Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Thursday, May 12, 2005


Common Services For The World Based On Common Interests Of Global Communities

[GMW #685A] Common Services For The World Based On Common Interests Of Global Communities
Thursday 12 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2023 ~

Perhaps the word government should be suppressed at this stage of our evolution and replaced by common services. The United Nations would become the world's common services, with ocean common services, air and atmosphere common services, world agricultural, educational, etc. common services corresponding to what are today the 32 United Nations Specialized Agencies and World Programs. Under them there would be:

common services for continents
common European services
common American services
common Asian services
common Oceanic services
common services for nations
common services for provinces
common services for cities
for all local communities
for neighborhood communities
for people living in the same building
common services for families.
Nobody would really govern or rule the world, all would be done by cooperation and common interests and services from the local to the global communities.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Most people have very limited ambitions. For example, they still seek national glory at a time when world glory is widely open to them. They want to be national leaders when they could be world leaders. They want to be national artists or writers when they could be world artists and writers. They want to be national philanthropists when they could be world philanthropists. They love a nation when they could love the world.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

1 will never understand why peace is so difficult to achieve on this planet. How can there be people crazy enough to believe in wars, to endorse the military and to produce arms? I will never understand it. They have no justification. This planet and human life are too miraculous, too beautiful to permit anything but peace and cooperation of all humans.

Hello Dr. and Mrs. Muller:
I came across an endorsement you (Dr. Muller) gave Dr. DeAngeles this morning and thought to look up your site and then e-mail you. I hope that you are both in good health and enjoying life.
I remember you visiting Mark Victor's office in the mid-80s and you made such a positive impression on me. I will enjoy reviewing your site during the next few days. It is packed with valuable information.
I'm sure that Mark would love to visit with you if you are ever in southern California. Mark still speaks but does not have any engagements in Costa Rica.
When you visited, you shared your mission statement and I think at the time it was the first one I had ever heard of. One of the phrases in it was "to create the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful..."etc. Would you please remind it exactly what it was? I think it was two sentences or at least a compound one. Perhaps it's in the details of your web, but I wanted to say hello and inquire.
The best to you both.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Dear Robert and Barbara,
I love this, thank you for always being a beacon of hope and possibility
Yes to forgiveness
yes to serenity
yes to joy
yes to enlightenment
yes to finding unity in diversity
yes to creating
yes to connecting
yes to remembering what binds us together is far greater than what separates us
yes to kindness
yes to respect
yes to reverence
yes to celebrating life
yes to celebrating each other
yes to upliftment
yes to compassion
yes to empathy
yes to teaching
yes to learning
yes to sharing
yes to compromising
Yes to using words that create peace
yes to letting go of our need to be right
yes to remembering each of us was created as a miracle
yes to creating a world that is safe for our children and their children
yes to living from the highest good
The more we affirm what we want the greater probability we will achieve it. Affirming the positive is more than wishful thinking, it allows us to align with the light and connect with the highest vibrational possibility.
At every moment we are faced with multiple probabilities, multiple choices that will shift the outcome of every encounter. By choosing to affirm what we want we set in motion, at the Quantum level, a move toward that direction.
Just for today, wouldn't it be amazing if everyone simple choose to affirm the highest good. Then each of us could fully experience, what you Robert and Barbara call, Paradise Earth.
May joy, peace, and love shine upon each and every one of us.
With great love and respect,
Debbie Milam
Author of Stop Fighting, Start Connecting
Recent Guest Book Entries:
From: Mary

It's been 20 years since you visited our office in Costa Mesa, CA, Dr. Muller. I\'m just now catching up on your activities from your website. Thank you for all that you are and all that you and Mrs. Muller do to raise the consciousness of all with whom you come in contact.


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