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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, July 29, 2005


[GMW #741] Moral And Spiritual Renaissance

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[GMW #741] Moral And Spiritual Renaissance
Friday 29 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3813 ~
In a project to make San Francisco a model city for the 21st century I am quoted as follows:

"Humanity desperately needs a moral and spiritual renaissance. What it needs is a place where you have a good number of people from various nations, various races, various sexes, various beliefs and languages, working together to prevent conflict, to make peace, to help the poor, to defend human rights, to form new policies of cooperation, and to come up with ideas and visions for a better world."
Dr. Robert Muller
Former UN Assistant Secretary General

It then mentions that San Francisco is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world and the place where the United Nations, the United Religions, the Global Peoples' Assemblies and the States of the World Forum were born.

Perhaps a new type of administration should be conceived for such cities to take advantage of that human diversity. A city department could be created to deal with the variety of nationals, religions, cultures, beliefs and languages to make the city's administration a multi-human administration, a miniature model United Nations and new world.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is a mistake to leave to business the monopoly of the word ?multinationals? Many other multinational phenomena are growing no less rapidly in the world, e.g. multinational associations, organizations, movements, religions, unions, professions, even families. It is surprising that business has not gone a step further and tried to monopolize the word ?planetary?.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

To be a minstrel of peace, a knight of the United Nations and of world brotherhood, that was my wonderful fate. I invite all my human brothers and sisters on Earth to join me in this universal knighthood.

Peace Corners history
From Barbara

?See the world with global eyes--love the world with a global heart--
understand the world with a global mind--merge with the world through a global spirit?

The idea for Peace Corners was originated by Barbara Gaughen Muller, whose radio show, Inspiring Conversation, is broadcast worldwide. She and her husband, former UN Assistant Secretary-General Dr. Robert Muller, operate the website Good Morning World, focusing on the positive news in the world rather than the negative and violent news that is typically featured in the media. The Mullers believe that no dream is too big, and they dedicate their lives to making a better, peaceful world.

?Every house should have a Peace Corner", she says, "If someone does something wrong, send them to the Peace Corner to let them think about their mistakes instead of just punishing them.?

To order a Peace Corner Package, or to learn more about Peace Corners, e-mail


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Dear Dr. Muller,
Thank you for your heartfelt preface to Jill Jackson Miller's book "Let There Be Peace on Earth." I am writing an article about the Peace Song for Science of Mind Magazine, to appear in the December 2005 issue on the fiftieth anniversary of the Peace Song

I am also interested in finding out about any recent activity relating to the Peace Song (in addition to its being sung in Religious Science and Unity churches).
Thank you very much for any help you may be able to give me with this. It is greatly appreciated.
Peace and blessings,

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Thursday, July 28, 2005


[GMW #740] Education For The World

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[GMW #740] Education For The World
Thursday 28 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 3894 ~

What hope for the future can we have when practically all 6 billion humans of this planet go through a national education which does not prepare them to contribute to the solution of the dominant, all-pervading, dangerous global problems confronting now humanity: the population explosion, the consumption explosion, the damages to our environment, the colossal wastes, the pollution of the airs, waters, oceans, etc., etc. Please, educators of the world, wake up.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you are self-realized, if you like what you do, you will be successful. My father was a good hatmaker because he loved to make hats. If you dislike what you do, you will not succeed.
Why are there so infinitely more news and discussions about the ills and blemishes of humanity than about its successes and achievements? Is that normal?
What the world needs most is a constructive attitude, a true love for life and for our wonderful planet. It is the duty of each of us, as children of the Earth, to practice and spread this correct world view.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A life is worthwhile only through the joys and happiness we give to others.


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Wednesday, July 27, 2005


[GMW #739] I Am Happy When

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[GMW #739] I Am Happy When
Wednesday 27 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Ending War

~ Idea 3461 ~

We should establish a world list of "you cannot be happy if..."

there is a war
there is hunger
there is no home
there is crass injustice
there is no nature
there is no fresh, pure air
there is violence in your neighborhood
there is no education
there is no employment for your children
there is no beauty

Yes, it would be interesting to establish such a list. I can prove at least one of them, namely you cannot be happy if there is a war. That was my case when I lived the incredible horrors and dangers of World War II and decided that I would devote my life to peace in the world and put an end to all wars, militaries and armaments. Lists of "I am happy when..." should also be written by everyone.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The beauty, culture and sharing of hearts and minds that occurs in the United Nations on a day-to-day basis is astounding and should not be measured on the yardstick of instantaneous results, as some would want.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I want to use all my brain, all my heart, all my soul and all my strength to beg the people to love this planet, to love humanity, to love God and the UN.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Re: [GMW #738] Moving To Land And Nature From Monstrous Cities

Mr. Muller,

I've been reading your emails for sometime now and from my experience, I think you are on track and quit courageous..

However, this one about cities is totally off base.

I live in New York and when I go to the suburbs I see total, indulgent waste. When I go to rural places, I don't see compassion or a higher state of being. In fact, what I've experienced is the worst things that are in us.

I disagree about your statement about cities. I believe the way it should be looked at is human habitation SHOULD be confined to urban spaces with access, very readily, to nature and the view of the sky.

Our footprint on this earth would be greatly diminished if we developed livable cities. If nature was honored, if the forces within human society were respected in the design of cities and work that they fostered connection to people and the cosmos and not things, it would be a different world.

To assume that cities foster I don't know what, is wrong. Most of my experiences of the wonder of being alive and human have taken place within the cities. This wonder was triggered by access to nature, sunrises and sunsets, and the culture that happens in cities.

Might I remind you that Athens was a city and it gave birth, over 2000 years ago, of the greatest architecture, sculpturel, intellectual persuit and civil life that we have ever known.

To pretend that cities are the root of all evil is false. Cities (and economies) that do not recgonize and nuture the human spirit and the things needed to give birth to it, that do not recognize this amazing earth is the a big part of our problem.

Frankly, most of the people living in urban areas simply cannot move to rural areas for many reasons. Better advice would be to tell people to fight for livable cities with connections to nature, the sky, and honorable work.

running away is not the answer.

I wish you well and peace

Reply from Barbara and Robert

I agree with Rob and so does Robert..for places like so many cities in Korea where cities save nature for all to enjoy..We are happy to hear from everyone..
Love, Barbara

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005


[GMW #738] Moving To Land And Nature From Monstrous Cities

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[GMW #738] Moving To Land And Nature From Monstrous Cities
Tuesday 26 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6044 ~
Since the 19th century there has been an attraction of youth by the big cities.

At the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, due to environmental changes, youth begins to be attracted by the land, by nature instead of the monstrous, hopeless, unnatural cities. Thank God!

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
There is not a single school on Earth which teaches the children and youth their right place in the universe, in time, on our planet and in the human family. The entire humanity must be reprogrammed through a right global education. I give such a model in my world core curriculum. A first attempt was made in the Robert Muller Elementary School of Arlington, Texas, to adopt my curriculum. In 2000 there were 43Robert Muller schools in the world.
Nobody thinks about the future political organization of our planet: each country thinks that its system is perfect and applicable to the rest of the world. None of them considers the new, crying needs of the planet and of humanity. None of them considers that there must be better ways of governing our Earth.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6


Most Of All They Taught Me Happiness By Robert Muller
Quotes and Notes from Vicky Rossi

#3 Quotation from the chapter entitled ?Father de Breuvery and Teilhard?, volume 4 ?Lessons from Other People?:

?Father de Breuvery once quoted to me Teilhard as saying:
?Mon Pere, someday people will understand that the sun, and only the sun, from which most other forms of energy are derived, is our great clean source of energy. Among the civilisations in the universe, the earth is a very primitive one, since it uses the energy of its own planet. Others utilize the energy of their sun, and still others harness the energy of the cosmos.??

