| | | [GMW #1062] Earth Charter, Human Rghts & Earth Rights | Monday 16 October 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream | ~ Idea 6147 ~ There should not only be an Earth Charter but also Earth rights like human rights * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 1 - 6999, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
| Robert's Golden Sayings | How lonely I was in deriving a synthesis of all knowledge from my many years of work at the United Nations! May it at least benefit and inspire others. O God, give me a few more years and inspired followers, so that all will not have been in vain. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 | If the years that have passed since World War II have been so bad - and in my opinion they were not so bad - let us make the remaining years of this century considerably better. Let us settle as many problems and conflicts as possible, and think the world anew. * | | World Prayer for Peace by All Artists-2006 Peace ! Ukuthula! Salaam! Shalom! Vrede! Shanti! Ixolo! Pax! Pace!
52Artists from 17 Countries taking part….. Please add your line…… Continue….. Austria 01 Argentina 02 Australia 01 Brazil 01 Belgium 03 Canada 03 China 01 Germany 02 Haiti 01 India 01 Nigeria 01 Pakistan 06 Romania 01 Singapore 01 South Africa 01 UK 01 USA 26
May Allah Help every human and keep us safe from deadly War. Peace and Justice for everyone. 1) Mohammad Iqbal Behleem Pakistan Singer/Composer
May the dark shadows go away May the world get better every day May more flowers bloom around us May more peace grow within us 2) Rabia Naeem Pakistan/USA-Poet/Textile Designer
Let each person shine for peace, radiating with courage, wisdom and compassion. 3) Dr.Olivier Urbain, Belgium/Japan Peace Researcher and Blues Pianist
For Unity, for each of us to see the creator in each other and to honor and respect our oneness as well as our differences 4) Kachina Davine Communications Coordinator Billy Jonas World Headquarters USA
Wish to all Peace 5) Ulrike M. Dierkes, Schriftstellerin (VS) Paul Lincke road 28, 70195 Stuttgart Tel.: 0711-3580571; Fax: 0711-3580572-Germany
Peace yes. War no. Peace yes. War no. Together we will make it so. Together we will make it so. Make it so! http://www.singfreedom.org (Songs of Freedom website) 6) Songs of Freedom on the web at www.mnn.org Manhattan-USA
May I be humbled to take a chance to reach out for another if with but a glance May I be gracious and thankful and strong May mine be a voice against all that's wrong May I be one of the ones who care May I breathe peace into unsettled air With thanks for compassion that comes from above May I be an ambassador of Allah's love. 7) Luiza Brown, Mail Artist, Gardiner, Maine USA
May all beings standing in sacred places known and unknown raise hands and hearts and voice and face to the light away from the dark longing for the Peace remembering the Oneness and gently lifting up to the air go the prayers for earth and life and even death especially for the innocence left behind and evil flees in disgrace and may all beings and the Gods be grateful 8) Grace Eagle Reed, Drama therapist--theatre arts--for social justice-USA
My prayers going to all. 9) Kristen USA
May we continue to hold high a vision of peace despite evidence to the contrary, for vision is the first step that leads to manifestation. 10) Frances Key and The International Peace Performers Chorus-USA
While walking on the wet sand of a beach we watch our footprints next to others.These prints are our common prayers for peace, connection and understanding. 11)Guido Vermeulen – Belgium, Mail Artist, Editor Friour Intl Magazine
May Allah Bless this world with peace and Love 12) Sana Kayenat Behleem-Pakistan
World Need Peace, Let us work together. 13) Allauddin Bandey Ali- Animator-Pakistan
May Peace Prevail on Earth 14) Hina Kehkashan Behleem Pakistan- Painter
Peace and Love to all 15) Gina-USA
Allah, I pray to you, that all living creatures large and small gain the wisdom to strengthen and raise their vibration higher, so we are more loving and experience aliveness, expansion and renewal as our love to flows with the Universe rather than resisting it. Please guide us all as we practice the willingness to be vulnerable, excepting our selves and others to be exactly who we are. Let us experience Unconditional love, dissolving all separateness as we learn to love our selves and others. Please guide us as our energy increases to the smoother and finer vibration of the higher dementions, becoming our higher selves . I pray to you Allah, that all beings gain the recognition of peace this world so desperately needs. Amen. 16) Carol Miller USA. Artist, Esoteric studies, Mediumship
