Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, September 30, 2005


[GMW #786] Humanity's Transcendence Into CosmicConsciousness

The image:

[GMW #786] Humanity's Transcendence Into CosmicConsciousness
Friday 30 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2074 ~
The 21st century must see humanity's transcendence into cosmic consciousness in space and time. Then human sciences and religions will come together. Then we will have a peaceful, harmonious, fulfilled planet and humanity, functioning according to the laws of the universe. We have already a World Natural Law Party. We must have next a World Cosmic Laws Party.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
All humans meet at the deeper levels of prayer and in the common experience of God. Hence, only a world spirituality can save humanity from its quandaries.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A young man who heads an NGO with the UN, adopted this text by Dag Hammarskj8ld as a guideline for his life:

"Working at the edge of the development of human society is to work on the brink of the unknown. Much of what is done in one day proves to have been of little avail. That is no excuse for the failure to act in accordance with our best understanding, in recognition of its limits but with faith in the ultimate result of the creative evolution in which it is our privilege to cooperate."

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

Dennis Waitley



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


[GMW #785] Creating Departments of the Future

The image:

[GMW #785] Creating Departments of the Future
Thursday 29 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2365 ~

One of the great recommendations of the General Assembly 2000 of heads of state would be that a Ministry of the Future should be created in all governments and that commissions or offices of the future should be created from the top of the world in the United Nations and its specialized agencies down to continents, the seas and oceans, nations, provinces, local cities and communities.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I love writing as much as Michel-Angelo loved painting. My heart jumps with pleasure when I have a moment to write. But it was not always so. At the beginning it was very difficult.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Who could have dreamt forty years ago [Now fifty years ago] ...

That an independent United Nations Commission on the Status of Women would revolutionize the laws of nationality of women, the political rights of women, discrimination against women, etc?

That an International Women's Year, a first world conference, an international Women's Day and a United Nations Decade for Women would be inaugurated in 1975?

That two further world conference would check in 1980 and in 1985 on progress or lack of progress for the world's women; that six thousand women would attend the Nairobi Conference in 1985?

That a permanent United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) would be created?

Dear Robert and Barbara,
Each morning I am greeted by pure joy in my e-mail, that is your newsletter. I wanted to share a marvelous dream that I had that reminded me of both of you and the wisdom you share. I sent this out in my newsletter if you feel it will help your readers I would be honored if you could please share it with them.
Yes, there is suffering in the world, but there is also overcoming it. Helen Keller

So many have experienced great loss this year. I was one of those people. What I am about to share can transform the way in which you look at pain and suffering.

During the past month I had been releasing and healing all of the emotions I had experienced from a year of 7 deaths, a move, the hurricanes causing financial loss in my husband's business, my daughter's health challenges, a family member's deep emotional problems and physical pain from a severe car accident.

I prayed deeply for clarity, for peace, for healing. Then my prayers were answered in a dream.

In the dream I was floating in the vastness of the universe. Three angels welcomed me and stood by a beautiful doorway and said, "He's been waiting for you." As they opened the door before my eyes was God in all his divine glory. With open arms and an enormous smile he embraced me saying, "I am so glad you decided to come."

He invited me to sit on his lap and then as a wise father would say he asked, "Why are all of you so serious." I said, "Have you seen what is going on in the world, have you seen what is going on in my family." God smiled and said, "As real and as deep as the pain you are feeling is, the problems you are facing, the problems in the world are merely a blip."

A bit confused I asked what a blip was. God then pulled out an enormous book that showed every event in the history of mankind. Every collective and personal tragedy. As he showed me the greatest tragedies of mankind, he told me to look carefully and then he said watch, "It's a blip," and he turned the page to reveal the healing and the joy. He said, "A blip is a disruption in the flow of life. As quickly as the turn of a page is how rapidly the healing can occur. The rate at which this healing occurs is directly linked to how fast the lessons are learned.

He said, "When you think about all of these tradegies what is the worst thing that can happen." I said, "We would all die."

He then said in this wonderful Mel Brooks voice, "So what would be so terrible, so then you would always be with me."

With that he opened a portal and showed me a place of perfect peace. My children, millions of other children and all of my loved ones where together singing and dancing among the rainbows and dancing with God. He showed me the joy, the light, the healing that is always available.

God then stared deeply into my eyes and said, "Listen well, the healing and the joy are always available to you, just lighten up. What I mean is to fill with light, have fun, be grateful for every blessing, be joyful, laugh, soak up the sun, and realize as real and as deep as the pain, it is a blip."

Become conscious and aware of all the little and big blips in your day that are keeping you from fully experiencing the joy and breath deeply in the light, knowing that this too shall pass.

I have not been the same since the dream. I have felt more joy, more reverence, and more light than I have felt in years. My deepest prayer for you is that you too will rediscover the peace and joy that is always available to you.

