Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Monday, October 31, 2005


[GMW #807] Wherever The Military Are The Peacemakers Will Be

The image:

[GMW #807] Wherever The Military Are The Peacemakers Will Be
Monday 31 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

A United World To Create Paradise On Earth
Robert Muller's Interview on KPFK Radio
30 October 2005 - Listen to the full 20 minute interview, read & print excerpts.
If anyone would like to transcribe this wonderful interview that would be great and the full transcript will be added to Robert's website.


~ Idea 269 ~ 5 April 1995

Napoleon did not send his military trainees to Universities. He created military academies where they were taught a total science of war, a total strategy of war and a total methodology of war. The German General Clausewitz perfected that system in the 19th century by proclaiming that there was no limit to the use of violence. Since then we have hundreds of military "academies" in the world teaching this, with the recent amendment that the objective is no longer war but "defense". There exists nothing similar for peace.

After my forty years of UN service I thought that academia had done its job and developed a science, a strategy and a methodology of peace. There exists nothing of the sort. I have therefore decided to throw all my weight behind the first University for Peace on the planet, in demilitarized Costa Rica, and to develop a total science, a total strategy and total methodology of peace. Wherever the military are the peacemakers will be, from outer-space and star-wars to atomic and genetic warfare, which will be replaced with star-peace and atomic and genetic peace. You have your monuments, and medals to warriors, we will have them for peacemakers. This is why governments are so scared of this University: only 32 of 185 have ratified its statute and only three have provided it with minimal help.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Observe your children closely: they have often fundamental approaches and answers to the mysteries of life which we have lost as adults.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The life of each person, group and nation is part of a mysterious global journey. What we do together amounts to much more than what we do individually. Only time and the future will tell what our real influence was.

Dear Friends,

The current issue of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist magazine SGI-Quarterly
features the United Nations. It is FABULOUS!!!

To view this issue, please visit:

Thank you!

A reply below to Robert's: "Someone told me that I was imitating Peace Pilgrim with my 5000 Ideas and Dreams. This is a very interesting thought. I might indeed be a pilgrim for a better world through my writings, my speeches and endless efforts. Perhaps someday next to the Peace Pilgrim's statue at the Peace Monument of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica there might be a statue of me as the Better World Ideas Pilgrim. This would be wonderful."
namaste robert.....I have always heard that if you don't know what to do....pick out your favoriite saint or person and emulate them.......I have tried to emulate Peace Pilgrim since reading her book in 1984......sometimes I feel that I have a long way to go and other times I just sit in the beauty of Thich Nhat Hanh...."I am here, in the Now" and enjoy the miracle of walking on the back of mother earth one more day.......blessings silver eagle
Athought to ponder from dmr9
As the shadow follows the body,
as we think, so we become....
>From Connie, a quote from Heart Math:
"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,
for they shall never cease to be amused."
- Anonymous

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller (Author), et al (Paperback - 2005)
Books: See all 270 items (Rate this item)
Used & new from $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business

Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379
Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206
Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, October 28, 2005


[GMW #806] The Supreme Objective & Question - Is what I do or we do an action of love for all this Earth and all humanity?

The image:

[GMW #806] The Supreme Objective & Question - Is what I do or we do an action of love for all this Earth and all humanity?
Friday 28 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

REMINDER - Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio this Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am. See below for how to listen world wide to Robert's talk.

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2033 ~
All humans, all professions, all institutions, all cultures, all religions, all human groups should have one supreme objective and question: is what I do or we do an action of love for all this Earth and all humanity? Is it a contribution to a better world, to an ultimate, peaceful, perfect success of the will of God and of the cosmic forces of the universe?

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
To love or not love, that is a main question.
Work for eternity and eternity will work for you.
Work for God and God will work for you.

We have entered an age of such complexity that we are now turning to children and youth for answers on many issues.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

1 said to young advertisers:

"If you present well the UN to the people, getting their support for the world organization and forcing governments to abide by its rules, not only will you have done your job well, but you win have lived useful lives contributing to peace, further civilization and cosmic progress on this planet in its journey in the universe. And you will be recompensed with untold happiness."

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on and click on >>LISTEN LIVE<<
or go directly to:

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller (Author), et al (Paperback - 2005)
Books: See all 270 items (Rate this item)
Used & new from $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business


Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379

Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206

Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


[GMW #805] Happiness, Joie De Vivre Are The Oxygen Of Life

The image:

[GMW #805] Happiness, Joie De Vivre Are The Oxygen Of Life
Thursday 27 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


What is the objective of life? To live fully one's life and to absorb with passion the universe around us while we are conscious of it. Happiness, joie de vivre are the oxygen of life. I sometimes feel that God is silently asking me: "Are you happy?" And when I say yes, He answers: "Then I rejoice at having created you!' - From Planet Of Hope

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Humans! Those miraculous walking beings with an invisible round globe on their shoulders, capable of embracing the entire universe!
A synthesis between the past and the future
A synthesis between the east and west
A synthesis between the north and south
A synthesis between science and religion
A synthesis between the heavens and the Earth
Those are the major tasks of our generation.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The UN is the most recent attempt in civilized history to find the rules of conduct, peace and happiness for the human race on Earth. Its success or failure will depend largely on the understanding of the people. If this attempt fails, it will not be the fault of governments alone, it will also be the fault of the people. The UN is in your hands.

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller (Author), et al (Paperback - 2005)
Books: See all 270 items (Rate this item)
Used & new from $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business


Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379

Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206

Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


[GMW #804] Peace Medals - the only acceptable medals on this planet - not military medals

The image:

[GMW #804] Peace Medals - the only acceptable medals on this planet - not military medals
Wednesday 26 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Ending War

~ Idea 112 ~ 30 October 1994

The only medals acceptable on this planet should be peace medals, not military medals.

Jesus would shudder if he knew that the highest French military honor is the Croix de Guerre, the Cross of War!

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Do not punish anyone or anything. Leave punishment to God.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 1

Everything on this Earth becomes "organized" or "institutionalized", for it is the way of the human species. This is true both of good and evil, of love and hatred. The great challenge of our time is to institutionalize and organize well-being and cooperation on a planetary scale and to de-institutionalize war and hatred. This is the deeper meaning of the United Nations.

UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive

A Poem About PEACE

Give peace a chance
that means lots of love,
in my thoughts
in my writings
in my heart
in my words
in my actions
in my hands
in my eyes
in my soul

for the war is not around me
but perhaps trapped in
my thoughts
my writings
my heart
my words
my actions
my hands
my eyes
my soul

so I begin today
for tomorrow will be much too late
sing a song for PEACE tonight
sing with me
you and I
I hold your hand
let the sound travel
the fragrance of love inspire
new beginnings
turning time and tides
it all begins with one spark
it all begins
with you and I

Peace be with you!

Healing Poetry Writing is a way to express ourselves, explore underlying feelings and messages that are important for us. Let your heart speak, send and receive love and beautiful messages for the life you want to be part of today. Create messages and images to better your mind, emotional and spiritual wellness, and for a better life for everyone, through your own poetry. Soon you'll experience that when the heart speaks love there is no distance between us...

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Thank you so much for your Amazon orders. Because of your orders we have moved ahead of 34,000 books we are now in the 5000 top books and moving up and it is only if you were too busy yesterday please order today...Every order moves us closer to #1. With your help and positive thoughts we will make it to #1.
Thank you again, Barbara Muller
Product Details
  • Paperback
  • Publisher: Amare Media LLC; 1st printing by Amare Media edition (2005)
  • ISBN: 1932943056
  • Average Customer Review: based on 1 review. (Write a review.)
  • Sales Rank:
by Dr. Robert Muller
new $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business days.


Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379

Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206

Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


[GMW #803] More Positive Planetary News

The image:

[GMW #803] More Positive Planetary News
Tuesday 25 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6060 ~

I would like to see much more positive planetary news in the world media. We should get news and information about the good work and the global successes which are achieved on our planet, what is right in the world. The astronauts who were on the moon all told us how beautiful, peaceful and loving our planet Earth appeared to them.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
All periods of anxiety, confusion and loss of direction of humanity are reflected in their art and literature. A Renaissance in art reflects a new direction.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

What would the UN be without governments? An empty shell.

What would governments be without people? Empty shells.