Let us all love each other unconditionally. Let us all finally realize how futile fighting is. Let us all gather together and cherish our lives. Help us know peace. Help us know Happiness. Help us know ourselves. Shouldn't we love and care? Isn't hate and murder wrong and unforgivable? How can we let the corrupt abide their time? Take a stand for goodness sake, With Peace and Diplomacy! 17) Arsine, Artist - USA
I reject war and accept peace Om Om Om I reject grievances and accept miracles Om Om Om I reject despair and accept hope Om Om Om I reject separation and accept unity Om Om Om I reject greed and accept generosity Om Om Om I reject discrimination and accept equality Om Om Om I reject hatred and accept love Om Om Om Amen Namaste 18) Skip Shea – USA Artist/Performer/Poet
Unconditional Caring US May we all find peace in our hearts, minds, souls, bodies and spirits and may the peace saturate our beings, our lives, our situations and our planet. May the universe be filled with our peaceful energies so that we may float in a cloud of peace through the celestial atmosphere. 19) Unconditional Caring 522 N. Blue Island Lane Sebastian, FL 32958 (772) 388-1572
May we connect with our higher spiritual self which lives in our hearts... May we all have the courage to be protagonists of our new millennium with empathy, creativity and love...May we realize the unity of our human family traveling in our endegerous Gaia... 20) Maria Elena International Director of Music Therapist for Peace
In a world driven to the brink of Oblivion Where everymans fate is our own We must stand together not alone In a world driven to the brink of oblivion 21) Sophia dalle NYC- USA Singer/Composer and Actress
May peace come upon this sad dreary world may peace come to every woman man boy and girl the peace that only God can bring this is the peace He want s to bring just submit your selfish ways and submit to peace these precious days My prayer just for you is a peace so loyal and true, 22) Mike Yates Australia
May we be at peace together, whether we be alike or different. May we be at peace together, whether we be close or seas apart. May we be at peace together, so we can celebrate life. May we be at peace together, so we can really live. 23) Wang Feng Ng, Singapore Music Therapist
Plant A Rose for Peace Today And Peace will come Tomorrow Hope and pray for better days Without war pain or sorrow Work each day in your own way Return the love you borrow Plant a seed of hope and dream The road to Peace will follow 24) Rik Palieri Singer/Storyteller USA
Peace alive, peace around, peace bound... growing, sharing, meaning, dreaming light, love, oh fill us with hope Hope, peace, spirits unite, Blossom, free OMMMM 25) Gabriela Aguero-Canada Peace Activist
Peace and love for everyone 26) Dr.Marly Desir,Haiti
May hearts be One in Peace and Love, May all nations see the flying white Peace Dove, May healing reach all the wounds, and the beautiful sounds, Of the prayer MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH Open the door of the bright future! 27) Tatomir Ion-Marius,poet,Representative of World Peace Prayer Society for Romania,Sighetu-Marmatiei,Maramures,Romania
May you all find many blessings greet you each day as your world is filled with loving light and peaceful understanding. 28) Linda Stu –USA
Let there be love and understanding, let there be the one and only possible conclusion that no god believes in violence, as this would mean to destroy his own work! 29) Simon M. Jonas – Austria, Writer Political scientist
"My peace dream and prayer In a night of full moon the sea is singing promise of happiness happiness for everybody The palm trees dandle the cradle of peaceful birth in purity and enthusiasm far from war and cruelty The waves are immense flowers of eternity Love is endless Peace with love is my tree that nobody can cut down 30) Liza Leyla, Belgium Poet, Peace Researcher
May the All Mighty stop the incomprehensible, senseless death and destruction of war and direct the intellect to freeing the vulnerable from poverty, disease & oppression 31) Randy Tyler Winnipeg, Canada
May all living things be happy That all beings are free to attain the state of absolute happiness, the state of enlightenment, free from fear.