My related comments:

The sun generates its energy from nuclear ?fusion? reactions deep in its core. Power generation in the form of nuclear fusion, as opposed to ?fission?, involves the ?bringing together? of atomic nuclei. An experimental thermo-nuclear ?fusion? reactor will be built at Cadarache, near Aix-en-Provence, France, with the aim of investigating how to supply the Earth with a non-exhaustible source of clean, inexpensive and safe energy. This project is called ITER, which means ?the way? in Latin ( ITER is an international project involving The People?s Republic of China, the European Union and Switzerland (represented by Euratom), Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America, under the auspices of the IAEA ? a physical manifestation of the ?fusion? of global interests.

In fact, there are many examples in our increasingly ?global? society of the ?fusion? or ?bringing together? of individual and group interests. For example, since the 1980s, the rise in the number of non-governmental organisations (NGO) has been most remarkable. According to the Union for International Organisations, international NGOs operating in 3 or more countries numbered just under 1000 in 1956. Forty years later, in 1996, the number was more than 28,000.

Nevertheless, given the law of polarity which seems to rule our earthly existence, there cannot be daylight without darkness, or hot without cold, etc. therefore the movement towards the ?fusion? of common human interests which we are currently witnessing is matched by a vehement move towards ?separation? seen, for example, in the increasingly numerous acts of international terrorism. Nevertheless, even these actions by fundamentalists, however mis-guided, are themselves still influenced by the present day tendency to ?fusion? ? e.g. the intention to create a caliphate (a united Islamic State) ? but in the instance of fundamentalists this drive towards ?fusion? negates the evolution already achieved by humankind in the form of individual freedoms and the development of the intellect.

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Monday, July 25, 2005


[GMW #737] Peace With Nature - Included In Peace Movements

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[GMW #737] Peace With Nature - Included In Peace Movements
Monday 25 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |


~ Idea 1683 ~
It is henceforth essential to broaden the objectives of all peace movements on this planet to include also peace with nature, the biggest war ever on this planet. Peace movements should make it their priority issue.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Nothing is more important than life. From birth to death we know, we feel the centrality of our life. But so many people, values and things around us want to replace our centrality by theirs. The art of living is to protect and develop our own centrality.
No person is ever totally self-realized or fulfilled. We learn and enrich ourselves until we die. We gain new capacities and we lose old ones. The art of living has no end. It is too rich to be exhausted in a single life.

A painter will never paint all he wants to paint
A writer will never write all he wants to write
A composer will never compose all he wants to compose

Once a skill is mastered and has become a second nature there is no end to what you can and want to do.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I will not be remembered for my work for the UN and for the University for Peace, but for the faith, hope, inspiration and happiness I gave to others through my writings, work, example and speeches.

Hello dearest Friends,
May the water pollution on our planet end with our words of gratitude and love for the waters of our Earth for just 3 minutes of our time tomorrow..
This works for the water we drink too..happy water brings amazing results in our bodies.
I love you, Barbara Muller

Subject: A Prayer for Water on Monday, July 25th
Date:Sun, 24 Jul 2005 16:48:11 -0600
(Masaru Emoto's water crystal images were featured in "What the Bleep Do We Know".)

From Emoto...

In the beginning of April, I received an invitation to visit Brazil from NGO called A CRY OF WATER  in Sao Paulo. I visited there about one week and gave 6 lectures in various places. During my visit, I was asked to take the lead in the ceremony to purify the water of Lake Pichucaba in Sao Paulo, for Lake Carapicuiba was heavily polluted recently (Photo below). Of course, I accepted that request and went to the lake with 30 friends on Sunday of the week. In fact, water of the lake was considerably polluted and gave off a terrible smell. And I was bewildered by the unexpected size of the lake. I thought the lake was too large for sending energy to all corners of the lake by 30 persons.

Lake Carapicuiba

After thinking for a while, I decided how to offer our prayer. First, I asked them to put the water of the lake into a 500 cc PET bottle. Then I asked them to join hands in a circle and put the bottle in the center of this circle. And I said, By this number, this lake is too large to pray directly to water. So let's offer a prayer to the water of this PET bottle. By doing this, this small quantity of water will resonate with the water of the whole lake and will surely bring about the same effect to the lake.

Gazing at the water, I said 3 times,

I Love You, Water. I Thank You, Water. I Respect You, Water.

Other people repeated the same after me. And we offered our thought to water for a minute
Prayer to the water of Lake Carapicuiba put in a 500 cc PET bottle placed in the center of our circle

I brought three PET bottles back to Japan. The 1st is water before a prayer, 2nd is water put in a PET bottle after a prayer, and the last is water of the lake after offering a prayer. Of course, I took pictures of those water crystals. The results are shown below.

Water of Lake Carapicuiba Water of Lake Carapicuiba in 500 cc PET bottle before the prayer placed at the center of our circle and prayed for

Water of Lake Carapicuiba
after the prayer
(We did nothing directly)

I myself led the prayer and got these images, subsequently. But I did not expect that we could take these pictures so perfectly in this way. When I saw these pictures, I got goose bumps and found no word to say. I found that what I am going to do on July 25th is to the point. I was moved deeply and was not able to hold back my tears.

Now you can imagine. On July 25th, we offer pure prayer to water in various places of the world, wishing the peace of our earth and human beings. Much water for praying is not required. Only a glass of water will do. And please pray for 3 minutes at home, at work, at the edge of the lake, at the riverside, at the lakeside, or at the beach. You may pray any time on July 25th. The waves generated by the HADO (vibration) of our sincere prayer will wrap in this wounded planet completely. A blueprint of our planet Earth and our human society filled with Love and Thanks and without any conflicts will be formed on this day.

Lets say together on July 25

I Love You, Water.
I Thank You, Water.
I Respect You, Water.

June 25th
President of the Project of Love and Thanks to Water
Masaru Emoto

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Friday, July 22, 2005


[GMW #736] Elevating The Entire Planet Into The Spiritual, Cosmic Throbbing Of The Universe

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[GMW #736] Elevating The Entire Planet Into The Spiritual, Cosmic Throbbing Of The Universe
Friday 22 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3476 ~
At a conference on world peace and inner peace in May 1999 at the International School of Amsterdam created on the basis of my World Core Curriculum, the following thought of mine was the guideline:

"The time has come for the implementation of a spiritual vision of the world's affairs. The entire planet must elevate itself into the spiritual, cosmic throbbing of the universe."

During the conference these other statements were also cited:

"Our main task today is to raise individuals to a higher spiritual level enabling them to respect their inner selves and be impelled by a moral force."

"If in the next ten years we do not succeed in giving a soul, a spirituality selfhood and a meaning to Europe our efforts will have been in vain."
Jacques Delors
President of the European Commission

"What I believe is that Europe needs more soul."
Jacques Santer
Prime Minister of Luxembourg

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I am as great as the thoughts I conceive
I am as great as the universe I perceive
I am as great as the love of my heart
I am as great as the God in my soul.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

People often tell me: "You have done so much for the United Nations." In reality, they will never know how little I did and how much the UN has done for me. It was a beautiful love story of a mother for her child. I hope to write as much as I can about it in order to inspire others.