Therefore, in whose hands lies the fate of the UN? In the hands of the people.

This is why the Charter starts with the words:
'We, the Peoples. .


UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive


Today the UN turns 60 years old! Personally I am taking time to appreciate
the many efforts of Kofi Annan and his incredible staff, and to reflect on
the many UN successes ... Development, disaster aide, East Timor,
humanitarian efforts in cooperation with the NGO community. And particularly
in 2002 to early 2003 when the United Nations stood against the enormous
pressure coming from the USA garnering support for the invasion in Iraq.

I look forward to the future of the United Nations with a strengthened
General Assembly, more cooperation with NGOs, and active participation from
civil society in the form of People's representation within the UN.

May each of us continue to contribute our best efforts toward the success
and future accomplishments of our beloved United Nations.

Warmest regards to all,

Susan J. Zipp, Advisor
Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations
Co-Chair, Global People's Assembly



World marks UN Day

To commemorate UN Day today, which also is the 60th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, the Star Tribune features profiles of three people who have dedicated their work to furthering UN initiatives. Click here to read the proclamation by President Bush, urging U.S. leaders to observe the day with "appropriate ceremonies and activities." Click here to read the UN News Centre release on how UN headquarters are illuminated with the words "UN 60" and here for more on how the UN is marking the day. Click here for the UN Foundation Web site's slide show commemoration and more.

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Good morning Dearest Readers,
Friday we took Most of All They Taught Me Happiness to Roberts eye doctors office and put the book in the waiting room. In less than a minute it was picked up by a young man who just kept reading and smiling and even when he was leaving he kept it in his hands. The receptionist seeing the book asked him where he got it and he said on the table.
As soon as he left she came right out to pick it up and began reading it. Pretty soon every one was wanting a copy. I had 10 copies in the trunk of my car and they were gone in 5 minutes.
If you've been wanting to read Most of All They Taught Me Happiness Tuesday would be a perfect day to order it and make Robert happy too.
It only takes a few moments to order Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness on Tuesday October 25th. If you already have it send it to someone you love.
Your purchase on October 25th will help get Most of All They Taught Me Happiness by Robert Muller into the top 25 on Amazon.
And since Oprah's recommended book is #1 she may even become aware of Robert Muller and have him on her never knows as Robert says.
Here are two ways to order tomorrow from Amazon or from Becky.
A million Thanks..Barbara Muller

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller (Author), et al (Paperback - 2005)
Books: See all 270 items (Rate this item)
Used & new from $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business


Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379

Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206

Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, October 24, 2005


[GMW #802] Better World Ideas Pilgrim

The image:

[GMW #802] Better World Ideas Pilgrim
Monday 24 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 4958 ~

Someone told me that I was imitating Peace Pilgrim with my 5000 Ideas and Dreams. This is a very interesting thought. I might indeed be a pilgrim for a better world through my writings, my speeches and endless efforts. Perhaps someday next to the Peace Pilgrim's statue at the Peace Monument of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica there might be a statue of me as the Better World Ideas Pilgrim. This would be wonderful.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Don’t be a Catholic or a Jew before being human.
Don’t be American or Russian before being human.
Remember that for the first time in history to be human comes first, absolutely.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

"Perhaps the United Nations may be considered as a great 'all nations', 'all languages' word processor. Light or active intelligence streams into this center of humanity where world leaders and thinkers process these ideas into words through the medium of the forum of debate. The radiations of light descend vertically and at this center point of all races, they are worked out, transmitted into words and radiate forth horizontally, encircling the earth." - Brian Arrowsmith

UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive

Dear Freinds,

I am sending you this Link to my peace project i made with my Peace friend Liza Leyla from Belgium,

for United Nation Day

Blessings and Peace

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem and Liza Leyla
peace project on

United Nation DAY October 24,2005

Listen the song click

Salam a peace song

A star is dancing
in the blue sky
A Peace star is singing
the love of the butterfly

The Peace Ring
of Kingdom
Endless Spring
of magic Wisdom

The split moon
hearth of sparkling
The full moon
port of Blessing

The love of the mother
engenders the palm
of our blessing brother
with our sisters balm

A Star is dancing
in the blue sky
A Peace Star is singing
the love of the butterfly

by Liza Leyla


United Nations Day (24 October)
The anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945 has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. It has traditionally been marked throughout the world by meetings, discussions and exhibits on the achievements and goals of the Organization. In 1971, the General Assembly recommended that Member States observe it as a public holiday (resolution 2782 (XXVI)).

United Nations Day
World Federation of United Nations Associations
UN's Dag Hammarskjold Library Links
Global Policy Forum: UN History
UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Good morning Dearest Readers,
Friday we took Most of All They Taught Me Happiness to Roberts eye doctors office and put the book in the waiting room. In less than a minute it was picked up by a young man who just kept reading and smiling and even when he was leaving he kept it in his hands. The receptionist seeing the book asked him where he got it and he said on the table.
As soon as he left she came right out to pick it up and began reading it. Pretty soon every one was wanting a copy. I had 10 copies in the trunk of my car and they were gone in 5 minutes.
If you've been wanting to read Most of All They Taught Me Happiness Tuesday would be a perfect day to order it and make Robert happy too.
It only takes a few moments to order Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness on Tuesday October 25th. If you already have it send it to someone you love.
Your purchase on October 25th will help get Most of All They Taught Me Happiness by Robert Muller into the top 25 on Amazon.
And since Oprah's recommended book is #1 she may even become aware of Robert Muller and have him on her never knows as Robert says.
Here are two ways to order tomorrow from Amazon or from Becky.
A million Thanks..Barbara Muller

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness by Dr. Robert Muller (Author), et al (Paperback - 2005)
Books: See all 270 items (Rate this item)
Used & new from $12.95 Usually ships within 1-2 business


Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379

Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206

Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling
For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)

"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, October 21, 2005


[GMW #801] Upgrading The World University System From Scratch

The image:

[GMW #801] Upgrading The World University System >From Scratch
Friday 21 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1955 ~
New world universities should be created next to all united organizations.

We have already a United Nations University and a University for Peace. We similarly need a World Spirituality University, a World Business University, a World Parliamentary University, a World NGO's University, and several others.

The whole university system of this planet must be upgraded from scratch.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your body
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your mind
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your heart
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your soul

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The people should never say: The UN is not good.

They should say: The UN is not good enough.

Book Club Reading Most of All They Taught Me Happiness
At Byron House Assisted Living Community

Byron House Assisted Living is a community for elders with special needs - ADLs, Activities of Daily Living and mental health.


Byron House Assisted Living is a community for elders with special needs with ADLs, Activities of Daily Living and mental health.


Discussing our new Book Club, during a social hour. Our elders have chosen Robert Muller's beutiful work - Most of All They Taught Me Happiness to beging our meetings.

Discussing our new Book Club, during a social hour. Our elders have chosen Robert Muller's beutiful work - Most of All They Taught Me Happiness to beging our meetings.

For more photos of this day at Byron House:

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


[GMW #800] Youth Study Natural Science For Emerging Priorities Of Earth

The image:

[GMW #800] Youth Study Natural Science For Emerging Priorities Of Earth
Thursday 20 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2810 ~

The youth of today should not enroll predominantly in faculties of general science, industrialization, business, economic development, finance, marketing and advertisement but should enlist in faculties of natural sciences, atmospheric sciences, ocean sciences, ecology, the environment, social sciences, Earth government, etc. The fate of the Earth and of the human society are more important than expected job opportunities which will change substantially under the new, pressing emerging priorities.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We need to develop for the world new medico-social sciences centering on:

world diagnosis
world prognosis
world healing

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

New views, even if they are right and timely, are called heresies and are bitterly fought by the opponents of change. Thus the UN is called a heresy by isolationists and is bitterly fought by them.

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


[GMW #799] Achieving A Beautiful World Beyond Trends of Excess

The image:

[GMW #799] Achieving A Beautiful World Beyond Trends of Excess
Wednesday 19 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Ending War

Introduction *
(Ideas 301 to 400)


We must envisage two radically different big pictures for the next millennium:

-a silent Earth from which all living species and flora will have disappeared as a result of atomic radiations, AIDS (the loss of the human immune system), alcohol, drugs, chemicals, oxygen loss, endless economic growth, overpopulation in the poor countries and overconsumption in the rich ones, violence, conflicts, the planet floating silently in the vast universe, covered with mountains of garbage, abandoned cars, yachts, airplanes, skyscrapers, airports, highways, cities, universities, museums and houses filled with piles of objects, toys and junk.

