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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


[GMW #698A] Seeing The World with Hopeful Happy Eyes

[GMW #698A] Seeing The World with Hopeful Happy Eyes
Monday 31 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6074 ~

To a large degree our life depends on how we ?see? things. If we see them in a hopeful, happy way, our life will be bright and happy. If we see them in gray, our life will be sad and gray.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Capitalism and communism are outdated. The only right ideology is ecumenism: a joining of all forces to instaure peace, preserve the planet and achieve the fulfillment and happiness of all people.

I do not want life to have meaning, I know that life has a meaning, a tremendous one.
We have to repeat and repeat again and again that life has a sacred meaning. We must prove it with a cosmic vision of our place and evolution in the universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

All I attempted will not materialize during my lifetime, far from that. But all my attempts in the UN will sooner or later be recognized, cherished and implemented.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Monday, May 30, 2005


Sculptures Of Love, Faith, Hope, Peace, Friendship, Compassion, Prayer, Mediation, Gratitude For Better Human(e) Progress

[GMW #697A] Sculptures Of Love, Faith, Hope, Peace, Friendship, Compassion, Prayer, Mediation, Gratitude For Better Human(e) Progress
Monday 30 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1527 ~ 15 September 1998

Seeing the magnificent sculpture on forgiveness at the Casa de Maria Conference Center in Santa Barbara, I dream that more sculptures should be planned and inaugurated in the year 2000 on all the great philosophical concepts which have helped humanity to progress on its mysterious journey in the universe, concepts such as love, faith, hope, peace, friendship, compassion, prayer, meditation, gratitude and others. I could see a major sculpture inaugurated in 2000 on Peace in San Francisco, the city where the United Nations was born and a major sculpture on Love in Kansas City which considers itself to be the heart of America and possesses already a Heart Forest near the airport, etc. What beautiful, elevating, encouraging contributions such sculptures would be to the celebration of our entry into a new century and millennium!

I was glad that we were visited by a famous sculptress, Edwina Sanders, the granddaughter of Winston Churchill who offered us to build a magnificent monument to the Bimillennium on the wonderful, sacred, world grounds of the UN University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
My life or cosmic consciousness may be temporary. But human life being a part of humanity can make us eternal. My contribution to humanity is therefore the highest form of living. Humanity knows that: the greater the contribution, the greater and more lasting the human recognition and glory.
Relax as much as you can. A man like Albert Schweitzer who lived happily to a very advanced age, always let his arms and hands hang down in a totally relaxed fashion. Do that and you will feel your entire body relaxed. Relaxation is another word for peace and happiness.
Most of your life will depend on how you ?see? things. If you see them in a hopeful, happy way, your life will be bright and happy. If you see them in gray, your life will be sad and gray.
Weed your life carefully of all bad seeds and plants. If not, they will grow, proliferate and smother the good ones.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A reviewer of my book What War Taught Me About Peace, apologized for criticizing me:

"You have certainly earned your place among the immortals of the UN, but I had to underline that you are always all supportive of the UN and never find fault with it. I believe you should help in underlining and redressing what is wrong with the UN."

I answered:

"You are indeed right. But there are so many people who criticize the UN that I feel it my duty to counter their negative influence by stressing the good aspects of the UN which they ignore. Also, if I were to voice the slightest criticism, the UN haters would jump on it and proclaim: 'You see, even such a defender of the UN
as Robert Muller is critical.' They would use it to undermine the UN.

I have taken a similar stand in this testament. The UN enemies will seek in vain arguments and ammunition for their evil designs. once they have become objective, I will also be ready to discuss honestly the shortcomings of the UN.

We must make the UN the determining agent of change for a peaceful and better world. We cannot allow anything to happen to it. We owe it to the 30 million dead of World War II.

Subject: Thank You From Brasil

Dear Mr. Robert Muller,

It is a blessing to receive your material and I"m translating some to my friends here in Brasil,where we already have a great admiration for your work, since our mentor presented us your work.

Our group has open meditations every day and on Wenesday we meditate, conected with the Intuition in Service where we have your name as co-participating also, we imprinted your photograph to show in the group and now we feel much more close to Texas.

Best regards,
Unidade de Serviço para Educação Integral/Resende /RJ/Brasil



Dear Robert,
I was elated to hear you being interviewed on Vision TV this morning. They were running and interview you did back in 1993 while attending the "Parliament of World Religions" in Chicago. I was captured immediately by your POSITIVE outlook on life and the future of the human race. I too, have many of those wonderful spiritual connections where thru the wonderful and awesome God we serve you come to believe that "anything the mind can believe, the mind can achieve" - with God's help, of course.
Immediately, after hearing the interview, I went to the internet to find out more about you and was estatic to find that you have been doing so much to promote peace and love in the world. Your ideas and dreams for a better world are contagious. I am looking forward to reading much of the matierial I printed off from your site. I even listened to your harmonica performances - they are great!
God Bless and Keep You - He"s done that for sure over the many years!
Hoping to promote your ideas and become an embasador for peace and love!
sincerely, Albert, Hawkesbury, ON Canada

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Namaste' dear ones....just heard the "ode to Joy" being played at a EU meeting on the radio...what an ODE to JOY
-- silver eagle

Robert's beatiful uplifting Ode To Joy played on his famous 10 hole harmonica can be heard at this link:
More harmonic from Robert:
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Friday, May 27, 2005


[GMW #696A] Setting Up Global Inventories Of Achievements, Failures & Hopes and Dreams For A Better World

[GMW #696A] Setting Up Global Inventories Of Achievements, Failures &Hopes and Dreams For A Better World
Friday 27 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 7 ~17 July 1994
I recommend that for the celebration of the year 2000 the United Nations, each of its specialized agencies, each nation, each religion, each institution, each firm and all peoples will draw up:
- an inventory of their achievements and successes for a peaceful and better world;
- an inventory of their failures, mistakes, sins, and neglects;
- an inventory of their hopes, dreams and intentions.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The spirit of life, the breath of the oxygen of life - spirituality has left the arteries of the world. Humanity needs spiritual healing, fresh air, new spiritual flows into it.
We are too Earth-bound, not enough heaven-bound. If we continue this way, we will return to the condition of animals who never look at the stars and to the heavens.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

During the fortieth anniversary year of the UN, I found on the nighttable of a Japanese hotel a Buddhist prayer book in which I read this story told by the Buddha:

"Once upon a time a father came home from a long trip. When he approached his dwelling, he saw that there was a fire in it. He shouted:

'Children, come out quickly, there is a fire in the house'.

But the children did not come out. So, he shouted:

'Children, I brought back beautiful toys for you. Please come out and see.'

And the children came out right away."

This story was an enlightenment to me. I discovered that I had been doing the same at the United Nations. Instead of telling people and governments about dangers and impending catastrophes, I told them to look at the beautiful things they could do together. Look at the marvelous toys and dreams which are expecting you. Look at the joys of achieving peace, justice and happiness for all. Why don't you play with your most beautiful toys, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, world conferences, world meetings and instruments?

I love foremost the world and humanity.

I have affection for my country and religion.

I consider this to be the right priority, the one laid down by

God from the beginning.