Brightest blessings,




Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


[GMW #784] Focusing On Real Issues For A Better World

The image:

[GMW #784] Focusing On Real Issues For A Better World
Wednesday 28 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 2213 ~

It is not only with wars that people are disgusted.

It is also with the crass business injustices and doings permitted by governments which no longer govern to help the poor and helpless but have become the servants of big business. It is this that creates violence in so many forms.

They are also disgusted with the destruction of nature, of the Earth by big business. This is why in big countries, the militaries and the media are so happy with the Kosovo affair because any ethnic, or religious troubles in the world divert the attention of the people from their own miseries and injustices.

This is also why there is such intensive reporting in the western world media of any ethnic and religious troubles in the world.

The alliance between giant business, governments and the militaries has become a big curse for the Earth and might lead to her demise. That is the biggest, most preoccupying, worst globalization we witness these days on this planet.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A nurse, a doctor, a pharmacist should be a saint, a humanist and a philosopher. All humans should strive at that. We must be spiritual, divine beings in our professions. Decide to dream and there will be no end to what you can achieve. Since governments and institutions are so slow, we must build the world community through individual commitments and actions. And we can be billions to do it!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

In every institution there is good and there is evil. The UN is not exempt from this rule. But why is it that the media of the western world are so overwhelmingly and passionately keen on what is wrong? For one good article, program or book about the UN there are at least ten on its failures and deficiencies. Why don't we read nice stories about the people who work at the UN, about their noble efforts and ideals, their hard work, progress and successes'? Why not?



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Better World
Wednesday 28 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 2213 ~

It is not only with wars that people are disgusted.

It is also with the crass business injustices and doings permitted by governments which no longer govern to help the poor and helpless but have become the servants of big business. It is this that creates violence in so many forms.

They are also disgusted with the destruction of nature, of the Earth by big business. This is why in big countries, the militaries and the media are so happy with the Kosovo affair because any ethnic, or religious troubles in the world divert the attention of the people from their own miseries and injustices.

This is also why there is such intensive reporting in the western world media of any ethnic and religious troubles in the world.

The alliance between giant business, governments and the militaries has become a big curse for the Earth and might lead to her demise. That is the biggest, most preoccupying, worst globalization we witness these days on this planet.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A nurse, a doctor, a pharmacist should be a saint, a humanist and a philosopher. All humans should strive at that. We must be spiritual, divine beings in our professions. Decide to dream and there will be no end to what you can achieve. Since governments and institutions are so slow, we must build the world community through individual commitments and actions. And we can be billions to do it!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

In every institution there is good and there is evil. The UN is not exempt from this rule. But why is it that the media of the western world are so overwhelmingly and passionately keen on what is wrong? For one good article, program or book about the UN there are at least ten on its failures and deficiencies. Why don't we read nice stories about the people who work at the UN, about their noble efforts and ideals, their hard work, progress and successes'? Why not?



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


[GMW #783] Stretching Minds Towards Better Dimensions

The image:

[GMW #783] Stretching Minds Towards Better Dimensions
Tuesday 27 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6072 ~

I quoted in Idea 549 Oliver Holmes, the US author who wrote:

“A mind that is stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimension.”

My mind is stretched to the vision that some day the UN University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica will become a new Athens of the world, a thinking, dreaming and planning center of paradise Earth.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
No person is ever totally self-realized or fulfilled. We learn and enrich ourselves until we die. We gain new capacities and we lose old ones. The art of living has no end. It is too rich to be exhausted in a single life.

A painter will never paint all he wants to paint
A writer will never write all he wants to write
A composer will never compose all he wants to compose

Once a skill is mastered and has become a second nature there is no end to what you can and want to do.


My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

As the optimist in residence at the UN I say to an optimist:

"Global institutions are our greatest chance to turn the tide."

To a pessimist I say:

"There is no alternative to global institutions in the world of today".

To a UN hater I say:

"Alright, I accept your criticisms. Let us then abolish the UN, but what would you create instead?"

If the people strongly supported the UN, governments could not say to me: "Mr. Muller, why should we do what your propose? Our people do not support the UN."

No other institution on Earth should be looked at with less prejudice than the UN. If viewed with prejudice, you will never see the true image of our planet and of humanity.

It is simplistic to condemn the UN for all of the evils on Earth when it is the weakest, most powerless political organization ever devised by humans.







Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, September 23, 2005


[GMW #781] World Polls For World Democracy

The image:

[GMW #781] World Polls For World Democracy
Friday 23 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1616 ~12 December 1998
Among the many detailed proposals I just cite one namely to conduct a world-wide poll of images of the future in 3000.

This could be the first world poll of the psychology of the human species. Does it have confidence in the future, in the present structure of the world, in what is being done internationally, globally by the United Nations, or is it convinced that there is no hope? What a survey this will be!

