Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Thursday, June 30, 2005


[GMW #720] A Future Approach - Doing More & Doing Less - For The Better

The image:

[GMW #720] A Future Approach - Doing More & Doing Less - For The Better
Thursday 29 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 3925 ~

One thing one would expect to be a logical policy of the United Nations and of governments would be to divide the world into basically two major regions: one, the very 'advanced' regions which might now face soon a total breakdown in future evolution; two, the other regions in the world where there is still a long leeway for further evolution.

A whole new approach to the future could be taken by looking at the planet from that point of view. Where could one do more and should one do more? And where should one stop and do less? To begin with there would be the enormous categories of the seas and oceans, of the north and south poles, of the arid desert regions and of the mountains. Yes, to look at the world from a biological, geobiological, natural and man-made point of view.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
“Your new book New Genesis has challenged me even more to join in with your efforts to bring love, beauty and happiness into our world ” Yes, this should be the world community’s agenda, but these words are seldom heard in the speeches of world leaders. We must restore the words love, beauty and happiness into the political language.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

My God, how dearly I have loved this planet and humanity! Please allow me to come back as a spirit to provoke the heads of states into the right directions!

A Meaningful Conversation with Remarkable Elders

Robert Muller's
Video Presentation -Conversations with
Remarkable People
And A Phone Conversation With
Robert and Barbara

What a wonderful afternoon program with 28 elders, 3 staff members and 1 family member from Brighton Gardens at Friendship Hights in Maryland.

Today we gathered in the Movie Theatre Room to talk about PEACE and how elders can contribute to the betterment of their communities, families and the world.

We decided to first watch Dr. Robert Muller's video and listen to his views, ideas and dreams for a better world for everyone.

Then at 2:55 p.m. Surprise!!!

Barbara and Robert Muller were on the phone ready to speak to our elders, the phone danced from hand to hand everyone with tears in their eyes saying - is Dr. Muller on the phone?, I said "Yes, say hi Robert and talk with him." So they did. One of the elders said to Robert ..." oh you are doing a great work for this world and you will live many many more years." Robert ended his telephone visit by playing Ode to Joy by Beethoven using his harmonica.

Views from our elders after LISTENING to Robert Muller:

  • He is so positive that makes me feel better.
  • Robert told me on the phone he is 82 years old, he is just a kid. I am 94 and still can dance.
  • I wish we could have more programs like this one on television. An inspiration to keep living and to be happy.
  • Every person is responsible for making a better world by planting the seeds of patience, love and honesty deeply in the human heart. This is the education that Robert Muller is talking about and I agree with him. This is the kind of education we should help our children to pass on to our grandchildren.
  • The rule for a happy life is the ability to live harmoniously with other people. To have PEACE we must enjoy PEACE in our own minds.
  • We should not cling blindly to the traditions, customs, manners and rituals practiced by our forefathers or ancestors who adopted these practices according to their beliefs and understanding capacity.
  • You may think that by raising your temper, showing an ugly face, and shouting at others, you can intimidate others into overlooking your shortcomings. This is a false and wrong attitude to adopt. Rudeness, yelling, anger and swearing are a weak man's imitation of strength.
  • We--all of us--sincerely congratulate you Robert for bring PEACE and LOVE to our lives today.
  • Healing the environment ... I like that. I will tell my family to be more mindful when they go on vacation not to hurt nature.
  • Robert Muller is an example of the EVOLUTION of humanity.

Here are some photos of our beautiful event with elders.

Elders from Brighton Gardens, Maryland gathered to watch "Robert Muller: Conversations with Remarkable People."

And Robert said in the video, about Global Spirituality; "There will be world peace if we all have the same spiritual frame work." Margot 93 years old said "Of course, how meaningful and inspirational."

And Robert said in the video, about Global Spirituality; "There will be world peace if we all have the same spiritual frame work." Margot 93 years old said "Of course, how meaningful and inspirational."

Gladys said "We will always have each other and the most important thing we can always do is help one another."

Lilian 89 said "How beautiful, he makes me feel better." In the back June 94 said "I love Dr. Muller ... he is just a kid, his words can not be more pure and kind."

Dorian 91 also spoke with Robert on the telephone and then she won Robert's book in a drawing. Dorian, the happy winner.

Mr. and Mrs. Stein in tears because she won a copy of Robert Golden Sayings. And then she said ... Can you imagine!!!