No one on Earth has the right to turn this around.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

RE: UN Door Opening Essay
[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World

Namaste' dear Robert and is a beautiful morning in Seattle, birds singing, flowers blooming and I have a request....
'What I would have missed in my life if I hadn't worked for the UN! I should rewrite in golden letters the essay on world government which opened to me the doors of the UN as a young man.'
Could you please print that essay.......or is it somewhere on your website? I would be very happy (most of all you have taught me happiness) to read the essay in golden letters or black and white...I am anxiously awaiting that magic essay blessings
Stanley Sabre/Silver Eagle

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Thursday, May 26, 2005


[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World

[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World
Thursday 26 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 49 ~ 28 August 1994

The first world environment conference was in reality the Conference on the Biosphere convened by UNESCO in Paris in 1968 at the request of the government of Sweden. Its concept was right, namely to see the thin spherical membrane, or sphere of life, surrounding this planet, only a few miles into the atmosphere and a few miles into the oceans, containing all life of our solar system. The Conference had no impact and Sweden came to the UN Economic and Social Council to express its concern about the acid rain affecting their forests and the loss of life in their lakes. Sweden requested the UN to hold the first world conference on the environment in Sweden in 1972.

It would be good to return to the concept of the biosphere and to hold a new world conference on the biosphere in 1998, thirty years after the first one, to see how the thin layer of life around our planet is faring.

At the time, I asked UN cartographers to draw for me a picture of the biosphere on a globe with a diameter of one meter. The biosphere appeared on it as a mere thin line not thicker than an eggshell. To politicians visiting my office, I pointed at that line, saying to them, "This is what you are playing with."

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I breathe, therefore I am
I eat, therefore I am
I see, therefore I am
I hear, therefore I am
I think, therefore I am
I love, therefore I am
I feel, therefore I am
I pray, therefore I am
There is no end to the forms of being!
All life is flow. I must therefore flow gently and not be hard like a rock.
Humanity really does not know where it is going. That is the first, eminent question it should ask itself.
One world, one network. Let your life decide to participate in it through networking.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I pray and thank God every day for the United Nations.

What I would have missed in my life if I hadn't worked for the UN! I should rewrite in golden letters the essay on world government which opened to me the doors of the UN as a young man.

My God, how dearly I have loved this planet and humanity! Please allow me to come back as a spirit to provoke the heads of states into the right directions!

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Beloved Robert and Barbara,

We have heard of you from our dear teacher and friend, Swami Sri Nabuji.

We receive your messages daily and are particularly inspired by the peace movement related to childrens schools.

Thank you for your service to this planet.

In the Loving arms of Light,
Shinah B'nai

Dear Dr. Muller,
I hope that this note finds you well and happy. I have received much inspiration from your book Ideas & Dreams for a Better World (Vol. 3). It is encouraging to see such idealistic visions being expressed, and it supports my own ability to write and sing about such visions for the world.

A happy note is that I was able to get my music to the United Nations Singers (June Chesney and Douglas Rose) who are contemplating the possibility of using some of them.

Wishing both you and Barbara love, joy and warmth.
Best wishes,


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Wednesday, May 25, 2005


[GMW #694A] Earth Government For The Earth And Humanity

[GMW #694A] Earth Government For The Earth And Humanity
Wednesday 25 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1779 ~

Writers can have a great influence on the coining of new words. Here is an illustration.

Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met in Washington in December 1941 to begin to think of what kind of World Organization should be created after the war. Franklin Roosevelt proposed to create an Associated Powers. Churchill quoted to him a passage of Byron's Child's Harold Pilgrimage where United Nations drew the sword to defeat Napoleon in Waterloo. He proposed and Roosevelt accepted it for the planned organization.

As a writer and elder of world affairs, I propose that we must now create an Earth Government as we enter the next century and millennium I hope that one or several heads of state like Churchill and Roosevelt will plan a new world organization for the Earth and humanity in the 21st century and new millennium.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A good poet brings joy, enlivens, beautifies, validates, elevates all Creation around them.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

In my work at the UN, in my life in general, I had a whole range of intentions, a vast canvass of ideas, visions and actions. I was a world smith, with hundreds of irons in the fire, a hatmaker with every conceivable material, a chef disposing over innumerable culinary ingredients, a painter with all the gamut of colors, a composer with an infinity of notes.

Re: Great book to recommend

Dear Robert: Was reluctant to recommend a book for you and Barbara to read, since I know that you have limited time, but there is one I just read that was quite wonderful

re the nature of social change, re the origins of the movement to abolish slavery in the British Empire:

It's called Bury the Chains by Adam Hochschild (2005) & it's great.

Origins of many things activists use today: political buttons, posters, petitions to Parliament, etc. etc. Plus, for world federalists, there is a possible analogy:

After great initial success (starting in May 1787, a magic date as you'll recall), they fell upon extremely hard times [just like us in recent decades] but then were ultimately successful).

Yours, Jim

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


[GMW #693A] From India - "Nationalism, Sovereignty & Independence To Become Obsolete"

[GMW #693A] From India - "Nationalism, Sovereignty & Independence To Become Obsolete
Tuesday 24 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6040 ~

In a book received from India, A Master Plan for Human Survival and Excellence, I found this quotation:

?We are only at the beginning of our new global history and in the long run it is likely that words such as nationalism, sovereignty and independence will be as obsolete as feudalism, royalism and slavery are today.?
-- Dr. Robert Muller


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Our first priorities for our time:
One planet
One humanity
One proper Earth government

After 35 years of keen observation and warmest cooperation, I must honestly confess that the nation-state system must either obey its own rules laid down in the UN Charter or it will die.
Do heads of state know their solemn obligations under the UN Charter? I suggest that before assuming office they read that Charter and on the day of their inauguration read out its Preamble to their people. They should swear on the UN Charter as some of them do on the Bible.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it. Live on the idea. Let the brain, the muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way great spiritual giants are produced."


My own "one idea" was that life is divine, a true miracle. The fulfillment of life requires peace. The UN is the universal instrument of peace. Therefore, I let my brain, muscles, nerves, heart and soul become full of the UN.

To Sri -- re Technology Initiatives For Peace

I know from reading this that you are my ally. I could barely contain myself given how much recognition I felt of all that you said, and the awe I was in at the immensity of your scope, where you've held nothing back from what is beyond where most people's thinking is.
I've attached a gleam in my eye that I'd like to talk to you about. I want to send people out to be Gandhi. Where are you? Can we get together?
I hope I am but one of many people who recognize and appreciate what you are doing and that this body of thought spreads like wildfire.
Los Angeles

PS: Hello to Robert Muller, who hopefully will remember how gracious he was to me when I visited him at the U.N., lo these several decades ago. He knew we were kindred souls. I wanted never to leave his office -- in fact he sent me to the coffee shop while he kept his next appointment, so I could come back for more. Dare to Network indeed. Connect people in the place beneath their differences.
To: GoodMorningWorld

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
The connection with Suzanne has been made and we are getting together in a week to meld minds and plot.
Please continue to flow any other responses that come your way.
I will also keep you informed of progress and movements at my end.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
From: Roy
Subject: UN
...proposal could include an addition to its name....The United Nations of Earth--U.N.E.
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Monday, May 23, 2005


[GMW #692A] A Proper Earth Government

[GMW #692A] A Proper Earth Government
Monday 23 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1075 ~ 20 June 1997

Yesterday I implemented idea 1049 by making available the following appeal to the members of the Extraordinary Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, held to review after five years the implementation of the recommendations of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment:

Dear Esteemed Member,

After the world's concern for peace, humanism and economic development:
After the world's concern for the population explosion;
After the world's concern for the environment;
After the world's concern for the Earth's climate;
The new, even vaster concern is now how to save this planet and the human race by creating urgently


This is the absolute priority which faces us, the top item on the agenda of world affairs as we enter a new century and millennium.

I appeal to you, I beg you, Members of the UN Extraordinary Session, to adopt a resolution requesting an Initiative for URGENT PROPER EARTH GOVERNMENT.

