| | | [GMW #891] Honoring Global Couples Devoted to Peace & Authentic Transnational Civic Society | Monday 27 February 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish | | Peace | ~ Idea 615 ~ 16 March 1996 We must congratulate the Boston Research Center for the 21st century which gives every year global citizens awards to individuals devoted to peace and to the birth of an authentic, transnational civic society. I suggested to them to honor once in a while global couples who work for the same objectives. There are several outstanding examples of them among the non-governmental organizations accredited to the United Nations. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
| Robert's Golden Sayings | If you want food for your body, vestments, tools, toys, gadgets, you will find thousands of shops. If you want food for your mind, you will find hundreds of libraries, schools and universities. If you want food for your soul, you will have churches and temples. But if you want food for your heart, for happiness, for the art of living, you find very little. Our industrial society is still very primitive: the soul and the heart are grossly underserviced. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8 | One should always remain truthful to the dream of one's youth. I must devote the rest of my life to the advocacy of a planetary democracy. * | | Propositions Pour La Paix From: Guy CREQUIE (Translated from French below by Google) Évènement Propositions of Guy Créquie to the large international organizations CLUB UNESCO OF the CITY OF Vaulx-in-velin Coverage Internationale Start 20/03/2005 completion Date 31/12/2005 Objectives Like it does it since the year 2000, Guy CREQUIE poet and writer, secretary of our club UNESCO, addressed on March 20, 2005 (day of spring) his proposals of citizen to the large international organizations in favour of: - To support peace and nonviolence, - To allow the development of cultural diversity, - To improve the capacity of education, - It gave its reflexions on subjects of topicality of these last months. Description This year, its proposals, reflexions, are placed under the aegis of the construction of a new humanism so that live the human multitudes in an environment of dialogue between civilizations and the respect of nature. Later on, it intends to show, that the implementation of contemporary humanism passes by a revolution of the spirit. The only ambition of this type of action citoyenne is to show that ordinary citizens are able to reflect on the great questions of company "For people actors, this type of original step falls under this prospect". Of course, it perhaps discussed such or such point of view Guy CREQUIE, but, the interest is that of a citizen of the world impassioned by humankind and the respect of all the lives. It can be also turned over an objection: in what, Guy CREQUIE, does lay out you it of competences to intervene in these complex fields? Initially self-educated, Guy CREQUIE, has 16 years of an experiment of interprofessional trade unionist who put it in relation to varied situations. - Impassioned by the problems of the dialogue with the religions, it published several works on this subject comprising its experiments, books prefaced by philosophers, contemporary sociologists, theologists. - university Graduate of 3è cycle at 40 years in economy of education, whereas it had only the only STOCK (certificate of primary studies in the beginning), it widened his sphere of knowledge during his preparation of the 3è way of the ENA within the IEP of Paris, then Grenoble. - Poet and writer, it was initiated with philosophy with the contribution of famous philosophers: Lucien SEVE, Jean-Yves JOLIF, Jean LACROIX, Emmanuel LEVINAS... Il is recognized at the international level like a talented poet. - Lastly, of 1998 to 2002, within the Foundation Undertaken School Success, it contributed to the training of 350 teachers on questions of company gift that of urban violences. The French insurances AGF (departmental level), and the social mutual insurance company the MACIF the Rhone-Alps, agreed to take responsibility for their the pulling and the forwarding of the proposals of Guy CREQUIE. They fitted in the process suggested by Kofi ANNAN, the Secretary-general of UNO, recommending the contribution of funds deprived for the development aid with the combat for peace and durable. Public implied GENERAL PUBLIC Groups of age ALL Number of people + 1000. --- Évènement |  | Propositions de Guy Créquie aux grandes organisations internationales |  | CLUB UNESCO DE LA VILLE DE VAULX-EN-VELIN |  |  | Pays de