', 'untruths', 'combinations', 'bargaining', 'compromise', 'favoritism', 'bureaucracy', etc. when it should be associated with what is best in the service of people: compassion, honor, humility, wisdom, understanding, honesty, integrity, frugality and above all love and beauty.



Politicians like religious hierarchies often obscure and betray the original intentions of the founders.  The latter, therefore, retain their glory and the love of the people, whereas the politicians and bureaucrats fall into oblivion.




I am happy with my past, my present and my future.  All three are miraculous building blocks of my beloved, wonderful life.




Sometimes I say to my secretary or my wife after a speech: 'It was fascinating!  I learned so much, listening to myself!'  These enlightenments often come to us when we try to explain something important to our human brethren and sisters; out of our life exuberance and experience a new thought is born.  When it happens I can almost 'see' it.  My captivated mind says delightfully to itself: 'here is a new, important, beautiful thought which I never had before.'  And I am happy for having spoken, because I was enriched.




My life or cosmic consciousness may be temporary.  But human life being a part of humanity can make us eternal.  My contribution to humanity is therefore the highest form of living.  Humanity knows that: the greater the contribution, the greater and more lasting the human recognition and glory.




Relax as much as you can.  A man like Albert Schweitzer who lived happily to a very advanced age, always let his arms and hands hang down in a totally relaxed fashion.  Do that and you will feel your entire body relaxed.  Relaxation is another word for peace and happiness.




Most of your life will depend on how you 'see' things.  If you see them in a hopeful, happy way, your life will be bright and happy.  If you see them in gray, your life will be sad and gray.




Weed your life carefully of all bad seeds and plants.  If not, they will grow, proliferate and smother the good ones.




I am a center of the universe, a conscious cell of it.  Therefore I can understand and feel the universe and love it.  It is great.  And great is its Creator.




We owe it to the general health of humanity to be sick only of real illnesses and not of sicknesses of affluence, boredom and imagination.  We cannot complain about the sad state of the world if we contribute to it.  We must bring to it our health, joy, ideas, dreams, actions, determinations and inspiration.




Wisdom is learning how to live in harmony with the heavens, with the world, with humanity, with our family and with ourselves.



My physical body may be less efficient and less beautiful in old age.  But God has given me an enormous compensation: my mind is richer, my soul is broader and my wisdom is at a peak.  I am so happy with the riches of my advanced, peak age that, contrary to Faust, I would not wish to return to youth.




Do not punish anyone or anything.  Leave punishment to God.




Our planet is but a cell of the body of God and of the universe.  But what a cell!  I and you might be fantastic, miraculous, perhaps unique cells of it.




Why not accept infinity and eternity as the basic nature of the universe and consider ourselves as infinite and eternal for being part of it?  Perhaps our limited hypotheses of mortality and finiteness which we held for so long are wrong.




Only one belief can put an end to all anxieties on this planet: the belief in the perfectibility of the human race.




There is no greater learning process than to teach.




Sometimes I just cannot believe my luck of being alive!  And when I think that someday I will be dead, I feel terrible!  This is the best proof to me that to be alive is quite something!




Happiness chases unhappiness as light chases obscurity.  Therefore switch on the happiness currents in yourself and put a smile on your face.  On the mirrors of our home my beloved wife has affixed little messages 'smile'!




Watch your language: bad vocabulary engenders bad thoughts which engender bad actions. Good vocabulary fosters good thoughts and good actions.  Your words are both your soul's projections and horses.




The mind can contain only one thought at the same time.  If it is an unhappy thought, replace it by a good one which will chase the first.  This old Hindu recipe never fails.




We are a very developed planet scientifically and technologically, but still underdeveloped politically, morally, sentimentally and spiritually. This must be redressed, corrected in the coming age.



Get your importances straight:

The body is more important than clothes

The mind is more important than books

Hearing is more important than radio

Seeing is more important than television

Life is more important than anything else

Please act and live accordingly.




From the notion of sickness we have at long last passed to the concept of health as the normal condition of a human person.  Similarly, we must now pass from the notion of conflict to that of peace as the normal condition of humanity.




In a few decades and perhaps even earlier, capitalism and communism will both be past history.




Peacemakers perform the most advanced cosmic function.  They are the ultimate instruments and fulfillment of the divine nature.  This is why in all religions they are considered the highest, the most beloved, the saints, the immortals.




In the battle between forces of evil and good on this planet, no one can be neutral.




Planet Earth was meant to be a house of worship, peace and happiness and not a gigantic market place, 'robbers den', military camps and nuclear bombs.




Our world political system is like a tree with many branches but no roots or with very feeble roots - the United Nations.  This must change: the roots much be strengthened, for the roots support the branches and not the branches the roots.




There is not one form of happiness: there are myriads of them.  Each human being must find his particular form of happiness from his nature, his environment and the vast diversity of society.  You might find happiness in God, in a garden, in a workshop, in a laboratory, in service to others, in the present, in the past or in the future.




Whatever your profession is, if it works for the good of humanity, love it with fascination or enthusiasm, and you will reap untold happiness.




If someone calls you naive, you are on the right track.  For simplicity is in reality a cleansing of all the wrong concepts and values artificially put into you by the tenants of power and wealth.  If you tell your truth and beliefs you are called naive in order to make you irrelevant, ineffective.





Purity, honesty and truth are the most powerful agents against impurity, dishonesty and untruth.  The duty of good people is to be always on the positive, progressive side of life.  The worst thing they can do is to let the other side have its way.




Like a wanderer in nature


love the road of your life

there is so much beauty to see

so much music to hear

so many flowers to smell

so many thoughts to be thought

so much love to be had

so much divinity to be felt.




I cannot feel and repeat it enough: life is divine, life is an extraordinary, incredible, miraculous phenomenon, our most precious gift.




I don't have to dream of the return of the Father. I am already and always with Him.




Lead a life of


voluntary simplicity

voluntary health

voluntary ecology

voluntary peace

voluntary kindness

voluntary love

voluntary happiness


Everything you would like others to be

be it yourself

Day after day let your life be an inspiration to others.




Do not let grass grow on the path of your happiness.  Use that path as often as you can.




Fight drugs, alcohol, smoking and pornography wherever you find them, for they diminish life under the satanic pretense of enhancing it.  The Arabs were right to call liquor Al Kohol, the Devil and to condemn and prohibit its use.  It is one of their great contributions to humanity.




Life is a stupendous embodiment, incarnation, vortex of divine, cosmic forces.




Only the unity of all can being the well-being of all.




We must grow a global brain, a global heart and a global soul to humanity.  That is our most pressing, current evolutionary task.




Life is nothing less than the universe become conscious of itself.  It is one of the most advanced forms of evolution in time.  Hence the immense respect we must have for it.




Thou shall not kill and not be killed, not even in the name of a nation, a religion or God.




You have eyes to see.  Use them to the full.

You have ears to hear.  Use them to the full.

You have hands to create.  Use them to the full.

You have a brain to think.  Use it to the full.

You have a heart to love.  Use it to the full.

You have a soul to feel.  Use it to the full.

You have a life to live.  Live it to the full.


Be your body fully

Be your head fully

Be your heart fully

Be your soul fully

Be your self fully




To young inspired speakers who produce unexpected beautiful speeches, thoughts and sentences, I say: 'always carry a notebook or tape recorder with you, record your speeches and thoughts and keep the tapes preciously.  They will be a harvest of gold.'




When I was a child, I spoke like a child

When I was an adult, I no longer spoke like a child

When I became old and wise, I spoke again like a child

I wish I had spoken all my life like a child.




And now begins the apprenticeship of the end.  If there is an end!




Joy is still the best attitude towards life.  I do not know any better one.




Where there is despair, is there a remedy?  Yes.  Turn to God and everything, even death, will fall into place.



You have no idea what great things you can achieve, once you throw yourself entirely in the hand of God.




Get up and walk.  Don't say: I can't.




Open your heart.  That is where your genius is.




At any time, day after day, day and night be always ready for your greatness.




Exercise your love.  Learn to love.  Love to love.  Become an Earth and peoples lover.




Do not deprive God of your collaboration in It's gigantic task for this Earth.




The time must absolutely come when the world will spend on peace what it now spends on arms and wars.




The goodness of the world is the sum-total of the goodness of its people.




Always feel in yourself the untold greatness of being alive, the miracle you are.




If every human being used fully his capacities, he would be a genius.




No country is the last corner of Earth, because the Earth is round and has no corners.




I am happy when I work, because thus I can serve.  I am happy when I do not work, because then I can think, write, meditate and thus also serve.




Governments change but the people remain the same.




The dream to understand our place in the universe breaks through all barriers. It binds the people together.  Hence the need for a global philosophy and spirituality.



Human nature can sublimate itself to the most credible heights and debase itself to the most horrible depths.  Since our eviction from paradise, the choice is always ours.  Why not try to re-establish Paradise Earth?




Asked 'what do you want to be when you are a grownup?' a little girl answered: 'to be alive.'




Peace cannot be taken in isolation: hunger, oppression, injustice, unemployment, lack of meaning  are all causes of conflict.  To work on those causes is therefore to work for peace.




Garcia Lorca wrote: 'Why should we work at all, why should we write at all in a world where one wants to shout all the time: 'I protest, I protest, I protest.''


My answer: because it is a way to protest.




What the world needs most is openness:


Open hearts

Open doors

Open eyes

Open minds

Open ears

Open souls


Such openness can be extended through will and exercise (East) and through science and technology (West).




We must never cease to be the Planet of Hope.




Peace in not only the absence of war: it is a human virtue and morality open to all human beings.




You who have been admitted to the miracle of life, never loose hope.




We must say yes to life, always, unreservedly and joyfully.




By being a microcosm of the universe and of eternity, of our globe and of humanity, each individual has the power to encompass the universe, eternity, our globe and humanity.  Those who know this simple law are labeled saints and geniuses.  But in reality they are what everyone can and should be easily.




To be a true human being means first and foremost to be a member of the human race.  Alas, narrow national education prevents most people from being true human world, global beings.




If the Son of God returned to Earth, would He find much faith today?  Would He find your faith?  At least faith in life?




Cultivate your being.  It will give you immortal harvest.




Become a master of life.




The dream to understand our peace in the universe breaks all barriers.  It binds all people togeter.




Open yourself to God always.  He will tell you what is best for you.




All we think, all we feel, all we say, all we do must help and not hinder God's great design for this Earth and for our cosmic destiny.  We are important cosmic elements in a tremendous cosmic experiment. 




Use stubbornly your capacities to the full, pray God and you might become a genius or a saint.




It is easy to become a hero or a genius: see yourself always as part of the total universe, of the total planet, of total humanity and of eternity.  Then you will see your exact place and role in the great design of God.




Why do I live?  That is the question.  To love, to be immeasurably happy and to please God.  That is my answer.  What is yours?




Let us make life on this planet a great feast of God in the universe.




We must be angels in the sun.






To give plenty and to receive plenty,

Altruism and receptivity

have been two blessings of my life.




My life is divine.  Period.

My life is a miracle.  Period.

My life is incredible.  Period.




I have tried to give a rational view of what life can be on this wonderful planet.  I have given also my subjective view, my own life as an example.  And I have tried to chant and proclaim it all as beautifully and as loudly as I can.




I want my life to be a hymn to the Creator.




In my heart there is this burning prayer: O people hear me, for I want to tell you how great Creation is and how miraculous our lives are.




My life is but an episode of episodes.  It is my duty to make it a perfect episode.  I must be a well-functioning, admirable cell in the cosmic whole.




Having found it myself, I would like to help others to see the unlimited beauty and meaning of the incredible gift of life.




O God, help me to see only the good on this planet and by loving, worshiping and expanding the good to help diminish evil.




How lonely I was in deriving a synthesis of all knowledge from my many years of work at the United Nations!  May it at least benefit and inspire others.  O God, give me a few more years and inspired followers, so that all will not have been in vain.




I had a dream in which I was presented a page full of ideas to make it a better world.  I could choose only one.  I became desperate, for I could not make up my mind.  At dawn, when I woke up the answer came clearly.  It was: every person on Earth must create Paradise Earth.




I will never cease to be astonished and impassioned by the incredible miracle of life.



We must all be world teachers, miracle makers, gardeners of Paradise Earth.




A genius is never proud and erect.  He is always on his knees, in full admiration for the greatness of the universe.  His understanding, his feelings, his ecstasy for the miracle of Creation are his genius.  He is in full fusion with the universe.  To those who understand, feel and admire less, he appears as a genius.  But in reality he is the normal, living being which all humans should and can be.




How can we be united with the universe, with eternity, with God, if not through an immense act of faith, of elevation, of love?  Sursum corda.  Lift your hearts.




I get out of the way of evil, bureaucracy, ugliness and all that is bad and negative on our planet.  As a result, they ignore me too.  What would happen if billions of people would follow my example?




I would like to be given another life, just to paint.  I would paint golden works to glorify the greatness and beauty of Creation.  Golden writings.  Golden paintings.  Yes, if someday my works should be published as a collection, I would like to have them called: the golden writings of Robert Muller.




The sand of my life is running out.  Is it white, black or golden sand?




Ours is a century of material and scientific faith.  It must be followed by a century of faith in humaneness and spirituality.




Ours is not the age of reason.  How could it be with its atomic bombs, its conflicts, its hatred, its poverty, its numerous dying children, its hungry, its innumerable unneeded and unemployed?  It should be rather called the century of dismay and blemishes.




The greatest benefactors of humanity are not those who give money to museums or universities, but those who give help, hope and happiness to people (HHH).




It took me a long time to put my knowledge in good order and to deprogram myself of all false beliefs and values.  I discovered the basic truths only at the age of sixty!  Thank You, O God, for having allowed me to live that long.




Basically the factors of subversion, propaganda, untruths and inclinations to dominate the world are limited in our epoch to two gigantic countries: the USSR and the US.  This is progress over the preceding period, but it is still enough to create untold misery and havoc.  The responsibility for the current world insanity and political chaos rests heavily on these two countries.  They will be judged harshly by the historians of our planetary evolution.

(2003: the USSR gave up.  Thanks be to God.)




If every person on Earth takes peace and non-violence as his/her priority, there will be peace on this beautiful planet.




Why do I love so much the United Nations?  Because the UN works for peace.  And why do I love so much peace?  Because it is only in peace that human beings can find their fulfillment and happiness.




The search for happiness is common to all humans.  Only when happiness will replace business as the priority item on the agenda of world affairs, will we be on the right path.




I see the beauty of our planet in so many forms.  I like to see it especially in the form of magnificent mountains, rivers, seashores and Paradise Parks.




The sacredness of life must become the supreme law on this planet.  No human being should ever be killed by another human being or by society.  The death penalty must be abolished world-wide.  So must be military killings.




Human peace and happiness and the preservation of the Earth must be the world's new primary ideology.  The words capitalism and communism were not even in the dictionaries 100 years ago.  They must be scrapped, for they have outlived their usefulness and through their perpetuation have become dangers to the world.  There must now be a vast, world-wide discussion on how to achieve the peace and happiness of all Earth inhabitants.  What is good in capitalism, in communism and in other systems or cultures should be retained.




If anyone decided to create an Institute for the comparative study of communism and capitalism, both would scream: 'But this is impossible!  We have the perfect truth.  If everybody follows us we will achieve peace and happiness on Earth.'  Of course.  All the religions said the same and then killed each other for centuries in the name of their God or infallible truth.  At this period of human evolution, we must reject and outgrow such naivet .  The management of this Earth and of billions of people is infinitely more complex than the theorists of liberalism and socialism could have ever dreamt 100 years ago.  They would be the first to scrap their theories if they returned to life.