-a beautiful, alive, warless, well-preserved Earth with a stabilized human population living in small communities, in the middle of a regrown, healthy, magnificent, prolific nature, traveling little, consuming little, living simple, frugal lives, taking from the Earth only what is needed, in harmony with nature, well-governed, in spiritual union with God, the universe and eternity, happy and fulfilled, with few children, respecting the elderly and returning to the Earth without any caskets, to be resurrected into other life forms, a humanity in which there will be no homeless and hungry, in which every human being will be grateful for the miraculous gift of life on a unique, miraculous, life-blessed planet in the vast, star-studded universe.

To achieve the second picture, the United Nations, several major world conferences, World Commissions and innumerable citizens groups around the world have recommended vigorous action plans and are working very hard to implement them (e.g. population, the environment). But there are several major gaps on which I would like to recommend the following actions: [To come in future Good Morning Worlds.]


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We are good historians of facts.
We are good historians of intelligence, reason and discovery.
We are good historians of power, glory, politics and war.
But we are still bad historians of love, altruism, generosity, cooperation and peace. Let us change that.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Since ours is a complex, interdependent world, there is the need for a complex, interdependent citizenship. U Thant called it multiple allegiances to: oneself, family, the city, nation, profession, humanity, the Earth and to Heaven.

Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio
Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic.

It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


[GMW #798] Establishing Lasting Peace On Earth - Essential For Human Civilization & Survival Of Humankind

The image:

[GMW #798] Establishing Lasting Peace On Earth - Essential For Human Civilization & Survival Of Humankind
Tuesday 18 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6064 ~

The Tico Times, Costa Rica
July 11, 2003

This week marks the first in a series featuring the ideas of peace pioneer Robert Muller, and underreported, real-life situations in which his ideas are being or could be acted upon.


“All people living in a warring, conflictual country of the world should remind governments of their sacred human right to peace proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in a declaration of 12 November 1984.

It reads: ‘Aware that the establishment of a lasting peace on Earth represents the primary condition for the preservation of human civilization and the survival of humankind, recognizing that the maintenance of a peaceful life for peoples is a sacred duty of each state, solemnly proclaims that the peoples of our planet have a sacred right to peace.’”

Robert Muller is a UN peace pioneer and part-time resident of Costa Rica. For more of his ideas, see


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
You can acquire the style of any great writer on Earth within six months: each day, without fail, copy ten lines from his writings in a notebook, slowly, in no less than ten minutes. Read that notebook often until you know it almost by heart. You will be astonished by the result.
The most fundamental form or writing is the journal, a means to observe the functioning of your being, of your heart, of your mind and of your senses in relation to the surrounding world, the heavens and the Earth, the living and the dead, the past, the present and the future. The journal is the key, the great secret, the real joy of writing and of loving.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

How many people in the United States protested when their government unilaterally declared that it would no longer recognize the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice? The people of a country which made law and justice the cornerstone of their nation remained utterly silent.

From Barbara:

Good morning dear readers,
Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic. It will be on aired this Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on ..

On World Focus With Blase Bonpane Please join us, click listen live and alert others too..
Love, Barbara
Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, October 17, 2005


[GMW #797] Peace Report From Each Nation Each Year

The image:

[GMW #797] Peace Report From Each Nation Each Year
Monday 17 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 3251 ~

Each government should submit every year a report to the United Nations on the peace and help it has received from the United Nations and other countries for its people and also what it has contributed to the peace and progress of other countries and of a better world.

Such a report could also be submitted by governments and by the United Nations Secretary General for the entire period since the creation of the UN after World War II. The document would be of great value to the next generation and to future global historians.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Why are there so infinitely more news and discussions about the ills and blemishes of humanity than about its successes and achievements? Is that normal?
What the world needs most is a constructive attitude, a true love for life and for our wonderful planet. It is the duty of each of us, as children of the Earth, to practice and spread this correct world view.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

From an Indonesian newspaper:

"The UN is the only world organization on which nations can pin their hope for a better future for A humankind."

How right they are! Without the UN, there would be no hope at all, no world organization whatsoever, not even a place where all leaders of nations can meet, be represented and work on an ongoing basis.

Statement of a woman attending a conference of the US National Council for Women:

"In all my forty years as a representative of a non governmental organization at the UN there has never been a disagreement on the essentiality of the United Nations."

"In the tall glass house of the UN, members of the UN family come together and confront and articulate the world's problems and possibilities as has never been done before."

Elizabeth Cattell

Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, October 14, 2005


[GMW #796] Audacity, audacity, and still more audacity for a more just Earth

The image:

[GMW #796] Audacity, audacity, and still more audacity for a more just Earth
Friday 14 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2656 ~
The famous French Revolutionary leader Count Mirabeau shouted: "De l' audace, de l' audace et encore de l' audace." Audacity, audacity and still more audacity.

Today the revolutionaries against our obsolete world political system, our unjust Earth-destructive economics, our world lawlessness and spiritualessness, the increasing distance between the rich and the poor in the world and inside countries will similarly shout:

Audacity, audacity, and still more audacity. It has started with the people's demonstration in Seattle against the World Trade Organization.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Open widely your mind, your heart and your soul, and the invisible, unemployed cosmic forces will stream into you with delight, producing miracle after miracle.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

All of my work, writings, speeches, thoughts and actions have only one objective: to make the people better understand, love and support the United Nations, their first universal organization ever, and our best hope and chance for survival on this planet.

Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 800 727-2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"
-- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Peace Army of Costa Rica.


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


[GMW #795] Identifying & Resolving Global Issues Affecting Earth & Humanity

The image:

[GMW #795] Identifying & Resolving Global Issues Affecting Earth & Humanity
Thursday 13 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 3876 ~

What are the global problems which have hit humanity most in the second half of this century? Here is my list:

the population explosion
the loss of nature
the damages to the 'environment'
" " ozonosphere
" " atmosphere
" " biosphere
" " seas and oceans

climatic changes
human settlements, growth of gigantic cities
automobiles explosion
aviation explosion
rise in nuclear armaments and power plants
rise in armaments
increasing gap between rich and poor, inside countries and in the world
high numbers of hungry, homeless, uneducated, handicapped, unemployed people
wrong, outdated institutions
increase in violence

All the above falls into two categories:

problems affecting the Earth
problems affecting humanity

Please, dear reader, write down your own list.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Purity, honesty and truth are the most powerful agents against impurity, dishonesty and untruth. The duty of good people is to be always on the positive, progressive side of life. The worst thing they can do is to let the other side have its way.
Like a wanderer in nature
love the road of your life
there is so much beauty to see
so much music to hear
so many flowers to smell
so many thoughts to be thought
so much love to be had
so much divinity to be felt.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The first and foremost duty of every peacemaker is the support, strengthening and thorough knowledge of the UN.

Dear Friends

I am sending you this sad news

please also see this link

and help as much as you can

Earthquake death toll keeps mounting

ISLAMABAD: The death toll in earthquake struck areas of Azad Kashmir, Frontier province and Punjab was rising continuously as the relief teams make inroads into more and more thus far inaccessible areas, while Bagh, Muzaffarabad and some other areas appear to be confronted with serious threats of an epidemic breaking out due to large number of fast decaying corpses still lying buried under the debris.

Azad Kashmir suffered the heaviest toll of human lives in Ocotber 8 tragedy, where over 17,000 dead has thus far been confirmed. The outskirts of Muzaffarabad Shah Nara, Khawaja Mohalla, Tariqabad and Iddgah Road have remained still deprived without any relief and succour from either the government or by any federal agencies. The local people in district Bagh told that they were tired of digging graves and burying the bodies, which being in such large numbers, were now buried collectively in graves, while Muzaffarabad was gripped with the fears of an epidemic breaking out in the wake of decaying corpses still lying buried underneath the rubble.

The casualty figure in the Frontier province confirmed thus far stood at 4,000, which was likely to go up manifold. Frontier police told that in Balakot, Sangiari and other villages of district Mansehra 1,500 people died, while in Battgram the death toll reported to be at 1,100.