32) Lisa Iris Multimedia Artist-USA
In this present-day world where PEACE has no place, let us spare and share a PEACE moment EVERY DAY for UNIVERSAL PEACE. 33) T. Ashok Chakravarthy Poet. Essayist-Review Writer India
With nice greetings for Peace 34) Klaus peter dencker/visual poet – Germany
A kind word sometimes makes world become a kind world. A nice thought on somebody else makes the edge of sorrow seem to be near, miles away from us. A beautiful smile, An invaluable “love you” A tear, a river, an ocean and Peace will come 35) María Cristina Azcona Poet-IFLAC Argentina Director- Argentina
May Peace prevail upon the earth and all her inhabitants Let all terrorists repent of their deeds this year and forever, Let the kite and the eagle perch peacefully on their separate trees May one never point in the face of the other. 36) Clarius ( Nigeria)
Peace for all, in the towns, in the suburbs and in the bush. 37) Whitney Vosburgh, Berkeley, CA USA, www.whitneyvosburgh.com
Will you live for peace? Will you sing for peace? May your heart find peace. 38) Ray Korona/USA/musical activist
We are children of the Light We serve the Light We live in the Light We are protected, illumined, supplied, sustained by the Light Aligned with the Light we pray for Peace 39) Gina, California, U.S. ( Prayer adapted from St.Germain)
Everything with Peace, Peace with everything Now and Forever Inner Peace now and Forever By all the Holy beings Blessings By all human beings attention 41) Inner Peace is the most solid foundation for World Peace. t.y.s. lama gagnchen LGWPF www.worldpeacecongress.net
May we all walk in peace and beauty on this planet. 42) Munira - Canada
We are light and Love, Let us shine and pray Allah to guide Us to Inner and Outer Peace 43)Hedi Mizouni Vermont, USA
I hope that no one you know is killed this year. I hope that no one I know is killed this year. I hope that you and I are not killed this year. I hope... 44) John Fleming - USA
Be at Peace with ones self, and then spread it to others We cannot give away what we do not have, we must be the change we want 45) Hippie Rick USA
May enlightenment shine down so peace can cleanse our Earth of hatred and war. 46) Andrew Tait, Environmentalist, oneearthonemission.org-USA
Next year in a City of Peace, Next year in a City of Peace, Lord by any Name, We are your children just the same. Next year in a City of Peace. 47) Stephen L. Suffet, USA
We lift up our hearts, minds, and souls to you dear Allah. We seek peace for our World. Peace among nations. Peace among races. Peace among religions. Grant us this ability to spread Peace through our music, our arts, and our intentions. Show us how to be good stewards of Mother Earth. Most importantly open us up to our deep connection with you and with one another. For all shall then fall into place, and we shall see Peace Love and Light fill our World replacing war, injustice, hatred, and greed. So be it and so it is. 48) J Michele Bodine-USA
To know the light we first had to know the shadows. The mankind already knows very well the shadows... It´s time to seek for light. It´s time to seek the spirit. We chose for life. So may the hearts can be strongest than bombs. May the seeds can still germinate, may we can breathe life and light as brothers and sisters, wherever we are, whoever we are... 49) Willian Germano - actor/musician – Brasil
May we all realize that in our differences we are really the same. May we all work for Peace and understanding. May we all show love and compassion to all we meet in life. Help us to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and love the forgotten. Remind us that we all come from the same God, no matter what name we use for Him. 50) Michael.M NC USA
We pray for peace in Kwazulu Natal We pray for peace in Africa We pary for peace in the whole world We pray for peace ! We pray for peace! Peace ! Ukuthula! Salaam! Shalom! Vrede! Shanti! Ixolo! Pax! Pace! What ever the language , the message is the same! Pray for Peace! 51) Paddy Meskin Universal Peace Ambassador South Africa President WCRP South Africa
Wind is music Waves are music Strings are music Your voice is music We are music Peace is music I love music 52) Andy Hickson,UK Film Producer/Director
Please add your line send me email with your line Iqbal_behleem@yahoo.com For more details see http://behleem.com/prayer2006.html
Peace and Blessings, Mohammad Iqbal Behleem Universal Peace Ambassador Love Ambassador MUSIC FOR PEACE | Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection | 148 entries since 12 Dec 2005. View or add yourself to the guestbook map. | | | | | | | |