The beauty of this planet is so great that it is the duty of its inhabitants to keep themselves beautiful in body and in dress in order to revere, celebrate and increase that beauty.




There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful person in a beautiful landscape or in a great human site.  Model photographers, cigarette, alcohol and soft drink advertisers have understood that.




It is scary to think of death.  But if one thinks of one's life as a service, as a contribution to human ascent and evolution, as part of the flow of the mysterious universe, then death is only a transformation, a change of being.




Life is not a right.  Life is a privilege and a great duty to the universe.




We live on a miraculous planet in the vast universe.  We are endowed with many life forms, with matter become alive and conscious of the planet and of the universe.   Does this not mean that our first and foremost duty and thinking is towards the universe and God?




Dear children and youth, please remember always that: you are your parents' main contribution to evolution and further human ascent; you are their immortality; you are their greatest work of art and joy; you will be their last thought and pride at their moment of death.  You must think of the chain of life from which you come and will continue on this miraculous planet in the vast solar system.  Your parents are sacred and so are you.




Put a lot of God and divinity into everything you do.



To be what you are and to die what you are, that is your main challenge.




My duty is to God, to the universe, to the Earth, to humanity, to my family, to myself and to no one else.




I was meant to be a world servant and I will die a world servant.  Thus the will of God will be done. What more could I ask for?  To be a universe servant?




My duty is not to the United Nations, but to what the United Nations stands for: humanity and planet Earth.




Old age is the time of meditation, of conclusion and wisdom, of story-telling and sharing advice with the little ones and youth as one climbs the last hill of life.




I will belong to the world and work for the world until my agony, until my last breath. This I swear to God.




The spirit of life, the breath of the oxygen of life - spirituality has left the arteries of the world.  Humanity needs spiritual healing, fresh air, new spiritual flows into it.




We are too Earth-bound, not enough heaven-bound.  If we continue this way, we will return to the condition of animals who never look at the stars and to the heavens.




A school without God?  What a poor carcass that is!




What the United Nations needs most, what your world servants need most are your prayers and your faith.




The United Nations is a terribly insufficient and terribly important organization.




May your life be a beautiful work of art.  Work at it always.  Make it your priority.  Repeat to yourself: I have made my life a work of art.



The beauty and purity of this planet requires our own beauty and purity of body, mind, heart and soul.




What a beautiful pledge the youth of Sweden has made to International Youth Year: to be a non-smoking generation.  It follows the good example of Swedish toy manufacturers not to produce any more war and violence toys.




How can anyone walk badly dressed on such a beautiful planet?  Local dresses, local music, local folklore, local architecture, local art enhance the beauty, richness and diversity of our miraculous, God-given planet.




I cannot repeat it enough: the human person has been created to feel and serve the greatness of the universe and of infinity, i.e. to fulfill the will of God.



I felt great only from the moment when I diminished my I and emptied me of myself.  Then the whole world and the universe streamed into me.




When I became a world servant I became a friend of the world.  The world then loved me and I was no longer a mere servant.




Lower the dams of your ego and the floods of divine spirit will enter you and give you immeasurable bliss.  Your life will become an endless joy and source of miracles.  It cannot be otherwise: you have let enter the spirit of life which will do its evolutionary cosmic work through you as an instrument.   This is why you were given life in the first place.




If you love life, then everything will fall into place.  Love is the touchstone of right priorities and values, the opening gate to the cosmic forces.




Enthusiasm: God (theos) in yourself, i.e. by God possessed.  Enthusiasm for life: God incarnated in you and doing His miracles through you.




When I was a child, to describe my love and enthusiasm for life, I used the biggest adjective I could find: I called life 'g ttlich, i.e. divine.  I never found a better one.




Care well for the garden of your life, that precious, wonderful little garden on a planet floating in the vast universe, destined to become Paradise Earth, a model to all other planets.




The government of a great country announced the creation of a panel to prevent nuclear terrorism by individuals against cities and civilian populations.  This is a strange decision by a country which holds practically every city on Earth under its nuclear threat.  Should one not call such countries 'nuclear terrorists'?  This reminds me of this famous passage in St. Augustine's City of God:


When Alexander the Great asked a captured pirate what he meant by infesting the sea, the pirate boldly answered: 'and what do you mean by warring on the whole world?  I do my fighting on a tiny ship, and they call me a pirate; you do yours with a large fleet, and they call you a commander.'




If we eradicate all evil from Earth, we will become a paradise in the universe.  Why not recognize that and proclaim peace, well-being and happiness as the main objectives of our human efforts?




'Paradise lost' was not a good title.  'Paradise to be gained' would be a better one.




If only all people would try to know what their name means, what the name of their village, city and country means.  It would teach them so much about the human story.




I would like to see a world with only beautiful names, like : Cura ao, the Heart; Sri Lanka, the beautiful island; Canada, the land of many villages; France, the land of the free; Pakistan, the land of the pure; Philippines, the country of the horse lovers; Tanganyka, the lake surrounded by trees, etc.




How many heads of state know the meaning of the name of their country and capital?  Many soldiers are ready to kill and to be killed for a name whose meaning they do not even know.




In the United States I lived in Dobbs Ferry (there was a ferry run by a man named Dobbs during the last century) in the Hudson Valley (after the explorer Hudson; but formerly called by the Indians Mahicannituck, the great waters in constant motion), near New York (the new English York in the new world).  In France I lived in St. Gix (Holy water, from the Celtic word gix, water), on the chemin de la Vie de L traz (the via strada of Julius Caesar), near Divonne (the Divine Waters of the Romans).  I felt good to know that.  I love to know the history of the places where I live.  It enriches me.




More recent names of countries, such as the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, are not natural, poetic names.  The political objective shows in them.  What sad, poor names they are compared with names of virtues or nature.  Furthermore they want to unite what is below, not what is above.  Why not a United World or a World Union instead of states and republics?




I hope that someone will write someday a booklet giving the etymologies and meaning of the names of all member countries of the United Nations and of their capitals.




This is the last day when I see an old, beautiful, abandoned, sun-drenched villa, half buried in bushes and trees, from the porch of our sub-let apartment of Grand Montfleury (the Great Flowered Hill) in Versoix, Switzerland.  It will become an apartment house.  What a pity.




If you want food for your body, vestments, tools, toys, gadgets, you will find thousands of shops.  If you want food for your mind, you will find hundreds of libraries, schools and universities.  If you want food for your soul, you will have churches and temples.  But if you want food for your heart, for happiness, for the art of living, you find very little.  Our industrial society is still very primitive: the soul and the heart are grossly underserviced.



O God, how wonderful it will be to be 'retired', (or 'refired'?) in company with my thoughts and dreams, listening to the birds and voices of nature, fully free to do whatever my heart desires!




Sometimes I wish there was something greater than words to express the magnificence, the miracle of life and of our planet.  That is the role of art, of music.  Remembered will be only those who chanted that magnificence.  Beethoven, Mozart and other great classics will never be forgotten.




Words, those little utterances and capsules with which we try to express our perceptions, feelings and dreams.  O God, help us to reach far beyond what we are saying.  Isn't it possible to unlock the ultimate mystery, to be one of Your saints?  You and we need many of them.




There is no greater joy than the birth of a book!  What heavenly delight it was to hold in my hands my first novel, Sima, mon Amour, the product of my flesh and blood.  Be thanked O God, for your generosity.  Your gifts have been beyond belief.  Sima, India where I began to write it and our farmhouse in St. Gix (the saintly waters) in France will never die.




A little nation with peace and no army is much better off than a big country with great power and dangerous armaments.  No one should ever envy power.  Great powers always disappear sooner or later, never recover and remain embittered fo the rest of their lives about their lost glory.




We should give praise to peaceful, disarmed nations and not to the powerful, armed ones.  Power is vainglorious, but it is my freedom and the freedom of every person on Earth not to admire it, for that admiration precisely continues to feed power and to make it want endlessly more.




It is the same with wealth.  Cease to admire the wealthy and they will have much less reason to accumulate wealth. When I see flashy sports cars or expensive limousines, I turn my eyes away.  I want the owner to know that I could not care less.  Why on Earth should I admire a metallic carcass and its owner?




Every kindness you do will add to the stock of human kindness.  We should all be boy scouts and girl scouts and do a least one good action a day.  Multiplied by 6 billions in 2000 and still more tomorrow what a result that would be!




It is a major aberration of our time that governments have been able to foster more sentiment for the artificial nation than for the natural family, for the whole human family and for the Earth.  Thus, men are programmed to die for their nation at the expense of the loved ones!  How incredible that is!



Every human being has stories to tell.  Please tell them.  They are part of the bloodstream of our cosmic journey, the transmission of our experience and wisdom to our descendants.




People are so wrong to dislike what could be their greatest blessings.  The descendant of Madame De Stael once said to me: 'I admire you for your courage to speak, to defend the United Nations, one of the most unpopular subjects on Earth.'  Hearing that, I thought that he was wrong towards his famous ancestress.  He should be today a defender of the United Nations.




I want to be an incantation of the good you stand for, O God!  Always, even after my death.




When you have done some good on Earth in the service of God, don't you feel happy and great?




I have harvested a thousandfold the happiness I have seeded in my speeches, writings and actions.  The multiplier effect of joy and goodness is unbelievable!




Get closer to God and you will find Him closer to you.  It is all a question of locating yourself.




Evening prayer:

Thank You, O God, for having let me live one more day, for having let me see so many things, thought so many thoughts, felt so many feelings.  Each day of life is one of Your incredible, heavenly, meaningful free gifts.  Thank You, O God, I adore You.




We ought to have a Richter scale for conflicts and political crises, similar to that for natural tremors and earthquakes.  The parties to a conflict, the politicians and the media all too often love to transform a mere tremor into an earthquake.  It is just one more technique of entity promotion.




In the end, everything adapts and flows into a great stream of history and evolution. No nation, no group, no power, no wealth, no ideology remains eternal.  And yet they all believe they can.  Only the Earth and humanity remain.




To the natural, ecological, political and economic interdependence of our planet we must add a newcomer: the interdependence of feelings.  People are no longer ignorant and insensitive to cataclysms and miseries occurring elsewhere in the world.  We are becoming a sensitive humanity with a growing heart.  The 15 million people in the world who manifested against the war in Iraq are an example.



We need every part of capacity of our being to live a fulfilled life: body, mind, heart and soul.  To neglect any of them is to diminish ourself, to commit partial suicide.




Ours is an epoch without a philosophy.  We only study the philosophies of the past.  When will a  few great minds wake up and have the courage to give this world a contemporary, modern, useful, world-wide, global philosophy allowing us to enter with confidence into the coming new age, new century and millennium?




Do not compress, diminish or stifle your capacities and willingness to help your human brothers and sisters.  On the contrary, help them flower, give them ground for growth and expansion.  Never be pessimists or diminishers of life.  If you cannot be positive, at least be silent.




It is not for nothing that the will to know has been ingrained into the human species, as distinct from the animal world.  The despair, bewilderment, anxiety and pessimism of our epoch cannot last much longer.  Let us do our duty.




The chief of the UN guides said to me: 'I apologize that only half of the guides are here to listen to you.  You deserve a much vaster audience.'  I answered: 'One human brother or sister listening to another is a most precious audience giving away one of the most precious possessions: a fraction of their life.  One must therefore speak to one person as one would speak to the entire humanity.  This is why you guides have such an important task: every day hundreds of human minds and hearts are listening to you.  You are guides in a great new temple of humanity.'




Yes, we are all guides in a great temple: the Temple of God, the temple of nature, the temple of human achievements, of planet Earth, the Planet of God.




Evening prayer:


O God, why do I feel so lonely in my battle for a better world?  Why are so many humans so blind?  Why don't they see the greatness of Your Creation and gift of life?  Why is there even any need to talk about it?  Don't all humans see it?


No, my Son, many don't see it yet.  They are glued to the Earth but they will change.


O God, this beautiful planet, this temple of Yours, is full of merchants.  Why don't You come back and chase them away.  They dwarf Your temples with their skyscrapers.




We must open ourselves to every potential, to everything we can be and do, to the vast world out there, to the heavens, to God and to eternity.  To be the vastest, the longest, the greatest, the fullest living entity in the universe, serenely and gratefully, that should be the purpose of humanity.



Today is a good day to love.  Every day is.




We love to live, (a gypsy proverb).




There is a world of foods out there.  We eat, digest and transform them.  There is a world of sights out there.  We see, digest and transform them.  There is a world of ideas and values out there.  We take, digest an transform them.  We are both external and internal.  We are part of everything and incredibly distinct from them.  What a marvelous creation each human person is!




All our incredible knowledge, all our experience in living, all our science and philosophy must be integrated into a universal 'religion', a right binding (religion) with the universe and eternity.  This is what I mean by global spirituality.  Add love to it and you will have a peaceful, wonderful world.




Use one eye for knowledge and the other one for love.  Together they will give you untold happiness.




Poetry is ultimate, concentrated knowledge expressed in a form that touches the heart.  The world needs great scientists and philosophers who are also great poets.




Every place on Earth, every human person is a center of the world.




From a reader:

'Your work on global spirituality and research into the mystical experience seem to be among the only ways available to counteract the self-destructive tendencies of humanity.  The essential unity of humankind will be experienced either through the simultaneous death of most of us in a nuclear inferno, or through the rising into the consciousness of billions of us of a religious, mystical vision of the unity of the human family.'  I could not agree more.




'Your new book New Genesis has challenged me even more to join in with your efforts to bring love, beauty and happiness into our world ' Yes, this should be the world community's agenda, but these words are seldom heard in the speeches of world leaders.  We must restore the words love, beauty and happiness into the political language.




Keep the star emblems always before you, like the magi.  Follow the stars.




From a reader:

'The very foundations of our own soul struggles are the same as the foundations of our social and economic struggles.  This foundation must be touched in our own interiority and from there vibrate out into interpersonal relationships and on societal concerns.  What affects one affects the other too.'




To look down is to succumb to the waves like poor St. Peter.




Travel lightly through life.  Don't be encumbered with too much wealth.




From a reader:

'You are an enfleshment of what I have been reading and writing about the United Nations.  You have spotted a pearl of great price.  May great leaders be likewise motivated, and transcend their integrity above all else.  It is the candle raised high that gives light to all in the human household.'




Humans, by and large, are being taught a one-sided awareness of life: a material awareness, seldom an ethical, moral, affective and spiritual one.  As a result, humanity is even poorer than it looks.




It is sad for me to believe that 40,000 world servants have been unable to produce a few philosophers, a new literature, a new ethics, a new art.  In philosophy there has at least been Dag Hammarskj ld and in spirituality U Thant.  O God, make it that these examples be followed by many.




The body, our cosmic unit, tends to follow the expectations of the mind.  The latter, therefore, is crucial for the guidance and well-functioning of our being. The same is true for humanity.




If negative elements create sickness, then positive elements create health.  Humanity has an enormous knowledge of negative elements: stress, worry, anxiety, depression, panic, etc.  and very scant knowledge of positive ones: joy, happiness, hope, laughter, enthusiasm, etc.  why is that?  Probably because doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmaceutical manufacturers are quite happy to study and advertise the former: they can then sell tranquilizers, antacids and drugs to heal them.  Positive elements on the contrary cost nothing.  They are found free inside each individual.  By emphasizing them they would harm their business and importance!  It is as simple as that.




What I like about the UN is that it seldom ponders over old ground and instead concentrates on the present and the future.  The new, interdependent world which is in the making has no precedent.  Looking at the past would not be any help.