Dear Friends,

Thanks a lot for your support and making this Peace Prayer Project Successful So far I have received 52 entries from 19 Countries I am thankful to you all who participate without your efforts I am not able to do , here are some details I want to share, If you are an Artist and haven?t send the prayer lines of yours kindly send me so I can add your valuable Prayer

Details :

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace. On completion of the prayer. I will add Music background to the prayer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.
I request one line by each Member Please.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.



(With the name of Allah Almighty The Most Beneficent and Merciful)

May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace, Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!, May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace, Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future, We belong to one another, so let peace reign!, Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens. Please grant us peace ,dignity, freedom and good health for all !,Like clouds, peace dreams never sleep, May God give peace to the broken hearted and lonely people of the world and help us stand strong together, May we always have Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds. Humata, Huktha, Havarashta! (Good thoughts, words and deed), May the life force inside each of us be awakened to share joy and happiness with all. Humanity on Earth, all together for the good of all! May you know that you ARE THAT which you are seeking. Peace is your very own nature, May the light of healing fill the earth with its love meeting away all anger. Shinning blessings, sparkling new day! May we hold our hearts so full of joy at the beauty of Creation that we have nothing but joy to give!, May we grow to see that we are one entity, and that to harm one part is to harm the whole. May we understand that we are as stones falling into a pond, creating ripples that affect all living things, Only then shall we strive to send forth only ripples of peace and goodwill, Make all our leaders out there listen, as we the people want peace, please, God loves each one of us as though there were only one of us; let all of us experience that Love and then share it, one with the other, Peacefulness Beneath Me, Peacefulness Above Me, Peacefulness Within Me All Around Me Peaceful, Allah !! Please help those who are in need, please spread fragrance of love every where among all humans, spread shining of peace every where in world, Peace is always ours; awaiting our acceptance. May Peace be your constant companion and may Love and Laughter your gift to the world,Amani na Mapendo Duniani (Love and Peace in World),Dear God, as St-Francis many years ago said, make each and all of us an Instrument of Your PEACE. Namaste?,A peace wave is rolling over the ocean : I hear its song of love and creativity, May my art be again more violent and chaotic...only my artworks, but please God take away violence and chaos from the world, please put violence and chaos in my art...take them away from the world... ,May the sunshine on the people who struggle every day, looking for peace and love in their hearts, May the youth shoulder the future with justice, friendship and joyful songs in their hearts - Nam myoho renge kyo!,Peace P for People E for Everywhere, A for Act for C for Compassionately Towards Earth,Peace is a Process,May we all realize that the space between us is sacred and that each of us is responsible for creating peaceful possibilities, We would have to make something more than request for peace...!Let us all, in our own way, pray, or want, or desire for every man That he would have the things he needs: Peace, Bread and Roses,P(assion) E(nergy) A(ction) C(ommunication)E(motion) - it should be more then an idea..............................................!,May Peace be our Gift to Our Children, Peace is the seed of evolution - the garden of flowers that nurture my heart and show me how to love and also how to forgive, May we cast only stones of peace into the oceans of life, sending ripples of goodwill to all living things, May we as a human family overcome the darkness of violence with gratitude for the gift of life and creation, Light a candle. Let the dancing flame give witness to the love we share. And then blow your peace out into the world, Let each of us simply open our hearts to ourselves, to the joyful rhythm of the universe, and to all the people we meet. Let us open our mouths and have the courage to speak the truth. And let us open our ears and listen to each other. May peace be manifested now on earth, May we come to understand that our bodies are, indeed, worthy vehicles for our spirits. May there be song where there is now only suffering. May there be music where there is now only misery. May there be true peace where there is now only the nightmare of war and injustice. If you are happy and not afraid of this then do something helpful and nice for someone his is, my thoughts and desires apply for writing humans. May their sentences the peace of the heart serve Many, May the children of human kind learn the wisdom of our green Mother the Earth, Love and Peace should rule the world and all of us will sing these words over and over again......Nam myoho renge kyo,Healers ARISE!!! NOW for All Humanity sake in the name of Brotherly LOVE, PEACE and UNITY!! AHO, ASHE, and AMEN! O Lord, Shower The World With Your Blessings Of PEACE & LOVE.Allah, bless this world with Peace. Let our peaceful protest carry to the world the words of danger first spoken by the shadows of the flowers burned into the walls of Hiroshima. Mitakwe oyashin ? for all my relations, Allah Grant Peace for every Human every individual, and every nation. Amen. CONTINUE......................





03) Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005

36) Maria ELena June 13,2005


02) Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005

08) Guido Vermulen June 5,2005

24) Liza Leyla June 9,2005

31) Guy De Boeck June 11,2005


48) Emmanuel Fonyuy S July 19, 2005


06) Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005

14) Gabriela Lasko June 6,2005

21) Bob Boxall June 8,2005

23) Serge Ayotte June 8,2005


27) Jacob Kragh June 10,2005


32) Peter Dencker June 12,2005

43) Ulrike M. Dierkes July 14, 2005


10) Huma Vachha June 6,2005


11) Lida Sherafatmand June 6,2005


13) Eliana Gilad June 6,2005


25) Claudio Parentela June 9,2005


38) Joan Anderson June 24, 2005


22) Rais Neza Boneza June 8,2005


01) Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005

20) Shahnaz Behleem June 8,2005

33) Rabia Naeem June 12,2005

49) Hina Kehkashan Behleem July 19, 2005

52) Allaudin M Bande ALI July 21, 2005


04) Bert Monterona June 4,2005


05) Wang Feng June 5,2005


34) Catalina Ward June 12,2005

40) Marisa Anitonaya July 04, 2005


45) Monika Lilja July 16, 2005


12) Christophe Barbey June 6,2005


07) Rik Palieri June 5,2005

09) Laura Mckinon June 6,2005

16) Frances Key Jacksonville 6,2005

17) Leigh Golterman June 7,2005

18) Linda Ipsen June 8,2005

26) Jill Friedman-Giyana June 9,2005

28) Misa Kelly June 10,2005

29) Patricia C. Coleman June 11,2005

35) Frances Key June 13,2005

37) Art Goodtimes June 24, 2005

39) Rev. Harriett Walden June 26, 2005

41) Steve Suffet July 13, 2005

42) dotwav July 14, 2005

44) Valentine Doyle July 15, 2005

46) Lisa Iris July 17, 2005

47) JAH KINGS July 18, 2005

19) Lily Haggerty June 8,2005

15) Luiza Brown June 6,2005

50) Storm ?No Nukes Prayer? July 20, 2005

51) Martha July 20,2005

(Kindly Send you Entries@ )

Note : Participants Numbering as received

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Thursday, July 21, 2005


[GMW #735] Museuns For A Better Global Future

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[GMW #735] Museuns For A Better Global Future
Thursday 21 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 5299 ~

Practically all museums in the world are concerned with the past. We need also museums of the future:

Museums of the future of the Earth
" " " " " our nature
" " " " " of our oceans
" " " " " of humanity
" " " " " of cities
" " " " " of institutions (governments, the United Nations, all world and regional institutions)

Such museums could be vital contributions to humanity's and to the Earth's salvation and future.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Every human person has the right to say what kind of world he or she wants to live in. That individual perception is the root, the foundation of world democracy. No nation has the right to deny it.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

After I had won a long and difficult battle for the creation of a UN institution to help the poor countries, a British delegate had this dismal comment:

"You won, but we made you lose three years of your life."