This text was followed by my ideas 502 to 547 and 556 to 564.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We need political mystics who in the management of our planet?s affairs will reflect the innermost spiritual yearnings of humanity and help us fulfill them.
We are moving towards an unheard, global, transcendent political age never seen before in human history.
I was born with an unbounded love for life. At my death, I will leave behind a record of that love, enriched by my life, actions and experiences.
Be passionate about the Earth in her entirety
Be passionate about humanity in its entirely
Be passionate about life in its entirety
Be passionate about the universe in its entirety

Every day is a new day. But in reality there is no end to a day: the sun slowly and unceasingly wakes up humans after humans as the Earth turns around herself. So it is with life: we germinate under that sun, grow, flower, mature, give birth and return to the Earth in an incredible, unceasing, multi-billion years long revolving.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

If one really loves someone or something, one must at least be ready to forgive, if not love their shortcomings. I have applied this rule to my love for humanity and for the UN. Why should I insist on a perfect planet, a perfect humanity, a perfect UN, a perfect wife and perfect children, when I myself am not perfect?

I am enthusiastic about life I am enthusiastic about peace I am enthusiastic about the UN I am enthusiastic about this planet.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Here is a wonderful proposal.
For more information including eight comprehensive appendices or to participate please Contact GoodMorningWorld.
A0. Brief Bio of Dr Sridharan
A1. Course outline: draft
A2. Examples of technology for peace
A3. Sample of Needs framework
A4. Examples of Technology Transition from DARPA
A5. Example of Broad Area Announcement to furthering technology vision
A6. List of Broad Area Announcements
A7. Useful resources and references

Technology Initiatives For Peace
N.S. Sridharan ("Sri")

I am a former technologist, computer and software specialist, now retired and dedicated to peace initiatives. Pondering how to bring my tech expertise to bear upon peace efforts, I have been contemplating a framework of sponsored research on Technology Initiatives for Peace. I am conceiving of this an antidote to the fact that in the last 100 years, much of technology has been spawned to serve the cause of war - aircraft, radar, laser, even the Internet.

Now the tide is turning - initiatives like Google, Blogger and Friendster are serving to bring people together, to make information open and transparent. New technologies for promoting freedom, cooperation, human dignity, understanding and mutual trust are needed. Research in Information Technology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology - needs the guiding hand of humanity striving for peace and harmony. I am envisioning a series of research initiatives that would spawn a new generation of technologies that serve our mutual cause. Eventually I would like to enable entrepreneurship and special investment funds for a broad range of technology initiatives.

I am searching both for ideas and for a home institution to base these research efforts. I would be delighted to hear back from you.

A recently made streaming video by Italian Telecomm won the Epica award for creative achievement.
It is a moving and compelling testament to how much technologies of connectivity and communication have changed the world and how much is made possible. The film starts out with Gandhi (actual historical clip) walking into his hut in Sabarmati. It then, cuts over to his face talking to people about one world, uplift for all. We see soldiers in WW2 looking at his talk on television, a couple in Italy sitting on a park bench and viewing it on their cellphone, people gathered in Moscow looking at it in big screen, executives looking at it on their desktops in London and in New York, trains screaming through wilderness of Canada and native Indians viewing his talk on a laptop. It paints a compelling and redeeming vision of what is possible with technology when it is applied to peaceful purposes. The tag line is ?Imagine the world today if he could have communicated like this."

After a brief visit to Bodh Gaya, visiting the Mahabodhi Shrine, meditating at the lotus pond and under the Bodhi Tree, I remember sitting down at my laptop back at the hotel and penning a journal entry: ?What would Buddha have done if he was born in the 21st Century?? I felt he would have embraced technologies of communication, neurobiology, genetics and transportation ? and would have created something other than monasteries and Bhikkus with shaven heads walking with begging bowls to develop humility and compassion. What is that other vision? What would Buddha do?

In the last 70 years or 100 years, there has been a lot of advancement in the areas of technology (communication, computation, transportation, medicine, ecology) During that time the war machine has enslaved much of the technology - resulting in nuclear missiles, precision guided bombs, faster than sound planes, night vision, geographical positioning systems, satellite based communication and CBCW and WMD). The list is endless.

The peace movement can bring itself up to date and begin to embrace these advanced technologies. That would be not enough. We need to channel innovation and entrepreneurship, and breakthrough technologies to the cause of peace and sustainable development. There are numerous examples of the peace movement and nonviolent action utilizing technologies (fax machines in the 80s, Internet and email in the nineties) - but most are serendipitous. Time has come to DRIVE new technologies..

Action: Let us start with a two-semester graduate research seminar on the role of technology in war and peace. {Appendix A1} Let us use that course as a means for charting a pathway for the future when technology truly serves the cause of peace, love and nonviolent means of action.

Grand Plan: The course would lead next to the formation of Industry-University consortium ? a collective of organization that collectively strives to drive technology that brings greater peace and economic prosperity to mankind. Since entrepreneurship is the hallmark of the global technology industries, we expect to attract investors and venture capital firms that wish to play a strong role in the shaping of our own future. Eventually we envision that there would be dozens of startup companies that produce the technologies according to the roadmap delivered via the consortium.

Expected outcomes
a. Synthesis of a needs-framework driven by peace, economic prosperity, local and regional civic freedom, sustainable living, emergency management and social justice.
Using a worldwide perspective, the needs-framework would be the driver for the technology roadmap below. {Appendix A2}
b. Formulation of Technology roadmaps - 5 years, 20 year, and 100 year - anticipated functionalities, needed infrastructure development, and research priorities
Moore?s Law guided the semiconductor industry ? Sematech was the coordinating agency that executed the roadmap for that industry. Similarly the technology roadmap will include tactical, strategic and visionary new developments in all areas that affect society. See for roadmap methods.
c. Capability identification ? Roster of research centers that have the needed technology research capabilities and those who subscribe to the values expressed in the needs-framework
Based on direct contact and site visits, research centers will be positioned as Centers of Excellence, Centers of Development and Centers for deployment
d. Identification of public funding methods to promote research and basic technology development and private equity processes to support entrepreneurship in bringing basic technology to pilot stage, application and deployment.
A variety of private and public research funding sources will be collected. Compare Micro-Electronics and Computer Research Center in Austin in the 80?s which marshaled both DoD and Corporate funds and then spun off technology using Venture Capital.
e. Initiation of a Coordination Office within the scope of the UN or the US government and EU government to drive the roadmap and to keep it updated.
Unlike the prior examples mentioned above, our scope is worldwide, not the US. Hence our positioning also needs to be through various world-wide or regional multi-country agencies.
f. In addition to the Coordination Office we would create a self-regulating community to refine and drive the roadmap, along the lines of the open source model. A peer-to-peer community that keeps all the resulting technology open, common and shared property. [Open source is about how to build a system for the world's people. ? CK Prahlad at the World Economic Forum]

For more information or to participate
please Contact GoodMorningWorld.

Here are some interesting websites related to this proposal of Technology Initiatives for Peace. for roadmap methods.

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Friday, May 20, 2005


Nature & Humanity's Wellness - Institutions Primary Objective

[GMW #691A] Nature & Humanity's Wellness - Institutions Primary Objective
Friday 20 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2221 ~
We have too many institutions in the world, especially national governments, corporations and religions which want to be famous, recognized, rich, bigger, more powerful and remain in existence forever. Why?

And we have too few institutions which have the welfare of the Earth, her nature and of all humanity as their primary objectives, want to be of service to them and are quite ready to be only temporary. Why not more?

That too is a major problem of humanity today.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The world?s political and economic leaders must cooperate with evolution and the universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I do not think so much about what I do for the UN and humanity, but rather what the UN and humanity do for me. What I do is indeed very little compared with what they do for me. In order to compensate for the difference, I ask myself constantly the question:

What more can I do for the UN and for humanity?