The same way as the Hopis sing to their corn to make it grow, so should we sing to our whole being, to our body, to our eyes, to our heart, to our mind, to all our helpers of life, the trillions of little cells who work together to make us live.  A mother sings to her child.  She has very good reasons for doing that.  A couple sings and dances when falling in love.  The whole world must become a Paradise and learn to sing and dance together.  World cooperation must take the form of a festival, of a joyous love event.




Nature and evolution have tried so many incredible combinations of forms of matter, energy and life that no idea conceived by a human mind will ever be able to match them.  Even a nuclear missile is nothing compared to the sun.




We have at least come to the point when most people no longer want war.  Conflict, violence and wars are becoming immoral, despicable and out of fashion.  No glory derives from them anymore.  But there are still very powerful people who no longer want war but who do not want peace either, because it would cause them prejudice.  They might even provoke conflicts to prove that peace is against human nature.  Some businessmen, the military and fanatic ideologists are in this category.




I have been called a desperate optimist.  My New Genesis is apparently frightening because it denies humanity the freedom to commit suicide!




Life is to do something so beautifully that you can be proud of it.  This should apply to all humanity.



Humanity cannot be proud as long as there are wars and conflicts, atomic arms, hunger and unbearable injustices on this planet.  The UN reflects the pride and shames of humanity.




Have the courage of your dreams.  Dreams always come true if you remain true to them.  They seem to grow like children.




Create networks of love and common concerns to counteract the conspiracies of evil and of interests on this beautiful planet.




Each human being is an evolutionary experiment, a cosmic instrument.  Ask yourself if you are a good instrument of God and of the universe.  Then you will get the answer whether you are worthy or unworthy of the miracle of life.  That should be your ultimate ethical criterium, not whether what you do is good for your race, group or nation.





If you want to find the true agenda of humanity, turn to the UN and to its specialized agencies and you will find it.  These new world agencies are indeed the biological indicators of our new evolutionary yearnings and accomplishments.




What we hope to see next in human history is humanity's capacity to solve wars, hunger and injustices, and to administer this planet for the optimum happiness of all.



But for every door you try to open into the future, you will find twenty guardians of the past.  They are experts, shareholders of the past.  They will go through thick and thin to oppose change.




I dream of a world from which all negativity has been eradicated.  We need a World Campaign for the Eradication of Negativity!




Planet Earth is the only one we got.  We better take good care of it.




There is deep happiness in the mere expectation of a forthcoming happiness.  This is part of individual futurology.  Humans have the wonderful capacity to look forward, to live in the future, to expect, to plan and to dream.  This is a manifestation of the will for life.  Our expectations of the future are much more positive than negative; if not, the certainty of death would destroy all our efforts and illusions.  Humans are a very positive species.




The human species should take it a little bit more easy.  We have a lot of time before us.



I have always been impressed by the Hindu concept of Trikaldarshi: a person who is able to live in the past, in the present and in the future.  I believe humans are the only species which can do that.  For this reason we are very advanced cosmic beings: we comprehend the time dimension of the universe.  The human species does this through paleontology, archeology, history, current management and futurology.  Each human group tends to do the same, down to the family and the individual.  As a cosmic unit of perception, I can derive much happiness not only from my own trikaldarshism but from all trikaldarshisms of humanity.




My same fascination applies to the Hindu notion of Trikolonat: the one who is able to live on three planes - the plane of his internal life, of his daily life and of the life above, the heavenly, cosmic, angelic, spiritual life.  This again is a cosmic characteristic of the human species: we can aggrandize ourselves from our internal and daily life to the totality of the universe, to the infinitely large.  Again, this can apply to any group including humanity.  Humanity has an internal life, a current life and a spiritual, cosmic life dimension.  My participation in these lives aggrandizes my own personal life greatly.




'What term could we use today for the emergence of a new, total person similar to the 'Renaissance man'?'  To this query a listener answered: 'A universe person.'  An excellent answer.




To speak of cosmic beings, of children of God, of universe persons, of global citizens, of planetary and world citizens helps us put into secondary place the notion of national citizen in the name of which we are asked to kill and to let ourselves be killed, i.e. to commit cosmic murder.




Peace is not only out there, but also in us, in the innermost depth of our soul.  Individual peace therefore is the product of individual spirituality, as world peace is the product of world spirituality.



One says: 'Your insult does not touch me.'  How right these words are!  The body feels a pain because it is hit or touched, because I offer a resistance.  The mind can retract, offer no resistance and as a result not be touched or hurt.  This is an art of living to be developed and taught.  It will render ineffective and suppress much mental and verbal violence.  Socrates was a great expert and teacher of it..




If life is an illusion, as the pessimists claim, then we might as well make it a positive illusion and enjoy it up to the brim.




I like this sentence by H.G. Wells: 'The first man who raised a fist was a man who ran out of ideas.' he could have added: 'The first nation that considered war is a nation which ran out of ideas.'




Demonstrate your joy and happiness, not your fears and anxieties.  If you are scared, keep it to yourself, do not transmit it to others.  Act as you would do with a sickness.




'Vanity of vanities, all is vanity.'  Yes, including and perhaps most of all the fact of saying it!




The whole Earth, you and I, we manifest the essence of being.  The more I 'am', the greater my consciousness, the more I have fulfilled my reason for living.  To be or not to be that is indeed the question.




Walking from my home to the railroad station, I had a great philosophical thought.  I did not write it down and now I have forgotten it!  Like Leonardo da Vinci I should always have a notebook and pen or pencil on me.




Concrete and blacktop might mean humanity's death more surely than nuclear arms.




Nothing dead remains erect.  The Earth wants all her matter back.




I love all my children but with different loves, each adapted to the child's particular nature. Thus is God's love for all His children on Earth.




How could Faust seek happiness for so long when it was all around him and in him?  Paradise is on Earth and in us.  One just has to open one's eyes and heart to it.



Happiness is in a star-studded sky

Happiness is in a flower

Happiness is in the eyes of a child

Happiness is in the love of your spouse.




O Creation of God, my eyes are blinded by your resplendent beauty!




Nations beware: people will emancipate themselves into one humanity, whatever you may think or do.  You better get prepared for it.




Let light and happiness gush into our lives and homes.




A good poet brings joy, enlivens, beautifies, validates, elevates all Creation around him.




Silence is such a value!  It can contain all the riches of the Earth.




Alcohol, smoking and drugs are adultery to the natural, vital influxes of our miraculous human nature.




The human body is such a tremendous, delicate, cosmic miracle that we must beware of disrupting its harmonious, natural functioning through alcohol, drugs, smoking, poisonous thoughts and pessimism.




Love up to the brim.

Love until it hurts.

Mother Teresa



The arms race is the main pollutant of our divine milieu, the most glaring proof of our planetary mismanagement.




We need political mystics who in the management of our planet's affairs will reflect the innermost spiritual yearnings of humanity and help us fulfill them.




We are moving towards an unheard, global, transcendent political age never seen before in human history.




I was born with an unbounded love for life.  At my death, I will leave behind a record of that love, enriched by my life, actions and experiences.




Be passionate about the Earth in her entirety

Be passionate about humanity in its entirely

Be passionate about life in its entirety

Be passionate about the universe in its entirety




Every day is a new day.  But in reality there is no end to a day: the sun slowly and unceasingly wakes up humans after humans as the Earth turns around herself.  So it is with life: we germinate under that sun, grow, flower, mature, give birth and return to the Earth in an incredible, unceasing, multi-billion years long revolving.




Each human being is a mirror, a microcosm of the whole spectrum of the universe.




In reducing my self-centeredness and egotism I am gaining the world and the universe.




We are swimming in a sea of mysteries and uncertainties.  Of one thing, however, I am sure: of the greatness and beauty of life.




I breathe, therefore I am

I eat, therefore I am

I see, therefore I am

I hear, therefore I am

I think, therefore I am

I love, therefore I am

I feel, therefore I am

I pray, therefore I am

There is no end to the forms of being!



All life is flow.  I must therefore flow gently and not be hard like a rock.




Humanity really does not know where it is going.  That is the first, eminent question it should ask itself.




One world, one network.  Let your life decide to participate in it through networking.




The inspiration and dreams of a few can change the world.  What are your inspirations and dreams?  Do not neglect them.




We are all fellow-students of life.

We never cease being students of life.




Zest for life is the main motor of positive living.




Despite the daily news, ninety-nine percent of humanity did not commit any murder, act of violence or rape.




Do not nibble at the greatness of life.  Gobble it.




Once you have seen the picture of the world from outer space you will never be the same.




If only humans could stop hurting each other.  Love could come later.




After the Neanderthal man, after the Peking man, after the Cro-Magnon man, we are now witnessing the birth of the One-world person, the Universe person.




Homo sapiens

Homo amans

Home divinus

Homo radians

In our evolution, the last three stages still require much progress.



Talk and sing to your body as the Hopis sing to their corn.  'Foolish,' will you retort!  Not at all, for talking and singing grows a feeling of love which brings about the desired result!




Only those who are holistic, open and passionate to the future can guide humanity towards greater fulfillment.




Refuse to live in homes, in schools, in factories, in offices, in hospitals without windows.  Do not let yourself be cut off from nature, the sun and the heavens.  We have a fundamental right to them.




Love must become the subject of serious scientific study.  Loved children are healthier, happier, more peaceful children.  Loved husbands have seldom heart attacks.  Loved plants grow better.  Loved animals are not vicious.  Loved nations do not wage war.  A humanity of loving people will be a peaceful humanity.  To promote love means therefore to promote peace.  Yes, let us have a loveology, a science of love, to start with a World University of Love.



Old age is not a diminution: it is a peak experience.




There is a message in everything on Earth, for everything is an embodiment of cosmic forces.  We are surrounded by a cosmic open picture book.  We must read it.




If you are on a wrong path, change quickly direction, as you would with your automobile.




The human race is really incredible!




Hope like love is a tremendous healing force.  We must use it generously.  Why not create also a science of hope, a hopeology and a World University of Hope.




There is no false hope. Any hope helps.




It is your life.  Take charge, take good care of it.




We do not see the world as it is.  We see it as we are taught to see it.  The same is generally true of our view of humanity, of the universe, of history and of ourselves.  Free yourself, escape from the possible falsehoods.



My tiniest speech will always be an informative and moving speech, so that the hearer(s) will feel better, greater, elevated, inspired, proud to be human and prone to act.




When speaking and writing, always try to validate and elevate those who hear or read you.




Most important is not whether we worship standing or kneeling, whether we are Catholics or Jews, Muslims or Buddhists.  Most important is whether we help alleviate suffering from this world and augment human happiness.




Know well the anatomy and functioning of your body

Know well the anatomy and functioning of your mind

Know well the anatomy and functioning of your heart

Know well the anatomy and functioning of your soul




Don't be a Catholic or a Jew before being human.

Don't be American or Russian before being human.

Remember that for the first time in history to be human comes first, absolutely.




First you have to believe in happiness and then you will find happiness.  As everything else it is first and foremost a question of faith, of decision.  Decide to be happy.




Become a life enhancer, enchanter

Of your own life

Of all those around you

Of all humanity.




Do not try to 'get rid' of a sickness: instead, enhance your overall health, bathe in good health, so that your body, your 30 trillion cells and all your mechanisms will get the right positive currents, lubricants, encouragements and support.




Try to live longer and better.  Make of your life a chef d' oeuvre, a model, a shining example.




We need a science of peace

We need a science of hope

We need a science of happiness

We need a science of optimism

We need a science of love

We need a science of altruism

We need a science of beauty



UNESCO should establish a list of universities in the world where these sciences exist already.



Decide to live joyfully, exultantly, gratefully, openly, and the miracles will begin to happen.




Produce love, transmit love, reflect love.




Be a sunrise person

Be a sunshine person.





Love yourself

Love your work

Love the people

Love the world

Love humanity

Love the saints

Love God.


And they will all love you in return.




Decide to live a hundred years and live healthily to achieve it.




Open widely your mind, your heart and your soul, and the invisible, unemployed cosmic forces will stream into you with delight, producing miracle after miracle.




Humans have tremendous possibilities for destruction but no less tremendous possibilities for construction.  This is true of individuals as well as of all humanity.




Communism was out to destroy capitalism.  Capitalism was out to destroy communism.  This has come to an end.  Should we not now develop a new ideology which would take care of our deepest contemporary and future needs and ways of life?




One universe, one God, one Earth, one humanity.  These should be the words inscribed on our planet's flag.




All religions must get together and decree universal, cosmic laws and commandments which would then be applied politically and socially.




Military glory is dead since wars, conquests and violence have been eliminated from the code of values of the human race.  Henceforth, glory will be on the side of the peacemakers.  This is an enormous recent progress achieved in human evolution.




We must seek and develop wholesomeness into every direction: physical, mental, moral, sentimental and spiritual, immensely and enthusiastically.




Networking is the new word and form of democracy.



I like the beauty of these two statements:


'...whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been and are being evolved.'


last sentence of the Origin of Species 1


'The day will come when, after harnessing the ether, the winds, the tides, gravitation, we shall harness for God the energies of love.  And on that day, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.'

Teilhard de Chardin




At the moment of death, to be able to say to oneself: I have gone through life without being fooled. I have not believed the false values I was asked to believe; I have carried my living happiness untouched by the noisy marketplaces; I have fulfilled myself beyond belief; I was truly a free human being.




It is the duty of the gifted to write and to speak simply and movingly in order to share their gifts with all their human brethren and sisters and make them proud and happy to be humans.




If you remember your right place in the universe and in time your judgements will always be right.




The richer and more complex our knowledge, the greater our consciousness of Creation and the richer our individuality.




Reverence for life?  No! Exultation for life, enthusiasm for life.



We have entered a tremendous new age, the most exciting one ever: the age of the Earth, of our transformation into a cosmic race.




Peace as non-war is a pretty poor concept.  And yet, what a momentous first achievement it is!




Peace is a lucid, conscious desire for conditions under which life can unfold to its fullness, to its divinity.



Communism made a great mistake not to enlist God on its side.  Even the French revolutionaries believed in a Supreme Being.




Why should the search for happiness be only or essentially material and mental?  Aren't there untold riches too in the moral, the sentimental and the spiritual realms?




Older people are closer to God.  Therefore, they are better transmitters of wisdom and spirituality.




Our planet being round, you cannot travel without meeting other people and seeing that we all are basically the same.  This will change profoundly the policies of this world.




We absorb the rays, beauty and energy of the sun.  But shouldn't we radiate also something back?  Shouldn't we become the Radiant Planet, radiating peace, love and happiness?




If I am conscious of the whole Earth, the whole humanity, the whole universe and eternity, am I not a richer, more intense, aggrandized being or self?  Then I am truly a living cosmic unit.




Individual consciousness

Couple consciousness

Family consciousness

Group consciousness

Human consciousness

Global consciousness

Cosmic consciousness

The last three still remain to be achieved on our planet.  Individuals can have them all, without waiting for humanity.




The Earth is more likely to stop rotating than humanity stop progressing.




Prophets and religious leaders are mediators between individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness.  Right education should help them in their task.




Do not condemn or despise science and technology.  Transcend them.  Incorporate them into an infinitely vaster view.




There are no lesser people.  Each human person is an entity of divine, cosmic forces endowed with a momentous evolutionary purpose in an individual being.



Behave as you would wish all humanity to behave.




Every day look at an object you love, which reminds you of a happy moment or event in your life.  Franklin Roosevelt used to have such objects on his presidential desk and to change them every now and then to augment and diversify his happiness.




If you want to become eternal, be at home with eternal values.




Nations and groups seldom repent.  They always want to be 100% right.  Papal infallibility has been succeeded by national infallibility.  Have you ever heard a nation apologize?