The elders listened to Robert on the speaker phone as he played for all of us the Ode to Joy of Beethoven's 9th Symphony using his harmonica. How divine!

From the garden of Friendship Heights to Barbara Muller for facilitating the video and helping with this beautiful event today.

WE LOVE YOU Barbara !!!

Peace be with you!
Kathy J. Ward


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


[GMW #718] World Peace, World Education ... Is The Meaning Of My Life

The image:

[GMW #718] World Peace, World Education ... Is The Meaning Of My Life
Tuesday 28 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6022 ~

What was the real dream and meaning of my life?

To work for peace
To obtain a world-wide global education
To be a part of evolution on this magnificent planet
To be blessed with a wonderful family and a very long life

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Drink the sun, the fresh air, the stars, the forests, the meadows, the waters, the flowers, the herbs and the birds. Get drunk with love for life. It will do miracles for you.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Sometimes after several years, when I meet a western delegate who fought obstinately against the creation or strengthening of UN mechanisms for a better world, I ask this question:

"Don't you think we should suppress, say the regional banks created at the behest of the UN?"

The common reaction is:

"You must be crazy. They are eminently useful."

Whereupon I smile and say:

"Well, do you remember how bitterly you fought their creation years ago?"


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, June 27, 2005


[GMW #717] Permanent UN Agenda Items: Peace, Justice, Democracy, Optimism, Visions, Dreams, Ideas ...

The image:

[GMW #717] Permanent UN Agenda Items: Peace, Justice, Democracy, Optimism, Visions, Dreams, Ideas ...
Monday 27 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 3877 ~

I recommend that the following be permanent items on the agenda of the United Nations General Assembly:

human rights
human duties and responsibilities
love (philanthropy, gaiaphily, charity)
ethics and morality
visions, dreams and ideas

Others might be added.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Communism was out to destroy capitalism. Capitalism was out to destroy communism. This has come to an end. Should we not now develop a new ideology which would take care of our deepest contemporary and future needs and ways of life?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I regret that I have only one life to devote to the UN, to the world and to humanity. But perhaps through my writings I will remain alive a little longer, defending the UN and seeking for it the love and understanding of all.

Robert Muller
Interview with Remarkable People

Brigton Gardens - Assisted Living
5555 Friendship Heights Boulevard
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
For more information: 240-393-5456

Join us on
Tuesday, June 28th at 2:00 p.m.
in the Movie Theater Room

for a meaningful and inspiring conversation with a man that has invested his life working in the United Nations so that children, grandchildren, all citizens of Planet Earth now and future generations enjoy a better world of
He speaks directly to the heart of everyone and invite especially elders around the world to invest their wisdom, individually skills and heart's desires to contribute for the betterment of their own communities, families and the world.

Wellness For A Better Life For Elders.

All community members are invited!!!
A Video Presentation.
Presented by: Kathy Ward

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
May peace be Manifested now on earth. Rev. Harriett Walden Seattle, WA
Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, June 24, 2005


[GMW #716, #014] Declarations of Interdependence, Cooperation & Friendship

The image:

[GMW #716, #014] Declarations of Interdependence, Cooperation & Friendship
Friday 24 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1717 ~

We should have Declarations of Interdependence in a whole series of fields: a Declaration of Interdependence in the educational field, in the political field, in the medical field, etc. There should not be a single field and segment of human concern without a Declaration of Interdependence and a Code of Ethics. This would definitely enhance human progress and world-wide cooperation.

We should also have a whole series of World Declarations of Cooperation and Friendship. I could imagine a first great Declaration of Cooperation between the rich and the poor countries in all fields of life from development to the environment, from peace to non-violence, the avoidance of terrorism, etc.

In Portuguese:
Deveríamos ter, em todos os campos, Declarações de Interdependência no campo educacional, no campo político, no campo médico, etc... Não deveria haver um só campo ou segmento de interesse humano sem uma Declaração de Interdependência e Código de Ética. Isto, definitivamente acentuaria o progresso humano e cooperação mundial.

Deveríamos também ter uma série de Declarações Mundiais de Cooperação e Amizade. Posso imaginar uma primeira e grande Declaração de Cooperação entre países ricos e pobres em todos os campos de vida do desenvolvimento ao ambientalismo ,da paz à não violência , a prevenção do terrorismo,etc...