Sometimes after several years, when I meet a western delegate who fought obstinately against the creation or strengthening of UN mechanisms for a better world, I ask this question:

"Don't you think we should suppress, say the regional banks created at the behest of the UN?"

The common reaction is:

"You must be crazy. They are eminently useful."

Whereupon I smile and say:

"Well, do you remember how bitterly you fought their creation years ago?"


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Wednesday, July 20, 2005


[GMW #734] Celebrating The Million Of People Living Happy Lives

The image:

[GMW #734] Celebrating The Million Of People Living Happy Lives
Wednesday 19 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Ending War

~ Idea 3097 ~

I concentrate too much on governments, leaders, institutions, economics, politics. Behind all that there are hundreds of millions of happy families, happy mothers, fathers, children and grandparents. They manage to stick together in the worst circumstances as I was shown so vividly by my family during World War II.

We should therefore also have World Days of:

the family
and the departed

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Humans! Those miraculous walking beings with an invisible round globe on their shoulders, capable of embracing the entire universe!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

My mother, the milliner, had many materials which she endlessly rearranged into different, beautiful hats for the joy of her customers.

I have at my disposal many materials given to me by the UN. I rearrange them endlessly into different, beautiful achievements for the benefit of humanity and of the Earth.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Re: [GMW #732] Reducing Over Consumption & Over Population For A Better World

Hi Robert and Barbara,
I have just returned from a thrilling Institute of Noetic Sciences conference in Washington D.C. where I met an amazing Brazilian creature. She is very brilliant, beautiful and respected throughout her country. Dulse's dream and passion is to have a Festival of Peace in Floritas, Brazil, September 1 thru 10. 2006. I want you both to be a major presence there as well as your University of Peace and take this occassion to help bring the world together to hold hands and celebrate what can be!!
Her hope is to have 60,000 people there, but also have simultaneous peace festivals around the world all interconnected. Let's talk and see how you suggest we proceed. All love, tahdi

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005


[GMW #733] Reducing Over Consumption & Over Population For A Better World

The image:

[GMW #732] Reducing Over Consumption & Over Population For A Better World
Tuesday 19 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6035 ~

If the level and amount of consumption and waste of the western ?rich? countries ever reaches the poor countries, it will mean the end of humanity. The big world corporations are busy doing it.

The production, selling, consumption, accumulation, wastes? and advertisement explosions in the western ?rich? countries and the continued population explosion in the poor countries will turn into major catastrophes.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
No one has given the right to the big nuclear powers to decide our fate. Who are they anyway to endanger innocent populations and faraway lands for the sake of their interests and power? The world should say: big powers, go home and stay home.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

When I was a little boy I considered fife to be divine and I had a sense of wonder at the whole Creation around me.

Then I was taught to hate other nations, I knew war and the horrors done by men to God's Creation.

Then God led me to the United Nations and I learned to love the entire Earth and all humanity.

I ended where I had started: I considered life to be divine and I regained my sense of wonder at the whole Creation.


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Monday, July 18, 2005


[GMW #732] Peace & Justice Education To Remidy Injustice

The image:

[GMW #732] Peace & Justice Education To Remidy Injustice
Monday 18 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |


~ Idea 2939 ~

The sudden mushrooming of peace studies and education around the world might be a bonus for the rich countries and the multinational corporations. Why? Because the poor and downtrodden of the world will be taught to be peaceful and not to resort to violence and revolutions against the existing injustices. I recommend therefore an expansion of peace studies to include also justice which is now practically non-existent in peace education. The UN University for Peace must be renamed UN University for Peace and Justice.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
There are so many nations today and such a turnover of national leaders that none of them will be remembered for long, if it is not for a major contribution to peace and to a better world.
During the general debate of the UN General Assembly there are sometimes so many national leaders that one does not even turn around any more to look at them. They may be very great at home, but when seen together they look rather small. As one of my UN colleagues, Bryan Urquart, once commented to me: ?If you have seen one, you have seen them all.?
The largest gatherings of heads of state on this planet are on their funerals. The bigger the country of the deceased, the larger the number of attendants.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

After more than three decades of work for the first universal organization, my love for it is such that I pray all my human brothers and sisters to help it, to understand it and to love it. You will not be disappointed. You will be helping a better world and will feel happy in return.


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Friday, July 15, 2005


[GMW #731] Moving From A United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth

The image:

[GMW #731] Moving From A United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth
Friday 15 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1431 ~11 June 1998
I also recommend a world conference of all major partners in the globalization of humanity and world affairs: governments, the United Nations and its 32 agencies, other world institutions, regional institutions, e.g. the European Union, business, scientists, the media, global non-governmental associations, global private institutions, religions, global philanthropists, world universities, global visionaries, etc. We need to move from the United Nations to a United Peoples, to a United Earth.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is only passion and a one-track mind for peace that will lead us to peace.
Peacemakers must be as uncompromising as are the military.
We need a total strategy for peace as the military have one for war and ?defense?.
We need peace games, peace exercises, the same way as the military have war games and military exercises. There have never been any peace exercises on this planet.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A UN colleague said to me:

"If there were only five people like you at the UN, what a change this would make!"

I looked at him sternly and commented:

"Why did you add four excuses to not being one of the five yourself?"

Dear Howard and Robert,

Many thanks, Howard, for passing this to a man I admire -- Robert Muller, raised in an area and era of world conflict..
My father fought in the worst battles in France in W War 1 and admired the local people.

Both of you may know of Sir Norman Angell. Before World War 1 he wrote "The Great Illusion", as I think a journalist writing in English, French and German, warning the nations that were on a collision course and prescribing a peaceful alternative -- an international rule of law. Before World War 2 he published a sequel: "The Great Illusion -- Now".
It was brought to my attention by a fellow student (who later was in our federal cabinet with me). This book again predicted the carnage of W War 2 and prescribed the legal alternative. This persuaded me to begin my long support of the world federation objective. I've taken part in regional, national and international peace conferences, a UN delegation and so on.

In the past few years John Bunzl's "The Simultaneous Policy" has given me new hope of an inexorably growing grass roots movement which may be the best hope for a taking back the world from its militarizing and marketeering.

Best wishes

-- Doug Everingham

Doug, You probably know/remember former Undersecretary General of the UN, Robert Muller (who is receiving this). Irwin Abrams, History prof (emeritus) at Antioch College, is the world's foemost authority on the Nobel Peace Prize.
Howard Cort, Ghent, NY

----- Original Message -----
From: Howard
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:21 AM
Subject: Fw: [GPAforum] Re: [Worldcitizen-l] we need action not words in creating a world governemnt

Irwin, I thought you'd be interested in ISPO, below. Doug Everingham is about your age, from Melbourne, an MD & a
former member of the Aussie Parliament.
Howie Cort

----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Everingham
To: zengzuqing
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 2:02 AM
Subject: [GPAforum] Re: [Worldcitizen-l] we need action not words in creating a world governemnt

Hi, Z. Z., I agree we need actions.
I also address if I'm still their correspondent.