The bigger a nation, the more it promotes its infallibility and superiority.




Often, when I look at the delegates from around the world in a UN meeting, I think: 'How ignorant they still are!  How unable they are to grasp the totality!  They have still so much to learn.  But at least they are willing, they are here to try.'




Love is simply the realization of our cosmic nature, the joy of being fully aware of the miracle of life.




The evolution of humankind is a journey from raw imperfection to growing, never ending perfection.  Each of us, with our individual, unique life, is part and an artisan of that journey.



Try to be beautiful always: physically, mentally, morally and spiritually.





Do not concentrate on your little woes and worries.  See the beauty and uniqueness of your miraculous being and life.  Little imperfections and accidents are your safeguard.




Love is the motor of perfect life.




There are too many people busy changing this world and too few changing themselves.  Think what a difference it would make if 6 billion people changed themselves into peaceful, kind, loving and God-abiding citizens of this planet!




I am part of a vast interdependent flow, from the individual through the family, the group, the nation, humanity, the globe to the heavens and the universe.  Pantha Rhei.  Everything flows.  I, my family, my group, my nation, humanity, the globe, the heavens and the universe, everything is interdependent and flows.




Socrates said: 'Know thyself.'  Jesus said: 'Change thyself.'  We should do assiduously both and elevate ourselves.




Heaven is truly within us when we let it flow through us.  It cannot enter us if we are closed.




Lift often your eyes, mind, heart and soul to the heavens from which the sparks of your life come from.




There are too many circumstances in life for a human being to master them all.  There are bound to be some adverse ones  Accept them with fortitude as unavoidable impediments on your journey.  Be happy that there are not more of them.  Do with them what a peasant does with the rocks he finds in his field: build fences with them.



To speak and to write are very important finalities.  One should never talk or write lightly, immorally, vulgarly.  There is a karma effect in speaking and writing.  They are among the most important human means of communication and evolution.




Writing conserves.  It is a form of capturing time, of preserving individual and collective lives, knowledge and history.  O how precious writing is, how miraculous it can be!




Speaking and language are most precious cosmic vibrations.  We must use them with religious respect, using their positive karma and avoiding their negative one.  We should never employ violent, shocking language.



Sanskrit rightly means: divine language.  Dewanagar, the script in which it is embodied, means 'the city of God' (Dewa: God, nagara: city).




Churches and temples are still the greatest clinics on Earth and pastors the best psychiatrists.  They are free and generally unused, perhaps because they are free!




Since governments do not give us the right world education, it is our individual responsibility to denationalize ourselves and to learn objectively everything we can about the human family and our planetary home: a truly global education.




It is a mistake to leave to business the monopoly of the word 'multinationals'  Many other multinational phenomena are growing no less rapidly in the world, e.g. multinational associations, organizations, movements, religions, unions, professions, even families.  It is surprising that business has not gone a step further and tried to monopolize the word 'planetary'.




If your child were taught that Westchester County is the most important place on Earth and that out there is the rest of the world, you would protest.  And yet this is how your child is being educated by his country.




The question is not being right or left, but being right in the sense of truth and justice.  The political notions of right and left must be eliminated from our minds.  Each person, action, proposal must be judged on its intrinsic merit for a better world.




Evolution is what encompasses all thinking, all efforts, all dreams, all actions of the human species.  This is why the United Nations is a main evolutionary instrument of human ascent and development.




The greatest thing a human being can do is to feel most intensely and deeply the evolutionary dreams of his time, to look forward not backward and to contribute to those dreams.




I am a mystic of my own life.  For me the universe, the Earth, eternity, all living beings, including myself are mystical phenomena.  I try to understand them through seeing, thinking, knowledge, learning and love, but also through mystical elevation and the most total possible merging with them.  I try to dissolve myself into them, to become them and as a result better understand them.




To receive thoughts can be as important as to think.



When I speak, there sometimes comes a moment when I feel like dissolving myself and becoming part of the universe and eternity.  I no longer feel my body.  My atoms seem to be in union and vibration with the universe and time.  I hear myself say things which 'come to me'  It is as if the universe was speaking through me, using me as a sensitive instrument or medium.  I have opened myself to the universe and it gushes through me, impatient to say to the people:  'Don't you see how great a miracle the gift of life is?  Don't you see what is expected from you, what it is all about?'



The more I live, the greater becomes the part of the spirit and morality and the lesser the part of the body and of the intellect.  I am learning how to become a cosmic being.




The richest product of advanced, old age is wisdom and story telling.




We humans are outcrops of the Earth.  We are matter of the Earth become conscious of herself.  And since the Earth is all cosmic matter, we are also cosmic beings, star stuff become alive and conscious of its environment.  The universe and the heavens are not 'out there'.  We are right in the middle of them, we are part of them.  At all times we must remember that we are cosmic beings floating in the vast universe on a unique, life endowed, miraculous celestial body, the Earth.




As you get older and wiser, you come closer to God.  This will be the time to transmit your wisdom and art of living to the young and to future generations.  It will be the time of conclusion and story telling.




We can all have a very simple rule of reference for planetary management: make Earth a paradise.




Each human being must be a responsible, positive agent of evolution, an instrument of God.

O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy universe.




It is collective knowledge, experience and progress of humanity that guides and shapes our soul into ever vaster realms.




Very few people see this, but the transformation of the world will take place through the United Nations as an unprecedented, new biological instrument of global understanding and convergence.  It is in the UN that the new history of the world will be principally shaped, not only in the relations between nations.  I pity those countries who believe that they are the future.  This basic mistake on their part will cost them and the world a lot.  They must understand the deeper currents of evolution.



We have many more possibilities for peace and construction than we have for war and destruction.  It is up to each individual and institutions to take sides.




We need peace for disarmament

And we need vision for peace.




For me the tall building of the UN is an edifice of human hope and dream jutting into the universe and receiving from that universe increasingly clearer and vaster messages.




A new vision, an all-encompassing ideology for the 21st century is what this world needs most.  We cannot progress and continue to live under antiquated ideologies dating form the 19th and 20th centuries in a world which as changed so much and has entirely different priorities.  Our erroneous courses have lasted much too long.




I am both a captive and a free agent of the universe.

I am a center of the universe.  And so are you.




The arms race is like economics: you hear the most sophisticated, intelligent, endlessly complicated reasons, but basically, fundamentally it is all wrong  It would be infinitely better for these fine minds to begin working on proper, peaceful planetary management.




After 35 years in the United Nations I began to lose respect for many of our current heads of state who have not helped to improve our planet.  They will not be remembered by future generations!




How to govern planet Earth?  As a whole for the benefit of all humanity and all the planet.



Fullest possible consciousness, that is the purpose of life.  Fullest possible consciousness for all, that is the purpose of government and of our evolution in the universe.




Please develop the art of positive living down to the last detail.  Close yourself totally to any negative thoughts and influences.  Be positive at every moment of your life until negativism keeps away from you as from an impregnable fortress.  It can be done.  Try it and practice it.  The results are wonderful.




Happiness must include our projection into the universe, eternity and God.




Our first priorities for our time:

One planet

One humanity

One proper Earth government




After 35 years of keen observation and warmest cooperation, I must honestly confess that the nation-state system must either obey its own rules laid down in the UN Charter or it will die.




Do heads of state know their solemn obligations under the UN Charter?  I suggest that before assuming office they read that Charter and on the day of their inauguration read out its Preamble to their people.  They should swear on the UN Charter as some of them do on the Bible.




There is need for a school for heads of state in which they would learn intensely about world global affairs and be taught to co-administer the planet properly.  There is not a single university on Earth that provides such training.  The only substitute is service with the United Nations.




We must make this an orderly and happy planet in the heavens, a Paradise Earth.




We can be greater writers and speakers than any others in history, because we know so much more and live in a greater, better known, miracles making world.




We must train ourselves to feel, to perceive, to think, to know, to love and to act with our entire incredible, miraculous being.




Religion, politics and science are interdependent.  They must be global and universal. Any other approach is contrary to the wholeness and interdependence of the universe, of our planet, of humanity and of all human beings.




If you put your country above the world, then I have the right to put my province, my town, my religion, my family or myself above the nation.  What is this sacrosanct aboveness of nations?  Did God create them?  Did nature fashion them?  No, they are very recent creations, most of them less than a hundred years old, invisible from the moon.




Walk through life lightly, like an angel.  Do not be too heavy, too earth bound.  Have the head, the heart, the soul and the wings of an angel.





Know the most fascinating subject on Earth: yourself, for you are a miraculous unit of perception of all that is fascinating on Earth and in the universe.




Know yourself

Feel yourself

Love yourself

Respect yourself

Take good care of yourself

You are your most precious possession on Earth.




In the new age, morality and spirituality must catch up with science and materialism.




The misbehavior and bad manners of a few nations reflect badly on the entire community of nations.




We are all co-responsible for this planet.




There is nothing that makes us greater than a great, noble purpose.




If we are matter of the Earth, if we are conscious outcrops of the Earth, if we are Earth become conscious of herself, if we are cosmic matter become conscious of itself, then it is our duty to manage this planet so as to maximize its cosmic consciousness of and in the universe.  That might be the purpose of all evolution.  Examples:


the maximum use and reuse of resources for maximum life;

the prevention of natural and man-made disasters;

maximum health and longevity;

the eradication of life annihilating armaments.




A new science and art of consciousness must be developed: the transformation of the Earth into a highly conscious cell of the universe.  But where is it taught?




It is so easy to forget what is important in life.  Train yourself always to remember the priorities of life.  It is a difficult but necessary art.




Was I more myself when I was a child?  I could burst with joy and also cry.  I was fascinated by everything.  I fell asleep, exhausted by the wonders of life.


Today, as an adult, I am even more: I am a cross-section of many lives and thoughts.  I am an expanded, dilated self to very vast limits.


Today, I speak and write as an instrument of the universe, of the planet, of humanity and of life.  I am giving back what I have received.  I expand others, as I expanded myself.  Everyone must find in me an echo of himself.




Objects have a soul, objects have a beauty.  Surround yourself with objects which speak to your soul and evoke beauty, good feelings and dear, precious memories.  Discard those which have a negative effect.  This too is part of the art of happy living.




I am surrounded in my office by busts of famous peacemakers: Jesus, Gandhi, Schweitzer, Dag Hammarskj ld, U Thant, Paul VI, Saint Francis.  Why?  Because I want them to inspire me.  If I were surrounded by busts of Gengis Khan, Napoleon, Stalin and Hitler, I would be a different person.




Tell me who your heroes are and I will know who you are.




If you are a poet surround yourself with busts of great poets.

If you are a musician, by busts of your favorite musicians.

If you are a doctor, by busts of famous doctors.

If you are a statesman or woman, by busts of great statesmen or woman.

If you are a world servant, by busts of great world servants.




Do you eat decayed food?  No.  Well, don't feed your mind with decayed books.  Be as careful with the nutrition of your mind as you are with the nutrition of your body.




I do not speak for myself.  I speak for the love of the Earth, for I am a child of the Earth.




We need people with special brains, special tongues and special hearts to speak for the planet and for the entire human family.




Creation is absolute and life is divine.




Speak the language of the heart.  Its warmth penetrates deeper than cold intelligence.




Each of us is part of time and space, just as our planet and our sun are parts of time and of the universe.



We must fully understand our place in the universe and eternity and make every day of our lives a contribution to them.




We had eyes, ears and brains long before we had passports and a nationality.  Before being Americans, Russians, Chinese or whatever, we were human beings.  The human society must be reconstructed on that fundamental truth.




The greatest crime on Earth is not anti-semitism or anti-Arab.  The greatest crime is to be anti-United Nations.




Who loves a garden his Eden keeps.  May we all love our planet like a garden and be good gardeners of God, helping to create Paradise Earth.




Optimism is to believe that the very best, the optimum can be achieved.




You want to do something for peace?  Here are a few simple things:


Display the UN flag

Celebrate International Day of Peace (the third Tuesday of September*)

Celebrate United Nations Day (24 October)

Pray for the UN and for peace

Join or create a United Nations Association in your community.


By supporting the UN, you will force your government to abide by the rules of the UN Charter.  And if governments obey the Charter, there will be peace on Earth.


* Changed recently to the 1st of January.



Creation is beautiful if we love it and ugly if we hate it.  Beauty is often a child of our mind.  We can be co-creators with God of the beauty of our planet, of Paradise Earth.




If everyone on Earth would sweep in front of his home we would have a clean planet.




Each person on Earth should have a guru (teacher), a master, a confessor, a spiritual person to talk to, to turn to, to receive advice from , to feel humble and to think of in times of need.  The function of guru should be world-wide.  Wise elderly persons should become gurus.  The teaching of wisdom should be the main function of the third age.  We should create third age universities or at least faculties.




God to the Earthiams: 'There is no promised land, there is only a Promised Planet.  There is no chosen people, there is only a chosen humanity.'




We live quite unperturbed by the death of 14,000 humans every hour.  We live happily even with the firm knowledge that we will die.  Why then should we find it so difficult to live in a world of conflict and trouble?  Take that trouble as calmly as you take death and enjoy life and happiness unperturbed by it.




Do not wait fo a better world.  Be happy right away in the present one.




All objects around us have a life, a meaning.  They embody some of the past, the life and soul of the person who made or possessed them.  They talk to us. They have cosmic vibrations as the Hindus say.  They are part of the cosmic order.  Therefore, dress yourself, surround yourself with objects which incorporate good human feelings and dreams. That is the meaning of art and beauty.




Sickness is a symptom.  Behind it there is a cause.  Behind that cause there is a center, a root.  If you want to heal you must reach that center which is usually a lack of spirituality, a rupture in your basic harmony with the divine, cosmic forces.




How do we evolve and toward what?  That is the basic question of our time.  Not only, how do we develop.




If you have reached cosmic consciousness, you are forever at peace.  You understand everything and everyone.  Nothing and no one can dismay you, not even death.




Feel the all-pervading power of the universe.  Be a crossroads of the cosmic flows.  Be an intersection of infinity and eternity, which indeed you are.




When you have achieved cosmic or divine consciousness, you will no longer care for minor earthly values, such as power, glory, wealth, titles.  You will be indifferent to them because they are valueless in the cosmic order.  You will find joy in sharing the miracle of life with other human beings, and others will find joy in sharing it with you.




Poverty is often a state of mind, not a reality.




If you are self-realized, if you like what you do, you will be successful.  My father was a good hatmaker because he loved to make hats.  If you dislike what you do, you will not succeed.




Why are there so infinitely more news and discussions about the ills and blemishes of humanity than about its successes and achievements?  Is that normal?




What the world needs most is a constructive attitude, a true love for life and for our wonderful planet.  It is the duty of each of us, as children of the Earth, to practice and spread this correct world view.




I never dreamt that someday I would be able to give so much happiness to others.  It was by doing it that I got there.




Spiritual consciousness must become the highest form of politics.




Love opens the door to the ultimate realities.




Our epoch of nation-states begins to look like the Roman decadence.  And like Rome, nations firmly believe that power is all that counts.  Politicians never learn from history.  That is why they do not survive.




What the world needs most is a profound, avant-garde commitment for life and for the Earth.  They should be on the pedestal of our concerns.  The next century should be declared the Century of Life and of the Earth.  It should open with a World Year of Life and of the Earth.



There are already several beautiful opportunities for world spiritual ecumenism: for example the 1st of January International Day of Peace, United Nations Day on 24 October, anniversary of the creation of the UN.




After my death, I wonder which saints and peole will tell me in the afterlife: 'I was in spirit with you, I helped you, I made many things happen for you, because your intentions were pure and right.'  I hope to find among them: Saint Francis, Meister Eckhart, St. Therese of Lisieux, Albert Schweitzer, Robert Schuman, Dag Hammarskj ld and U Thant.