The heavy downpours and hailstorms yesterday hampered underway rescue and relief operations in the quake stricken areas through helicopters, which later resumed.

The wounded persons in Shangla, Muzaffarabad and Battgram were brought to the hospitals in Peshawar and other cities for medical aid.

Prime Minister, Shaukat Aziz in an Islamabad news conference told that Muzaffarabad and Balakot were the most severely earthquake-hit areas. He told that Pakistan has thus far received $300 million in foreign aids, while the people in Pakistan have deposited a sum of Rs600 million in the first 48 hours.

Peace and Blessings

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.

Robert Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 1 800 727 2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy" -- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding D Army of Costa Rica.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


GMW #794] Beautiful Peace and Love Stories - Interesting, Popular & Acclaimed

The image:

[GMW #794] Beautiful Peace and Love Stories - Interesting, Popular & Acclaimed
Wednesday 12 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese | Spanish |

Ending War

~ Idea 2432 ~

I dream of the time when beautiful peace and love stories will be more interesting, popular, acclaimed and loved than war, horror and violence stories.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Remain little: the scythe does not cut the smallest plants.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 7

When you close your eyes forever on this beautiful planet, Will you be able to say: I have done some good for the world and I leave it a little better than I found it?

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


[GMW #793] Keeping Rights In Perspective

The image:

[GMW #793] Keeping Rights In Perspective
Tuesday 11 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese | Spanish |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6031 ~

A remark made to me in 1975 by an eminent United Nations journalist and friend, Alexander Gabriel:

“The human being has not created itself.
The human being has not created the Earth.
Hence the limits of our rights.”

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The more I live, the greater becomes the part of the spirit and morality and the lesser the part of the body and of the intellect. I am learning how to become a cosmic being.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 7

If the UN is as ineffective as people are led to believe in some countries, then those who are scared of it would not spend millions of dollars and mobilize so much brainpower to assail it. They would simply ignore it.

* Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 1 800 727 2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy" -- Rita Marie Johnson, Founding D Army of Costa Rica.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, October 10, 2005


[GMW #792] Creating World Public Services

The image:

[GMW #792] Creating World Public Services
Monday 10 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese | Spanish |


~ Idea 2631 ~

When one thinks of the magnitude of basic common services of local communities, of cities, of provinces and of nations all financed through taxation, one is flabbergasted that nothing similar whatsoever exists for the Earth, its fate, its peace, its preservation and beautification.

And this happens at the moment of history and evolution when the fate of the Earth and of the entire human race are in question.

We need a world energy grid, world water grids, a world atmospheric protection, a world natural and humanmade disasters relief organization, common world funds to face emergencies, etc.

But again, for this I will be called an unrealistic dreamer, a fool whose ideas will never come true. Well, the future will judge.

And let us remember that the first Nobel Prize for Economics was awarded to Jan Tinbergen, the Dutch economist who advocated the creation of World Public Services. Please young economists, study his work.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you have a dream, even an impossible one, something will happen: signs, occasions, coincidences and help will come your way which will make your dream possible.
I have led an extraordinary life far beyond my wildest dreams. And as I went on, I continued to dream new dreams. To unceasingly dream may be one of the answers to the mysteries of life, an important way of living the fullest possible life and of contributing to further evolution.
Never plan 'against' something. Plan 'for' something.
Never despair. How else could you give your best? Your marvelous body, its myriads of cells and mechanisms need encouragement and optimistic guidance from the top, from the center. This is also true of the infinitely more complex human society.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Clausewitz, the 19th century German theoretician of war said: "War is an act of violence and there exist no limits whatever in Carrying it out."

Most of All They Taught Me Happiness By Robert Muller
Selected Quotes and Related Comments
By Vicky Rossi

#8 Quotation from the chapter entitled “How to Deal with Pessimists”, volume 5 “Lessons from the United Nations":

"When I arrived at my office I found an Indian lady waiting for me: Mrs Nigam, the president of the Federation of United Nations Associations of India. Her cheerful face was a blessing to me. Pursuing my train of thought, I asked her point-blank:

'Mrs. Nigam, are you a pessimist?'

'For heaven's sake, no! God forbid! Pessimists are second-rate people. They do not believe in life. (...) All they want is to drag you down and appease their own feelings of mediocrity and fear. (...) I have found a simple and effective way to cope with them:

I cut them right in the middle of their litanies and give them work to do. Either they leave or they work. Keep pessimists away from you or make them work, and they will not bother you.'

(...) This was a wise comment indeed. The worst thing a good person can do is to join the sad cohort of pessimists, and the next worst is to engage in a dialogue with them."

My related comments:

Choosing our company well is as important to our physical, emotional and mental health as feeding ourselves appropriately and living/working in a healthy environment. If we regularly eat food with a poor nutritional value, we will soon find ourselves in a bad state of health. The same is true of the "spiritual food" which we choose to ingest: the music we listen to, the books we read, the programmes we watch – all are susceptible to impacting in a positive or negative way our emotional and mental states. If we choose to surround ourselves with pessimistic persons, equally, the glass will very quickly look half empty and will make our creative potential much more difficult to tap into. Furthermore, we will often feel a sense of being "drained" as the pessimist saps our vibrant energy to fill the empty "hole" caused by their gloom. This brings to mind the responsibility each one of us has to be aware of our moods and the effects our moods can have on others.

Interestingly, when we feel optimistic and have positive thoughts, it is reflected in our physical body – we automatically assume a more upright posture with our heads held high. When we experience a sense of pessimism, our bodies quickly sag into a droopy posture and our eyes will tend to look downwards towards the ground.

Could it be that the reverse is also true, namely that by adjusting our physical posture we can affect a change in our mood and outlook?

* Muller's long awaited book on Happiness, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is now available. Order direct 1 800 727 2782 M-F. Ask for Becky. Email:

"Of all Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy"? --Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Director, Peace Army of Costa Rica.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, October 07, 2005


[GMW #791] Replacing Infalibility & Fundamentalism With Understanding, Cooperation, Adaptation

The image:

[GMW #791] Replacing Infalibility & Fundamentalism With Understanding, Cooperation, Adaptation
Friday 7 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1942 ~
Two of the worst principles and words still used on planet Earth are: fundamentalism and infallibility. Examples:

my nation, right or wrong
my religion, right or wrong
my business, right or wrong
the infallibility of religious leaders, etc.

The two words should be eliminated from human language. No human person, no human institution can be totally right and infallible. We are all imperfect, if only in minimal ways Human progress can continue only if we learn from each other and cooperate. After the era of competition we are entering the new, evolutionary era of adaptation and cooperation which will produce wonders.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Faith energizes our will to resolve problems. Without faith there can be no will for action.
Hope is the antidote to the impossible.
We need a new vision of the world as a miraculous interdependent fabric and whole.
Do not hate. Help.
The world needs a theology of peace, not of just war. There is no uglier and contradictory word than ‘just war’. Do we speak of ‘loving killing’?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A body is not necessarily sick because of a few local wounds. Heal those wounds but do not give up the whole body. Yet this is how many people behave towards the UN. Their insistence on having a perfect UN instantly may lead to having no UN at all.

So the sea-journey goes on, and who know where! Just to be held by the Ocean is the best luck we could have.

Jelaluddin Rumi, translated by Coleman Barks
The Essential Rumi


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


[GMW #790] More Global & Regional Flags

The image:

[GMW #790] More Global & Regional Flags
Thursday 6 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 381 ~ 26 July 1995

There exist already a few global flags for our planet: the UN flag, the Earth flag, the New Allegiance flag.

I recommend that more global flags be designed and used in the world: A Universe flag, a World flag, a Seas and Oceans flag, an Atmosphere flag, a Biosphere flag, a Mountains flag, a World Water flag, a Forests flag, an Arctic flag, an Antarctic flag, etc.

There exists also a European flag. Flags for all continents should be adopted: an Asian flag, an All-American flag, an African flag, a Middle-East flag. And why not local, family and personal flags?

An idea of Carolyn Hawkins:
The US Postal Services held a contest several years ago. They asked school age children to design stamps. At the end of the contest the Postal Service selected five designs and had them reproduced on the most charming series of postage stamps.