I suggest these actions toward world government:

1. Register your support for ISPO <>

2. Join ISPO discussion lists where you can propose or support suggestions (including this)
for laws you want countries to accept or amend to achieve growing consensus among them
on international issues like disarmament, conservation, equity and cooperation.
When enough of them agree they will have taken the step eventually unavoidable --
admitting the need for surrendering sovereignty on international legal issues to a world government.

3. Join with enough other ISPO supporters in your country to contact every candidate for your next national election individually
asking her/him to join ISPO, responding to you as one of the growing number of ISPO supporters
pledged to give voting preference to ISPO supporting candidates.

3. Keep ISPO co-ordinators, voters, parliamentarians and others informed of those candidates' responses
and of the growing numbers of supporting voters, legislators and organizations adopting ISPO
and its developing multilateral policy planks, stressing that adopting ISPO binds legislators to implement such planks
but -- to avoid 'first mover' disadvantage -- only when sufficient other countries agree to do the same simultaneously.

We have pursued this course before the last national elections in Australia and the UK and plan to expand the process.
It should make it increasingly harder for governments to refuse to join movements and commitments
to accept and construct democratic world government.


-- Doug Everingham

From: zengzuqing
Date: Fri Jun 17, 2005 9:56:34 PM Australia/Brisbane
To: WorldCitizen-l
[Worldcitizen-l] we need action not words in creating a world governemnt

we need action not words, it is useless to write articles and publish it without action. nobody have interest in reading your articles without tell them how to take action
in creating a world government.
Zeng Zuqing
June 17, 2005

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Thursday, July 14, 2005


[GMW #730] Only Good, Beautiful, Inspiring Names For Places & People

The image:

[GMW #730] Only Good, Beautiful, Inspiring Names For Places & People
Thursday 14 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 3426 ~

I recommend a world movement for giving only good, beautiful, inspiring names to natural sites, cities, streets, buildings, people, children, etc. in order to create more beauty, happiness, elevation and philosophy all around us on this beautiful planet Earth.

There are already many. For example the Pacific Ocean, the names of saints for cities, for children.

Etymological records should be established for a whole series of names: the names of countries, of natural sites, of cities, villages, streets, family names, personal names. Those would be fascinating records to provide inspiration.

All new streets, cities and communities should be given beautiful, elevating, lovable, inspiring names.

People should also give beautiful names to their homes which mean so much to them, etc. Dear reader, add your own suggestions.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We must act spiritually
Think spiritually
Love spiritually

All I can say is this: I tried to be as little negative and as much positive as I could during my life.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

As a child, I often looked out of my window at the stars and the moon, and I prayed to God:

Oh God, let me be on top of the world.

He fulfilled my dream. During all my adult life I was at the UN, on top of the world.

Ask yourself, what was your dream as a child, your dearest, deepest dream, the one you had when you looked at the stars and the moon and spoke to God?

Food For Thought from Connie Day

One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the
country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people live. They
spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a
very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, "How was the

"It was great, Dad."

"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.

"Oh yeah," said the son.

"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.

The son answered:
"I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches
to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end. We have
imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio
reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.
We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond
our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they serve others. We buy our
food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect
us, they have friends to protect them."

The boy's father was speechless.

Then his son added, "Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are."

Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if
we all gave thanks to God for everything we have, instead of worrying about
what we don't have.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005


[GMW #729] Countering & Eliminating Danges, Negative Human Beliefs & Attitudes

The image:

[GMW #729] Countering & Eliminating Danges, Negative Human Beliefs & Attitudes
Wednesday 13 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 3878 ~

Here is a second list of permanent dangers and negative human beliefs and attitudes which should be countered and eliminated by the United Nations:

national and religious fundamentalism
wrong human settlements on the planet

Others might be added.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Evening prayer:
Thank You, O God, for having let me live one more day, for having let me see so many things, thought so many thoughts, felt so many feelings. Each day of life is one of Your incredible, heavenly, meaningful free gifts. Thank You, O God, I adore You.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

As Albert Schweitzer said:

"Example is not the main thing in influencing people. It is the only thing."

Like my Alsatian compatriot I tried to make my life an example too.


Quotes with notes on Robert's book Most of all They Taught Me Happiness,

Quotation #2 from the chapter entitled ?U Thant?s Four Roads to Happiness?, volume 4 ?Lessons from Other People?:

?Modern man has reduced morality and spirituality to a minimum, often to a mere hour in church on Sunday. He has chased it from everyday life, from public service, political life, work, schools, and the media. How many political men and businessmen would dare to practice morality and spirituality in their offices with the same fervour as they do shrewdness and intelligence? U Thant could not understand it. And I can?t either.?

My related comments:

Indeed it often appears to be almost a crime if a person openly declares their spiritual beliefs beyond the walls of their church or meditation room, so deep is the cleavage between ?daily life? and spiritual practice. Yet it is likely that only through the ?spiritualization? of day-to-day reality can the answer be found that will bring an end to injustice and violent conflict. Conflict in itself is, of course, not a negative thing as it is often representative of the need to cross over a threshold into a newer, brighter sphere.

However, if spiritual perspectives could be assimilated into everyday living, including in the work place and on the international political scene, there would appear clear indications of the ways in which conflict can be transcended without the recourse to violence.

The challenge, nevertheless, would remain for humanity to correctly interpret those truths which lie at the heart of all spiritual and religious practices without distorting them to make them fit into the pockets of vested interests and biased perspectives. For many adults it is, perhaps, too late to learn this new way of being and acting; the hope for the future, therefore, lies in the education of the children and young people, especially since oftentimes they experience an innate idealism and vision which, unless nurtured, is eventually snubbed out by the ?norms? of modern day society.

- Vicky Rossi

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005


[GMW #728] The Real Dream And Meaning Of My Life

The image:

[GMW #728] The Real Dream And Meaning Of My Life
Tuesday 12 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6022 ~
What was the real dream and meaning of my life?

To work for peace
To obtain a world-wide global education
To be a part of evolution on this magnificent planet
To be blessed with a wonderful family and a very long life

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Hope is the antidote to the impossible.
We need a new vision of the world as a miraculous interdependent fabric and whole.
Do not hate. Help
The world needs a theology of peace, not of just war. There is no uglier and contradictory word than ?just war?. Do we speak of ?loving killing??

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

If only through my writings, actions, example and speeches I could make warring and armed nations feel ashamed of themselves!

I have often been asked:

"How do you keep so young?"

I always reply:

"Because I work for humanity and for the world. It is such a huge, long, unfinished job that God keeps me young in order not to lose one of His workers."


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Re: [GMW #727] Never Give Up

From: Arthur,

This is a wonderful profile in courage, an example of what Garry has been saying that the individual needs only to recognize and claim his sovereignty to create peace.