I will spend my afterlife as a spiritual being, working for peace and happiness on Earth.  Like St. Therese, I pledge to spend my heaven doing good on Earth.



Realism?  Yes, the realism of the love of a mother for her child, the realism of people yearning for peace, the realism of a humanity which does not want to die and wishes to save its planet, its home, a world-wide resounding no to the so-called realism of arms, wars, power politics, glory and greed.  We must once and for all eradicate these latter antediluvian loves and make of our planet Paradise Earth.




Who can speak for our sisters the plants and for our brothers the birds, the fishes and the animals which cannot write, speak or read?  No one else can but us.




We cannot sit back and see problems accumulate.  If there has ever been a problem-solving age it must be ours.




I love this planet

I love to live.

Why do governments stand in my way and ask me to hate and to kill?




I dreamt of a university in which each chair would bear the name of a famous peacemaker.


My dream became true: the proposal was adopted by the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica.




Nothing is more important than life.  From birth to death we know, we feel the centrality of our life.  But so many people, values and things around us want to replace our centrality by theirs.  The art of living is to protect and develop our own centrality.




No person is ever totally self-realized or fulfilled.  We learn and enrich ourselves until we die.  We gain new capacities and we lose old ones.  The art of living has no end.  It is too rich to be exhausted in a single life.


A painter will never paint all he wants to paint

A writer will never write all he wants to write

A composer will never compose all he wants to compose


Once a skill is mastered and has become a second nature there is no end to what you can and want to do.




Art is not distinct from life.  It is life par excellence.  It is one of the greatest expressions of life.  Each human being should be an artist, were it only of his own life.




Art can dissect and analyze, and art can compose and harmonize.  The scientific age was accompanied by a dissecting and analytical art.  The holistic age is seeing the rebirth of a composing and harmonizing art.



All periods of anxiety, confusion and loss of direction of humanity are reflected in their art and literature.  A Renaissance in art reflects a new direction.




Art makes humans co-creators with God.  It is therefore a holy, divine activity.




All theories which try to tell me how I function and what parts of my body are the masters leave me dissatisfied.  My feeling is that I always see, hear, think, feel, love, understand and live with my entire being. Good health, i.e. the good functioning of my cosmic unit, is a totality, a flow that irrigates my entire being.




All techniques and methods of happiness have one common element: they concentrate your attention on happiness, and as a result you will find happiness even by means other than those recommended to you.




If you want to be happy, read and have books on happiness around you.




If you want to be a healthy person, read health books and have health foods around you.




If you want to be a spiritual person, read spiritual books and have spiritual objects around you.



If you want to be a great person, read books by and about great persons, and surround yourself with their images.



If you have an ideal, surround yourself with images of that ideal and of its heroes.




Genius can flower in a young person and in an old person.  It can be a precocious capacity or the result of a long life experience.




You never know where enlightenment may come from.  Be always open, on the look-out and ready for it.  Usually it is a click, something which falls into place after a long time of gestation.  The most unexpected event or person can trigger it off.




A sage, a teacher, a guru, a wise person is one who provokes clicks of enlightenment in others, sometimes entire transformations and changes in the direction of a life.




Ideologies are insufficient to guide our destiny, for they are products solely of the mind.  We need spiritual visions or 'spirituologies', for the spirit is the highest form of comprehension of the mysteries of life.




There are thousands of books on the joy of gardening and cooking.  Alas, there are only few on the joy of living.




No university on Earth gives master's degrees of living, of happiness.  How strange!  We seem to be missing the essential, the all-encompassing knowledge for which universities were originally created!




The most rewarding books for a writer are those which render other people happy.




The example of parents is the greatest teacher.

Parents must stand out as models of happiness to their children.




To love or not love, that is a main question.




Work for eternity and eternity will work for you.

Work for God and God will work for you.




We have entered an age of such complexity that we are now turning to children and youth for answers on many issues.




The world's political and economic leaders must cooperate with evolution and the universe.




Observe your children closely: they have often fundamental approaches and answers to the mysteries of life which we have lost as adults.




Do you say:

'I love you.'


'I have an affective relationship with you?'

The first statement is that of a human being, the second is that of an intellectual.



You must keep your entire human being clean and pure: your body, your mind, your heart and your soul.  Keep all dirt away from your marvelous cosmic unit.  Be a clear crystal of happiness on beautiful planet Earth in the universe.




There is often a great strength in stillness: a fallow land recuperates its energy.




Elevate your soul (sursum corda) to better receive the messages of God.  Our love must embrace the whole Creation, the whole Earth and the entire humanity.  That is the supreme modern law.




Spirituality is a flower with a thousand petals: every act, every thought, every talk, every movement of our heart is a part of it.




I do not mind being called childish.  My dream is to remain childish as long as I live, with wonder in my heart and glimmer in my eyes.




Remain little: the scythe does not cut the smallest plants.




The human being is a tremendous multi-oriented miracle:


We can be inward-looking

We can be people-oriented

We can be nature-oriented

We can be heaven-oriented

We can be past-oriented

We can be present-oriented

We can be future-oriented


No manmade robot will ever match the multi-capacities of a God-created human being.




A Hindu sage asked me:

'How do you see God?'

'I do not see God.  I hear in me a silent voice which most lovingly and kindly answers my questions.'




The same Hindu sage asked me:

'How do you see yourself, especially your internal self?'

'When I look into myself, I see nothing, only emptiness, a void gently contained by the unfelt form of my being.  I see and feel nothing.  All functions so well, so perfectly.  I am an emptiness which resonates the vibrations of the universe.'

The sage murmured:

'I have never heard that before.'



What I see is not out there.  It is in me.

What I hear is not out there.  It is in me.

What I think is not out there.  It is in me.

What I feel is not out there.  It is in me.


I am therefore filled with the out there.  I am the out there.  My being is a vessel of the out there.  I must empty myself of myself in order to receive and contain the universe.




This reminds me that when I was an aide to former UN Secretary General U Thant, I once asked him: 'I notice that when you receive visitors you almost never give them an idea, an exhortation to do something for peace and a better world.  Why is that?'  He answered with an astonished tone and face: 'But my dear Robert, if a person comes to see me it is because that person has a message, something important to tell me.  I must therefore empty myself of myself in order to receive that person's message as fully as possible.'




Governments own the UN, every bit of it.  They are the shareholders of the UN.  So much so that they must make it work and ensure its success.  They must love, not shake off and neglect the world organization they created.




Humans!  Those miraculous walking beings with an invisible round globe on their shoulders, capable of embracing the entire universe!




A synthesis between the past and the future

A synthesis between the east and west

A synthesis between the north and south

A synthesis between science and religion

A synthesis between the heavens and the Earth

Those are the major tasks of our generation.




We need to develop for the world new medico-social sciences centering on:


world diagnosis

world prognosis

world healing


In reality, the UN should become a world health organization.



Capitalism and communism are outdated.  The only right ideology is ecumenism: a joining of all forces to instaure peace, preserve the planet and achieve the fulfillment and happiness of all people.




I do not want life to have meaning, I know that life has a meaning, a tremendous one.




We have to repeat and repeat again and again that life has a sacred meaning.  We must prove it with a cosmic vision of our place and evolution in the universe.




East is East and West is West

North is North and South is South

but the four meet on the same planet.




Life consists in giving ever increased meaning to life.  Human growth and not economic growth must be our main objective.




Evolution went from the inorganic to the organic, from the simple to the complex, from the invertebrates to the vertebrates, from the aquatic to the terrestrial.  Now one species, the human species, is developing into a multi-environmental and dimensional species (aquatic, terrestrial, aerial, extra-terrestrial, mystical and psychic) and into extra-vertebrates (machines, means of transportation, industries, etc. which are external sustaining vertebrae).  What a revolution!



A human being can spend an entire life studying the nervous system or electronic circuits or world communications. I have spent my life studying, feeling and loving everything that was good and beautiful on this planet and for humanity.




My dream has been to give others the courage to go on dreaming their dreams and seeing visions.




All humans meet at the deeper levels of prayer and in the common experience of God.  Hence, only a world spirituality can save humanity from its quandaries.




Why should two ideologies born in the 19th century during the industrial revolution claim validity for all the world for all time?  What claim, what right do they have to divide and endanger the world in the name of these obsolete systems?




To be lasting an artist and writer must be a prophet of good, hope and happiness He must deal with the essentials of life and give inspirational, uplifting, reassuring answers.



Art must be a source of joy and hope.




Art is spirituality.  Art is thought.  Art is imagination.  Art is feeling.  Art is action.  Art is the highest expression of life, of being.  Art and life must be one.




Art encapsulates life.  It makes our lives and dreams durable.



Every person, every place, every event, even the most prosaic ones, are sacred: they are part of God's Creation and of our evolution.




Faith energizes our will to resolve problems.  Without faith there can be no will for action.




Hope is the antidote to the impossible.




We need a new vision of the world as a miraculous interdependent fabric and whole.




Do not hate.  Help.




The world needs a theology of peace, not of just war.  There is no uglier and contradictory word than 'just war'.  Do we speak of 'loving killing'?




War and military killing are worse than abortion: they abort wholesale full human life.




As we are fortified in our vision, we influence others.




Unity is the mystical body of life, of Christ, of Buddha, of Mahomet, of the cosmos.




Do not expect personal success. Modern success comes from external circumstances anyway.




Our next stage in evolution is to become the Planet of Peace.




Humanity is only in the kindergarten of its global age.  Our present crises and anxieties are the children's sicknesses of our mutation to adulthood.




Every person is sacred until proven contrary.





Adults are the first and foremost teachers of love, peace, truth, tolerance, happiness and spirituality to their children.  No school on Earth can ever replace them.




To dialogue with God is to dialogue with our silent dreams of perfection.  It is the surest, if not the only way to truth.




Do not underestimate letter writing: another human being will read you, might be moved and spread your message if it is an honest and beautiful one.




Design your own letterheads and cards proclaiming your basic beliefs.



Peace, truth, cooperation, justice and wisdom must become the rulers of this planet, not presidents, heads of states and kings.  They are only instruments, intermediaries.




The end of our journey is not calvary and death, but heaven and resurrection.




Ask for the help of God and of the saints and nothing will be impossible.




Even if all doors are closed to you, even if you are in prison, have no fear: call for God.  He will come and awaken in you the spirit which knows no doors and barriers.




Increased wisdom is nature's compensation for the loss of youth and physical strength.




Organs and life functions wear out over lifetime.  Do not overtax them



If only all peoples on Earth, especially all Catholics, believed in the United Nations as Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II believed in it!




Peacemakers must be rooted in God. If not, you will burn out too fast.




O God, guide my steps so that I may climb the peaks of life towards the full consciousness of Your magnificent Creation.




No human being should shirk the path of prophecy.  I am happy to be sometimes called a prophet.*


* A book Prophet, the Hatmaker's Son, Robert Muller, was even written about me!




I had the incredible luck to live at the center and on top of the world, above nations, prejudices, false values and narrow beliefs.  This is why I must give back what I have learned.  I have an immense responsibility towards humanity. So do all my United Nations colleagues.




Do not expect happiness to fall from heaven.  Earn it, affirm it, cultivate it, treat it with loving care.




Don't you think that God would smile and feel good, if your spouse, your children, your parents, your teachers, your colleagues, your spiritual guides would smile and feel good, if you said to them these simple words: 'I am happy.  Thank you for giving me happiness.'




Happiness, i.e. fulfillment, plenitude of oneself, maximum consciousness, love for one's life should be the main concern and objective of life and of society.  The feeling of happiness is the test that we are doing the right thing, that we are in gear with the universe and fulfilling the will of God.




A feeling of happiness is the best injection you can give to your being.  It pervades all your systems, all your cells, flows and mechanisms. Happiness is the best remedy and stimulant for your being.




Take lots of vitamin H: happiness.  Love your life. Consider it a miracle.




Yes, I have found a pearl, a very basic truth of life: to see myself as a precious, conscious part of the universe, of total time, of the entire planet and of the human family.  From that premise on, everything falls into place.  I receive all the right answers.  I know who I am and I am blessed with peace and happiness.  Tell your children that they are miracles.



As you go to rest or take a siesta, think that you have decided to live to the age of 100 and visualize all the long years your body, organs, heart and senses will still have to work.  Result: a deeper rest and relaxation and the wise decision not to overtax your body.




At the age of 60 I had on my desk a slip of paper with three numbers: 100; 40; 2023.  100 is the age I want to attain.  40 is the number of years my organs will still have to function well.  2023 is the year of my 100th anniversary.


At age 81 in 2004: only 19 more years needed for me to reach 100.




There is not a single school on Earth which teaches the children and youth their right place in the universe, in time, on our planet and in the human family.  The entire humanity must be reprogrammed through a right global education.  I give such a model in my world core curriculum.  A first attempt was made in the Robert Muller Elementary School of Arlington, Texas, to adopt my curriculum.  In 2000 there were 43Robert Muller schools in the world.




Nobody thinks about the future political organization of our planet: each country thinks that its system is perfect and applicable to the rest of the world.  None of them considers the new, crying needs of the planet and of humanity.  None of them considers that there must be better ways of governing our Earth.




It is only passion and enthusiasm for life that can lead to a fulfilled life.

Only love can create beauty.

Only peace can bring happiness.

Peace, happiness and beauty cannot be wrong: they are divine fulfillment.




We are all instruments of God for the progress of humanity.  Scientists would say: we are biological instruments for the progress of the human species.




I am simply in love with life, with the world and with humanity.




It is the enlightened duty of every person on Earth to support the United Nations, for it is the only instrument governments have accepted to make peace on Earth.  Without it it would be total chaos.




The world is in a mess.  But this should not scare us, because this is the first time humanity has to administer the whole planet!  It is all so new!




The overwhelming majority of people on this planet are mainly concerned with national and group affairs.  Too few of them are concerned with the world's and humanity's affairs.  No wonder that things are not so well.




There is great urgency to foster racial equality by every possible means, were it only to prevent that tomorrow when other races will be in command they will not turn against their former oppressors and say: 'Now it is your turn to suffer.  We will make you pay.'






All presidents and heads of state are co-presidents of the world.  Their first duty is to meet, to communicate and to cooperate.




I am probably the first human who has dealt to such an extent and for so long with the whole world's and humanity's affairs.  This gives me an awesome responsibility.  It makes me quite an instrument of God and evolution.




Where there is no hope, the nature of a human changes.




There are moments when the beauty of nature penetrates us, empties us of our self and makes us one with the universe.  Look intensely at a flower or at the stars and this will become obvious to you.




Empty your head of the voices of humans and fill it with the voices of God and of nature.  They will give you the right answers.




Make your life a garden of happiness.  Devote to your life no less care than you would to your flowers.




We need a new world philosophy of happiness.  Aristotle held that knowledge and happiness were the two basic human yearnings.  Bentham developed a general philosophy of happiness.  Today, humanity has abandoned knowledge to the scientists and happiness to the merchants.  There must be a world philosophical renaissance.




It is only passion and a one-track mind for peace that will lead us to peace.




Peacemakers must be as uncompromising as are the military.




We need a total strategy for peace as the military have one for war and 'defense'.




We need peace games, peace exercises, the same way as the military have war games and military exercises.  There have never been any peace exercises on this planet.




I have to be worthy of the incredible chance to work for the United Nations.



To write and to speak are a foremost part of life, an expansion and observation of life, a two-way process of learning, teaching, communicating and contributing to human progress and happiness.  Therefore, do not become a writer or speaker for writing's or speaking's sake, but as a means of fulfilling yourself and bringing happiness, joy and goodness to others.




