Robert reading questions as he prepares for his birthday teleseminar Saturday morning. |
Happy 83rd Birthday Robert
Dear Robert,
You have inspired and continue to inspire so many people and I am thankful that you have done so much to promote peace in the world. As more peaceful activities continue to take place, the balance will soon out weigh the non-peaceful actions. I truly believe we will witness massive changes in the world towards global peace.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays possible.
May the light of love and peace shine brightly on you every day in every way, always,
Birthday Greetings
I wish you the fullest accomplishment of your life , which is possible, Robert!
I very much regret possibly not being able to meet you in this common lifetime,
and it is to very few public personalities about which I would say this.
I would like especially to speak with you about my concept of four value levels (basic values, cultural values, political values, economical values) of society and the necessity of four parliamentary levels anywhere. Could this be a further concretisation of your ideas?
Anyway, most of all you teach me happiness. The fullest possible happiness to you and your wife!
Johannes Heinrichs
happy Earth day birthdayn
Namaste Robert and Happy 83rd revolution around the sun...Mother Earth IS a much better place with you walking her back.....blessings silver eagle
bon anniversaire
Vénissieux ( France ) le 2 mars 2006
A Monsieur Robert MULLER,
Cher Monsieur,
Je ne vous connais pas personnellement, mais : vos écrits témoignent d'une volonté inébranlable au service de la paix et du genre humain. Vos propos et vos actes, nourris d'une envergure exceptionnelle puisée dans votre expérience internationale de dirigeant de la paix, donnent à votre pensée un rôle de guide mondial et d'inspiration pour les générations présentes et futures.
Citoyen ordinaire, j'ai été très touché par votre insertion du résumé de mes propositions annuelles adressées aux grandes organisations internationales.
Restez en bonne santé; bon anniversaire. Respectueusement à vous.
Poète et écrivain français
Ambassadeur de la paix
Vénissieux (France) on March 2, 2006
With Mr Robert MULLER,
Dear Sir,
I do not know you personally, but: your writings testify to a will inébranlable to the service to peace and mankind. Your remarks and your acts, nourished of an exceptional scale drawn from your international experiment of leader of peace, give to your thought a role of world guide and inspiration for the generations present and future.
Ordinary citizen, I was very touched by your insertion of the summary of my annual proposals addressed to the large international organizations.
I wish you a happy birthday on 11 March, surrounded by your close relations, and supported by those and those which make human emancipation a combat worthy of your example.
Remain in good health; happy birthday. Respectfully with you.
French poet and writer
Ambassador of peace
Birthday greetings
Dear Robert Muller,
My admiration and adoration of you and your ideas have no bounds. May you have a wonderful birthday, and live until the time predicted by Ray Kurzweil AI, that humans will be enabled to live forever. Our world NEEDS you, and perhaps it will be possible to clone a trillion of you, what a BLESSING to mankind that would be!
Unbounded Love,
S. Minanel
very many happy returns
Dear Mr. Robert,
Here's wishing you very many happy returns of your birthday. Let Peace, Justice, Equity grow in this world.
Happy Birthday Dr. Muller
Happy Birthday Dr. Muller!
May your most cherished hopes and dreams be fulfilled this year.
I am editor to Masami Saionji, Chairperson of the Goi Peace Foundation. It
was a pleasure for us to welcome your wife here a few years ago when she
accepted the Goi Peace Award on your behalf.
Mrs. Saionji has lent me the personally autographed book (Most Of All They
Taught Me Happiness) which you kindly sent to her. I am very impressed with
it and have found many inspiring episodes in it which I would like to share
with the people here in Japan. Indeed, I wish that the entire book were
available in Japanese.
I spoke with Mrs. Saionji about this wish and she was delighted to hear it.
I am wondering if the book has already been translated into Japanese. If
not, we would be happy to translate some portions of it, or perhaps all of
it, as a gesture of our appreciation for your great contributions to world
peace. If you don't mind, I hope to correspond with you in the future with
regard to this matter.
Many thanks for the optimistic spirit which you are fostering among all
people of the world.