Re: [GMW #727] Never Give Up

Dear Barbara and Robert,
Thank you so much for sharing your message. It was truly what I needed to hear this morning as I begin working on my proposal for a program that I piloted two years ago called Stop Fighting and Start Connecting. This program teaches both adults and children how to find peace within themselves, release their anger safely, develop effective interpersonal communication skills, and create empathy and reverence for one another. I will be personally leading seminars on this topic, training others to implement the program, and releasing several books and workbooks to help those in need create the types of relationships they truly deserve.
After reading your message I truly know I am on the right path and will continue to work diligently until the program has fully blossomed.
You are a the brightest of lights and your inspiration has enabled me to reach higher that I ever could imagine.
Thank you so very much and may you continue to be blessed as you bless others with your extraordinary gifts.
Sending love and light,

Integrative Solutions to Help You and
Your Family

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Monday, July 11, 2005


[GMW #727] Never Give Up

The image:

[GMW #727] Never Give Up
Monday 11 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 1924 ~

Never give up if you have an idea in which you believe profoundly, an idea that will improve the peace, the happiness and the living conditions of your human brothers and sisters. I will narrate here an anecdote from my own life:

Many years ago in the 1950's a proposal was made by two great Latin American UN people, Raul Prebish from Argentina and Hernan Santa Cruz from Chile. It was to create a United Nations Marshall Plan of a revolving nature. Poor countries would repay interest free, long-term loans at a time when they would be developed. The debates on this took years. Both Raul Prebish and Hernan Santa Cruz returned to their countries.

I remained one of the lone fighters for this idea that was staunchly opposed by the United States because they said nobody on Earth should get loans at fuzzy or no rates of interest or for long-term periods of time. This would disrupt the normal banking system. The proposal was known as SUNFED, Special UN Fund for Economic Development. At one point the US State Department sent a former colleague of mine who said to me: Robert, we are sick and tired to get all these cables about what you try to do. You should stop. We and our western allies will never agree to this proposal as you perfectly know.

I answered him: Well, I will stop only when you give in. The earlier you give in the less cables you will receive. After that, a last determining meeting took place for a final voting on the proposal.

To the astonishment of everyone, the German delegate instead of voting against it voted in favor! The western delegations withdrew for consultations and after a while came back and voted in favor of it, including the US. The plan was passed.

After the meeting was over I asked the German delegate why Germany changed its vote. He answered: Germany did not. I did. I was commander of a German tank Division in the second World War. When I heard a man like you who had the courage and tenacity to continue his fight for an idea he considered a blessing for the world, I broke my instructions and voted in favor. I salute you from the bottom of my heart.

My own heart is full of joy when I remember that today. This is how the United Nations Development Program was born - first named Special Fund for Development, one of the biggest aid programs on Earth which otherwise might not have been created.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

What I would have missed in my life if I hadn't worked for the UN! I should rewrite in golden letters the essay on world government which opened to me the doors of the UN as a young man.

Robert's Golden Sayings
Each human person should practice four optimisms:

optimism of thought (intelligence)
optimism of heart (love)
optimism of action (activism)
optimism of soul (spirituality)

As a result, all our vital forces will be mobilized and a successful life will ensue. Since we live, why not try to live fully in every respect, to the highest, fullest ideals?
Never be negative in intention

Never be negative in thoughts
Never be negative in ideas
Never be negative in words
Never be negative in action
Do not destroy or diminish anyone or anything.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6



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Friday, July 08, 2005


[GMW #726] Putting Prejudices And Discrimination On The Global Agenda

The image:

[GMW #726] Putting Prejudices And Discrimination On The Global Agenda
Friday 8 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2624 ~
The world is beset, hampered, wounded by many prejudices: sexual, racial, ethnic, political, religious, ideological, social and others.

It would be of great help to the world's progress if the United Nations would put the subject of prejudices and discriminations as items on its agenda. It would help the cause of truth. Two sciences or fields of study could be created: prejudiceology and discriminology.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you are self-realized, if you like what you do, you will be successful. My father was a good hatmaker because he loved to make hats. If you dislike what you do, you will not succeed.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Each time I see and chat with Secretary General Perez de Cuellar, I like myself better, because he makes me feel great.

Dear Easy,

Please add these happy birthday wished to tonight's Good Morning World. They are from this request to Good Morning World subscribers:

Dearest Goodmorningworld subscriber....Time to thank Easy!
There is a man in Spokane
Who does what he can
with joyful dancing fingers
to make our world a better place

connecting hearts
exchanging love and peaceful ways
e-mailing goodmorningworld with infininite grace!

His birthday is coming
July 9th this year
so let's surprise Easy
with a message from you

right here...

Bless you and thank you, Barbara and Robert Muller

Love, Barbara




Dearest Easy,
We wish you a very great, happy birthday. We are so happy you were born.
You cannot imagine how important you are to Barbara and me. Your faithful and loving attention to GoodMorningWorld makes our day and brings my Ideas and Dreams into reality and it is as if every day is a birthday when I read them.
Soon there will be GoodMorningEasy and we will be the first to send messages to you including this one. As I am sending this I am playing the Ode to Joy on my little 10 hole harmonica as you bring me so much daily joy. I love you.
Happy Birthday, Robert Muller

Dearest Easy,
Happy Birthday to you and may your day be bright and filled with sunshine and love from all of us who love you so much..
The above message was written by Robert and me and I wanted to add a few more lines of thanks and appreciation for your daily work to bring GoodMorningWorld to the Planet. Each day I tell more and more people about GMW and yesterday a good friend mentioned how wonderful it is to have Easy in our daily lives and e-mail.
She was right. It is wonderful to know that you are serving the world with such love and devotion.
May all your years be happy and may all the your happiness fill many, many more years to come. I love you.
Barbara Muller


Dear Easy,
another year older
another year bolder
you've aged
you've grown
your a gift to us all
we rise to your call
may you always be happy
may you always stand tall
one thing we can tell you
one thing you should know
you may be one person
but your part of us all
we love you dear easy
for your beautiful soul
the world has grown better
because of you dear trendsetter!
I Love You Dear Easy!
Thank you for all you do and for who you are.
You are beautiful!
Happy Birthday!!!
Sharing Love, Peace and Happiness with you,
Lionel Ketchian


Thank you for all your good work in transforming this world into a happier, more peaceful planet. May all your kindness and good will be returned to you this and every day. Be well my friend.
Happiest birthday wishes,
Julian - California


Here is a special birthday greeting to you, Easy. I've really appreciated all of your sincere, caring
efforts in regard to the Good Morning World messages. Even more so, I've been touched by
the sincere spirit and nature of the caring regard you have afforded me individually when I
have ordered additional copies of the little booklets, Robert's Golden Sayings. Your promptness
and efficiency were amazing and did a great deal to bolster the morale of the recipients.

I love this community of Colorado Springs and the natural beauty of the surroundings,
especially as a Colorado native, but am also very much aware that outside groups moving in here
have made it very difficult to exercise peaceful and progressive views and accompanying
actions. Therefore, I have been especially aware and appreciative of your prompt, courteous
and considerate responses and thoughtful supportiveness when, where and how it was most

Happy Birth and Rebirth Day! With peace and continuing light, Margery (Layton)

Sim, participar desta alegre ocasião,será um presente!

Poder enviar um abraįo internauta ao aniversariante já,por si,é uma glória...

Thank you for the opportunity to express the way I
feel about Easy. He is surely Easy in as much as he is
approachable and friendly. Easy comes the reply from
him - yes, he is really prompt and eager to help and
welcome the new comers.

Our young people know about Easy and they wish they
were there in person to wish him a happy B'Day in
their own way. You can let Easy know that a group who
had not met him and don't know him fully well are
ready to wish him all the best for his birthday. May
the good Lord give him great health, peace and love he
needs to continue his supportive work.

I will try and send the photos in time along with hand
made Birthday greetings.

