Dear Robert and Barbara,
It is Earth Day today... and I determined that to honor the occasion, I would read through the Robert Muller file I've had in my filing cabinet for the past 26 years.
What a genuinely GREAT idea that was!
Among other documents, I found several letters written to you, Robert, that were never sent. I don't know why. I apparently wasn't happy with my choice of words and then got swept into the rush of life again. Those years?1978 to the mid-80s?were very busy years for me.... and truthfully, I was overwhelmed that you, Robert, as busy a man as you've been all of your life, would take the time to write to me at all.
I remain overwhelmed and want you to know that I treasure every stroke of the pen you layed on every sheet of paper in my file. Gold.
I pray that you both are well and continuing your good work. It would be wonderful to have an update... as we've been out of contact since the late 90s.
Oh, I want you to know that I've written Dennis Kucinich, Congressman who bid for the Democratic party's presidential nomination this past year. You may be aware of his good work. He is working now on a Bill that will create a U.S. Department of peace. I introduced him to you, provided both of your addresses in Costa Rica and California and encouraged him to make contact (if he has not already done so. A snip from his website:
Thursday, April 14 11:30 a.m.
Dennis Kucinich
Creating a Culture of Peace
This September, legislation will be introduced to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace....
I continue to publish the Dream Network/15 years now. We have just recently redesigned our website. I hope you'll pay a visit soon. If you choose to do so, pay particular attention to the Visionary Dreams/bottom page.
YOU, Dr. Muller, are my Earth Day Celebration. Barbara, I hope we shall someday meet as well. In fact, as soon as I bid you Adios, I'm going to see if I can find your website. I found a letter from Renee M. Cooper in my RM file, written in April, 1995. The last paragraph reads:
"Also, Barbara Gaughen, president and owner of Gaughen Public Relations, will be calling you in a few days. Ironically, she was just meeting with several department heads of the United Nations and discovered that some of them are very into dream analysis and that Robert Muller, a former UN dignitary and chancellor of the University of peace, is currently writing a book on dreams."
A deep pleasure talking with you. I am grateful!
For Dreams,
Roberta Ossana
"Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture" Since 1982
DREAM NETWORK, A Journal Exploring Dreams & Mythology
H. Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor
"Nothing happens unless first a Dream." Carl Sandburg