~ Idea 6578 ~ “There is no essential conflict between enchanted living and practical, productive activity; they can serve each other: one delighting the spirit and ambition, the other comforting the heart.” * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 1 - 6999, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
Hello Mr Muller! I've enjoyed your "GMW" mailings I only wish you, and your "Golden" sayings had influenced my parents somehow, then they could have shared your wonderful outlook on life with me. Unfortunately, my fathers' favorite sayings were along the line of, "Life is like a vaccum cleaner...," I'd wonder what the hey he was trying to say...so I'd inquire, as inquiring mindswill often do..."Why, daddy, why is life like a vaccum cleaner?" He's say, "Because IT SUCKS"... Well, I didn't get what he meant by that, at the time, I was too young, in my formative times, and his ramblings, rantings, etc, seemed so out of context to me at the time. Unfortunately for him, he does not realise how his pessamistic, impossiblly negative emanations perverted the normal growth of his tender young humans. We became little copies of him and mother...unhappy and lacking joy and purpose and MEANING. I wanted to leave the planet by the time I was a late teenager...something that the Youth of Today is doing in RECORD NUMBERS...But I caught a glimpse of "Another Way" and now I know that my youthtime of experience, is NOT FOR NAUGHT!!! It was a so called "evolutionary Driver" in that all my previous experiences of "brokenness, lonliness, isolation, "HAVE BECOMING a CAPACITY, for applications of renewal, and refreshment, of ideas to help clean this wayward world up. I stand in AWE of your Accomplishments, and ASPIRE to emulate you in that CAPACITY. I'm so glad you do all you do...and I am ready to grow in my intellectual capacities. (Something my parents DID NOT encourage!) I'll be 38 this year, I'd say I still have TIME to Be somebody... (Something my parents DID NOT encourage!) Anyway, I felt like writing out to connect in a way that I may be received. Thank you for establishing Schools and other Institutions...I hope to do some of the same sort of foundings... Wish me Wind and peace and, and teammates, and all good for All Time... Peace to you, With Love, Kim