More later. Antony - UK


Dear Easy,
Wishing you a very 'Happy Birthday' and Many more to come.
I am writing to you from Central America where we take GMW to 'heart' each and every morning.
We appreciate, very much, you being there and working on behalf of all of us around the World. Your efforts are always above and beyond the call and the incredible effort that you put into your help on this really valuable cause is especially appreciated by me personally and I have benefited from being inspired all those mornings, reading GMW. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You !!!
Roy in Costa Rica





How pretentious I am!
Is my heart's desire
to reach the star I love?

And how do I know
about the right one for me?
In a dream I see myself
comfortably sitting
with my friends
the moon, the sky ...
Oh! the stars are waiting.

Let us have FUN
the whole box of crayons I will use
we'll paint the stars
the color of LOVE
one by one
let us use green
blue or pink
let us use white
yellow or red
let us use black.

Because LOVE
is the motive of my life
the rainbow
what keeps my fingers occupied
Because all I want
is to make each and every moment
the hearts to smile
Because dreaming I gave form
to my destiny
Because in my hand
I am holding
the ONE
the glue of life.

I am here
I am listening
I care

To my sweet love and inspiration
Feliz Cumpleaņos Easy!


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Thursday, July 07, 2005


[GMW #725] Unexploiting Earth

The image:

[GMW #725] Unexploiting Earth
Thursday 7 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2823 ~
Thank God that the seas and oceans and high mountains occupy more than eighty percent of the Earth surface. If not, the entire Earth would be 'owned', claimed, occupied, 'developed', exploited and soon destroyed by humans at their current rate of so-called ' economic progress' and endless increasing 'wanting more'.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Poverty is often a state of mind, not a reality.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

My love for the UN will not die with me. It will continue to five through my writings, through the young UN officials they win inspire, through the students I am now teaching at the University for Peace.


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Wednesday, July 06, 2005


[GMW #724] A World-wide Survey Of All Cultures On Earth

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[GMW #724] A World-wide Survey Of All Cultures On Earth
Wednesday 6 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Ending War

~ Idea 3044 ~

What incredible wisdom, knowledge and ideas we would find in a world-wide survey of all the cultures on Earth, past and present! Such a survey would reveal to us the ways to be followed and those to be avoided in our future journey on this planet.

Instead of that, the energies of most human groups are devoted to persuade us that their beliefs, their group, their religion, their ideology, their way of life are the only valid ones and even merit to go to war to get them accepted by the vanquished!

How long will such aberration, such blindness continue on this Earth? The UN and its agencies and world programs should be strengthened many times to pursue their efforts on this problem.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
How do we evolve and toward what? That is the basic question of our time. Not only, how do we develop.
If you have reached cosmic consciousness, you are forever at peace. You understand everything and everyone. Nothing and no one can dismay you, not even death.
Feel the all-pervading power of the universe. Be a crossroads of the cosmic flows. Be an intersection of infinity and eternity, which indeed you are.
When you have achieved cosmic or divine consciousness, you will no longer care for minor earthly values, such as power, glory, wealth, titles. You will be indifferent to them because they are valueless in the cosmic order. You will find joy in sharing the miracle of life with other human beings, and others will find joy in sharing it with you.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

People often tell me: "You have done so much for the United Nations." In reality, they will never know how little I did and how much the UN has done for me. It was a beautiful love story of a mother for her child. I hope to write as much as I can about it in order to inspire others.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Re: [GMW #723] Issues To Work On For A Better Fate Of The Earth
Dear Robert & Barbara & other fellow dreamers & practitioners,
I have a suggestion for "Ideas-Dreams":
A world-wide conference should be convened to discuss how two or more peoples &/or ethnic groups might get along together, fruitfully, in the same (more or less limited) geographic territory. Representatives should come from such places as Belgium, Switzerland, & Canada that are relatvely successful;as well as those now in transition, such as Cyprus & perhaps Ireland,a well as those who presently deadlocked, such as Sri Lanka, Palestine-Israel, and Armenia/Azerbaijan. Large, highly multi-ethnic societies, such as the US & Brazil, are also important, while recognizing that conditions vary greatly throughout our wonderful world & that no one (or more) approach(es) will fit everywhere. People well-versed in bio-regionalism would also add depth & perspective.
If Amerindians would not take offense, l would suggest that we put that in our pipes & cogitate upon it....

Re: [GMW #710] Better Ways Of Responding To Challenge Of Terrorism


I loved what you wrote about world servers. I have been working for a long while to create a television program about world servers, servers of humanity. There are so many on earth now that we don't hear about and if we did hear about them, the world would change again just in the hearing. The "One Campaign" that we recently saw on television about the G8 meeting to consider making a difference in world poverty is just such a manifestation of world service. Many people in Hollywood, in music and other prominent people came together in a united consortium of spirit called the One Campaign to make a difference in the vote that comes up this Wednesday in the G8 meeting on poverty.

In reference to Alice Bailey, the evidence of the new spirit of inclusiveness, the First Ray that is of Unity, a united will, is evidenced by the One campaign. The First Ray, according to Bailey, is just now coming into existence and is actually creating a world servers. Those of us who think of humanity as One are bringing in this new energy. It does need much financial resources to really manifest the changes, especially in television. My own work is on hold until the much needed resources are made available.

Love and blessings to you all.

Media Arts Foundation

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005


[GMW #723] Issues To Work On For A Better Fate Of The Earth

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[GMW #723] Issues To Work On For A Better Fate Of The Earth
Tuesday 5 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6033 ~

The following phenomena are of primary concern at the beginning of this third millennium:

Population increase
Climate changes
Atomic weapons
Ozone depletion
Bigness and overpopulation of cities
Hunger in some parts of the world and over consumption in others
Destruction of nature and her vital elements
Economics considered first in human affairs instead of being second to the environment, to nature and to the fate of the Earth


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you work for the world, do not expect to be applauded by nations. But you can expect the beginning of a recognition and love from the people.
What miracle, what good actions have you done today?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A life is worthwhile only through the joys and happiness we give to others.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Re: [GMW #722] Names To Give Planet Earth

Robert, a great idea which I shall visualize becoming a reality! Not only in name but a fundamental actuality. Hi, also to Barbara. - Nada-Yolanda
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Monday, July 04, 2005


[GMW #722] Names To Give Planet Earth

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[GMW #722] Names To Give Planet Earth
Monday 4 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |


~ Idea 2535 ~
Names I would like to see given to planet Earth:

Planet of God
Planet of Peace
Planet of Justice
Planet of Unity
Planet of Diversity
Planet of Happiness
Planet of Human Fulfillment
Planet of Beauty
Planet of Kindness
Planet of Forgiveness
Planet of Love
Planet Paradise

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Economists and business have fooled the world much to long, equating economic growth with human happiness.
To be humanist means to be for humanity. A human solution must always be found, above and beyond group considerations. In this new phase of evolution, humanity must always come first.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Even if the whole world were against the UN, I would defend it with all my strength, all my soul and all my heart because it was born from the 30 million dead of World War 11 and it is our best chance for a better world.

I was just gettingready to send our young Assoc. Minister at church a copy of a letter that I sent to Sen.
Salazar on Saturday.

I thought you might be interested, too, so will send a copy of that to you along with a statement that Ben
(young Assoc. Min) made at a recent breakfast gathering of a local group called Citizens

Citizens Project was formed by 3 people at the time of Amendment #2 that caused Colo.
to be known as the "hate state". (It began here in Colorado Springs, I'm sorry to say!) We've
come a long way since then although it's still always an uphill struggle here.