Mary McQuaid
Birthday wishes
Robert, our correspondence began when , following a conference in Houston, Texas, I enclosed
an early poem with an order for one of your books. I was amazed when I received a hand-
written message from you in return. Recently, I have been sharing that poem , along with
creative expressions that young children shared with me both in my own classroom and
in various volunteer projects I conducted following "retirement", with two newly elected
members of a local school board who are also child advocates and have been under attack
by some others on that board who speak of children as cogs in a commercial/industrial
machine. This is making a very real difference. So it seems fitting and appropriate to repeat
it again now. Your message dated 12 Dec.87 says: "Dear Margery Layton---Thank you for your
beautiful poem. There is so much in the observation of children. All the messages of the cosmos
are in them. Have you written more about them? Warmest feelings, Robert Muller". Happy
Re-Birthday, and here is:
A Child
A child is a candle for faith--
a light for the darkness of adult doubts.
A child is a song--
a never-ending note of hope and life.
A child is a painting--
a multicolored affirmation of moving beauty.
A child is a dance==
a natural rhythm of life and growth.
A child is a story--
a once-upon-a-time reminding us
that we were all children once, and an open-ended ending
reminding us that tomorrow is a challenge, not a fear.
A child is life--
its loves and hates, its happiness and sorrows,
its courage and cowardice, its softness, its roughness,
its chaos and calm, its noise and silence,
its faith and terrors, its joy of being
that is sufficient in and of itself.
A child is a search--
a never-ending, vigorous exploration for new,
better, more open routes
to replace the deaths of a tired past.
A child is a gift--
a present of naturalness and truth.
Margery Layton
(in the 60's) ---
Dear Robert,
I may this birthday be just one of many more now that you are entering middle age. My wish for you is that you live to see the transformation of the UN into a true world government dedicated to world peace, the elimination of suffering, and happiness for all earth citizens.
Bob Nozik, MD
Happiness Teacher
Happy Birthday Robert!
Dear Robert,
I had the great fortune to read the article "The Happiest Man on Earth" in the January/February issue of Ode Magazine. My life has been deeply touched!
I thank God that you were born. It's because of angels like you it's possible to see a bright future in a troubled world.
Thank you for putting words on the feelings that describe what I stand for deeply within me. Thank you for helping me see more clearly that by focusing on diversity we as human beings are still separated, but by finding that which connects us in diversity we can all experience that we are one.
Thank you for shining your light so brightly.
Love and Gratitude,
Christina Urso
Happy Birthday
Many good wishes on your birthday, Robert.
Blessings to you and your wife.
Jane Allen
San Francisco
Birthday Blessings to Robert!
To: dear Robert Muller
Birthday blessings to you, dear Robert! I recently celebrated my own 81st and I am so grateful to you for your compassionate work for the peace of our world. Beautiful to know that we are both members of TUTO! With love
- Liz
Dear Robert,
I have just sent you a birthday greeting Ecard from www.gratefulness.org, but in case that does not transmit, I send this one as well to insure that you receive my birthday blessing!
In my Ecard I mention that I recently celebrated my own 81st birthday. I am so grateful for your compassionate work for the peace of our world.
I also noted that we are both members of The Universal Third Order (TUTO), an organization dedicated to harmony and peace among all people and all life.
May every blessing be yours in the coming years, with love,
"What we mistook for a limit proves to be a horizon."
Br. David Steindl-Rast, OSB
www.gratefulness.org ---
Happy Birthday Dear Robert
My Dear Dr. Robert Muller,
It is with a very happy heart that I write to you. Your books, your work and your life have inspired me to dedicate my life to making the benefits of happiness more available for everyone.
Your understanding of happiness and the contribution you have made to peace is of the highest order imaginable. Your life is your message: being happy is being peaceful. This is the goodness that all humanity may benefit from.
You may not have won the Nobel Peace Prize, YET, even though you have been nominated for it so many times. I would like to present you with the HAPPINESS AWARD from our Happiness Club. It is the first time that the award has been given. I would like to make it an annual presentation and you are the first to receive it. If we can arrange to have a Happiness Club Dinner Meeting in your honor! It would be wonderful to have you present with Barbara to share your joy and your wisdom.