Reread what you wrote, correct it, chisel it, polish it time and again until you are satisfied that nothing should be changed, that it is the most perfect jewel you can produce.




I am reading my stories and essays many times until I finally no longer change a word.  Then I am satisfied: the writing is the flesh of my flesh; I have given it all my love and attention, the child can go and live its own mysterious life.




You can acquire the style of any great writer on Earth within six months: each day, without fail, copy ten lines from his writings in a notebook, slowly, in no less than ten minutes.  Read that notebook often until you know it almost by heart.  You will be astonished by the result.




The most fundamental form or writing is the journal, a means to observe the functioning of your being, of your heart, of your mind and of your senses in relation to the surrounding world, the heavens and the Earth, the living and the dead, the past, the present and the future.  The journal is the key, the great secret, the real joy of writing and of loving.




Do not lose hope, when you begin to write.  When I read the beginning of my journal, many years ago, I feel like throwing it into the wastebasket.  It seems so terribly bad!  But it was my life which was concerned.  With time and patience, I added beauty, corrected and improved the first days of my journal which are today one of my treasures.




There is no born writer.  Shakespeare was once a child who could not write.  Do not be afraid of your 'bad style'  Continue and with time you will improve it through craftsmanship like any artist or artisan.  Do not see the bad product of today but the beauty of tomorrow's.




Never give up.  That is the secret of secrets, the eleventh commandment.  Think that all around you, one after the other, people will give up their dreams and objectives, accept defeat and be reconciled with it.  As you continue, year after year, through the attrition of others, you will stand more and more alone, thus becoming 'exceptional', and you will finally win.  And if you shouldn't at least you had a wonderful life.




Oh!  If we would only teach each child the lesson that life is the most precious good, a miracle, that to live well and long should be his primary aim.




Each age has its forms of happiness.  Do not regret bygone forms.  Enjoy the present one.  Children love their toys, adults their children, the aged their grandchildren.



Remember with joy your past, derive full happiness from the present and look forward to the bliss of tomorrow.




Write, write, write.  Paint, paint, paint.  Michel-Angelo refused the Pope's invitations to dinner with this comment: 'Do you want me to paint or to have dinner with your guests?'  He slept in the Sistine chapel with his easels and lived to the age of 90.  When Leonardo da Vinci died he had these words: 'If I could start all over, I would only paint.'




The Romans said: Verba Volant.  Scripta manent: Words fly away.  Writings remain.

Nullus dies sine linea: not a day without a line.

I would add: not a day without an idea.




As the number of old people will grow, the world will gain in wisdom, if the old people exercise their crucial responsibility.




The same automatic functioning of our bodily organs which liberates our minds for higher functions will some day reign in the whole human society.  The conflicts, frictions and groupings of today will have disappeared and will be remembered as early biological growth pains of our global age.  We are witnessing the first manifestations of this phenomenon: it is enough for the United Nations to warn of a population explosion, of world environmental dangers, of the threat of nuclear arms, for people to react, to reduce their number of children, to forego waste and to press their governments for the abolition of nuclear arms.




We must all have a direct line with God, the master and Creator of the universe, cultivate an antenna that sweeps constantly the universe for messages to bring down to Earth.  Some day all people will be directly connected with God and will no longer be fooled by power seeking individuals and institutions on Earth.




We must all learn to be at the vortex of the universe.




The world is made up of several billion individuals (4.7 billion in 1983, 6.3 billion in 2003).  Each one of us counts.  Tremendously.




The greatest contribution to the world and to human evolution would be for the two major current ideologies to sit down, to relax their orthodoxy and to think more honestly and humbly about the needs and yearnings of this planet and of all humanity.  A common, new ideology vision of the 21st century is urgently needed.  What does not adapt perishes.




We need political ecumenism, religious ecumenism, philosophical ecumenism, ideological ecumenism, psychological ecumenism.  But above all we need individual ecumenism, a liberation of the individual from his group allegiance(s) and his commitment to our Mother Earth and to all humanity.




Nations, ideologies, religions and political systems have created chaos for too long in the world.  Individuals should quit these prisons and say: 'I am a brother or sister of all other human beings.  You can count me out until you have created a world order in which I can be a brother or sister of the whole human family.'




There is an enormous strength in the billions of individuals of this planet.  For now it is still dormant or anesthesized by scores of group inventors and managers.  But wait.  With time, all individuals will wake up.2



Politicians and group managers on this planet agree on two things: never accept the whole world and humanity as entities; never accept the break-up of their groups by sub-groups or minorities.  The whole nation-state system rests on these premises: no world government, no planetary or human sovereignty; no internal autonomies or sovereignties.




This beautiful planet and the marvelous human species living on it deserve better than the present chaotic political system.  Political leaders might be proud vis- -vis their own herd, but they should be ashamed in front of the whole human family.  None of them will make world history.




The big powers are naive if they think that they can forever hold the world in their grips.  Just have a look at history on the duration of empires.




There is only one worthwhile glory on this Earth: to lead a beautiful, good, honest life, to be of service to the planet, to humanity, to the universe and God.




We must not only create world tele-hearing, tele-seeing and tele-writing.  We must create mind to mind, heart to heart and soul to soul tele-hearing.




A sacred civilization is possible and extremely necessary.

A disarmed planet is possible and extremely necessary.




A nurse, a doctor, a pharmacist should be a saint, a humanist and a philosopher.  All humans should strive at that.  We must be spiritual, divine beings in our professions.  Decide to dream and there will be no end to what you can achieve.  Since governments and institutions are so slow, we must build the world community through individual commitments and actions.  And we can be billions to do it!




The question is never 'to prepare a speech.'  It is always: 'to prepare a great speech, a memorable speech.'




Life is so short that to have people listen to you is a very precious, sacred act.  You must give your very best to them; they are alive cosmic beings listening to you.




Most people have very limited ambitions.  For example, they still seek national glory at a time when world glory is widely open to them.  They want to be national leaders when they could be world leaders.  They want to be national artists or writers when they could be world artists and writers.  They want to be national philanthropists when they could be world philanthropists.  They love a nation when they could love the world.




We seldom think of our death.  There is a great lesson of nature in that.  We seldom think of adversities too.




An imperative must whose time has come: redirect your thoughts and loving care to the entire world and humanity.




If science and technology have discovered the world, if merchants and the multinational firms have discovered the world, why shouldn't ordinary citizens discover the world too?




Economists and business have fooled the world much to long, equating economic growth with human happiness.




To be humanist means to be for humanity.  A human solution must always be found, above and beyond group considerations.  In this new phase of evolution, humanity must always come first.




We have a vast recent literature of culinary recipes from all over the world.  We have a vast literature on health methods and spiritual methods from all over the world.  Since happiness is increasingly recognized as a factor of good health, we should see soon the flourishing of a world literature of happiness, with volumes of recipes and methods from many countries, cultures and civilizations. No new literature and publishing effort could be more appropriate at this present moment of human history.



World happiness is a vital, urgent subject.  Indeed, what would be the point of developing the world to the standard of living existing today in the US and in Europe, if the people having finally reached that stage would not be happier than are the Americans and the Europeans today?  Economic development does not necessarily mean happiness.




Happiness and gratitude are vital, urgent subjects for the developed worlds, for it is intolerable that people who have reached unprecedented levels of living should still be unhappy, complaining and ungrateful to God.  The ancient warning still applies: the scourge of God will descend upon them.




The world needs a true global literature written by authors who have deeply lived and perceived the new universal currents which have seized this planet and the human race.  Literary societies have been created to that effect at the United Nations and in other world agencies.




We need a global anthropology or science of humanity in its entirety.  Margaret Mead, the anthropologist used to say to her students: 'Go and study the United Nations which is for you what New Guinea was for me when I was young, a new fascinating field of anthropology.'  This is why she spent her last years as a representative of a non-governmental organization at the United Nations.




Priorities in life must be determined in relation to the danger of death.  This applies to individuals but also to humanity.  And humanity today is in danger of death due to planetary mismanagement by nuclear powers.




Every human person has the right to say what kind of world he or she wants to live in.  That individual perception is the root, the foundation of world democracy.  No nation has the right to deny it.




Beyond world federalism and world government we need first and foremost a world democracy, a government of this planet for the people by the people.  But the problem is so colossal and unprecedented that few political thinkers consider it.  They feel more at ease discussing the number of strength of nuclear missiles needed to protect specific national corals.




Nations are infallible.  They are never wrong.  Each one says what the other should do, not what it will do.  At foreign service schools, their diplomats are taught to lie: never confess; always deny; praise the merit of your nation and diminish that of your adversary; negotiate from a 'bargaining position' and if you cannot do otherwise accept a 'fall-back position,' but never start with the truth.


It is high time to put an end to these unethical and primitive practices and for the people no longer to applaud them.



For years I was educated to the greatness of France.  Then the Germans came, told us that these were all lies, and they educated me to the greatness of Germany.  But no one, until I arrived at the United Nations, ever educated us to the greatness of the world.




The answers to our world's problems are not in the newspapers and in political faculties.  They are in our dialogue with God.




To be a peacemaker is to ask God each morning; 'What more can I do today for the good of the world?'




After losing centuries of time with the infallibility of religions, how much time will we now lose with the infallibility of nations?




God gave me as a function to fight for the underdog. And the two most mistreated underdogs I could find in my lifetime were planet Earth and the human family.




The preservation of the Earth and the safety and happiness of humanity must have priority over any nation, any ideology, any system and any religion.




If you want a safe, problemless, questionless life, it is very simple: take side for capitalism or communism, take side for your race, your nation, your religion and all will be chewed in advance for you - the arguments, the philosophy, the justifications, the infallibility, the methods, the sentiments, the commitments, the symbols, the hymns, the art, the literature, your personal meaning, life and death.  Join the most powerful group of your time and you will have no problems in your life.  If you choose God, the Earth, humanity and yourself, you will have endless difficulties and troubles.




The Russian people applauded the invasion of Afghanistan.

The Jews applauded the invasion of Lebanon.

The Argentineans prayed God in their cathedral for victory in the Maldive Islands.

The British thanked God in Westminster Abbey for their victory in the Falklands.

The Americans applauded the invasion of Grenada

Where is the peace of the world in all that?  How can there be peace if people applaud their armies and the violations of the United Nations Charter?




Right at the beginning of his Meditations, the wise Emperor Marcus Aurelius says: '>From my governor I learned to be neither of the green or of the blue party at the games in the Circus, nor a partisan either of the Parmularius or the Scutarius at the gladiators 'fights''  Similarly, the wise Buddhist father of Secretary General U Thant took his son to British boxing matches to train him never to take sides.



Through my work, writings and speeches I will at least have reduced a little the arrogant and misdirected pretensions of nations.




We are all meant to be entity-servants or victims, if we are not watchful.



There are so many nations today and such a turnover of national leaders that none of them will be remembered for long, if it is not for a major contribution to peace and to a better world.




During the general debate of the UN General Assembly there are sometimes so many national leaders that one does not even turn around any more to look at them.  They may be very great at home, but when seen together they look rather small.  As one of my UN colleagues, Bryan Urquart, once commented to me: 'If you have seen one, you have seen them all.'




The largest gatherings of heads of state on this planet are on their funerals.  The bigger the country of the deceased, the larger the number of attendants.




Idealists are the greatest contributors to the world.  They should be humanity's most honored and beloved children.




History is not written by events but by ideas.  Personal as well as collective actions are always preceded by a vision, an idea.  For our present epoch we must first and foremost get our vision straight and have many ideas.




At the beginning of human evolution, knowledge and love were synonymous.  Then they became separate.  Nothing could be more important than to reunite them again.




There are so many ways of learning: seeing, thinking, reading, meditating, doing, touching, listening, praying, associating with learned people.  Like an octopus, we must use all our God-given tools.




Ours is basically a despiritualized world:


there is no global spirituality

there is no world religion

there is no world religious institution

there is no common God

there are no world saints

there are no world prophets

there are no world miracles

there are no world sanctuaries and pilgrimages

there are no world religious holidays


We should work on all these items.



I wish the world would cover itself again with fruit trees for the happiness of little children.  Every child on Earth should have the pleasure of touching and picking live fruits from a tree.




There are so many wonderful things to do on this planet: for example the world tree project launched by the United Nations, whereby every child on Earth would plant a tree during International Youth Year.




What an incredible conjunction of circumstances it took to bring me to my present position in the United Nations, to store in me the necessary world knowledge and to arouse in me ideas, proposals, ideals and inspirations to share with my human brothers and sisters.




We must fill the concepts and channels of world interdependence with the fullest possible meaning and life, for they are the blood vessels of the human race.





The romantics and poets are right to love nature, for nature is an Eden of answers and remedies to our fears and anxieties.




We are quick to denounce protectionism in the economic field, but very reluctant to denounce nationalism in the political field.  World economics is ahead of world politics.  There are many global world economists but hardly any global world politicians.




Even if my life should be a tombstone of illusions, I will have no regrets, for illusions were the beautiful fairies who kept my head and heart above the often somber realities.




Disarmament talks have lasted for more than 150 years and the situation is worse than ever. It is time to recognize that disarmament is incompatible with sovereign nations.  Disarmament requires world government.  There can non longer be any doubt about that.




Peace is basically a question of trust.  If I trust my neighbor I do not have to pile up stories against him.




Our thoughts give meaning to reality and the cosmic reality around us is the foundation of our thoughts. We are indissolubly interdependent with the cosmos, we are part of the whole universe.




I will repeat and repeat and repeat what I have to say until nations will listen and change.



There are so many nations and so many candidates for glory that few finally succeed.  And those who succeed are like best-sellers: they have to vanish soon to make room for the next ones.




The greatest glory, the one recognized by God, is a good, honest, loving life.




Nations are too tense.  They should learn to relax, to enjoy and to celebrate together.




Healthy people have a better chance to get healthy leaders.




An old person who still hates is a lost cause for humanity, a biological miscarriage.




My fidelity is to life

My fidelity is to the planet

My fidelity is to humanity

My fidelity is to God and to the universe.




Even if by human standards I were the most glorious person on Earth, compared to the glory of life I would be little or nothing.




Any moment of pessimism is lost time.




An optimist and a pessimist may both land in the same dead alley, but the optimist's way was at least a happier one.




Coincidences start from the moment you are dreaming, hoping and looking for them.




I am living Earth

I am living cosmic matter

I feel great





Happiness is a main factor of good health.




I sometimes dream to write a dictionary of only positive words and language.




We need on this planet at least as many peace strategists as military strategists.




Whoever on Earth invented the military, militarization, armaments and wars?  Napoleon was one of their biggest promoters.




I sometimes dream of opening

A school for heads of state

A school for peace strategists

A school for world happiness and cooperation




If only all peace movements and world good causes groups would know how much they could achieve if they supported and sought the support of the UN!


The environmentalists understood the importance of the UN.  They brought their concern to the UN, obtained the first world conference on the environment in Stockholm in 1972 which changed the course of the world. Prior to the decision of the UN to convene the first world environment conference there was not a single Ministry of the Environment on this planet.  Today, there is not a country without one.




The UN and its agencies are in a sense the first global eyes, brain, heart and voice of humanity.




I live on illusions?  Yes, because they are delightful, helpful and often so much better than reality.




The fight and competition between the nuclear powers is a disgrace to the white race.  One can begin to doubt the ability and intelligence of that race to devise a proper world order.  It has been given a chance and has failed.  The time has come for other races and cultures to try.




Communism and capitalism both want the happiness of their people.  Like the religions, they say: follow me and the whole world will be happy.  But, as with the religions, the result is war and untold waste and unhappiness.  Working together in the United Nations in devising a new world vision and order is the only way.