My own roots go very deep in Colorado, having been born and growing up in Canon City (about 1 l/2 hours
from here)and coming with my parents over here in the 30's and early 40's to visit my maternal
Uncle who did a lot of stonework here in town, as he did in Canon and in various
places all over the country.

So I tend to think of Focus on the Family, etc. as "transplants" rather than representing this community. A city councilperson, Richard Skorman, who was part
of the initial effort to form Citizens Project, later being elected to council, spoke the other
morning, too, about our need to know that
we are Colorado Springs.

I chatted with him afterwards, reinforcing that via my own background. I dug out some old postcards and pictures from around 1910 showing various buildings, etc. here, had them copied and will share those
with him as well.

Peace and light, Margery

Here's the copy of my letter that I mentioned, followed by Ben's comments at the breakfast.

June 25, 2005

Sen. Ken Salazar
c/o Matt Lee Ashley
3 South Tejon
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

Dear Sen. Salazar:

Thank you for your gracious and thoughtful messages.

As a long time member of Amnesty International, I am especially aware of AI's consistent,
continuing record of integrity, veracity and reliability, along with its honorable worldwide
dedication to the preservation of human rights. Therefore, I was especially glad to read that
Rep. Waxman, joined by Rep. Pelosi and 170 other members of Congress, have
introduced legislation to establish an Independent Commission to investigate abuses of
detainees. (See enc.)

I believe it to be a sound, sensible, comprehensive and intelligent approach that could
effectively contribute to the advancement of human rights everywhere.

I heard Bill Moyers say on TV the other day, "What doesn't have credibility today is the
truth". I believe the Waxman proposal does us all a great service by shining the light of
truth into the opening created by Amnesty and others and hope that it will be strongly
supported in spite of all of the noisy, rambunctious distractions to the contrary.

I hope that these reflections may contribute a bit to your sincere and dedicated endeavors.

With light and hope,

Colorado Springs, Colorado

Ben's comments at the breakfast

Good morning and peace to you all. My name is Benjamin Broadbent. I am a third generation Christian minister " I call it "the curse and the blessing" and I serve as the Associate Minister at First Congregational United Church of Christ on the corner of Tejon and St. Vrain, founded in 1849.

Last week I met a woman who knew my grandfather when he served as a minister in New Hampshire in the 1960's. She remembered that he counseled conscientious objectors to the draft during the Vietnam War. He was a witness to his generation that religious freedom means freedom of conscience, a conscience free of coercion, whether religious or political or an alliance of the two.

I want to take just a moment to talk about religious freedom and why it's important in Colorado Springs. When any one religion, or form of religion, is regarded as the sole moral and political voice, diversity is threatened, creativity is squelched, and religious beliefs get passed along as common sense.

The theologian and anthropologist Teilhard de Chardin said, "Any religion which does not assert first and foremost the mystery of God is a lie." To support religious freedom is to assert that no one person or group of people are capable of cornering the market on ultimate truth. Ultimate truth is ultimate because it remains mysterious.

Don't get me wrong, I am a lifelong Christian, and yet my truck is the one in the parking lot that says "Remember when this (Christian fish symbol) wasn't a warning label?" My vocation is to recover and promote the generous, loving, life-giving message that I believe is at the heart of my faith tradition. So often in this community this seems to be an uphill battle.

The Citizen's Project promotes the concept of religious freedom, and actually promotes the free practice of religion by inviting people of diverse faith backgrounds, even no faith background, to act with common conviction and purpose.

The community protest of the hate group from Kansas that picketed at Palmer High School is a case in point. Many of us representing churches and other spiritual groups were invited to endorse the event. At the event, I was inspired to be in the company of, and to stand on common ground with, brothers and sisters of multiple spiritual stripes. My own vision of God was enlarged that day. "God," I prayed, "you're gonna make something happen today. Your church will not be confined by walls today. You're calling everybody and anybody to get off their duff today."

I'm grateful to the Citizen's Project for making events like that happen. I am grateful to the Citizen's Project for organizing public forums where people of diverse spiritual opinions may share them respectfully. I am grateful to the Citizen's Project for enlarging the debate about the role of religion in public life. I am grateful to the Citizen's Project for acting on behalf of religious freedom for all citizens and for encouraging people of differing traditions and opinions to engage honestly and constructively within the wider society.

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Friday, July 01, 2005


[GMW #721] A Yearly Good Deed Declaration Filed With Taxes

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[GMW #721] A Yearly Good Deed Declaration Filed With Taxes
Friday 1 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English ? Portuguese ? Espaņol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 1037 ~13 May 1997

I hope that someday all people will receive a Yearly Good Deeds Declaration to fill out when they receive a Yearly Tax Declaration.

It could include such items as:

What good and peace did you teach your children?
What peace did you contribute to your family, to your neighborhood, to your workplace?
What peace association did you belong to or support?

What did you do for a better environment, a reduction of garbage, of gasoline consumption, of water and energy consumption?
What did you do for a more frugal and simple life, for a lower consumption of Earth resources?

What did you do to cultivate your own happiness?
Happiness in your family?
Happiness all around you?
Happiness in your workplace?
What philanthropy, what voluntary services did you provide?

What good health practices did you foster in your family?
What were your own good examples of good health?
Did you stop smoking?
Did you stop consuming alcohol and tell your family that it is an Arabic word (al kohol) which means the devil?

Did you give thanks for the miracle of life and the beauty of this Earth?
What did you do for your soul?
Did you pray, read good spiritual writings and precepts?
Did you go to spiritual services?

And one could conceive other items: Love, honesty, truth, morality, fidelity, forgiveness, etc.

The result of such a questionnaire would be as important if not more than the contribution of taxes to government expenses. A better society would ensue. A whole system of tax exemptions could be built on such a questionnaire. There could be for example tax deductions for voluntary services.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Do you eat decayed food? No. Well, don?t feed your mind with decayed books. Be as careful with the nutrition of your mind as you are with the nutrition of your body.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I am in passion with life, with humanity and with this beautiful planet. I am and will always remain a passionate advocate of the UN. I will never refuse my action, thought, heart and soul to the first universal organization on this planet.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Re: [GMW #720] A Future Approach - Doing More & Doing Less - For The Better

What a privilege it is to receive All the mesages about the special meeting described and photos.

Thank YOU for each work day, for each idea, for each act of love wich it is shown in those lines and most important in each intentions behind all.

It is a privilege to work and share all these with Portuguese speaking people, I hope I can do the best to bring in, the real love fuel that you have inside, to bring that to the translation work and to inspire people to ACT, not just read and feel good ...

It is fundamental to bring new thinking way of life to our beloved planet! To understand love in a irradiant way.

Thank you again and always to Mr Robert , Barbara Muller and all team that made possible we can have such a inspiring work at our disposition in internet.

Elisa, from Unit of Service for Holystic Education in Resende/BRAZIL

wow what an inspirationasl day......silver eagle


For anyone that could not view the photos of the elders watching Robert's videao and talking with Rober on the phone, the beautiful photos are on the web at:

The should also be viewable on the | Daily Blog: English

Also the full blog:

If any of these are not viewable for you please let me know by replying to this email.

Take care, Easy

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