I had proposed it to the Gallup Organization a few years ago. The President of Gallup agreed but the idea was not implemented.

A world democracy implies numerous world polls on many issues. The Millennium's Peoples Assembly will be such a world-wide public opinion survey.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Nothing is more important than life. From birth to death we know, we feel the centrality of our life. But so many people, values and things around us want to replace our centrality by theirs. The art of living is to protect and develop our own centrality.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

If you owe something to someone, if you work for a government, a firm, a group, or an institution, you may easily lose part of your freedom. You will be prejudiced by your allegiance. The more allegiant you are, the more you will be rewarded by your group and the less truthful you might be to the Earth and humanity.

The love of one's country is a natural thing. But why should love stop at the border? - Pablo Casals



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, September 22, 2005


[GMW #780] Universities Located In Nature

The image:

[GMW #780] Universities Located In Nature
Thursday 22 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 3175 ~

Young people should refuse to go to universities in big overcrowded cities where there is not enough oxygen and too much pollution. They should go to universities located in nature, on hills and on sea shores with ample oxygen supply. Intelligence and natural, common sense require it.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We have many more possibilities for peace and construction than we have for war and destruction. It is up to each individual and institutions to take sides.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 7

The merit of the UN and of its agencies is that their servants take an oath of allegiance exclusively to humanity and to the world. They can judge therefore truthfully what is really good and bad for our planet and for the human race. This is why they deeply influence the course of human and Earth destiny.

You too, must make your pledge of allegiance to the world and to humanity. We all must be world servants.

People should always distinguish between the UN as an entity and the behavior of individual governments. The world organization should not be condemned in toto for the misbehavior of a few governments or leaders.


Llight up - candleght Up the World

map with lights, dialup version
Dial-up (50kb)
map with lights, broadband version
Hi-speed (200kb)

Thousands of groups worldwide take a stand for a sane and fair political, environmental, and economic future of our planet. They constitute what the New York Times called an emerging superpower for peace.

Our Light Up the World feature spotlights groups of this kind on a spinning globe, where you can see them visible together in one place for the first time:

View Globe
dial-up | hi-speed

Members from participating groups light candles on our website regularly and so link in a global ritual visualized through the numbers of candles and the messages which accompany them. We invite groups to link back to us with a candle button, bringing the visual effect full circle.

We welcome inquiries about joining Light Up the World.
Please visit often, and let yourself be inspired by the light of worldwide goodwill.

You can also view participating groups by country.

seven flags



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


[GMW #779] A Non-Violent Civilization

The image:

[GMW #779] A Non-Violent Civilization
Wednesday 21 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

Introduction Ideas 601 to 700

In brief, we need urgently a comprehensive science, strategy and methodology of non-violent resolution of conflicts and peace and a political will at the highest level for a peaceful and non-violent civilization in the 21st century and third millennium. - Robert Muller

We are constantly astonished these days at the amazing discoveries in the field of violence. But I maintain that far more undreamt and seemingly impossible discoveries will be made in the field of non-violence. - Mahatma Gandhi

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The beauty, culture and sharing of hearts and minds that occurs in the United Nations on a day-to-day basis is astounding and should not be measured on the yardstick of instantaneous results, as some would want.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 7

Until I knew U Thant I did not know what a wonderful man he was. Similarly most people do not know what a wonderful organization the United Nations is. Knowledge is the first step to understanding and respect. If you know your United Nations you will love it. Join your local United Nations Association. If there is none, create one. 21

Dear Friends,

Peace and Blessings on this World Special Peace Day 21st September 2005.

I am writing you today on this special world peace day and sharing with you the peace projects with all of your continue support, appreciation help and energies.

Following are the projects I completed with you all my friends for this world peace day 21 September 2005 with a hope for Peace and a better world for our children and next generations.

Projects Details

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem Peace Music Projects on
WORLD PEACE DAY September 21'st 2005


1) World Peace Prayer by all Artists -2005 (Click on link to listen)

62 Artists from 22 Countries

2) T:AP World Peace Day Song -2005 (Click on link tolisten)

With 15 Artists Wordwide (Tappers)

3) I am with you (Humanitarian art-2005) (Click on link to listen)

Peace song with Lida Sherafatmand (Iran/malta)

4) May Peace Live in Our Hearts (Click on link to listen)

Peace song with Glenna Mayer (Usa)

5) Arts for Peace (Click on link to listen)

Peace song with Guido Vermulen (Belgium) and Huma Vachha (India)

6) Nenufar Song (Click on link to listen)

Peace song with Liza Leyla (Belgium)


Happy Listening

I will wait for your valuable comments

Blessings and Peace

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


[GMW #778] Peace Is The Way To Arrive Peacefully

The image:

[GMW #778] Peace Is The Way To Arrive Peacefully
Tuesday 20 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 6049 ~