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Thursday, May 19, 2005


A World Organization of Evolution - missing section

From Barbara:
A Sorted Affair
Japanese municipalities take recycling to a whole new level

Yokohama, Japan, a city of 3.5 million, recently sent its citizens a 27-page instruction book on how to sort trash for recycling into 10 different categories, detailing how to dispose of more than 500 separate items, from used lipstick tubes to old socks. The city aims to slash the amount of waste being sent to incinerators by 30 percent by 2010. Kamikatsu, a small town of 2,200 residents, has set its goal even higher -- no garbage thrown out at all by 2020. To achieve this lofty aim, the town requires citizens to sort their waste into a growing number of recycling categories -- now standing at 44. Of course, some residents grumble that the sorting is too complicated for mere mortals, but despite complaints, in the last four years, Kamikatsu's recycling rate has hovered around 80 percent. Intense social pressure helps, with volunteer garbage guardians across Japan inspecting their neighbors' sorting efforts and pestering laggards to get with the program.


[GMW #690A] A World Organization of Evolution

[GMW #690A] A World Organization of Evolution
Thursday 19 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 5057 ~
I recommend that a totally new world organization should be considered for our Earth and humanity, a World Organization of Evolution into which the United Nations would be incorporated. The organization would listen to evolutionary scientists who look at evolution in its multiplicity of forms from the smallest bacteria to the evolution of humankind within the basic elements of the planet, its airs, its water, its climate, etc. and who have a long-term view of what the future evolution of the Earth is likely or supposed to be. This is indispensable because henceforth everything on this planet has to be seen in terms of a long-term future.

Our species is now changing the Earth very much. We are therefore responsible for the Earth's future. If we stick to obsolete values we will put an end to it. If we adopt new values, new objectives, visions, institutions and laws, evolution will continue. This is henceforth our challenge number one on planet Earth. There is none more important.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
How could Faust seek happiness for so long when it was all around him and in him? Paradise is on Earth and in us. One just has to open one?s eyes and heart to it.
Happiness is in a star-studded sky
Happiness is in a flower
Happiness is in the eyes of a child
Happiness is in the love of your spouse.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

One of my sons, Francois, who works for the UN Development Program, asked me:

"Dad, why do you have all these crazy ideas? Can't you ever stop?"

I answered:

"If I had not had the crazy idea of creating major development instruments for the poor countries at the UN, you and several thousand of your colleagues would not have a job at the UN today."

He believed me, when at the fortieth anniversary of the UNDP, I was invited to speak to the staff as one of the last living pioneers of the program. I donated and inaugurated on that occasion a bust of Paul Hoffman, the first Administrator of the UNDP, saying:

"Every time you pass by this bust, I want you to remember his words and example: 'Have an ideal, have a dream and work for it relentlessly."'

Whenever I complete a task successfully or fulfill a dream or idea at the UN, I move to another seemingly impossible challenge. That is why today I am nurturing the fledgling infancy of the University for Peace.


From Barbara:
A Sorted Affair
Japanese municipalities take recycling to a whole new level

Yokohama, Japan, a city of 3.5 million, recently sent its citizens a 27-page instruction book on how to sort trash for recycling into 10 different categories, detailing how to dispose of more than 500 separate items, from used lipstick tubes to old socks. The city aims to slash the amount of waste being sent to incinerators by 30 percent by 2010. Kamikatsu, a small town of 2,200 residents, has set its goal even higher -- no garbage thrown out at all by 2020. To achieve this lofty aim, the town requires citizens to sort their waste into a growing number of recycling categories -- now standing at 44. Of course, some residents grumble that the sorting is too complicated for mere mortals, but despite complaints, in the last four years, Kamikatsu's recycling rate has hovered around 80 percent. Intense social pressure helps, with volunteer garbage guardians across Japan inspecting their neighbors' sorting efforts and pestering laggards to get with the program.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

RE: La Nacion Newspaper, [GMW #688A] Read Newspaper That Report UN News
Om Shanti,

I quickly went to La Nacion's web site to read the information, however, I do not read Spanish or whatever language that is. Is there anywhere I can go to get the info in English?

Thank you so much for sharing this info.

Osha Harama

The Un News Centre

The UN Wire

are the two news sources listed on Good Morning World.

From Barbara:
Greetings from Costa Rica where the roosters are crowing, the rain is raining and Robert is sleeping in this gentle steady rain.

The best source of UN news is compiled by Sergio Tripi in Italy, our Italian publisher and NGO for a better world..Would you be so kind and share it with her and the readers if you would like...

Thank you, Barbara

Dear Colleagues,

Please find the Good News Agency, year VI no.7, that we distribute free of charge to 3,700 media in 48 countries, as well as to 2,500 NGOs,
service associations, universities and colleges in the world.

As always, we encourage media to utilize Good News Agency's items of news
and invite NGOs and service associations to send us information regarding
their own specific programs for possible inclusion in future issues.

Have a good read.

Good News Agency

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005


New Global Youth Organization For Right Not To Be In Military

[GMW #689A] New Global Youth Organization For Right Not To Be In Military
Wednesday 18 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1028 ~ 4 May 1997

All youth organizations of the Earth should combine their efforts and create a United Youth Organization.

That Organization should request the adoption of new texts of their fundamental human rights: the sacred right not to be drafted into military service or war service, the right not to kill and not to be killed, not in the name of anyone. Conflicts between social, ethnic, and political groups should all be solved by peaceful and non-violent means. This should become the supreme law of the human society.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is only passion and enthusiasm for life that can lead to a fulfilled life.
Only love can create beauty.
Only peace can bring happiness.
Peace, happiness and beauty cannot be wrong: they are divine fulfillment.

We are all instruments of God for the progress of humanity. Scientists would say: we are biological instruments for the progress of the human species.
I am simply in love with life, with the world and with humanity.
It is the enlightened duty of every person on Earth to support the United Nations, for it is the only instrument governments have accepted to make peace on Earth. Without it it would be total chaos.
The world is in a mess. But this should not scare us, because this is the first time humanity has to administer the whole planet! It is all so new!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Sometimes people accuse me for being overenthusiastic about the UN. My answer is:

"In reality, I do not care excessively about the UN. It is only an institution which is as good as the life, heart and spirit of the people who work for it. What I really care for is human happiness, and fulfillment. Since the UN is fighting for peace world wide, and since peace is the precondition to happiness, I am ready to fight for the UN until my death, and possibly even after it."

From Connie:
When we learn to manage our emotions long enough to stop and shift our
attention to the quieter message of the heart, we can gain a wider
perspective on any situation, often saving ourselves from hurt, frustration
and pain.
-- Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005


Read Newspapers That Report UN News

[GMW #688A] Read Newspaper That Report UN News
Tuesday 17 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 6043 ~

Why do I prefer the Costa Rican newspaper La Nación to the US press? Because it publishes reports of the United Nations and of its agencies on world problems. I have seldom seen such reports in the United States press. They all have to be US news and views. Name me one US newspaper which has published fully and undoctored the reports of the World Health Organization on the effects of climatic changes in the world? I mean the full reports as they were published by La Nación.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A new science and art of consciousness must be developed: the transformation of the Earth into a highly conscious cell of the universe. But where is it taught?
It is so easy to forget what is important in life. Train yourself always to remember the priorities of life. It is a difficult but necessary art.
Was I more myself when I was a child? I could burst with joy and also cry. I was fascinated by everything. I fell asleep, exhausted by the wonders of life.

Today, as an adult, I am even more: I am a cross-section of many lives and thoughts. I am an expanded, dilated self to very vast limits.