Thank you for all your beautiful inspiring work. Thank you for your dedication to happiness for the human race; a most worthy cause. Thank you for showing us the way. Now it's time for each one of us to fill a tiny portion of your giant footprints. You have made the path easier to follow; each step of your life is your direction for us to follow.
Happy Birthday Dear Robert, you are 83 years young, and you will never grow old. You just become more radiant with each year!
I speak with my heart and it is the language of joy!
Know that you are loved beyond any words I can find to speak.
Happy Birthday Dear Robert and many more happy ones!
Happy Birthday Robert Muller
My prayer is for your continued health, joy, love, and voice in our world today.
Thank you Thank You Thank You
In support through daily thoughts of happiness and peace,
bonnie anton Louisville ,Ky
Birthday Wishes
Dear Robert
Wishing you a fabulous birthday filled with love, joy and peace.
Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday Robert!
We will be volunteering at the University for Peace on Sunday, March 12th. through Friday, March 17th. We remember with fondness seeing you there several times, and visiting your wishing bench at your home. Our birthday wishes are for your continued wellbeing and joy in life. You are a magnificent leader!
Chris Oatis-Skinner and Charles Skinner
Dear Robert,
Please find attached a postcard with birthday wishes for you and with flowers from my garden.
Decide to garden, Robert. It is a wonderful thing to do.
My dream is the world where all people, regardless if they are children or adults, regardless of their gender, race and religion, are treated with respect by all others.
In such a world, there will be no room for judgment, hostility, greed, violence and war. In such a world we would be all equal and happy not despite, but because of our differences.
We just have to start at the beginning, with children.
My most important question for Robert is about his early childhood. What are the most important memories of your childhood, your home and your parents Robert, as far as you can remember?
Dana Sokolowska
Children are our Flowers
Happy Birthday
Dear Dr. Muller,
You have done so much for planet and humanity. It is an honor to thank you and may your light continue to shine.
Very sincerely,
Rebecca Field
Happy Birthday
I met you at the University for Peace and as a graduate I have never stopped waging peace. Your messages of peace and hope are continually uplifting. Thank you for all you do and may God grace you with many more years of joy.
Always your "idea man"
Tim Kortenkamp
Happy Birthday !
Dear Robert Muller, Happy Birthday and many more. I enjoy reading your emails. Health and happiness to both you and your wife Barbara. Thank you for spreading the idea that peace on Earth is attainable if we make a conscious effort to work towards it. John Wolfe.
Happy Birthday Robert Muller
Thank you for your tireless efforts and inspiration Mr. Muller. Happiest Birthday to you, sir.
Best regards - Chris Fenno
There is no way to peace. Peace is the way.
- A.J. Muste
Birthday greetings!
I just discovered you, Robert, on your birthday week after reading an article in Ode Magazine. I appreciate all the work you are doing, and I feel that you are a great dispenser of HOPE. Last year I made it to NY and had to stop at the UN. I found the Prayer Room and read the words outside the door and felt a presence inside that room that still stays with me. Thank you, and Happy Birthday, Robert.
Irene Brady Thomas
"Let there be Peace on earth and let it begin with me....."
Celebrating your birthday
Dearest Robert,
One of the greatest joys in my life has been our colleagueship and
friendship over the last 30 years.
Working with you to establish an annual Peace Day, was an inspiration to all
of us involved in that co-operative and Divine task. If it had not been for
you, the annual UN International Day of Peace would not exist, and so many
UN Conferences and the establishment of specific UN Agencies would not have
occurred. You are truly a "Prophet" of Peace, and have laid the foundation
for building Cultures of Peace for future generations.
May people throughout the world visit your website, read your books and be
inspired by your wisdom and your dedicated life to Peace. May you be
honored for all that you have given to enlighten humanity, to evolving
mission of the UN, and to recognizing that all Beings and the Earth are part
of the Divine Cosmos.
With Infinite Love, Gratitude and Blessings,
Avon (Mattison)
President, Pathways To Peace
happy birthday Robert
Dearest Robert,
Happy Birthday and many, many more healthy, happy ones! Thank you for being in the world, you are a wonderful force for good and for peace. I am grateful for your wisdom and inspiration.
with much love and appreciation always,
Marilyn Tam
Happy Birthday Robert!