Globalism (concern for the globe) and humanism (concern for humanity) must supplant capitalism and communism as the new world ideology.



A speechwriter for a great personality has succeeded only when that personality takes pleasure in writing his own speeches.




Let us make this planet the most brilliant jewel in the universe and paradise of nature, peace, happiness and perfect administration.




When a hungry child eats, we can see how good that is, how happy the child is.  The eradication of hunger is the right first collective step towards world happiness.




We are still where Aristotle stood: all humans want happiness and we must devise a society ensuring that happiness.  In our time this challenge is world-wide.




We are all mere bureaucrats of life if we are not people of thought, imagination and sentiment.




If only all heads of state and of world agencies jotted down their thoughts, wisdom, perceptions, ideas and dreams, as Dag Hammarskj ld did in his Markings, what a richer world it would be!  They live in a vaster world, with vaster duties and a much vaster audience than any Socrates, Confucius, Marcus Aurelius or Lincoln.




Your bright smile is a beacon of hope for others.




We must transform the United Nations into a United World.

Nations must outgrow their nationhood and mature into worldhood.

And the world must acquire a big heart and soul.




Power devours everything: universal religions are eaten up by it; multinational business falls prey to it; democracy is trampled by it.  I begged in vain the Club or Rome to tackle the Limits of Power, after the Limits of Growth.




When I meet casually a high executive of a corporation , if he is vainglorious, I pity him for spending his precious life making money.  If he is kind, I thank him for devoting his life to producing goods and services.


When I talk to executives of multinational corporations, I always ask them for their profit figures and for the number of countries in which they work.  Then, I express surprise that they work only in say 100 countries and make only 2 or 3 billion dollars of profits a year in a world of 6.3 billion people.  You should see their faces!



A human being has a history and a future, like a nation.  Be your own historian and futurologist.




A great revolution is needed on planet Earth against national education and programming.  As God's children we must be educated about the heavens, the whole Earth and humanity.  The Earth does not turn around nations.




It is our duty to speak, to write, to tell stories, to contribute the wisdom of our life to the living and future generations.  And it is not only a duty, it is also a joy.




History is recording a journey through time.  Again nations are holding the forefront and almost monopolize the word. Most neglected are: the history of the universe, of our solar system, our globe's history, humanity's history, continental history, the history of international unions, entities, groups and associations, United Nations history, family history, and last but not least individual history.  There must be more justice and equitable distribution in the teaching and concerns of history.  We need a new, global science of history, a historiology.




There are huge, numerous libraries and museums of military history on this planet, and almost none on peace.  We must reverse this order, if peace is to be the principal state of the world.




There are thousands of military strategists on this planet and very few trained peace strategists.  There are hundreds of military academies financed by nations and only a handful of privately sponsored peace academies.  How wrong a planet can get!




Each mother and father should devote quite some time to the family's history.  An entire new science and art of family and individual history should be developed and taught: ancestry, genealogy, name etymology, oral history, written history, pictorial history, family heirlooms and souvenirs, scrapbooks, photo collections, etc.  What deep joys can be derived from family history!  It increases the love and role of the family, the fundamental, basic social unit.





Each day of life is precious, even incredibly precious: therefore write the history of each day. Keep a journal.  Preserve your life. Journal keeping should be taught in all schools of Earth.  I  hope that someday when an inspection team from outer space visits this planet, they will exclaim with delight: 'How wonderful, this is a planet where every human keeps a journal of his life.'




A journal helps us to live our life time and again.  There is no greater life enhancer, life-expander and teacher than a journal.




When I am sad or unhappy all I have to do is seize one of my journals and read it, and I become again one of the happiest beings on Earth.



I have been unbelievably happy in my life. It did not come all by itself.  I had to watch out and work unceasingly for it.




Any disharmonies or conflicts, be it in physics, biology, sociology or politics, can be removed by widening the conceptual framework.  If the Earth and humanity are accepted as the new, wider fundamental conceptual frameworks, then all wars and conflicts will disappear.




Human comprehension of reality requires a logical framework, a grid into which we can place all we know in a logical, inter-related fashion.  Evolution presses us to understand the ever wider aspects of our place and role in the universe and in time.  At the present stage, the following grids or frameworks are emerging:


the harmony between humanity and our planet;

the harmony and peace of the human family;

our harmony with time;

our harmony with the heavens;

our personal, individual harmony




Church bells, gongs, tom-toms, chofars, muezzins, mountain horns and songs are all cosmic vibrations which make us feel one with the universe.  So do great music, great speeches, great literature and great art.  UNESCO is the great United Nations' Agency devoted to that.




What cosmic currents can pass through the holding of hands and communion of bodies of two beings in love!




Love is the most ecstatic, intensive consciousness of the cosmic forces of the universe.  This is why in all religions, marriage is a sacrament, a divine phenomenon.




Woman, the eternal feminine is the plane of encounter, the convergence of the eternal and of infinity.  This is why women in India are divinities.





The UN is the convergence of all life forces on this Earth, an evolutionary cradle of new collective ways of life of the human race.  It was born from the sacrifices of millions of humans who suffered and died from earlier more primitive political beliefs.  And we are not yet over the hump!  National sovereignty and the nuclear powers still stand in the way of a better future.






The UN is the first security valve for pent-up feelings, verbal explosions, expressions of outrage and hurt of national pride.  Without it, our present still erratic stage of evolution would be much worse.




We are good historians of facts.

We are good historians of intelligence, reason and discovery.

We are good historians of power, glory, politics and war.

But we are still bad historians of love, altruism, generosity, cooperation and peace.  Let us change that.




This Earth is sanctified by all our human brethren and sisters who walked on it before us.  Our dead are sacred.  Their spirit is still around us, in the rocks, in the soil, in the trees, in the waters, in the air, in our minds, in human progress.  Let us never forget the dead.  They are still mysteriously around us, helping us, creating opportunities and coincidences.  Pray to them, enlist their help and you will be surprised.  I pray God to let me be a very active peacemaker, good-doer and happiness-giver after my death.




I made my life a sanctification of humanity and of planet Earth.  I am a cosmic being.  And cosmic beings do not die.  How lucky I am and wise I was.




If we cannot live in peace in our family, how can we expect peace of the human family?




Do you have peace, love and understanding in your family?  If so, you have the right to talk about peace in the world.




Once I was asked to hate the Germans and later to love them.  Then I was asked to hate the French and later to love them.  So I decided not to hate anyone anymore for as long as I lived.  And God placed me in the United Nations from where I can love the whole Earth and humanity.



World peace is still the result of strenuous efforts.  But with time it will become the natural state of humanity.




Beautify and sanctify every place on Earth where you live, your office, your garden, your village, your city, your tombs.  It will all greatly benefit the world.




Drink the sun, the fresh air, the stars, the forests, the meadows, the waters, the flowers, the herbs and the birds.  Get drunk with love for life.  It will do miracles for you.





A child thinks that life is really beautiful and that it will become even more beautiful.  It is the duty of society to fulfill that expectation.




For a child life is full of wonders and endless discoveries.  As a young boy I called life 'g ttlich', divine, which was the highest adjective I could find.  Despite what nations did to me, I still hold that life is g ttlich.




As a child I dreamt to be at the top of the world, to know the whole world and to work for it.  God heard me and placed me in the United Nations.




If you have a dream, even an impossible one, something will happen: signs, occasions, coincidences and help will come your way which will make your dream possible.




I have led an extraordinary life far beyond my wildest dreams.  And as I went on, I continued to dream new dreams.  To unceasingly dream may be one of the answers to the mysteries of life, an important way of living the fullest possible life and of contributing to further evolution.




Never plan 'against' something.  Plan 'for' something.




Never despair.  How else could you give your best?  Your marvelous body, its myriads of cells and mechanisms need encouragement and optimistic guidance from the top, from the center.  This is also true of the infinitely more complex human society.




If you want peace, you must believe in peace.  A peacemaker is like a doctor who must believe in healing.  Should we name ourselves peace doctors?



Do not repeat the slogan that there will never be peace on Earth.  For if you do, you will contribute to making peace impossible.  Believe that peace is possible, inevitable, do something for it and it will become a reality.




Despite the criticisms and slogans spread against it, the UN will win, for it responds to a powerful, irreversible evolutionary need.




My parents were bitterly poor when I was a child.  And yet I considered that life was beautiful and divine.  My subsequent life did not subtract anything from that belief.  It only added to it.



Our epoch is one of confrontation between beliefs from the past and new requirements of the future.  These frictions must be transformed into something positive, into a learning process and unprecedented, right adaptation of our species to evolution.  That is what God and the cosmos expect from us.




Human evolution henceforth encompasses our entire planet on its celestial orbit.  At long last we realize that we are a cosmic phenomenon of prime importance on a star-trek in the universe.




Heads of state should all go to a global world school, academy or university: they may know their nation well, but do they know  well the world which they co-administer?  There is great need for opening learning institutions for heads of states.  The United Nations and UNESCO should create them.


One cannot reproach heads of state for doing so badly: they do not know any better.  They cannot have a right worldview because they were not rightly educated.  They consider themselves in charge of only a segment of the planet.




Hatred and conflicts with other powers, nations, beliefs or ideologies are often used in order to cement and strengthen the cohesiveness of particular nations.  This asserts the power of the military and prevents or retards the transformation of nations into parts of an orderly, united, fulfilled planetary society.




Nations are minorities of the human race, not sovereignties.



Wars, hatred and violence are extreme forms of self-assertion and thus great barriers to humanity's transformation and harmonious adaptation to our planet.  Let us therefore not admire and support them.




Humanity as an entity is only beginning to take shape and to evolve: it begins to have common perceptions of reality, common feelings and common concerns; it begins to act and react as one body to common dangers and events; it evolves towards higher forms of coordinated actions and fulfillment in the total cosmic reality.  The European Union is a magnificent example of that progress.




We are like trees.  A grown-up tree must nurture good fruits.  A grown-up human society must nurture happy, fulfilled people.




We must walk to the top of the mountain to gain the right vision.

We must make love an operational first priority, instrument on this planet.

We must respect ourselves and others.  Confucius was right when he advocated courtesy, respect and rituals as the foundation of the family and of the human society.



Dear young people, make your life a jewel of extraordinary joys, happiness and contributions to a better world.  Love to live, love the miracle fo your life.




The world has the leaders it deserves; if we applaud comedians of power, glory and noise, we will breed leaders of power, glory and noise.  If we applaud wisdom, peace and philosophy we will have wise leaders, peacemakers and philosophers.  There is need, therefore, for a new great age of philosophy similar to that of the time of the American Revolution.




Give happiness to others and you will be repaid by happiness.  The law of karma never fails.




Ambition leads nowhere.  Only true, serene and firmly anchored dreams lead to somewhere.




Pray the good spirits to help you.  They are eagerly waiting with their mysterious means to help us accomplish our dreams.




Define well your dreams

Plan well your advanced age

And know how you want to be remembered at and after your death.




We must seek full employment for the many saints and good spirits who linger around this planet, eager to help us defeat the forces of evil.  Uncalled, they are powerless, unemployed.




If you do not know how you want to be remembered after your death, you will not work towards it and you will not be remembered after your death.


Have the text of your tombstone on your mind and do not hesitate to amend it as you advance on your journey towards it.




Humanity has many rights and aspirations, except the right to commit suicide.  It took us too long and too much to get where we are.




UN Secretaries General and people like myself have no real pleasure in dealing with this world's foul political problems.  Our greatest wish is to see the world a happy place, to stay at home and to enjoy each one in his own way the beauty of life: U Thant had his spirituality and meditation, Perez de Cuellar his music, poetry and literature, and I my writings, gardening and love for nature.  And most humans are like us.



I will work for peace until my last breath, because it is the key issue, the priority of my time, on which the future depends.




Let the soul in you become an adult and bear its fruits.




We must change our world view and as a result world politics will change.  The prerequisite for a change in world politics is a change in the people's world view.




We must be humans first and nationals second, not the reverse.




Ours is a most beautiful planet in the universe.  I want to enjoy it in peace.  I consider that to be my fundamental right.




Politics originally meant the administration of the city (polis).  Today it means the administration of a country.  Soon it will mean the administration of the Earth.




Political science has been monopolized by nations.  Its extension into the world is poorly called 'international relations'.  What we really need is a world political science  Do we speak of the politics of a nation as interstate or intercity relations?




O, all-pervading nations, when are you going to fall into the ranks and take your rightful but secondary place in the human family?




In 1909 there were 213 international associations in the world.  In 1982 there were 19,750 registered ones and in the year 2000 28,000!  The people are creating their own international relations, thus providing human society with a much needed world-wide network or nervous system.  Such networks are the incipient form of a world democracy.




Write down your epitaph. It will tell you a lot about who you are and how you relate to the universe and eternity.




The word politics should be replaced today by the word planetics: the administration of the whole planet and human society.  We need planetic leaders, a planetic science, planetic institutions, a planetic philosophy.



Dying persons should leave a message to the living and tell them how they could better live.  For it is at the moment of losing something that one appreciates its full value.




Even if I were the greatest, most glorious and most admired individual on Earth, my greatness would not be greater than the beauty of God's humblest flower or creature.




Although there remain many unsolved conflicts and frictions on this planet, basically the last great divide is between the US and USSR.  If that problem is solved, all the rest will fall into place and we will have peace on Earth.  The responsibility of these two countries in front of God and evolution is therefore immense.


Note in 2003: Thank God the cold war between the US and USSR has come to an end and China                          has been readmitted into the United Nations.



There is no greater love on this Earth than that of a mother for her child.  The necessary science of love for this planet must therefore start with a right understanding of a mother's love, the deepest, truest and most cosmic love.




It is marvelous and it is a protection to remain a child during all one's life.  Never cease to be a child, please.




The universe is producing innumerable stars - like a fish innumerable eggs.  It heats innumerable planets for billions of years until one of them at long last produces a miracle: life is born, matter and energy become life, evolution continues into ever more complex and marvelous forms!  What a responsibility this means for our 'sovereign nations'!  What a change of politics, attitudes and values it requires.




We need giant, planetic, universal thinkers for our time.  As many as possible.




Each human being can do miracles.  There is a miracle-maker in each of us.  Isn't that wonderful?




We should see what is good in others, not what is bad.  We should help them develop what is good, and the bad will wither away.  To insist on the bad gives reality to the bad.  To insist on the good gives reality to the good.  Thou shall repeat what thou wants.  Thou shall not repeat what thou does not want.




If a human has the choice between an immediate futile activity and a deep preoccupation about the future, 99 times out of a 100 he will choose the futile activity.  This retards our evolution.



Remark of a visitor to me:

'The UN was created to tackle the impossible.'

How right he was!




The duty of rich people and nations is not to get richer but to use their blessings to help, to be of service to others and to the world.




Humans will not admire my bank account after my death, but they might admire me for the person I was, for my writings, my achievements, my efforts, the messages I left.




I love writing as much as Michel-Angelo loved painting.  My heart jumps with pleasure when I have a moment to write.  But it was not always so.  At the beginning it was very difficult.




There is need for global hope as there is need for individual hope.  There are also the innumerable hopes of the numerous businesses and human institutions on Earth.  There is need for a comprehensive science of hope.




Humanity must never lose hope.  Our present conflicts and differences are difficult but not hopeless.  We cannot expect people of such different races, cultures, languages, ways of life and beliefs, who have lived for thousands of years separated from each other to suddenly love each other and work together harmoniously.  It takes time and patience.  We must work on it stubbornly and not throw in the towel.