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”
- Martin Luther King

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is the natural and perennial role of parents to teach, to warn, to protect, to guide, to help, to prepare, to ‘raise’ their children. Children, for their part, have their own predispositions, nature, dreams and likings. The result will be blending of the two, of the past, the present and the future. And thus humanity proceeds on its evolutionary path, epitomized and molded in each of the Earth’s hundreds of millions of families. The family is the first and greatest school of love, peace and happiness on Earth. As for all other human groups, there should be no confrontation, no conflict, no breakage of the family, only give and take, understanding, love and cooperation. For these are the ways of ascent of humanity.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Many people look for hope and inspiration from the United Nations. However peace starts in your heart and mind, not in a meeting of the United Nations.

Dear Robert and Barbara,
I have been receiving your newsletter for several months and love your ideas about peace and the UN. I've always loved the idea of united nations and am a supporter of the UN.
I was very disturbed about something I read in a newsletter from my congressman, Sam Johnson. I live in Plano, TX. In the newsletter, I noticed a list of Mr. Johnson's beliefs. One of these was the idea that the United States should end our membership in the UN. I couldn't believe that he thought this was a good idea and wrote to ask him his thoughts about this.
Here's what he said:
"The UN created the Oil-for Food Program in 1996 to allow Iraq to purchase food, medicine and other essential items for its people. It was designed to prevent the regime of Saddam Hussein from acquiring funds to purchase weapons of mass destruction. However, under inept UN oversight, Hussein routinely abused the program for his own benefit, with only an estimated 25% of the program's funds used to purchase food for the Iraqui people. In addition to its ridiculous appointments of terrorists nations to key international committees, the UN has proven insolvent in administering a program that was supposed to provide humanitarian relief to the people of Iraq. It is tragic that this program may have been abused by the very people at the UN who created and managed it. While diplomats and Saddam Hussein allegedly conspired to rob the Iraqi people of a reported $6-7 billion, the people of Iraq were left hungry, penniless and merciless against the brutality of the regime.
The UN increasingly tries to influence our environmental, trade, labor, tax and gun laws. Its global planners simply aren't interested in our Constitution and form of government. The choice is very clear: we either follow the Constitution or submit to UN global governance. Our national sovereignty cannot survive if we allow our domestic laws to be crafted by an international body. I am a co-sponser of H.R. 1146, which seeks to end all U.S. participation in the United Nations. In addition, it would expel the organization from its taxpayer-subsidized headquarters located in New York City. I believe the Oil-for Food scandal is just one example of an inept organization abusing its power and it's time to end our membership with the UN."
I was astonished at this reply from Mr. Johnson. I feel that at some point our world must be willing to be a global community--governed in a different way.
How can I better educate myself about the UN and the good it does? How can I effectively reply to Mr. Johnson?
Very sincerely,


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, September 16, 2005


[GMW #776] Replacing Media Violence With Anti Violence

The image:

[GMW #776] Replacing Media Violence With Anti Violence
Friday 16 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2012 ~
Everybody complains about violence but few dare or make the effort to obtain government control over violence in the media.

We should therefore not be surprised of the kind of world we have.

Peoples' peace and anti-war movements have succeeded in reducing international wars to practically zero.

We need now anti-militarism, anti-armaments, anti-religious wars, anti-ethnic wars and every conceivable anti-any form of violence movements. An anti-violence in the media movement should be high on the list.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Peace and non-violence are the most fundamental stepping stones to our cosmic success, to becoming a paradise. Whoever breaks the peace commits a cosmic crime. Any child knows that from Star Wars. Jesus said it too!

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The UN is a heroic organization: it tackles the most intractable problems of humanity: peace, justice, disarmament, human rights, racial equality, hunger, illiteracy, the environment, equality of the sexes, epidemics, drugs, violence, etc. As all heroes, it deserves at least some encouragement and love from the people.

From Barbara:

Sergio Tripi publishes the best Good Positive News and this issue contains information about the conference and award Robert is to receive in October.

Love, Barbara

Good News Agency

Weekly - Year VI, number 11 - 9 September 2005

Managing Editor: Sergio Tripi, Ph. D.

Rome Law-court registration no. 265 dated 20 June 2000

Good News Agency carries positive and constructive news from all over the world relating to voluntary work, the work of the United Nations, non governmental organizations, and institutions engaged in improving the quality of life – news that doesn’t “burn out� in the space of a day. Editorial research by Fabio Gatti. Good News Agency is published in English on one Friday and in Italian the next. It is distributed free of charge through Internet to the editorial offices of more than 3,700 media in 48 countries, as well as to 2,800 NGO and service associations.