A similar contest could be run by the UN. School age children around the world could submit their design for flags for the Universe, Seas and Oceans, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Mountains, etc. At the end of the contest the UN could select the winning designs and have them reproduced as actual flags or UN stamps.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
As the number of old people will grow, the world will gain in wisdom, if the old people exercise their crucial responsibility

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

If everyone cared for and loved the UN, it would do miracles.


By being attentive, by learning to listen (or recovering the natural capacity to listen which cannot be learned any more than breathing), we can find ourself engulfed in such happiness that it cannot be explained; the happiness of being at one with everything in that hidden ground of Love for which there can be no explanations.

Thomas Merton
Thomas Merton: Essential Writings



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


[GMW #789] A Global Inventory of Our Success, Mistakes In Our Evolution

The image:

[GMW #789] A Global Inventory of Our Success, Mistakes In Our Evolution
Wednesday 5 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 1646 ~

At the end of this century and millennium we should make a world-wide inventory of our progress, successes, achievements, mistakes, wars, misdoings, destructions and other major facts in our evolution.

The survey might not be perfect, but the mere fact of looking through a glass window and of having electricity are such wonders that if people from the middle ages would live today they would not believe it.

This is why I have obtained from the UN General Assembly the decision to declare the year 2000 International Year of Thanksgiving as expressed in my Dream 2000. Yes, I think that humans have every reason to give thanks to God for our miraculous home and for having allowed us to do so much progress.

We should also promise to do infinitely better in the next century and millennium and fulfill finally His dreams and wishes to see a divine human family live happily in His divine Creation. Our objectives can be nothing less.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The whole Earth, you and I, we manifest the essence of being. The more I ‘am’, the greater my consciousness, the more I have fulfilled my reason for living. To be or not to be that is indeed the question.
Walking from my home to the railroad station, I had a great philosophical thought. I did not write it down and now I have forgotten it! Like Leonardo da Vinci I should always have a notebook and pen or pencil on me.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

People often complain that there are, too many wars on this planet and that there will always be wars. They are unduly pessimistic. The planet has not seen a world war in the last forty years, while several could have broken out. My grandfather knew three wars, my father two, I one, and neither of my sons did military service. Regarding local wars, I once sat down and compared the world statistics on automobile accidents. The number of dead and injured people was several times greater than that of people killed or wounded in local wars. Yet, people complain more about wars than about automobile accidents.

Most of All They Taught Me Happiness By Robert Muller
Selected Quotes and Related Comments
By Vicky Rossi

#7 Quotation from the chapter entitled “Happy Even in Prison”, volume 2 “Lessons from the War”:

“(…) My attitude toward the loss of liberty was applicable to a much broader set of human conditions, for, as I advanced in life, I learned that man [people] on his [their] little planet is [are] always, in one way or another, a prisoner of something: He [They] is [are] a prisoner of his [their] time, his [their] beliefs, his [their] class, his [their] possessions, his [their] education, his [their] God, his [their] institutions, his [their] employer, his [their] nation, his [their] culture. He [They] is [are] a prisoner of the biosphere and of the immensely complex life processes that traverse him [them] and link him [them] with the earth. Thus, a few minutes without oxygen will kill him [them]. (…) Yes, man [men and women] is [are] a prisoner in every direction, except one: within himself [themselves].”

My related comments:

Physical confinement in the form of imprisonment can restrict a person’s movement and behaviour, but cannot impose the same restrictions on a person’s spirit. Robert provides a vivid example of this as do people like Nelson Mandela and Aung San Suu Kyi.

However, this excerpt reminds us that even if we are not confined by physical prison walls, all people face the challenge of overcoming the illusion of being free. This illusion, which is often spoken about in Oriental religious practises such as Buddhism, is particularly difficult to overcome precisely because a person is not aware of being in any way restricted. However, in the end we are the product of our upbringing. We have absorbed what has been taught to us by our parents, by our schools – on this point, the German nation has had the courage to accurately portray the sad events of WWII in their history books, whereas such courage has been lacking in other countries – in our churches and by our media. We are indoctrinated into the values of our society, which in present day Western countries has the tendency to connote success with monetary and material status no matter how that is achieved and what the consequences might be.

The way out of this illusion has been shown to us by the world religions but does not require a person to be of any particular denominational order, as they point to the best qualities which are inherent in any human being whatever their belief system. These qualities imply an aspiration to “spiritual success” and include the ability to attain an attitude of non-judgement, compassion, readiness to listen, openness to learn, harmlessness in speech, thought and action, and the capacity to see that what is “right” for one person might not be “right” for another or what is “right” now might no longer be “right” later on.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


[GMW #788] World-wide Human Education For Global Better Times

The image:

[GMW #788] World-wide Human Education For Global Better Times
Tuesday 4 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6078 ~

What a pity that UNESCO never had the courage to recommend a new world-wide human education appropriate for our vast, global new times and future, namely:

A universal, cosmic education
A world global education
A continental education
A national education
A provincial education
A local education
A family education
An individual education

Almost all Ministries of Education in the world today are Ministries of National Education. They must become Ministries of World Education in the interest of their own nation.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If your child were taught that Westchester County is the most important place on Earth and that out there is the rest of the world, you would protest. And yet this is how your child is being educated by his country.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

We are all for a peaceful, happier and better managed world. Why don't we all take an interest in the first universal organization ever created to do this? It is weak and ineffective, you will say, because you have been told so. First, this is only partly true and is to be expected at this juncture of our checkered history which has left us 179 sovereign nations. Second, even if it were true, it would merely increase your responsibility to force your government to make the UN more effective.

Dear Dr. Muller,

I have just finished reading another wonderful edition of "Good Morning World" (#787), with all the beautiful quotes from so many whom you have touched and inspired by your work for happiness and peace over the years. Thank you, once again, for giving of yourself so deeply, from your heart and soul, and for sharing with us your great joy, wisdom, inspiration, and deep desire for a better world for all. Mother Earth thanks you as well!

With much love and eternal happiness,

Tucson, Arizona


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, October 03, 2005


[GMW #787] Establishing More Universities For Peace World Wide

The image:

[GMW #787] Establishing More Universities For Peace World Wide
Monday 3 October 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 2923 ~

At a conference in Palm Springs Dr. John Hagelin, President of the Natural Law Party, the third party in the United States, told me of the plan of the Maharishi University in Fairfield, Iowa, of which he is the President, to create fifteen universities for peace around the world. He said that this was principally in response to my inspiration and work at the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica. He asked me to be a trustee of these universities which I accepted with joy.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The mind can contain only one thought at the same time. If it is an unhappy thought, replace it by a good one which will chase the first. This old Hindu recipe never fails.
We are a very developed planet scientifically and technologically, but still underdeveloped politically, morally, sentimentally and spiritually. This must be redressed, corrected in the coming age.
Get your importances straight:
The body is more important than clothes
The mind is more important than books
Hearing is more important than radio
Seeing is more important than television
Life is more important than anything else
Please act and live accordingly.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Since the UN is dealing with the most difficult problems on Earth, do not encourage it to fail, but help it to succeed.

Most of All They Taught Me Happiness
by Robert Muller

is now available for $12.95

Send check to:
Amare Media LLC, c/o Para Publishing PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206
Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling.

All orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)
Telephone: 800-727-2782
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From Barbara:

Good morning dearest Family and Friends,
This entire issue of Happ-E-Newsletter for October 1, 2005, is devoted to Robert Muller ..all 10 pages, enjoy!! It is truly beautiful!
Love, Barbara and Robert (Dad)

You can be happy every moment
of the rest of your life.
- Lionel R. Ketchian

Happ-E-Newsletter for October 1, 2005

Welcome My Dearest Friend!

Today we honor a happiness pioneer...Dr. Robert Muller.
Dr. Muller has been nominated for the Nobel Peace prize 32 times.

Dr. Robert Muller has said, "John Denver visited me years ago at the University for Peace, on his way to sing for hope to young people around the world. In my little wooden cabin in Costa Rica he went to the bathroom and I was waiting for him outside. He came out, with tears in his eyes and said to me: "Robert, you have rendered me a great service." I looked at him surprised, and he answered: "I read your text hanging on a wall, 'Decide to Forgive' and it gave me the answer to a nightmare I am going through: my Australian wife has abandoned me, taking with her our daughter. I was desperate and did not know what to do. You gave me the answer: I forgive her."