Today, I speak and write as an instrument of the universe, of the planet, of humanity and of life. I am giving back what I have received. I expand others, as I expanded myself. Everyone must find in me an echo of himself.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

During the fortieth anniversary year of the UN, I found on the nighttable of a Japanese hotel a Buddhist prayer book in which I read this story told by the Buddha:

"Once upon a time a father came home from a long trip. When he approached his dwelling, he saw that there was a fire in it. He shouted:

'Children, come out quickly, there is a fire in the house'.

But the children did not come out. So, he shouted:

'Children, I brought back beautiful toys for you. Please come out and see.'

And the children came out right away."

This story was an enlightenment to me. I discovered that I had been doing the same at the United Nations. Instead of telling people and governments about dangers and impending catastrophes, I told them to look at the beautiful things they could do together. Look at the marvelous toys and dreams which are expecting you. Look at the joys of achieving peace, justice and happiness for all. Why don't you play with your most beautiful toys, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, world conferences, world meetings and instruments?

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Monday, May 16, 2005


[GMW #687A] St. Francis and St. Claire Patron Saints of the United Nations

[GMW #687A] St. Francis and St. Claire Patron Saints of the United Nations
Monday 16 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1438 ~ 19 June 1998

I received from an admiring author a great book One Hundred Saints with a beautiful inscription of his wish that I should be declared a saint too. I perused the illustrated book and noted that only seven of the 100 were saints of the military (four of soldiers, the others of hunters, armorers and paratroopers). I suggest that these qualifications be suppressed. Christ would not give saintly support to the militaries who are trained to kill other humans. I also do not understand why the Pope has never accepted my request that St. Francis and St. Claire be made the patron saints of the United Nations. Almost everyone of the 100 saints is the patron saint of a nation. Some European nations have several national saints!

One good news: Robert Schuman, my compatriot from Alsace-Lorraine who fathered the borderless European Union will be declared saint in the year 2000. I am a member of his canonization committee. The Pope asks us to hurry up, because he feels rightly "that the world needs political saints."

I also recommend that the United Religions Organization should grant global sainthood to humans who have devoted their lives to peace and to a better world, irrespective of their religion. I would love to receive it after my death. It would help me up there to network with all religions, Gods and prophets.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Peacemakers perform the most advanced cosmic function. They are the ultimate instruments and fulfillment of the divine nature. This is why in all religions they are considered the highest, the most beloved, the saints, the immortals.
In the battle between forces of evil and good on this planet, no one can be neutral.
Planet Earth was meant to be a house of worship, peace and happiness and not a gigantic market place, ?robbers den?, military camps and nuclear bombs.
Our world political system is like a tree with many branches but no roots or with very feeble roots - the United Nations. This must change: the roots much be strengthened, for the roots support the branches and not the branches the roots.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Among the many epithets given to me during my years at the UN, the following were my preferred ones:

Purushottama, given to me by Sri Chinmoy: "The one who seeks the origin and reason of all things".

Koogun Deyo Spider Boy, given to me by the Hopi Indians: "The one who is to catch all evil in his web and throw it far into the universe".

Hi Robert,
I am a good friend and colleague of both Lionel Ketchian and Julian Kalmar. I also work in happiness, written a book on it (Happy 4 Life: Here's How to Do It), run a Happiness Club in San Francisco, and give happiness lectures and courses.
I eagerly await the reissue of your book on how you discovered you happiness.
Thanks for being who you are and doing such great work for the world.
Bob Nozik, MD

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Friday, May 13, 2005


Suppose God Is Not Mean And Does Not Want Killing In The Name Of God

[GMW #682A] Suppose God Is Not Mean And Does Not Want Killing In The Name Of God
Friday 13 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2826 ~
The fact that there are still human groups which fight and kill other humans in the name of God and religion is shameful: it supposes that God is mean, that He is for the killing of His creatures, His children!

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is difficult to understand that people should still be seeking national glory when nations have become so numerous and many so small. Only global, world glory is worth being sought in our time

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6


1 met a former UN colleague whom I had not seen for years. He had left the UN to become a Professor of political science which paid him a better salary. I asked him how he was doing. He answered: "Fine, but I am often mad at you because you cross my way.,.

I expressed surprise:

"But we have not seen each other for years!"

"Yes, he replied, but often my students brandish your books, your speeches and your ideas which challenge the current teachings of political science."

His remark made my day!

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Thursday, May 12, 2005


Common Services For The World Based On Common Interests Of Global Communities

[GMW #685A] Common Services For The World Based On Common Interests Of Global Communities
Thursday 12 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2023 ~

Perhaps the word government should be suppressed at this stage of our evolution and replaced by common services. The United Nations would become the world's common services, with ocean common services, air and atmosphere common services, world agricultural, educational, etc. common services corresponding to what are today the 32 United Nations Specialized Agencies and World Programs. Under them there would be:

common services for continents
common European services
common American services
common Asian services
common Oceanic services
common services for nations
common services for provinces
common services for cities
for all local communities
for neighborhood communities
for people living in the same building
common services for families.
Nobody would really govern or rule the world, all would be done by cooperation and common interests and services from the local to the global communities.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Most people have very limited ambitions. For example, they still seek national glory at a time when world glory is widely open to them. They want to be national leaders when they could be world leaders. They want to be national artists or writers when they could be world artists and writers. They want to be national philanthropists when they could be world philanthropists. They love a nation when they could love the world.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

1 will never understand why peace is so difficult to achieve on this planet. How can there be people crazy enough to believe in wars, to endorse the military and to produce arms? I will never understand it. They have no justification. This planet and human life are too miraculous, too beautiful to permit anything but peace and cooperation of all humans.

Hello Dr. and Mrs. Muller:
I came across an endorsement you (Dr. Muller) gave Dr. DeAngeles this morning and thought to look up your site and then e-mail you. I hope that you are both in good health and enjoying life.
I remember you visiting Mark Victor's office in the mid-80s and you made such a positive impression on me. I will enjoy reviewing your site during the next few days. It is packed with valuable information.
I'm sure that Mark would love to visit with you if you are ever in southern California. Mark still speaks but does not have any engagements in Costa Rica.
When you visited, you shared your mission statement and I think at the time it was the first one I had ever heard of. One of the phrases in it was "to create the spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful..."etc. Would you please remind it exactly what it was? I think it was two sentences or at least a compound one. Perhaps it's in the details of your web, but I wanted to say hello and inquire.
The best to you both.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Dear Robert and Barbara,
I love this, thank you for always being a beacon of hope and possibility
Yes to forgiveness
yes to serenity
yes to joy
yes to enlightenment
yes to finding unity in diversity
yes to creating
yes to connecting
yes to remembering what binds us together is far greater than what separates us
yes to kindness
yes to respect
yes to reverence
yes to celebrating life
yes to celebrating each other
yes to upliftment
yes to compassion
yes to empathy
yes to teaching
yes to learning
yes to sharing
yes to compromising
Yes to using words that create peace
yes to letting go of our need to be right
yes to remembering each of us was created as a miracle
yes to creating a world that is safe for our children and their children
yes to living from the highest good
The more we affirm what we want the greater probability we will achieve it. Affirming the positive is more than wishful thinking, it allows us to align with the light and connect with the highest vibrational possibility.
At every moment we are faced with multiple probabilities, multiple choices that will shift the outcome of every encounter. By choosing to affirm what we want we set in motion, at the Quantum level, a move toward that direction.
Just for today, wouldn't it be amazing if everyone simple choose to affirm the highest good. Then each of us could fully experience, what you Robert and Barbara call, Paradise Earth.
May joy, peace, and love shine upon each and every one of us.
With great love and respect,
Debbie Milam
Author of Stop Fighting, Start Connecting
Recent Guest Book Entries:
From: Mary

It's been 20 years since you visited our office in Costa Mesa, CA, Dr. Muller. I\'m just now catching up on your activities from your website. Thank you for all that you are and all that you and Mrs. Muller do to raise the consciousness of all with whom you come in contact.