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Who can speak for our sisters the plants and for our brothers the birds, the fishes and the animals which cannot write, speak or read? No one else can but us.
We cannot sit back and see problems accumulate. If there has ever been a problem-solving age it must be ours.
I love this planet
I love to live.
Why do governments stand in my way and ask me to hate and to kill?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I am not only a United Nations official, I am principally an enthusiast, an advocate, a defender of life.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


[GMW #715] Unfragmenting The Sciences & Life

The image:

[GMW #715] Unfragmenting The Sciences & Life
Thursday 22 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 2792 ~

An example of the fragmentation of the sciences:

I asked my daughter Gisele, professor of ocean science at the Western University at Anacortes, what her main research was. She said that it was sea corals and their progressive dying around the world. Her other field was the relations of climatology with the seas and oceans and the effects of climate changes on the surface of the Earth.

I asked her, "Do you have professors who teach the seas and oceans in their totality and have a deep knowledge of all the special segments of ocean science? I would like to ask them for a list of major problems to be placed on the agenda of a second world conference on the seas and oceans necessary at the beginning of the 21st century and 3rd millennium."

She answered that there was no such a professor at her university but that there might be a few scattered in other universities of the United States.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We must make this an orderly and happy planet in the heavens, a Paradise Earth.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I have seen evolution at work through the United Nations. I have seen emerge in it new challenges and crises, unprecedented preoccupations and opportunities in human history. Within its workings, I have seen how humanity is progressively finding its way on this planet, toddling along amidst many difficulties, idiosyncrasies and obstacles, but always on an upward path. It is a very fascinating story.

Location: Brighton Gardens - Assisted Living
5555 Friendship Heights Boulevard
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
For more information call: 240-393-5456


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


[GMW #714] Department of Peace

The image:

[GMW #714] Department of Peace
Wednesday 22 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Ending War

~ Idea 1405 ~ 16 May 1998

I hope that a student will write a thesis on the experience of the Ministry of Peace created by President Eisenhower, a former general, probably the first Ministry of Peace ever on this planet. It was abolished due to the cold war. Since that war is gone, it would be very useful to reestablish such a Ministry in the US and create similar ones in other countries. Harold Stassen, the last US signer of the UN Charter still alive, was the incumbent. His Memoirs and the US archives could be a good source of information, experiences and ideas.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The body, our cosmic unit, tends to follow the expectations of the mind. The latter, therefore, is crucial for the guidance and well-functioning of our being. The same is true for humanity.
If negative elements create sickness, then positive elements create health. Humanity has an enormous knowledge of negative elements: stress, worry, anxiety, depression, panic, etc. and very scant knowledge of positive ones: joy, happiness, hope, laughter, enthusiasm, etc. why is that? Probably because doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists and pharmaceutical manufacturers are quite happy to study and advertise the former: they can then sell tranquilizers, antacids and drugs to heal them. Positive elements on the contrary cost nothing. They are found free inside each individual. By emphasizing them they would harm their business and importance! It is as simple as that.
What I like about the UN is that it seldom ponders over old ground and instead concentrates on the present and the future. The new, interdependent world which is in the making has no precedent. Looking at the past would not be any help.
The same way as the Hopis sing to their corn to make it grow, so should we sing to our whole being, to our body, to our eyes, to our heart, to our mind, to all our helpers of life, the trillions of little cells who work together to make us live. A mother sings to her child. She has very good reasons for doing that. A couple sings and dances when falling in love. The whole world must become a Paradise and learn to sing and dance together. World cooperation must take the form of a festival, of a joyous love event.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

From the world's point of view, my presence and work at the UN for forty years was a blessing. From the point of view of the big powers, it was a nuisance. But in the long run, they will also find that it was a blessing, for without the UN, the nation state sovereign system would have ended earlier and in a worse manner.


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Recent Guest Book Entries:


Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


[GMW #713] Gross National Happiness, Department of Happiness

The image:

[GMW #713] Gross National Happiness, Department of Happiness
Tuesday 21 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6063 ~
22 May 2003

Dear Dr. Muller,

I really enjoyed your talk about happiness at the University of Washington in Seattle last night. I am the Swiss from Zurich who spoke with you at the end.