These are the words John Denver read:

"Decide to Forgive
For resentment is negative - Resentment is poisonous - Resentment diminishes and devours the self. Be the first to forgive, to smile and to take the first step, - And you will see happiness bloom - On the face of your human brother or sister, - Be always the first -
Do not wait for others to forgive - For by forgiving - You become the master of fate - The fashioner of life - The doer of miracles. - To forgive is the highest, - most beautiful form
of love. - In return you will receive untold peace and happiness."
- Dr. Robert Muller

"Life is an adventure in forgiveness." - Norman Cousins

"The Need to Forgive
Jesus on the cross asked the Father in heaven to forgive those who crucified him.
Mahatma (the Great Soul) Gandhi, as he was shot in his garden, on the way to prayer, exclaimed: "O God, forgive him."
Pope John Paul II went to the prison cell to pray with his intended assassin.
Nelson Mandela, when he was inaugurated president of South Africa, had his jailer at his side on the platform during the ceremony.
Martin Luther King said: "Do to us what you will, and we shall continue to love you."
- Dr. Robert Muller

"Are there any Clubs of Happiness in the world? There should be many. I dream of Robert Muller Peace and Happiness Clubs and of a World Federation of them. My book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness and all my other writings on peace and happiness should be available there as well as the many books by other authors who have dealt with these fundamental subjects. Videos, songs and films should also be available there. Let us make the Earth the most peaceful and happiest planet in the universe." - Dr. Robert Muller

Dear Dr. Robert Muller
I consider you the "Bringer of Happiness," for the human race. You have brought light to a darkened world. The life you have lived and continue to live has shown us all the meaning of peace, love and happiness! The work you have done and continue to do shows us the brightness of your light. The ideas you have brought us and taught us can keep us in the light as we continue to spread them to everyone. Thank you my dear soul for showing us that it truly is A Wonderful Life. I remind you now of these words from your good friend Norman Cousins when he wrote them in 1978 for the forward to your book.

"Having lived at the center of events in a period of unique human evolution, he has attempted to share with others the formulas that let him remain happy and hopeful in the face of somber and complex problems. His formulas derive from a perspective essential to happiness: He does not feel trapped by time and space; he knows himself to be a positive element in an orderly, evolving universe.He has asked himself, "What is the objective and meaning of life?His answer: "To be happy, to feel fully the miracle of life, and to be endlessly grateful for it. - Norman Cousins

I look forward to celebrating your 100th birthday with you!

"PEACE: Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." - (unknown) This was sent to us from Anne Fasanella, a regular of the Happiness Club.

Life is complicated, happiness is simple!
Happiness Empowerment to You! LIVE RICHLY...PRACTICE HAPPINESS!
Sharing Love, Peace and Happiness with you,
Lionel Ketchian

Reminding you to make the "Happiness Decision." Giving you our Happiness Club Meeting dates, The Happiness Show, on television and on the Internet, the newest happiness information, and your latest copy of the Be Happy Zone Article's that are published every other Wednesday in the Fairfield Citizen-News. In the middle of this newsletter you can read an article called:


"Happiness which comes from the heart should be used to influence the brain. To be happy is indeed to be intelligent. To ignore it is a form of unintelligence. - Dr. Robert Muller
Think Smart, Look Smart, Be Smart...Be Happy!

Most of All They Taught Me Happiness by Robert Muller
Back by popular demand, a new edition of the classic first published in 1978!

Send check to:
Amare Media LLC, c/o Para Publishing PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206
Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling.

All orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)
Telephone: 800-727-2782
Fax: 805-968-1379


Dearest Happiness Readers,

I'm very moved and happy that Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness is being republished as I am sitting in my little cabin in Costa Rica, rereading these stories of my life.

At the age of 82, I just reread "A Moral and Spiritual Dimension which brought tears to my eyes after finding among other stories, this very moving story by Mother Teresa who was a member of a United Nations meeting dealing with the moral and spiritual dimensions of the UN.

These treasures would be lost forever if this book were not being republished. As my wife Barbara says, "The readers of the world are more open and ready for books like this than they were at the time it was published.

My advice to you is have a dream and believe in it. Strong dreams always come true and that is exactly is what is happening. My dream to have Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness republished is now true too. Thank you Amare Media for giving me the happiness to reread my words written so many years ago and still loved by so many. These stories are as true today as they were when I wrote them.

In Happiness and Peace,
Robert Muller


• You can be happy no matter what the circumstances
• Deciding to be happy can even save your life
• Your happiness is a great contribution to Peace

"Robert Muller shows us that through our intention we can manifest a happy destiny for ourselves and others, regardless of the circumstances.
- WAYNE DYER, author of The Power of Intention

"Robert's book is a compelling reminder that all of us are responsible for creating the
happiness of the human family and of the Planet that sustains us - and in so doing we may bring about our own fulfillment and highest bliss.
- DEEPAK CHOPRA, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

"These stories reveal that by overcoming the illusionary fears and limitations of our ego, we may step into the limitless power and wisdom of our true divine selves.
- NEALE DONALD WALSCH, author of Conversations with God

"Dr. Robert Muller was one of my teachers as I learned the power of understanding, forgiveness and love in the process of healing. Today I know I give myself a gift when I forgive and I thank him for being such a caring teacher."
- BERNIE SIEGEL, M.D. author of Love, Medicine & Miricles

Implicit in Robert Muller's "recipes for happiness (an earlier title for this book) is a belief I share — the belief that pessimism and optimism are significantly more than opposite moods. Just as despair sets the stage for its own omens, so reasoned hope provides the essential nutriments for a flowering of the spirit that enhances life, thereby contributing regenerative energies to the shared living environment. The fact is that we do not know enough to be pessimists. Throughout history, man's supposed limitations have given way before the power of the human imagination, the ability of the human intellect to conceive of and do what has never been done before. The vision of life as it ought to be acts as a powerful magnet in the advance of the human race. Pessimism operates in a narrowed field of vision that fails to take into account the possibilities at the outer edges of experience.
- NORMAN COUSINS, author of Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient

In these memorable stories from a lifetime dedicated to the pursuit of global peace, Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations reveals the greatest lesson learned. Even in the hardest and most hopeless moments, immersed in the atrocities of wartime cruelty, imprisoned in a suffocating cell, surrounded by pessimists and doomsayers, Robert remained optimistic and joyful in the pursuit of his childhood dream of a borderless world. Holding faithful to his higher purpose, he chose to overcome fear and self-limitation in the most dangerous and seemingly inescapable situations - and as a result remained in a state of happiness, which he spread to all others around him.

Time Magazine, January 17, 2005 had a special Mind, Body issue devoted to Happiness. Do Optimists live longer? They must because Robert Muller, author of 22 books, is living proof that Happiness gives you the extra edge and at age 82 Robert continues speaking, writing and sending his good news via his daily E-mail message at: Dr. Muller's website is:

Most of All They Taught Me Happiness is available for $12.95
Send check to:
Amare Media LLC, c/o Para Publishing PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206
Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling. All orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax)
Telephone: 800-727-2782 Fax: 805-968-1379 Email:


I enjoyed the opportunity of a lifetime. Two years ago I interviewed a man that I consider one of the greatest pioneers for peace and happiness. Monday, October 24, 2005 is United Nations Day and the UN will be 60 years old. The person I spoke with is Dr. Robert Muller who was a former Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations. Dr. Muller's distinguished career at the United Nations has spanned nearly 40 years. During his tenure with the world body, he contributed significantly to the creation of a number of its specialized agencies. He is considered the "father of global education."

I spoke to Dr. Muller and his wonderful wife Barbara while they were staying in California. They were getting ready to leave for a trip to Tokyo, Japan for the Goi Peace Award. Dr. Robert Muller was presented with the Goi Peace Award on October 19, 2003 and delivered a speech at the banquet. The Goi Peace Award is presented annually to honor individuals and organizations in various fields that have made outstanding contributions toward the realization of a peaceful and harmonious world for all life on earth.