I wish you the very best and for many more to come. I hope that you soon receive everything you have hoped and prayed for.
Best wishes,
Gary Isse
Happy Birthday Dr. Muller
Please count me among the many who have been inspired to take charge of their own personal happiness through the words, the deeds, and the life of Robert Muller.
Chris Fallon
Hull, MA.
birthday greeting
Dear Mr. Muller,
I am happy to take this opportunity to wish you a happy birthday. As you continue your celebration with friends and family, be also aware of the many people like me, people you have never met, yet we share in your dreams of a nurturing, peaceful world.
It has been a true blessing for me coming across your name, and hearing your life story.I am grateful to read your morning newsletter and encouraged knowing there are others all over the world that believe in peace, value life and respect our earth. Your golden sayings always inspire me and once in a while
you make me laugh(how you learn so much listening to yourself - I have felt that way too, yet to hear you say it reminds me that we are all unique and still the same).
Thank you for choosing the course you have. In doing so, I believe you have not only done what is right, but what is oftentimes more difficult. And the result has been blessings beyond what you will ever know. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. Happy Birthday.
D. Michele
A Poem For Robert Muller - Happy Birthday!
Decide to be a joyful elder Decide to be a joyful elder Decide to always wear your smile in spring, winter or fall The joy that you give to others Is the joy that multipliesDecide to be a joyful elder
Decide to be a joyful elder
Decide to always wear your smile
in spring, winter or fall
The joy that you give to others
Is the joy that multiplies
Decide to dream your dreams
life is for living as you know
And if you live, serve and love
You'll never grow old
Decide to enjoy the ride
Decide to sing and dance
letting the rhythmic happy heart
compose the songs
lighting up the passion
for a better world
Decide to plant seeds of love
brother wind spread the deeds!
Teach the children and humanity
songs and good words
not judging but listening
not imposing but sharing those better ways
not dwelling on the problem
but treasure-mapping the solutions
together, always together...
The windows of your soul
can not hide the magic and fun world behind
for as long as there is life in you
there will always be a better way
and it is the spark of your personality
and your tireless spirit for peace
what I have fallen in love with
Oh! How lucky we are
with joyful elders like you
this is the Paradise!
For you have tough me and everyone
the meaning of life and love
it is a blessing
a sweet adventure
as I discover and write
travel and dream
the world can be better
because of you and me
for what is coming
your ways have inspired me
you do believe in me
and this is what I need
Decide to be a magnificent elder
beyond the weave
that shapes your presence in this world
and if reincarnation is an option
come back as art, pencils and paper
trees or butterflys
harmonicas or nightingales
the essence of humanity
will rejoice again!
Decide to be a joyful elder
a human being with everlasting
sense of wonder
sense of humor
reverence for life
love for the green and for the black
love for what can be seen and feel
love for the impossible dream
Decide to be like Robert Muller
the youthful eternal light
that remains intact.
This poem is dedicated to Robert Muller in his 83 meaningful 'primaveras'
and to all the joyful elders in the world that have decided to never grow old.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Robert Muller. We have yet to meet, but I hope that will change in the very near future.
I wish you and your wife a most wonderful and fulfilling year. Thank you for the amazing work you do. You are a true inspiration.
Attached is the nucleus of ideas that are developing within the Emerging Futures Network.
I wish you a very Happy Birthday and a very, very long life from which we, dear Gaia, and all living beings will benefit.
Laure Dillon
happy birthday Robert
On this day, may all the love that you have given throughout your years of service be given back to you in abundance! Thank you for being you and happy 83rd birthday!
Mary Risinger
Uvalde, Texas, USA
"It's not how much we get done during the day,
but how we go about doing it."
Mary Risinger
Happy 83rd Birthday, Robert!
Dear Robert,
Every day, we look forward to receiving "Good Morning World" in our emailbox, and to reading the words of wisdom you share within every email.
Thank you for putting your important ideas out into the world. We look forward to seeing the seedlings grow in the days, weeks, months, and years to come!
Karen Page & Andrew Dornenburg