It is a service of Associazione Culturale dei Triangoli e della Buona Volontà Mondiale, NGO associated with the United Nations Department of Public Information. The Association has been recognized by UNESCO as “an actor of the global movement for a culture of peace� and it has been included in the web site

2nd Annual GlobalMind Change Forum - September 23-25

A Positive and Sustainable Future through Business

The second annual Global MindChange Forum sponsored by the World Business Academy will take place at the Fess Parker Resort in Santa Barbara California. This year's Forum will reveal and support opportunities which will enable business leaders to create business, societal, and personal prosperity as a response to a world increasingly beset by budget and trade deficits, ethical lapses, rising interest rates, escalating oil prices, and international turmoil.

Featured speakers at the Global Mindchange Forum will be Ray Anderson, Chairman , Interface, Inc.; leading advocate of Mind/Body Medicine, Deepak Chopra; Economist Hazel Henderson Ph.D; Jeffery Hollender, President and CEO of Seventh Generation; and George Zimmer, CEO of the Men’s Wearhouse which has again made Fortune’s 100 best companies to work for in 2005.

This year the Humanitarian Award is being presented to Dr. Robert Muller, cofounder of the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica. For 40 years, Robert worked behind the scenes at the United Nations in support of world peace and happiness. He ultimately achieved the post of assistant secretary general. In honor of the 60th anniversary of the United Nations Robert’s book, Most of all They Taught Me Happiness, is being republished. Conference speaker, Deepak Chopra, author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success says: "Robert shows how to bring ourselves to our highest bliss." Visit for more information.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


[GMW #775] Organizing Earth For Our Future Evolution

The image:

[GMW #775] Organizing Earth For Our Future Evolution
Thursday 15 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 1982 ~

In Idea 502 (Volume II) I listed the three main periods through which the Untied Nations and humanity have gone since 1945: 1) humanism; 2) the environment; and 3) the Earth as number 1. In these last 500 Ideas I mentioned a fourth period: our future evolution.

It suddenly occurs to me that the UN is still structured according to the needs and philosophy of the first period, namely humanism with the objectives of peace, well-being, health, labor, food, education, culture, human rights, etc.

The structure of the UN system does not reflect adequately the other three recent and equally fundamental preoccupations, except the environment. A basic, restructuring of the UN and its specialized agencies must therefore be considered, to make it the principal, central Organization of the Earth and of Future Evolution.

We should create a World Air and Atmosphere agency, a World Water Agency, a World Climate Agency, a World Ocean Agency, a World Outer Space Agency, etc. Within these fundamental aspects of the Earth we should consider the place, actions and fulfillment of the human species.

This reform should become a priority item on the agenda of world affairs at this beginning of a new century and millennium.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Spirituality is a flower with a thousand petals: every act, every thought, every talk, every movement of our heart is a part of it.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 7

So many people in the world are working for peace and the common good of humanity that national governments and their misbehavior are becoming impardonable obstacles to world progress. it is high time for the people to lead the leaders.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


[GMW #774] Participating Globaly Without Harmful Travel

The image:

[GMW #774] Participating Globaly Without Harmful Travel
Tuesday 14 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 3230 ~
The Earth:

"Dear Robert,

Why do you humans have so many unresolved problems? Apparently, there are 12,200 of them. It is staggering.

By now, you should have found your right ways, beliefs, behaviors, education and proper world institutions. What do you do with wars, militaries, armaments, over-population, over-consumption and have no over-all global government and laws and regulations to deal with these problems on which you spend substantial sums of money and still create destruction to me?

I wonder for example how much damage the holding of thousands of peace conferences are doing to me, while armaments production continues to increase and the militaries remain unperturbed and unchanged."


I begin to feel like that myself and am less and less accepting to attend world peace conferences. I send them a message or extracts from my 3500 ideas. The one on peace counts 183 pages.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Empty your head of the voices of humans and fill it with the voices of God and of nature. They will give you the right answers.
Make your life a garden of happiness. Devote to your life no less care than you would to your flowers.
We need a new world philosophy of happiness. Aristotle held that knowledge and happiness were the two basic human yearnings. Bentham developed a general philosophy of happiness. Today, humanity has abandoned knowledge to the scientists and happiness to the merchants. There must be a world philosophical renaissance.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

"If there is an evolution, however slow, in the direction of world community, it will probably owe a great deal to the presence of thousands of trained people in every part of the globe whose calling as diplomats requires them to look over their own fence in an effort to understand how other peoples' minds and consciences work.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


[GMW #773] An Objective, Human Worldview of Mondetary, Fiscal & Budgetary Matters

The image:

[GMW #773] An Objective, Human Worldview of Mondetary, Fiscal & Budgetary Matters
Tuesday 13 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6029 ~
It is an error, deficiency, obsolete practice and dangerous matter not to have an objective, human worldview of monetary, fiscal and budgetary matters. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund must be reformed and become an integral part of the United Nations. The time is far overdue to do that. We should also create a world monetary unit, the Worldo, above the Euro and the dollar