I first came to know about Dr. Muller when I read his book, Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness, many years ago. I consider this book among the ten best books I have ever read. It was then that I knew that I was reading about a man that understood happiness better than anyone else in our time. I learned that at a young age he experienced the horrors of World War II, because the Nazis imprisoned him. This was the case even though he was born in Belgium and was a Catholic. At the end of the war, Dr. Muller decided to devote his life to peace. He equipped himself with a doctorate degree in law from the University of Strasbourg. In 1947, Dr. Muller won a contest initiated by the United Nations with an essay on world government. He was invited to join the UN as an intern in 1948.

Dr. Muller devoted the next 38 years of his life at the United Nations, until his retirement in 1986. He rose through the ranks at the UN to the position of Assistant Secretary-General. He worked directly with three secretaries-generals, U Thant, Kurt Waldheim and Javier Perez de Cuellar, as director of the secretary general's office, as secretary of the Economic and Social Council and as deputy under-secretary-general for coordination and interagency affairs in the secretary-general's office. In this capacity he helped coordinate the work of the thirty-two UN specialized agencies and world programs. He delivered on average 180 speeches a year. In those speeches, he would often mention the miracle of how humans at long last were self-consciously organizing themselves to solve the planet's problems. He was also in charge of launching several world conferences. Appointed Assistant Secretary-General by Perez de Cuellar, he worked at the UN until 1986.

In 1986, Dr. Muller retired to Costa Rica, there he serves as a one-dollar-a-year Chancellor Emeritus of the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica, a university that he helped create. Working from his hillside writer's cabin just above the University, he rises at dawn, watches the sunrise and writes for two hours every morning in order to conclude his lifework. He is in great demand as an international speaker and concentrates his efforts on promoting greater human understanding and global awareness.

Dr. Muller is the author of twenty-two books, which have been published in several languages. He received the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, the Albert Schweitzer International Prize for the Humanities in 1993 and the Eleanor Roosevelt Man of Vision Award in 1994. He was the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation World Citizen honoree for 2002. Since 1984, this Foundation has honored some of the great peace leaders of our time, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, The XIVth Dalai Lama, Jacques Cousteau, and King Hussein of Jordan. In recognition of his work, Dr. Muller has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize thirty-two times.

Robert Muller is the man behind Ted Turner's billion-dollar donation to the United Nations and thousands of other acts of conscience. Ted Turner said, "Robert Muller has had a very large positive influence on me. He has a wonderful global outlook and a loving, kind-hearted attitude of forgiveness and understanding and patience. I have great admiration and respect for him. He's one of the greatest men to come along in a long time."

Robert Muller is considered the "father of global education," and his World Core Curriculum is used in an increasing number of schools around the world and serves as the educational structure of the 43 Robert Muller Schools. The first Robert Muller School was started in Arlington, Texas, USA, in 1979, to implement Robert Muller's World Core Curriculum and make the results available to educators around the world. This school is now the International Coordinating Center for the Robert Muller Schools and other groups around the world implementing the World Core Curriculum. Dr. Muller said to me that the children learn "you are a miracle." They go home and tell their parents; "I learned that I am a miracle." He said, "One miracle does not hurt another miracle. That's why they do not fight with one another."

I asked Dr. Muller about his religious outlook and he said all religions must realize the spiritual answers to life and not get stuck on being right. Dr. Muller is 82 years old, and he possesses the youngest and happiest mind I have ever had the privilege to know. He loves nature, and he is chock-full of gratitude. His says, "Life is an incredible miracle. We really need to be conditioned to happiness. We must become joyful."

Dr. Muller wrote this poem, "Decide to be happy. Render others happy. Proclaim your joy. Love passionately your miraculous life. Do not listen to promises. Do not wait for a better world. Be grateful for every moment of life. Switch on and keep on the positive buttons in yourself; those marked optimism, serenity, confidence, positive thinking, love. Pray and thank God every day. Meditate - Smile - Laugh - Whistle - Sing - Dance. Look with fascination at everything. Fill your lungs and heart with liberty. Be yourself fully and immensely. Act like a king or queen unto Death. Feel God in you body, mind, heart, and soul. And be convinced of eternal life and resurrection."

What Gandhi was to nonviolence, Dr. Muller is to happiness and peace. Dr. Muller is a hero and role model for me and the world. He has taught us that happiness can make the world a better place to live. He said, "Decide To Be Happy."
He is still reaping the benefits of that decision and so are we.
His website is

By Lionel Ketchian
Originally published in the Fairfield Citizen-News, October 22, 2003

Happ-E-Mail :)
Thank you Dr. Muller for inspiring and educating us with your wisdom. By so freely sharing your beautiful spirit and your knowledge, you have opened up the hearts and minds of thousands of people from around the world and helped us to more clearly understand that it is possible for humans to live in peace with each other and in harmony with our Earth. We salute you! - Marguerite Lorimer and John Veltri, Fairfax, California

Happ-E-Quote :)
What Robert Muller has done in sharing his encounters with events, people, places, ideas — in tendering his "recipes for happiness — is to give us operational definitions of love. The frustrations that make us unhappy arise from an inability to make life-affirming connections between ourselves and others, between ourselves and the circulatory systems within the universe that sustain us. Our frustrations also arise from the mistaken belief that the complexities of life preclude happiness — that life is something from which we must flee to be happy. Robert Muller rejects any such notion on the premise that it is an unaffordable indulgence in futility from which we should spare ourselves and others." - Norman Cousins

Happ-E-Mail :)
Dear Robert....Today I celebrate you! I first came to know of the great work you were doing at a conference in San Diego many years ago ( Holistic conferences back in the days when many did not even know that word). It has been a comfort to know that you were out there holding the vision and doing your work. Thank you is too small a word to say what my heart says, but it will have to do. - Aloha, Annette Cassidy

Happ-E-Quote :)
"Neither do we have a science of happiness, a happyology. In these 6000 ideas I very often refer to the predominant value of happiness in human collectivities and individuals. Such a science would reveal the extreme variety of ways to find happiness by humans. For millions of them it is just to have enough food, a decent home and children. For others it is more sophisticated. What a fascinating science happyology would be! - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
As the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations approaches, I can think of no better representative of its noble purpose than Dr. Robert Muller. Just as the sun rises each day, Robert rises to every occasion to speak about the UN and consistently inspires a magnificent vision of global community. - Rev. Juan Enrique Toro, President of the Board
Association of the Unity Churches

Happ-E-Quote :)
"Every city in the world should have a Mayor of Happiness, the happiest person in town to be elected to keep the happiness of that town." - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
Of all Dr. Robert Muller's achievements, his global heart will have the most impact on future generations. He loves the world as if it was his child, deeply yearning for it to grow in happiness. This example will live on as his greatest legacy. - Rev. Rita Marie Johnson, Founding Director Peace Army Costa Rica

Happ-E-Quote :)
"We have statistics and surveys on almost any conceivable subject on Earth except one which is fundamental: happiness. There is need for a whole education, science, inquiries and surveys of happiness." - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
Dear Dr. Muller, I begin with a confession, for I had not heard of your fine work, and only recently came across your book "Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness" in a dumpster, of all places! Do not take this personally, though. Your book was one of hundreds that had been thrown into large bins in the back of my local library. I was so saddened to see this. I began removing books and thumbing through them, quickly forming piles that could not possibly be doomed for the landfill. I knew from the very first chapter that I had uncovered a gem. I love this book! Your words have touched me, and I am inspired and enlightened by you. I am only on page 77, and don't want it to end too quickly, but I was encouraged to find so much more information about you and your work after an Internet search. I would like to learn more about your World Core Curriculum. Serendipity. It was no accident that I found your book. I will treasure it. I will continue to absorb your writings and will do my very best to spread love and peace in my life and in our world. I thank you sincerely and wish you every continued blessing.
Monica DeMeo, Farmington, CT.
P.S. Even your photograph shows the kindness in your heart! If you are ever speaking publicly it would be an honor to be in your presence!

Happ-E-Quote :)
"Happiness is the most common, universal desire of human beings and yet would you believe it: there is not a single university on Earth which teaches happiness and gives masterships or doctorates of happiness. How can such a gross deficiency prevail in a humanity which calls itself intelligent?" - Dr. Robert Muller

We are completing a DVD called:
Conversations about Happiness
Dr. Robert & Barbara Muller
Lionel Ketchian
You can see a four minute preview of the interview at this link is. Make sure your sound is turned up so you can hear it well.