Happiness, not wealth, is the ultimate objective of humanity.  It would be very sad to see someday a wealthy world which would not be happier than is the rich society today.




I have no absolute right to my wealth; it comes from my ancestors, my parents and from the billions of people who have worked before me to learn, to develop, to create the foundations and wealth of this planet.  It is my turn to contribute to the progress of humanity.  I will be grateful for anything I am paid in return.




No nation has an absolute right to its wealth which comes from God and from the inventions and exertions of billions of humans all over the world for eons of time.  Each nation must contribute in turn to the progress of humanity and to the wealth of this planet.  It must receive an equal share of the returns but it cannot want all.




Humanity would have to bleed itself if it had to pay royalties to the descendants of Gutenberg for the invention of printing!



The human society has never been studied on a planetary scale heretofore.  There are thrilling new fields open to the social sciences: global anthropology, global sociology, global psychology, global philosophy, global political science.  They will help us to better understand our new social relations and evolution, and thereby contribute to a better functioning of the world society.




All that is needed to bring about peace and happiness on this planet is to work systematically and enthusiastically on the removal of all negative factors and on the development of all positive ones.  Every single human being can get involved in this task.




We must protest not only against armaments but against any conflict anywhere on this planet.  No governmental violence should be tolerated by the people, for governments have been created for the peace of the people and have created the United Nations as the instrument for the settlement of their differences.  There can therefore be no excuse for governmental violence.




Peace is principally a question of proper planetary management.  The role of the people is to press their governments to manage this planet in peace and cooperation with other governments.



Peace is only an intermediary value: it is a condition for a better, happier society.  If you want to have a productive industry, you must have good labor relationships and avoid labor conflicts.  If you want to have a productive world society, you must have good governmental relationships and avoid international conflicts.  It is as simple as that.




All the good thinking and art of government for the internal societies of nations must be studied, compared, evaluated internationally and made to benefit the entire human society.  The game: 'my nation is the best in the world and others are bad', is childish and must come to an end.




I want to die not with a huge fortune, not with huge laurels, not with huge notoriety, but loved and remembered by some of my fellow humans.  That will be my greatest reward.




Look who is still best remembered by humankind and who has still the largest number of followers.  Is it politicians?  No.  Is it conquerors?  No. Is it rich people?  No.  Is it scientists?  No. But remembered are philosophers, religious prophets, great visionaries, saints and artists.  This should give us a clue to the most permanent human values.




The eradication of smallpox has been one of the great success stories of humanity and of the UN.  It shows that where there is a will there is a way.  Let us therefore decide also to eradicate the bigpox on this planet: armaments.






Arms control?

Arms limitations?

Arms freeze?

No Disarmament

Arms eradication.




500 Russian advisers in third country X.  What horror, as seen from Washington!


500 American advisers in third country Z.  What horror, as seen from Moscow!


And we are all asked to take sides and to love or hate accordingly.  What a world!




The greatest universal software programmers this planet ever had were Socrates, Buddha, Confucius and Jesus.  We better turn to them for answers to our contemporary global, and cosmic challenges and problems.




If only all humans could remember that we are first humans before being of any race, gender, nation, culture or belief.  This alone could bring peace to this planet.



We believe in the greatness of our country and the beauty of our culture, but when we meet a person from a faraway, exotic land, it is hard for us to believe in the greatness of that country and of its culture.  Education, the media and tourism will help solve this problem.




No one has given the right to the big nuclear powers to decide our fate.  Who are they anyway to endanger innocent populations and faraway lands for the sake of their interests and power?  The world should say: big powers, go home and stay home.




I do not run around saying: 'I love France, I love this or that country and I hate or dislike this or that one' as many people are taught to do.  I love the Earth and all people.




 I do not want any youth to say in the future: 'Why didn't you write it all down?  You should have known that I would come along.'  I am doing it here.




The environment in the end is a spiritual question.  If I prefer my personal gain or convenience during my life, then I am not acting spiritually.  If on the contrary I care for the planet and for those who will follow me, then I am a spiritual person.




I do not lose from my planetization.  On the contrary I gain immensely from it, I am aggrandized, enriched by it.



If you do not decide to be happy, very few people can make you happy.  If you decide to be happy, very few people can make you unhappy.




During all my life I tried to be a reflection of my essential purpose in life.




There is no such thing as a national territory.  There is only world space, cosmic space.




Who am I?  A capacity to create good and happiness.




You do not have to go very far to find happiness.  You can find it whenever you are.  Even in prison, during World War II, I decided to be happy.




Who am I?  A capacity to grasp the entire Creation, our planet, humanity and my incredible self.  Each human being is quite something and can do that!




  Always carry with you a piece of paper to note the flashes of truth and ideas that come to you.




Never cease to learn life from yourself and from others.  Write it all down to perfect yourself and to impart your wisdom to those who will follow.




A good question put at a television show: 'If you had the attention of the entire world, what would you say?'  Write down your answer, for it will tell you a lot about the purpose of your life and your fundamental beliefs.  I would say: I want to contribute to the peace of the world, to be a peacemaker.




Lift up your heart and soul

Get up and walk.

Look at the stars.

Be what you were always meant to be: a divine, cosmic being.




There is a lovely story of a mouse counting the snowflakes falling on a branch.  Each snowflake was almost weightless  But after about 3 million of them had fallen on the branch, it fell off.  We humans are like snowflakes.  On any issue we can bear our weight on governments to act.  During all your life, be a snowflake and join others on the issues of your heart.



It is strange that so few people want to partake in the greatest human family on Earth: the United Nations.  Doesn't the Charter start with the words: 'We the people of the United Nations...'?




Liberty is important.  Equality is important.  My country is important.  But what about human fraternity?  The French Revolutionaries proclaimed it: 'Libert , Eqalit , Fraternit .'




The United Nations is the birthplace of a new world morality and ethics: no war, peace, freedom, development, justice, human rights, the environment, etc.  This is why it is criticized by those who lose from these new ethics.




We should care more for the future than for the yesterday.




Our fantastic knowledge calls for bold new, heaven and Earth, past and future embracing world-wide human dreams and plans.




First the people denied the need for a United Nations and for good world management.  At present they still belittle it.  Tomorrow they will say that they knew all along its necessity.




In order to feel the spirit of life and of the Earth, we must all remain like children during our life.




If we only knew what children think and feel about life, nature, people and the world into which they are born.  It would give us many clues about the meaning of life and happiness.




There are five thousand religions in the world and 20,000 denominations of the Christian faith alone.  In my view, the largest denomination should be humanity.




Each one of us is a temple of God.




I read these two opposing inscriptions on tombs in a cemetery:


'We will love each other beyond our life, for love is in the soul and the soul does not die'


'The life of man passes like grass

He shines one day like a wildflower

He will pass like a light breath

One will not even recognize the place he occupied.'


Optimism and pessimism reach even into death.



Everyone has his own recipe for happiness.  Some like it with a little salt, others with a lot of it.




Every human being is a representative, a spokesperson of God, of the universe, of the planet, of nature, of humanity and of all that is good.  Nothing in the world prevents us from being it.  Do it, concentrate on it and you will be in marvelous communion with God, the universe, Mother Earth, humanity and all that is good.




Old man: I am old and I can't do any good anymore.

Boy: Tell me stories so that I can learn from you.




It is such a miracle to be a human body with myriads of cells, automatic mechanisms, perceptions and creative eyes, ears, hands, brain, heart and soul.  We must be endlessly elated at our good fortune and take very good care of such an astonishing treasure.




Two keys to happiness:


To recognize that life is a true miracle;

To thank God every day for it.




A good and kind person is a manifestation of God's love.




Love is life fulfillment at it speak.




Do not spend time on what others ought to be.  Spend all your time on what you can and should be.  This applies equally to individuals and to nations.




 One of the most beautiful greetings on Earth is the Indian Namaskara, 'I recognize the divinity in you'.  Or the Seneca greeting: 'I thank the Great Spirit that you are happy.'  There are many others which we should collect and practice worldwide.




Why are we alive?

To reflect heaven on Earth.




The heavens are above us, below us, around us and in us.  We are right in the middle of them.  We are a celestial body.  The universe is apparently inconceivable.  Since we are beings of the universe, we must fulfill our role and try to conceive the inconceivable on this planet.  Perhaps our principle function is to conceive and do the inconceivable, for the universe is infinite in its inconceivable manifestations and experiments.



Lift often your eyes, mind, heart and soul to the heavens where your cosmic energy comes from.




Truth is simplified wisdom.  It is often above intellectual grasp.




During your adulthood there comes a time when you must be born again and find the simplicity and resplendence of your childhood.




Release yourself fully.  Be yourself entirely and enthusiastically.  Be the instrument of God, of the universe you are meant to be.  Always ask yourself the question; 'What did God have in mind for me when He created me?'  Do not ask humans for the answer.




'Know thyself.'  Learn who you are and you will also know why you are.




Learn proverbs.  Speak in proverbs.  Teach with proverbs.  They are humanity's most condensed form of wisdom.




I sometimes feel like holding the planet in one hand and the heavens in the other, and saying to the people: 'Don't you see how miraculous it is to be alive!  They both are yours.  They both are within the grasp of our understanding and love.'




An intellectual uses only part of himself.  For greatness sake, for completeness sake, the gates of the heart and soul must also be opened.




Remain innocent and naive like a child during all your life.  Only the innocent, loving acceptance of the greatness of Creation will guide you well.




Never hold dear your privileged position, your titles, your wealth and your success.  They can blind you to true reality and be your worst enemies in the search for truth.  Remain innocent and loving like a child.




We are nothing ourselves.  But we are immensely valuable as instruments of God and of the universe.  Our efforts, our experience and inspiration will count.




Sometimes I would like to walk on the Earth as a spirit.  My body is too heavy for me.  Perhaps when my soul will leave my body, I will be able to return to Earth as a spirit.



My greatest ambition has always been to teach people and nations the art of happiness.




How could one not marvel at the human species when one thinks that it invented 24 little letters, the alphabet, which permit us to communicate our thoughts, experiences and feelings in space with people on the other side of the planet and in time with humans not yet born?




The first great communicators on this planet were the religious prophets and messengers from outer space who, without any equipment, taught people to communicate with the universe, with God and with eternity.  Hence their lasting success.  Today's communications, with all their equipment, are sadly limited to events, news and ideas, disregarding the immense realms of the heart and of the soul.




An old Catholic priest wrote to me: 'When communism discovers the wider horizons of the Divinity, then, as Lenin said, with some Franciscans they will reform society.'


I would amend that by saying: 'When communism, capitalism and all ways of life discover the wider horizon of the Divinity, then the world will at long last become a heavenly place.'




The mind has a tremendous power.  If you use it for negative thoughts, it will produce powerful negative effects.  If you use it for positive thoughts, it will produce powerful positive effects.  Always beware of the direction of your mind.




Retirement is the beautiful age of service to others.  Humanity has managed to give usefulness to its elderly members: the sharing of experience, service to others and story telling.




I take always solace from the fact that St. Augustine started to write the City of God at the age of 59!




Young people: always ask yourself what is your most fundamental, wildest, dearest dream before embarking upon your adult life, for God and nature have created you for a specific function.  Brush aside all obstacles, seeming impossibilities, fashions or 'what will people say'  Go and walk silently in nature and ask God for His answer.  If it is: become a carpenter, then become a carpenter.  If it is: become a mother because you love children, then become a mother.  And do not pay any attention to the views of others.  Be true only to your fundamental love and inclination, put into you by God, your happiness and the benefit of humankind.



Pacifists are the greatest patriots: they are the patriots of the Earth and of humanity, not of any artificial, limited segment of it.  By obtaining peace for the world, they obtain it also for the segments, which makes them also the best national patriots.




Think always that we are alive on a planet spinning around a sun for more than 4.5 billion years amongst trillions of stars in a stupendous, unfathomable universe.  On that planet there are beautiful lands, oceans and rivers, innumerable, marvelous plants and species, and you are a living member of one of them, the most capable of all, humankind.  What luck is yours!  Never forget it until you die.  Be conscious of the miracle of our life and embrace ecstatically the beautiful universe around you.




The longer I have lived, the more I have concluded that communism and capitalism, useful as they may have been in the past, have become a serious evolutionary aberration.  They are gravely out of step with the main evolutionary requirement of our age: the preservation and proper management of this planet for the benefit of all  With their nuclear weapons and insane arms expenditures, they have become an impediment to human progress.  They better sit down, review the situation, recognize their error and devise a new, correct ideology for our time.




If you do not like this world, you can always escape from it by devoting yourself to your own world, through goodness, kindness, love, art, poetry and the practice of the art of happiness.




We must train many people with world views and world abilities, because there are so many world issues to solve and so many wonderful new professions devoted to them.




Words of a dying Catholic sister: 'I have given 45 years of my life to my convent.  Now I have the right to return to God and to be with Him.'


Yes the right to die, not the fear to die.


Her last words were to ask Virgin Mary to bring her a glass of cold water, as my grandfather did to the sister who held his hand on his deathbed..




Use the cosmic energy in you.  Attract it like a magnet.  Cosmic energy is seeking to build.  If it feels that you are a builder it will come to you.  If you ignore it or reject it, it will flee you.  Yes dear reader, please use the cosmic, divine forces in and all around you.  I have learned to do it and I am a very happy man.




I will not be able to continue speaking, writing and publishing after my death, but I will arrange for a burial ground on which you will press a button and you will hear me speak on peacemaking and ways to do good on Earth.




Sometimes I feel that God wants me to live longer in order to see more successes of mine for His wonderful, beloved Planet Earth.  I will make that effort too.




When I will be in the other world I will make sure that the saints and angels are well organized to do their very best for Planet Earth and humanity.




I love this inscription on the Peace Monument of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica 'Happy the Costa Rican mother who when she gives birth to a son knows that he will never be a soldier.'



And here is the original Mother's Day proclamation written in Boston by Julia Ward Howe in 1870:


Arise, then, women of this day!

Arise all women who have hearts,

Whether your baptism be that of water or of tears

Say firmly:

'We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies,

Our husbands shall not come to us reeking of carnage,

For caresses and applause.

Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn

All that we have been able to teach them of

charity, mercy and patience.

We women of one country

Will be too tender of those of another country

To allow our sons to bee trained to injure theirs.

From the bosom of the devastated earth a voice

goes up with

Our own.  I says, 'Disarm, Disarm!'

The sword of murder is not the balance of justice!

Blood does not wipe out dishonor

Nor violence indicate possession.

As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil

at the summons of war.

Let women now leave all that may be left of home

For a great and earnest day of counsel.

Let them meet first as women, to bewail and commemorate the


Let them then solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means

Whereby the great human family can live in peace,

impress, not of


But of God.

In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly


That a general congress fo women without limit of


May be appointed and held at some place deemed

most convenient

And at the earliest period consistent with its


To promote the alliance of the different


The amicable settlement of international


The great and general interests of peace.




My Last Own Recommendation




Decide to Dream...


Decide to widely open the gates

    of your wonderful mind,

   heart and soul

Let flow in the dreams of God,

  of the angels, saints, prophets and sages

Give birth and let out into the world

   the dreams of your own unique, unrepeatable

    cosmic being

If not born for any other purpose

   be born to dream

   be born to love

   be born to fashion a better world

Dreams and dreamers never die

From heaven you will see your dreams

   come true

You will reincarnate,

   inspire and energize the new dreamers

The dreams of our beautiful Planet of Dreams

   will never die

Until we become the paradise

   we were always meant to be

   and are about to joyfully become.






            1 He should have written also The Destiny of Species.

            2 They began to wake up with the Iraq War in 2003.  19 million people demonstrated against war in the                           streets of the world.