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We are still where Aristotle stood: all humans want happiness and we must devise a society ensuring that happiness. In our time this challenge is world-wide.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

We are all instruments of the great march of time. We do not see the strategy and the direction, but we are all part of it. Out of trends the UN will fashion destiny.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, September 12, 2005


[GMW #772] Celebrations & Psychology Nurturing Entire Humanity And Earth

The image:

[GMW #772] Celebrations & Psychology Nurturing Entire Humanity And Earth
Monday 12 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 1020 ~ 26 April 1997

A fresh look should be given to the practice of celebrations which have the virtue of bringing together humans and creating ties of sentiment from the family, the city, the nation to the entire humanity and planet. All calendars published in the world should mention celebrations. The United Nations publishes each year an updated list of world celebrations.

These will help fulfill Sigmund Freud's vision when he gave the following answer to Einstein who could not understand why humans continued to make war on each other and to produce armaments:

Freud noted that humans are divided between instincts of aggression and love. Peace would require the development of ties of sentiment among people. "The love of country has succeeded in binding people at the national level. The great new historical challenge is to develop love among all Earth inhabitants, and for the Earth itself," he said.

How right this statement is! It should open an important chapter in the new science, art and methodology of global psychology. Theses on the subject should be written by students in Universities. I am glad that a book on celebrations by Linda Grover is a current best-seller in the United States.

It is not surprising that the extreme right conservatives of the United States are against any new celebrations and world conferences by the UN. They claim that they cost too much money. Well, I hope that someone will calculate how much military celebrations in nations cost the taxpayers. That is an expense which could usefully be shifted to urgent social needs.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The human society has never been studied on a planetary scale heretofore. There are thrilling new fields open to the social sciences: global anthropology, global sociology, global psychology, global philosophy, global political science. They will help us to better understand our new social relations and evolution, and thereby contribute to a better functioning of the world society.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Positive affirmations uproot negative thoughts in us. They influence the subconscious which breeds success or failure, and shields us against external, dismal influences. This is true of individuals as it is for groups.

Therefore, if humanity repeats consistently its affirmations of peace, justice, kindness, love and brotherhood, they will become realities. This is why the UN will not fail. It is the right universal affirmative organization, miraculously born at this moment of our evolution.

A New Bench of Dreams

Here is a photo collage of today's Grandparent's Day - a Celebration of Life and Dreams:

Here are a couple of the photos from the photo collage:
A Bench of Dreams at Byron House, a community of happy elders and heart's desires for a better life, a better present and future... Here is The Bench of Dreams in a beautiful therapuetic garden where elders come daily to enjoy nature. One of our elders said "I dream for all people to be as civilized as the animals."
Ruth and Magdalene cutting the ribbon of our new Bench of Dreams.
Grandparents dreaming... 1. I dream for love to change the way we live and for our grandchildren to speak more about happiness. 2. I dream that humanity never forget to be grateful. 3. I dream of more family togetherness.
More intergenerational dreams "All Gods tell us to love one another and to take care of each other. I dream of a day that we will not fight or hate another person because of 'different believes or religions'.

The rest of the photos are here:


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Friday, September 09, 2005


[GMW #771] Celebrating Grandparents Day - World Agency For Elders

The image:

[GMW #771] Celebrating Grandparents Day - World Agency For Elders
Friday 9 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

Annex Prior To Idea-Dream 1300 Excerpt

Part I: World Situation and Inter-religious Co-operation in 2013, twenty years after the Second World's Parliament of Religions in 1993.
B. The Human Family:
This framework was developed by the United Nations and co-operating world agencies, such as the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the International Labor Organization, the UN Development Program, the World Bank system, the UN Fund for Population Activities, UN Habitat, the UN Regional Commissions, as well as by the recently established UN Council of Youth, the World Agency for the Elderly, the High Commissioner for the Handicapped, the UN Population Agency (incorporating the UN Fund for Population Activities), the International Migration Agency, and the World Peoples and International Associations Agency.

The elements include the world population, human settlements and migrations, human longevity, races, sexes, children, youth, adults, the elderly and the handicapped. It encompasses our levels of nourishment, health, education, morality and spirituality; our standards of life, skills, employment, and activities; it includes the family, professions, corporations, institutions and entities, nations, federations, regional unions and organizations, religions, multinational business, transnational networks and associations, and world organizations and governance.

In this vast human area, the United Religions contributes to each segment and to all efforts the religious insights, experiences, and wisdom of the religions, thus joining the world organizations to further human progress through a spiritual dimension and fulfillment.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Retirement is the beautiful age of service to others. Humanity has managed to give usefulness to its elderly members: the sharing of experience, service to others and story telling.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The UN has started novel histories of world cooperation in development, the environment, education, health, outer-space, the seas and oceans, population, children, women, the handicapped, the elderly, races, etc;

Happy Grandparents day this Sunday!
From Robert

Dear Grandparents of the world,

Happy Grandparents day this Sunday!