Happ-E-Quote :)
"Humanity needs to give priority to the attainment of happiness by all humans.
I recommend the following in order to achieve it:
1. The creation of a Ministry of Happiness in every government.
2. The creation of a World Peoples' Movement for Human Happiness.
3. The teaching of happiness in every school on Earth.
4. The creation of a Faculty of Happiness in all universities.
5. The proclamation of a World Happiness Year and Day by the United Nations.
6. The creation of a Nobel Prize for Happiness.
7. The creation of many philanthropic awards and prizes to individuals, groups and institutions who contribute greatly to world happiness."
- Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
Hi! Are you having a great day? Regarding Meetings! Would it be possible to receive a message a day or two before the Happiness Club Meeting. Sincerely, Jaclyn Rothenberg

Dear Jaclyn, Thanks so much for your message! I think that is a great idea! I started an e-mail list for those who would like to receive an e-mail Happiness Club Meeting Message!! You are the first e-mail address on it!
Note: If anyone wants a meeting reminder a few days before just let me know and send me your e-mail address.

Happ-E-Quote :)
"We need exercises of happiness as much as we need physical exercises. We also need happiness advisors, not only psychiatrists. The achievement of happiness is the culmination of the miracle of human life. And we do not have a single Ministry of Happiness on Earth!" - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
I really enjoyed your lead article, Don't Be Vulnerable!, in the last issue on why happiness is so much more than just a personal delight for the one enjoying happiness him or her self. Clearly, happiness leads people to reach out in positive ways to all others whereas the unhappy person seeks to spread unhappiness to others. Perhaps the most important point you make is that happiness be taught in our schools. Enough already with our wars on everything we don't like. I want to be a part of a new movement to solve our problems with love and happiness. Keep up the great work, Lionel, I feel your ideas are getting through to more and more people; the tide is turning. With love, happiness, and best wishes!
Dr. Bob Nozik

Happ-E-Quote :)
"When I see so many telephone booths, bank booths and outdoors 'soft' drinks vending machines I wonder why nowhere in the world I see any happiness booths which people could use to get comfort when they are unhappy, desperate or when something adverse has happened to them. In the local Mayor's office there should be a person well trained in the art of living to talk to such people, to help them. I would also like to see happiness stores on this planet, happiness departments in book stores and above all Ministries of Happiness in all governments. If the drafters of the US Constitution would return to Earth they would ask us, "What did you do with happiness? We wrote in our constitution that the pursuit of happiness was a main duty of government." - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
Thanks for today's newsletter. Good job - great perspective. I think your work has turned a corner - looking at this latest view. If we can teach and inspire each other to choose our perspectives and thoughts wisely - and then live our lives accordingly, we will have made a great contribution to the world.

One of the social problems within a number of countries appears to be a sense of having been left behind - of jealousy, frustration, and a desire to hurt another - in spite of having a theology that really teaches better things. It's the everyday choices people make, in spite of different socio-economic levels and perspectives, that determine how we get along, or not.

>From the original Greek language, the translation for the word grace is as follows: "The divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; including gratitude." So as we let divine ideas influence our hearts, and we reflect these ideas in good daily choices (like choosing happiness) and good acts, then we have much to be grateful for. Lionel, thanks for being a proponent of good choices! Best regards, Peter J. Jensen

Happ-E-Quote :)
"True real greatest happiness derives from the good one does, the service one renders. Wealth and specialized knowledge are not good enough if they are not accompanied by the practice of good. Yes dear reader, concentrate your life on doing good and being of service and you will be paid with untold happiness and surprising gains." - Dr. Robert Muller

Happ-E-Mail :)
Thank you for my subscription to the Happ-E-Newsletter. I have just received my first issue and look forward to future issues. At the risk of repeating something you have probably already heard, may I offer a statement of my personal philosophy. It may be a version of something that has already been published, so I do not claim to be the original author. It goes as follows: "Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a method of travel." I convert it to a toast by adding, "and I wish you Happy Trails." I also believe that every day that passes without happiness in one's life is a day irretrievably wasted. Regards, Robert E. (Bob) Butler

The Happiness Show on TV:)
Watch "The Happiness Show," every Monday night, at 9:30 - 10:00 PM. Your co-hosts are Lionel Ketchian and George Ortega. The TV show is broadcast in six towns on Cablevision of Connecticut channel 77. It airs in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Milford, Orange, Stratford and Woodbridge. Watch "The Happiness Show," every Thursday night from 9:00 - 9:30 PM on Cablevision in White Plains, New York on channel 76.

See and hear over 100 half hour episodes of The Happiness Show on your computer and online at:
We are proud to present, at no charge, over one hundred 28 minute episodes we've taped so far in streaming audio (for 28.8 Kbps+), streaming video (for 56 Kbps+), and Select episodes in broadband streaming video (for DSL, cable, wireless and satellite) Internet connections.

Happ-E-Quote :)
"World Universities should be created to study and teach the great concepts which have helped humanity over eons of time to live with the mysteries of life and death in the unfathomable universe and eternity: world universities of hope, of faith, of ethics, of love, of optimism, of happiness, of altruism, of justice, of thanksgiving, of forgiveness, etc." - Dr. Robert Muller

Our next Happiness Club meeting will be a presentation called:

Our next Happiness Club meeting will be a presentation by Bob Nozik, M.D. Dr. Nozik is an amazing individual and he is in charge of the California Happiness Club. He has studied happiness, and has been happy for the last 19 years and just authored and recently published his book entitled, Happy 4 Life: Here"™s How to Do It.

Date :) Thursday, October 20, 2005
Time :) 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Place :) Fairfield Public Library, in the new Memorial Room
Address :) 1080 Old Post Road, Fairfield, CT 06824
Admission is free; everyone is welcome.
Meet some wonderful people using happiness in their lives.

Call Lionel Ketchian (203) 258-7777 or E-mail:


Happ-E-Quote :)
"Since we all want our children and grandchildren to be happy, why don't we request that happiness should be taught in all schools and be put on the agenda of all governments and world organizations? How many schools and institutions do it? Very few, I am sure." - Dr. Robert Muller

California Happiness Club Meeting :)
Contact Bob Nozik, M.D. for more information. Dr. Nozik is an amazing individual and he is in charge of the California Happiness Club. He has studied happiness, and has been happy for the last 19 years and just authored and recently published his book entitled, Happy 4 Life: Here's How to Do It. Dr. Bob Nozik's e-mail address is and phone # 925 939-8655,

Aymee Coget is an Organizational Psychology Ph.D. student at Alliant International University, San Francisco, CA. Aymee's e-mail address is

Please RSVP because it helps Aymee & Bob prepare.
Meetings are free, hope to see you! Thank you!
Happily, Aymee

Happ-E-Quote :)
"Since the pursuit of happiness was rightly proclaimed by the founders of the United States as a basic goal of human life, how is it that no government has ever created a Ministry of Happiness? I recommend that such Ministries be created by every government on Earth." - Dr. Robert Muller

Canadian Ambassador Of Happiness:)
Jane Bradley, founder and recently retired president of the Happiness Club of Niagara, is now The Canadian Ambassador Of Happiness. Jane is unable to a maintain monthly meeting schedule but can be reached at

Happ-E-Quote :)
"I propose that there should be a world movement "Families without television." I can list the magnificent benefits in terms of the personal life, happiness and creativity I have derived from giving away my television set years ago. And with my new beloved wife, we have maintained this rule: no television ever as long as we will live, be it in our home or outside. We have never missed anything, only gained a lot of more intensive personal, happy, creative life. I think that true happiness with television is impossible." - Dr. Robert Muller

"Happiness is one of the most important things in your life. Happiness is an inner state of well being. A state of well being that enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life. Happiness does wonders for your soul. Practice "Premeditated Happiness." Happiness is an issue of power. We give our power to others for many reasons, and we think that they will make us happy. The truth is that we have given others power over ourselves. We can take our power back in order to be happy again. Now is the time to learn to use happiness in dealing with challenges and difficult people in your life so you can develop the strength to prevail. Reading this newsletter will not just make your life better; it will make the world a better place...because you have decided to be happy!" - Lionel Ketchian

"Laughter is inner jogging." - Norman Cousins

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You can smile about that!

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"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Don't let go of the vine." - John Weissmuller, from the film, Tarzan.
Life is full of opportunities. Go For It! Carpe diem!



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