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Wednesday, May 11, 2005


YESes & NOs For A Better World

[GMW #684A] YESes & NOs For A Better World
Wednesday 11 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Ending War

~ Idea 3058 ~

Humanity has still to get its 'yeses' and its 'nos' straight. Here is a beginning of the two lists.

Yes to peace
Yes to love
Yes to cooperation
Yes to friendship
Yes to democracy
Yes to unity
Yes to solidarity
Yes to altruism
Yes to well-being
Yes to talk
Yes to negotiation
Yes to justice
Yes to human rights
Yes to individual freedom
Yes to a good environment
Yes to beauty
Yes to satisfying employment
Yes to everything that is good on this planet

No to war
No to violence
No to armaments
No to militaries
No to dictatorship
No to monopolies
No to injustice
No to hunger
No to sickness
No to illiteracy
No to colonialism
No to apartheid
No to racism
No to early death
No to child abuse
No to slavery
No to sexism
No to prostitution
No to damage to the Earth
No to smoking, drugs and alcohol
No to violent sports

Dear reader, please add your own. It will reveal how we can make it a better world.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Realism? Yes, the realism of the love of a mother for her child, the realism of people yearning for peace, the realism of a humanity which does not want to die and wishes to save its planet, its home, a world-wide resounding no to the so-called realism of arms, wars, power politics, glory and greed. We must once and for all eradicate these latter antediluvian loves and make of our planet Paradise Earth.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

From a letter by one of my readers:

"I have only read 127 pages of your book New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spitituality, but feel compelled to write now. You are such a warm relief. We have been looking with such anxiety and despair to our Washington government, while our saviour, the United Nations, sits quietly aside, protecting us with love. Your revelation is truly one of hope that restores my faith in our great country."

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Tuesday, May 10, 2005


A Commision For The Future Of Planet Earth As A Paradise In the Universe

[GMW #683A] A Commision For The Future Of Planet Earth As A Paradise In the Universe
Tuesday 10 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 6071 ~

Concern for the future of the Earth and of humanity, even of their very long-term future, should be a fundamental preoccupation of the United Nations. There is absolute, urgent need for a Main Commission on the Future in the General Assembly and a Central Office on the Future in the Secretary General?s Department.

These new units should have as their highest, sacred duty to make this planet a paradise in the universe.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We must believe in evolution which is the key and way to humanity?s success.
We are all passengers on the same planet sailing towards eternity on the vast ocean of the universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

One of the nicest epithets I ever received came from one of my uncles, a retired railroad man who once said to me:

"You are a Weltverbesserer!" (You are a world improver!)

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Monday, May 09, 2005


World Peace Assembly To Settle Remaining Conflicts

[GMW #682A] World Peace Assembly To Settle Remaining Conflicts
Monday 9 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 117 ~ 4 November 1994

The UN 50th General Assembly in 1995 (golden anniversary of the UN), should be a World Peace Assembly aimed at settling remaining international conflicts. All mediations, negotiations and peacekeeping efforts during 1995 should be directed to that goal. It would be a great anniversary gift to the UN.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Happiness is a main factor of good health.
I sometimes dream to write a dictionary of only positive words and language.
We need on this planet at least as many peace strategists as military strategists.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Once I was asked by my boss to defend one of my ideas in a private meeting of western delegates who opposed the idea stubbornly. I made an impassioned speech, at the end of which the German delegate, to the consternation of his western colleagues, agreed with me and gave his approval.

From Barbara
Conversations with Remarkable People
Episode - Robert Muller

When a man imprisoned by the Nazis survives to later be hailed as the UN's Prophet of Hope, the power of that individual's courage and benevolent influence during four decades of distinguished service cannot be overestimated. That is the personal history of Dr. Robert Muller, who refused to let his experience as a prisoner of war destroy his belief in happiness and the power of imagination. Honored by all who know him as one of the most ambitious and loving men on earth, Dr. Muller -- nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize 19 times -- takes us into his world of dreams and miracles. His deep commitment to global and spiritual consciousness yielded recommendations for an Earth Health Organization and the Parliament of the World's Religions. He also founded the University for Peace in Costa Rica, where he now spends most of his time. Beethoven's Ode to Joy, as Dr. Muller plays it on his harmonica, is the perfect finale for this extraordinary and inspiring interview.

"Dreams are some extraordinary expansion of your capacities and what you could be able to do if you do not see the obstacles."
-Robert Muller

"Remember your early youth. What was your dream when you were a child? That gives you an idea of what you can still do even if society has put you into another direction. And you can do it even when you are very old, when you are free, when you are retired. That's what I always say to the old people: Fulfill now the dream that you had when you were a child. And once you see this -- and once you have your dream and begin to work on it -- then you are immediately uplifted and you find happiness. And the funny thing is that usually the dream becomes fulfilled."
-Robert Muller

"The word retirement age should be abolished and be replaced by a new word like fulfillment age. I even call it 'refirement'. I cannot accept to retire from anything. When I left the United Nations I said, "Now I have total freedom." I'm now 77 years old, and I've never felt so good."
-Robert Muller

"We have the word Das Kapital of Karl Marx and, of course, that starts with a 'k' because it is German. Since I predict that capitalism is now going to take the same way as communism -- namely it's no longer an economically viable system for the world -- I call it 'Kaputalism' because 'kaput' means 'gone'?and it will be 'kaput'."
-Robert Muller

Thu, Jun 9, 2005, 10:00 PM
Fri, Jun 10, 2005, 1:00 AM
Sun, Jun 12, 2005, 9:00 PM
Mon, Jun 13, 2005, 12:00 AM
Thu, Jun 16, 2005, 5:00 PM
All times are Eastern time zone

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Dear Robert

Attached is a very moving email from the manager of a soccer team from Australia called "the Tiger 11" made up largely of former Afghani illegal (so-called) refugees.

It is in response to the involvement of her team in an Intenational Soccer Carnival held as part of Peace Festival Warwick in Australia.

Warwick is a town of 20,000 in rural Australia, with a very conservative history and a 99.8% white Anglo saxon population. A group of people in the town from different backgrounds and religons got together to hold a Peace festival with the theme "Peace on our Own Backyard". Our logo was a ripple, the idea being that if you start with one small peaceful thing it will create a ripple of Peace outwards.

I thought you would like it because it shows that even in such an environment Peace is very possible and a small effort can have a very positive effect. It also graphically illustrates how peace can grow as you follow the story of the gutsy Tiger 11.

The festival showed to us that ordinary people want peace. Even if many in the town did not get involved this time, they will next time. The website is if you care to look at it some time.

Kind regards

Dear Mark,
Thank you on behalf of the guys of Tigers for all the hard work you and your team put into yesterday. It was astonishing and such a pleasure for me who grew up with Warwick as my closest 'big town' visited only a few times a year, to return with the young Afghans of Tigers to be part of such a wonderful opening of doors and hearts. The effort you have taken to bring such a multicultural festival of the world sport to what I remembered as a predominantly conservative and insulated community was a good lesson for me. We can never assume; never give up; always hope and work towards the opening of hearts and minds, giving Australians credit for being the decent open hearted people they can be given half a chance to understand, to meet the sometimes frightening other across a sporting field or around a meal table. Very scriptural isn't it - in the breaking of the bread we recognise the stranger in our midst as our brother, a member of the family of man, our potential friend and fellow traveller. Any of our even unacknowledged presumptions are a big part of the problem and thank you for making me see mine.