How great it is to remember Marian McQuade, mother of 15, grandmother of 40 and great-grandmother of 3, who convinced the White House and President Jimmy Carter in 1978 to proclaim National Grandparents Day on the Sunday after Labor Day. It received unanimous Congressional approval...

Grandparents Day brings back so many memories of my beloved Grandfather and I share them with you in the following chapter, Of Daily Blessings, from my book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness.

Today I can appreciate my own Grandchildren. I have 9 (six boys and three girls). What a gift it is to be a grandparent.

This grandparents Day I dream that:
- the grandchildren will never be drafted in any army on Earth
- they will become happy parents who will give us great grand-children!

Please dear grandparents in the world, on this day we have so much to teach our beloved grandchildren and so that they too will become loving co-workers with us for a unique, peaceful Paradise Earth.

I send you my deep Love, Robert Muller

PS In the chapter, Of Daily Blessings, I mention the worlds population at 4 billion which it was when I wrote the chapter and as you know, the world population is now over 6 billion.

Happy Grandparents Day from Barbara too who is happy to announce her daughter is pregnant with twins and soon we will have 11 grandchildren!


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


[GMW #770] Celebrate Global Consciousness Of Nature

The image:

[GMW #770] Celebrate Global Consciousness Of Nature
Monday 8 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

Idea 1466

Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth.

To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos – the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our homes of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today.

We need to actively practice good public relations and spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring about these changes until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have already been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
People often say to me with a tinge of preoccupation: “Take good care of yourself. We need you so much.” This is the apex of my life: to be needed by others, to be of service, to see others worried that I might die. What greater award and satisfaction could anyone ever earn?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

No one can stop evolution. However giant a power may be, whatever cause it might defend, whatever missiles and arms it may possess in the air, on the seas, in the soils and in the heavens, it will not be able to counter evolution. On the contrary, non-adaptation will cause its demise like that of the dinosaurs.

Re: [GMW #769] World Waking Up For Humanity & Nature
Good Morning Robert, Barbara, and everyone else that is at the end of this line!

I had tears in my eyes as I read the end of today's message, idea 3056, and
how Barbara changed the words in the circle to a much more hopeful
perspective. I will copy those words down. I have to believe there is
always hope, just as you have done so strongly in your writings and your
heart for so long.

I had just finished doing my affirmations before I read it...I'd like to
share a few with you:

I live life with the mastery of bringing enlightenment to the world, peace
to all hearts,
and massive creative change in our ways of thinking and living.

I am instrumental in bridging separation consciousness and transmuting fear.

I open to my full evolution and let go of my expectations that my life has
to be any particular way.

I am a masterful leader, healer, counselor, and my family,
my business, and the world.

Always staying open to the possiblities that we haven't even thought of yet
may be the only way we will rise to bring out the best in the human spirit
and heart, and get ourselves out of this mess. There is the power of
thought, intention and prayer that could potentially break that critical
mass in consciousness and allow for the change...just maybe...

Thank you for your insights.
Peace, Shalom, Namaste.

Morrisville, Pa.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


[GMW #769] World Waking Up For Humanity & Nature

The image:

[GMW #769] World Waking Up For Humanity & Nature
Wednesday 7 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 3056 ~

It was a miracle that for the first time in all evolution and human history a universal grouping of humans in nations was achieved in the United Nations. It required the horrors, killings and destructions of World War II to give it birth.

It miraculously grew a little and was not abolished as was its predecessor the League of Nations. But governments did not accept to give it a real global role and necessary means and were thus overtaken by global world businesses which now rule the world with many governments as their servants.

This will lead to world disaster if governments do not wake up. Perhaps only a first world catastrophe will wake them up, but they are not even prepared for that.

I was tempted to end the last volume of 3000 ideas with the words, "AMEN to Planet Earth. You will get extinct, filled with dead monstrous cities, abandoned skyscrapers, automobiles, airplanes, yachts, museums, overflowing with objects and garbage." After these words I would have drawn a circle with the Latin words inside, Sic transit gloria mundi, thus passes the glory of the world. Such a big sign could be placed on the surface of our Earth to be seen by outer space beings visiting it.