l'action | INTERNATIONAL |  | Lieu | Vaulx-en-Velin |  | Couverture géographique | Internationale |  | Date de début | 20/03/2005 |  | Date de fin | 31/12/2005 |  | Objectifs | Comme il le fait depuis l’an 2000, Guy CREQUIE poète et écrivain, secrétaire de notre club UNESCO, a adressé le 20 mars 2005 ( jour du printemps ) ses propositions de citoyen aux grandes organisations internationales en faveur de : - Favoriser la paix et la non violence, - Permettre le développement de la diversité culturelle, - Perfectionner le pouvoir de l’éducation, - Il a donné ses réflexions sur des sujets d’actualité de ces derniers mois. |  | Description | Cette année, ses propositions, réflexions, sont placées sous l’égide de la construction d’un nouvel humanisme afin que vivent les multitudes humaines dans un environnement de dialogue entre les civilisations et du respect de la nature. Ultérieurement, il entend démontrer, que la mise en œuvre de l’humanisme contemporain passe par une révolution de l’esprit. La seule ambition de ce type d’action citoyenne est de montrer que de simples citoyens sont capables de réfléchir sur les grandes questions de société. « Pour des peuples acteurs, ce type de démarche originale s’inscrit dans cette perspective. «. Bien entendu, il peut-être discuté tel ou tel point de vue de Guy CREQUIE, mais, l’intérêt est celui d’un citoyen du monde passionné par le genre humain et le respect de toutes les vies. Il peut être également retourné une objection : en quoi, Guy CREQUIE, dispose t’il de compétences pour intervenir en ces domaines complexes ? D’abord autodidacte, Guy CREQUIE, dispose de 16 années d’une expérience de syndicaliste interprofessionnel qui l’a mis en relation avec des situations variées. - Passionné par la problématique du dialogue avec les religions, il a publié plusieurs ouvrages à ce sujet comportant ses expériences, livres préfacés par des philosophes, sociologues, théologiens contemporains. - Diplômé de 3è cycle universitaire à 40 ans en économie de l’éducation, alors qu’il ne disposait que du seul CEP (certificat d’études primaires à l’origine), il a élargi sa sphère de connaissances lors de sa préparation de la 3è voie de l’ENA au sein des IEP de Paris, puis Grenoble. - Poète et écrivain, il s’est initié à la philosophie avec l’apport de philosophes réputés : Lucien SEVE, Jean-Yves JOLIF, Jean LACROIX, Emmanuel LEVINAS….Il est reconnu au plan international comme un poète talentueux. - Enfin, de 1998 à 2002, au sein de la Fondation Entreprise Réussite Scolaire, il a contribué à la formation de 350 enseignants sur des questions de société don celle des violences urbaines. Les assurances françaises AGF (échelon départemental), et la mutuelle sociale LA MACIF Rhône-Alpes, ont accepté de prendre à leur charge le tirage et l’expédition des propositions de Guy CREQUIE. Elles se sont inscrites dans le processus proposé par Kofi ANNAN, le Secrétaire général de l’ONU, préconisant l’apport de fonds privés pour l’aide au combat pour la paix et au développement durable. |  | Public impliqué | GRAND PUBLIC |  | Groupes d'âge | TOUS |  | Nombre de personnes | + 1000 | | Happiness is a Decision The United Nations’ legendary Robert Muller maintains with the Dalai Lama that happiness is the purpose of life. With the re-release of Muller’s 1978 classic Most of All They Taught Me Happiness, he and his wife Barbara Gaughen Muller are committed to teaching “why happiness works,” how it’s a choice, and that being happy is actually proof that you are living your code of destiny. Learn how DECIDING to be happy even in the most difficult situations contributes to the health and well-being of ourselves, each other and the entire planet.
Dr. Robert Muller & Barbara Gaughen Muller Sunday, March 19, 2006 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. (Registration begins at 1 p.m., closes at 1:30 p.m.) NO ADMISSION FEE The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum 21 W. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara, CA
Co-Sponsors: The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum; Area Agency on Aging; Life Chronicles
Presented by the OMEGA Program of Santa Barbara City College, Continuing Education Division * | Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection | 121 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 1 added today. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature. Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia is yet to be represented on the guestbook map. New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like. Recent entry from: moz-do-not-send | | | | | | | |