To give you heart amidst the small down side of yesterday with the Sudanese / Tigers soccer game that went a little sour, 5 years down the track, the guys of Tigers have grown so much in maturity, in understanding, in responding to the need for peace amidst the provocation that has often shadowed them through their young lives. Australia and the wonderful support group who have journeyed with them over the 5 years of the Tiger's journey, have much to be proud of in these young refugees who have taken the worst and emerged above it all as yesterday showed. I know from experience that 4 years ago yesterday could have had a very different outcome. Some of the Tigers could have come out ready to fight - it has been the survival mechanism of their history as a persecuted minority. Thank God they are here having taken the flight response instead and have the potential to become great Aussies with so much to contribute because of the understanding they have from their battle scarred history and the difference made in their lives by the hope and love they have found here. It hasn't always been an easy journey for them or their supporters over the last 5 years but yesterday marks another milestone for them. I know that 4 or 5 years ago there were Tigers who would have taken the fight right up to the Sudanese despite the danger of the sheer number of Sudanese players and supporters. I would not have been able to call them away and calm them down at the beginning of our journey together. They have grown so much over the years of waiting to find a future here and in that waiting, finding a better way to win their battles - communicating face to face, sharing their fears and their sorrows, their hopes and dreams, building lives.

It is a long journey for both sides - Australians who need to walk a mile or more in their shoes; refugees who need to learn to trust after so much that has betrayed them for so long. The young guys of Best United have a history of conflict to overcome just as the Tigers did. I fear the publicity of Tigers has not gone down well with some and the dedication of a few volunteers which has produced such a wonderful outcome for the little band of Hazaras of Tigers, has produced some enmity within other groups who have not had the same sort of one on one support - very different scenarios of course when all the Tigers were unaccompanied, had time in detention and only temporary visas, but I have found that sadly but understandably, in the fight for survival such differences are not always taken into account.

One of the foundation members of Tigers was a young Sudanese guy who was very fiery, always ready for a fight and quite envious of his Hazara team mates as so much of the early publicity the team attracted came from their being Hazaras and unaccompanied, focussed upon the TPVs etc. Hakim made a journey too, a journey into understanding and recognition that made me so proud of him when I was present as his guest when his family became Aussie citizens in 2003. He shared his story with Kevin Rudd who was present at the ceremony, comparing his story to that of his Afghan mates of Tigers, always adding to each part of his story of persecution and his families seeking safe haven - 'Just like the Afghani boys". This was an understanding and fellowship he grew into after journeying with them for 2 years, getting to know them and share their stories.

He was there yesterday playing as a member of the Tigers team, apologetic to the Hazara boys for the behaviour of some within his Sudanese community, but proudly Sudanese for all of that. Hakim has made the journey many have yet to make, into opening his heart and mind despite the old prejudices, despite the envy at times, despite mixed messages from some that he could have had much better chance of swift extended family reunion if it weren't for the 'illegals' jumping the queue and taking the places his relatives could have been given. A Sunni Muslim taught that Shi ites were an abomination to Allah, a 'legal refugee' told that his Afghan team mates were cheats, suffering reverse racism under an Afghan Australian who tried to keep the African boys from being members of Tiger 11, tried to keep them from the field in the early games Tigers played - he has had much to journey through and he has done it with it grace and a strong bond with the young Afghans of Tigers that sees him coming back every chance he gets between working away from Brisbane and trips out of state etc. Hakim is the embodiment of all your peace festival was about.

The journey continues for those young guys of Best United and they will rise above the instinct that prevailed in refugee camps of survival of the fittest and find their own peace and security in the years ahead. Days like yesterday are such a big part of that journey for them and I congratulate you and all your team for all the hard work, the bringing into the fold of the Warwick soccer club and the kind and gentle nature that prevailed on the day from you and your team. Good on you all and may God bless your efforts as He will.
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Friday, May 06, 2005


Ecological Globalism, Spiritual Globalism, Global Public Service Projects

[GMW #681A] Ecological Globalism, Spiritual Globalism, Global Public Service Projects
Friday 6 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2172 ~
There are growing criticisms against globalism. Rightly so because business globalism, the most gigantic one, fostered by rich countries which have an enormous advance in science, technology, patents and capital accumulations, etc. started its conquest and domination of the world with a global materialistic culture, consumption promotion, marketing, advertising, literature and media. As a result globalism has essentially become business globalism, business gigantism fostered by US and rich countries' world expansionism and power.

There are other globalisms which should have precedence: global institutions like the UN, spiritual globalism of all religions, ecological globalism, great world engineering and public service projects, etc. This is now powerfully coming to the fore thanks be to God.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The chief of the UN guides said to me: ?I apologize that only half of the guides are here to listen to you. You deserve a much vaster audience.? I answered: ?One human brother or sister listening to another is a most precious audience giving away one of the most precious possessions: a fraction of their life. One must therefore speak to one person as one would speak to the entire humanity. This is why you guides have such an important task: every day hundreds of human minds and hearts are listening to you. You are guides in a great new temple of humanity.?
Yes, we are all guides in a great temple: the Temple of God, the temple of nature, the temple of human achievements, of planet Earth, the Planet of God.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

It is not easy to be a human, surrounded by all the mysteries of the universe, of life and of death. It is good, therefore, to help each other, to cooperate, to stick together as a human race. Each one of us can do so much: encourage and inspire others, see a quality in all, radiate happiness and zest for life. What a result, what a validation and elevation of humanity it would be, multiplied by 5 billion people! This is what I have tried to prove at the UN.

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Ecological Globalism, Spiritual Globalism, Global Public Service Projects

[GMW #681A] Ecological Globalism, Spiritual Globalism, Global Public Service Projects
Friday 6 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2172 ~
There are growing criticisms against globalism. Rightly so because business globalism, the most gigantic one, fostered by rich countries which have an enormous advance in science, technology, patents and capital accumulations, etc. started its conquest and domination of the world with a global materialistic culture, consumption promotion, marketing, advertising, literature and media. As a result globalism has essentially become business globalism, business gigantism fostered by US and rich countries' world expansionism and power.

There are other globalisms which should have precedence: global institutions like the UN, spiritual globalism of all religions, ecological globalism, great world engineering and public service projects, etc. This is now powerfully coming to the fore thanks be to God.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The chief of the UN guides said to me: ?I apologize that only half of the guides are here to listen to you. You deserve a much vaster audience.? I answered: ?One human brother or sister listening to another is a most precious audience giving away one of the most precious possessions: a fraction of their life. One must therefore speak to one person as one would speak to the entire humanity. This is why you guides have such an important task: every day hundreds of human minds and hearts are listening to you. You are guides in a great new temple of humanity.?
Yes, we are all guides in a great temple: the Temple of God, the temple of nature, the temple of human achievements, of planet Earth, the Planet of God.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

It is not easy to be a human, surrounded by all the mysteries of the universe, of life and of death. It is good, therefore, to help each other, to cooperate, to stick together as a human race. Each one of us can do so much: encourage and inspire others, see a quality in all, radiate happiness and zest for life. What a result, what a validation and elevation of humanity it would be, multiplied by 5 billion people! This is what I have tried to prove at the UN.

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Thursday, May 05, 2005


Nurturing Human Rights & Nature's Rights

[GMW #680A] Nurturing Human Rights & Nature's Rights
Thursday 5 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 3256 ~

The celebration of the year 2000 and our entry into a new century and millennium are an ideal occasion to make a comprehensive review of the rights of all human groups on Earth. Here are a few which still require utmost attention:

- the human rights of the poorest of the world
- the human rights of the handicapped
- the human rights of youth
- the human rights of mothers
- the human rights of the family
- the human rights of the elderly

In addition, thanks be to God a new chapter has been opened, namely the rights of Mother Earth, of her nature and of her elements. The Earth Charter drafted by the Earth Council (see its text in Annex of Volume VI) has been submitted by the United Nations to all governments. In addition, as I've pointed out in Idea 1970, we must work on a whole series of particular charters for outer space, our future evolution, the atmosphere, the seas and oceans, world water, world species', the Earth forest covers and vegetation, the Earth's top soils, mountain areas, the world's great lakes, arid and semi-arid zones, the Arctic and Antarctic and for islands. The same procedure was followed after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights when charters for children's rights, women's rights, indigenous rights, racial equality, etc. were undertaken.