But my wife Barbara objected and said, "You cannot finish a book with such an ending." I answered, "Well, I give you the last word." And she drew another circle with these Latin words in the middle of it, Sic resurexit mundus, thus resurrected the world. And I wrote my Dream 3000.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
All objects around us have a life, a meaning. They embody some of the past, the life and soul of the person who made or possessed them. They talk to us. They have cosmic vibrations as the Hindus say. They are part of the cosmic order. Therefore, dress yourself, surround yourself with objects which incorporate good human feelings and dreams. That is the meaning of art and beauty.
Sickness is a symptom. Behind it there is a cause. Behind that cause there is a center, a root. If you want to heal you must reach that center which is usually a lack of spirituality, a rupture in your basic harmony with the divine, cosmic forces.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

We must love the UN with a fire in our heart, the fire of the upcoming human and planetary unity, the fire of a new, world-wide, peaceful human society.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


[GMW #768] Irrevocably Ending Wars & Conflicts - Broadening Knowledge Of Earth & Intelligent Cooperation Between Nations

The image:

[GMW #768] Irrevocably Ending Wars & Conflicts - Broadening Knowledge Of Earth & Intelligent Cooperation Between Nations
Tuesday 6 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6069 ~
The broadening of the knowledge of our planetary home and humanity and of our consciousness of the universe will progressively and irrevocably put an end to international conflicts and wars, the same way as internal wars and feuds came to an end with the birth and growth of a national consciousness and life.

This is now happening in Europe where the European consciousness of fifteen countries put an end to wars and conflicts between them and gave birth to cooperative reciprocal respect and the beginning of pride and love. Ten more countries were admitted in the community in May 2004 and twenty-five more countries have applied for membership. The European Union’s more advanced, intelligent cooperation between nations might grow incessantly and soon overtake the United Nations.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We need a science of peace
We need a science of hope
We need a science of happiness
We need a science of optimism
We need a science of love
We need a science of altruism
We need a science of beauty

UNESCO should establish a list of universities in the world where these sciences exist already.

Decide to live joyfully, exultantly, gratefully, openly, and the miracles will begin to happen.
Produce love, transmit love, reflect love.
Be a sunrise person
Be a sunshine person.

Love yourself
Love your work
Love the people
Love the world
Love humanity
Love the saints
Love God.

And they will all love you in return.

Decide to live a hundred years and live healthily to achieve it.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Few believed in past centuries that slavery could be abolished.

Yet, it was abolished.

Few believe in this century that armaments can be abolished.

Yet, they will be abolished.

Few believe that militarism can be suppressed.

Yet, it will be suppressed.

Few believe that national sovereignty will disappear.

Yet, it will disappear.

Dear James Davis,
I'd be interested to know what progress you've made ( in getting the Nobel Peace Laureates to support the ideals of Robert Muller). I'm well acquainted with a researcher about the Nobel Prize, who might like to see it.
Dr. Muller's comprehensive & upbeat messages are a particular, innovative approach to the whole field of Peacemaking, in addition to/over & above his notable lifelong efforts at the UN (& elsewhere). Thus, he might well warrant serious consideration for the Prize.
Howard Cort
Ghent, NY


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, September 05, 2005


[GMW #767] World Agencies Providing Deeply Human, Inspiring Personal Relations With All People

The image:

[GMW #767] World Agencies Providing Deeply Human, Inspiring Personal Relations With All People
Monday 5 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 487 ~ 9 November 1995

The Departments of Public Information of the UN and of all specialized agencies and world programs should be transformed into Departments of Public Relations. Mere information through documents and some radio and visual aids, is no longer sufficient.

The world agencies must develop deeply human, inspiring, hope-engendering personal relations with all humans for whose well-being, peace and happiness they were created and whose understanding, support and love they badly need.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
In the end, everything adapts and flows into a great stream of history and evolution. No nation, no group, no power, no wealth, no ideology remains eternal. And yet they all believe they can. Only the Earth and humanity remain.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The UN will be the sacred shore where our drifting planet will be moored. Not Washington, not Moscow, nor any other 'capital'.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, September 01, 2005


[GMW #765] Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth

The image:

[GMW #765] Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth
Thursday 1 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 1671 ~

When my wife Barbara and I attended the graduation from elementary school of one of our grandchildren, Roberto, I noticed that the first item on the agenda was the Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag. I commented to Barbara and another grandchild sitting by me, Adrian, that such ceremony should start with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Earth. Someone should draft one. They did it immediately. Here is the Pledge to Planet Earth by Adrian O'Barr, eight years old, and Barbara Gaughen Muller:
I pledge allegiance to planet Earth
One planet under God
Whose nature I protect
Whose people I serve
Whose environment I care for
And whose seas and oceans I cherish
Our planet where all humans
and creatures are protected
Planet Earth is my home
To be respected and loved by all.

22 June 1998
Cold Spring, New York

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I had a dream in which I was presented a page full of ideas to make it a better world. I could choose only one. I became desperate, for I could not make up my mind. At dawn, when I woke up the answer came clearly. It was: every person on Earth must create Paradise Earth.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

History tells us that what seems utopian today will be a reality tomorrow. That reality will depend on what we do for utopia at the UN today.



Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.


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