| | | [GMW #770] Celebrate Global Consciousness Of Nature | Monday 8 September 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English • Portuguese • Español | | Earth's Ecology | Idea 1466 Celebrate World Environment Day, Earth Day and other days that support a global consciousness of nature and of our miraculous Earth. To finish, when you speak of eco-villages, oikos – the home, I would develop a whole strategy which would go from the 'eco-individual', the management of my own person, to the 'eco-family', the 'eco-school', the 'eco-village', the 'eco-neighbourhood', the 'eco-city', the 'eco-region', the 'eco-community', the 'eco-nation and finally, an 'eco-earth' in the 'eco-universe'. This would lead to a strategy to clean our homes of all the past errors and values which have become wrong today. We need to actively practice good public relations and spread the word. Last year I decided to write down every day an idea that would help bring about these changes until the year 2000. These ideas may seem crazy, but then you meet someone who will be very happy to implement them. Out of my first 500 ideas more than 50 have already been implemented. Remember Margaret Mead's saying, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | People often say to me with a tinge of preoccupation: “Take good care of yourself. We need you so much.” This is the apex of my life: to be needed by others, to be of service, to see others worried that I might die. What greater award and satisfaction could anyone ever earn? * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | No one can stop evolution. However giant a power may be, whatever cause it might defend, whatever missiles and arms it may possess in the air, on the seas, in the soils and in the heavens, it will not be able to counter evolution. On the contrary, non-adaptation will cause its demise like that of the dinosaurs. * | | Re: [GMW #769] World Waking Up For Humanity & Nature Good Morning Robert, Barbara, and everyone else that is at the end of this line!
I had tears in my eyes as I read the end of today's message, idea 3056, and how Barbara changed the words in the circle to a much more hopeful perspective. I will copy those words down. I have to believe there is always hope, just as you have done so strongly in your writings and your heart for so long.
I had just finished doing my affirmations before I read it...I'd like to share a few with you:
I live life with the mastery of bringing enlightenment to the world, peace to all hearts, and massive creative change in our ways of thinking and living.
I am instrumental in bridging separation consciousness and transmuting fear.
I open to my full evolution and let go of my expectations that my life has to be any particular way.
I am a masterful leader, healer, counselor, and peacekeeper...in my family, my business, and the world.
Always staying open to the possiblities that we haven't even thought of yet may be the only way we will rise to bring out the best in the human spirit and heart, and get ourselves out of this mess. There is the power of thought, intention and prayer that could potentially break that critical mass in consciousness and allow for the change...just maybe...
Thank you for your insights. Peace, Shalom, Namaste.
Susan Morrisville, Pa. * |
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