It is interesting that in the 1950's we were only concerned with human progress and protection. The Earth was taken for granted, but now at the beginning of the 21st century and third millennium she has gained equal if not first priority. These new efforts together with the implementation of human rights and the appearance of human responsibilities and duties represent a very remarkable progress of humanity. It is a hopeful sign that humans can succeed and find their right relationships between themselves, with the Earth, with the heavens and with time.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Give happiness to others and you will be repaid by happiness. The law of karma never fails.
Ambition leads nowhere. Only true, serene and firmly anchored dreams lead to somewhere.
Pray the good spirits to help you. They are eagerly waiting with their mysterious means to help us accomplish our dreams.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

Years ago when I was stationed in Geneva, I prayed that the world would produce another Montesquieu, Voltaire or Rousseau to guide humanity on its way. Today I realize that they were products of their time, of their history and of the notorious role of their countries. Today the only place on Earth which can produce the right new thinkers, world philosophers and visionaries is the United Nations. Dag Hammarskjold and U Thant were the first.

I am indeed very impressed by all your work and initiatives. Your work is a remarkable effort, congratulations on being associated with it.

Please visit
Peace Media e-magazine website:

Peace Media e-magazine (Nepal) is founded with a strong belief to educate people on conflict resolution through innovative research, dissemination of information and negotiable agreement.

Peace Media e-magazine firmly believes that the role of the media is to raise voice against injustice and fight violence. We calls upon Media to be fair,accurate and must present all points of view.
Kamala Sarup
Peace Media
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Wednesday, May 04, 2005


GMW #679A] No More Veteran's Days Since There Are No More Wars

[GMW #679A] No More Veteran's Days Since There Are No More Wars
Wednesday 4 May 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact
New - Good Morning World's Daily Blog

Yesterday had it's 10,000 visit since it's start January 4, 2003.

Ending War

~ Idea 2807 ~ 11 November 1999

Today the US and several western countries celebrated a Veteran's Day in honor of the survivors of World War I and II. There are many veterans left from World War II, but very few, if any from World War I. I pray that the time will come soon when there will be no longer any Veteran's Days celebrated on planet Earth because there will no longer be any wars.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The greatest contribution to the world and to human evolution would be for the two major current ideologies to sit down, to relax their orthodoxy and to think more honestly and humbly about the needs and yearnings of this planet and of all humanity. A common, new ideology vision of the 21st century is urgently needed. What does not adapt perishes.
We need political ecumenism, religious ecumenism, philosophical ecumenism, ideological ecumenism, psychological ecumenism. But above all we need individual ecumenism, a liberation of the individual from his group allegiance(s) and his commitment to our Mother Earth and to all humanity.
Nations, ideologies, religions and political systems have created chaos for too long in the world. Individuals should quit these prisons and say: ?I am a brother or sister of all other human beings. You can count me out until you have created a world order in which I can be a brother or sister of the whole human family.?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 1

We need a new vision, a new ideology for the next stage of the human journey on this planet. The UN shows us the following paths:

Harmony with the Earth Harmony among all groups and peoples Harmony with the heavens Harmony with the past and the future Harmony of the individual with total Creation.

By its Charter, the UN is called upon to "harmonize the actions of nations". But it is already deeply involved in the development of these vast harmonies, far beyond the fences of nations.


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Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The Knowledge, Wealth & Value Of Vegetation Infinitely More Than Stock Markets

[GMW #678A] The Knowledge, Wealth & Value Of Vegetation Infinitely More Than Stock Markets
Tuesday 3 May 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6046 ~

There is infinitely more knowledge, wealth and value in the vegetation markets of Mother Earth than in the stock markets.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Don?t be black or white before being human
Don?t be a Catholic, Muslim or a Jew before being human
Don?t be American or Russian before being human
Don?t be European or Asian before being human
Don?t be communist or capitalist before being human
At long last for the first time in history to be human comes first.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

If the UN was as bad as some would like the public to believe, would more than 100 Ministers of Foreign Affairs and dozens of heads of state make the effort of coming each year to the UN General Assembly in New York? Certainly not.

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Monday, May 02, 2005


[GMW #677A] Wealthy People Creating New Institutions For Human Well-being, Peace, Happiness & Nature

[GMW #677A] Wealthy People Creating New Institutions For Human Well-being, Peace, Happiness & Nature
Monday 2 May 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact


~ Idea 2885 ~

Ideas which came to my mind during the inauguration at the UN University for Peace of the bust of Henri Dunant, a famous Swiss businessman who, seeing the horrors of World War I in Solferino, Italy, decided to create the International Red Cross and also the Young Men's Christian Association:

Idea 2885 if only all wealthy people of the world would follow Henri Dunant's example and create or support new institutions devoted to the increase of human well-being, peace, happiness, and the preservation of our beautiful planet Earth. I'm so glad that we have already on the campus of the UN University for Peace the busts of Gandhi, Tolstoy, Albert Schweitzer, Sasakawa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Konrad Adenauer, Simon Bolivar, Yishak Rabin and now also Henri Dunant.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The question is not being right or left, but being right in the sense of truth and justice. The political notions of right and left must be eliminated from our minds. Each person, action, proposal must be judged on its intrinsic merit for a better world.
Evolution is what encompasses all thinking, all efforts, all dreams, all actions of the human species. This is why the United Nations is a main evolutionary instrument of human ascent and development.
The greatest thing a human being can do is to feel most intensely and deeply the evolutionary dreams of his time, to look forward not backward and to contribute to those dreams.
I am a mystic of my own life. For me the universe, the Earth, eternity, all living beings, including myself are mystical phenomena. I try to understand them through seeing, thinking, knowledge, learning and love, but also through mystical elevation and the most total possible merging with them. I try to dissolve myself into them, to become them and as a result better understand them.
To receive thoughts can be as important as to think.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

Write down the thoughts that come to you, wherever you are, in your office, in a meeting, in a bus, in a plane, at home, during the day or the night. Remember the Latin advice: Nul/us dies, sine linea. Not a day without a line.

Listening For Better Nutrition & Quality Of Life
From: Kathy Ward

A meaningful quality improvement project with Latino elders came to completion last Wednesday, April 27 at the Veterans Affair Hospital in Washington D.C. The two studies were conducted in collaboration with 25 Latino elders representing 13 nationalities from EOFULA Spanish Senior Center in Washington DC.

A new model to deliver health care services focused on Listening to nurture better practices was planned, tested, implemented and evaluated by everyone, proving that listening for better health shows that all of us can learn a lot by noticing and directing attention and interpreting what is heard. We congratulate the elders and interdisciplinary team members for their great ability to listen, share their ideas and special ways and adjust their lives with the resources they have.

Studies were conducted on: "Listening For Better Nutrition and a Better Quality of Life for Latino Elders" and "Listening to Nurture Better Prescription Medication Management For A Better Health For Latino Elders"

Here is a photo collage ...

Please notice that among the interventions used to nurture better ways the book Robert Golden Sayings by Robert Muller was discussed during the Weekly Listening Group Meetings and it was an inspiration to for our elders and everyone to better their quality of life.

Latino elders and interdisciplinary team members

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