I recently traveled in Bhutan and heard that the king of Bhutan said in an interview that he is more interested in the GROSS NATIONAL HAPPINESS than in the Gross National Product of his nation. What a great idea! It is remarkable that a head of a state expressed it. I am sure most politicians would laugh at such a statement and call it totally unrealistic but after seeing how the Bhutanese people live I think the king is successful. Are you aware of any studies on “National Happiness: and what the factors are that contribute to such a goal?” Obviously food, shelter and clothing are necessary but the hard part is the ideology that allows people to get along and to obtain the skill to at least reach a modicum of that state called happiness.

I wish a University would engage in a world study of this subject. It would not be easy to be objective. How does one quantify such a thing? Nevertheless a good questionnaire should give the examiner a fairly good idea.
Hans-Rudolf Gahler M.D.

I answered him that I recommended the creation of Ministries of Happiness in all governments and the teaching of happiness in all schools and universities of the world.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Be an artist of your life: make it a work of art of which you can be proud, as artists are with their paintings, sculptures, music or writings. As a matter of fact, art and writing will follow, for you will want to express and preserve your life in a durable form.
Writing and art are preserved life, a form of duration, of eternity.
Often in the evening of warm days, I lay down on the grass of my God-given land, I look at the sky and I say to myself: all this belongs to me! Half of the infinite firmament belongs to me! I just cannot believe it.
Cast away any bad thoughts or sentiments from your mind, soul and heart. Do not let them germinate and take root. The longer you wait the more difficult they will be to uproot.
If Epictetus, a lame slave, was able to expound his beautiful golden sayings, how could I not do it, a healthy and well-off being? The question no longer is what do I expect from life? It is: what good can I do in return for life?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

After more than three decades of work for the first universal organization, my love for it is such that I pray all my human brothers and sisters to help it, to understand it and to love it. You will not be disappointed. You will be helping a better world and will feel happy in return.

Robert's World Core Curriculum &

Robert Muller Schools

Robert's words in GMW #705 brought several emails requesting more information about Robert's UNESCO prize winning
World Core Curriculum and Robert Muller School. Here are the requests and some information about them. These are some
of the links that can be found from links on and Google searching. If more specific information is needed
please send to Good Morning World and our free staff of 3 will look for more specifice information.

Recent Emails about Robert's World Core Curriculum and Robert Muller Schools

Good Morning All,

How may we find out more about the 34 World Peace schools and the World Core Curriculums that you have devised?

We have collectively have a large group of children never enrolled in traditional school systems, but are a home school
coop and are looking for new ways to design our studies for them.
Thank you and God Bless
Shinah B'nai

The new National Geographic book, Geography of Religions, highlights how the five major religions basically agree on
the principle of "do unto others as you would have others do unto yourself'". It also shows how leaders have persistently
ignored this principle and instead employed hypocrisy to trick nations, and even religions, into killing and obliterating
others as the means and way to "peace on earth".
How sad now to be living in the most powerful U.S.A. and witnessing its current leaders using hypocrisy again, this time
to fool the majority of North Americans into supporting the "killing others as the way to peace"; into supporting, as its
ambassador to the UN, an individual who says he supports the UN while his past actions spell out just the opposite.
The laws of nature have kept living creatures under control. Honesty should be taught as an absolute new law of nature
for humans. For 2,000-plus years the use of the opposite, dishonest hypocrisy, has not worked. Everywhere employed
it has always led to human misery and horrible death.
Keep on with your message, Robert Muller, and add honesty as a law of nature to the curriculum at the Robrt Muiller
schools of World Education.


A very Good Morning to you,
Would it be possible to know more about the 34 RM Schools worldwide? I have read the WCC material and have
searched the RMS website. The reference appeared on June 9 in [GMW #705] Education For Everyone To
Fulfill Their Abilities To Nurture A Better World
I work in education and I have read the World Core Curriculum as well as other publications of yours.
I am very much interested in knowing where are located the
34 Robert Muller Schools. Could you provide this
information to me? Are there websites for some of them?
Thank you and may the Peace of the Spirit accompany us always.
Gilles Laverdure
Montreal, Canada

Thank you,
Gilles Laverdure

Links and Information on the web:

World Core Curriculum

A good outline of the World Core Curriculum For Global Education

Point 1 -- Our Planetary Home and Place in the Universe
Point 2 -- Our Place in Time
Point 3 -- The Family of Humanity
Point 4 -- The Miracle of Individual Life

Our Planetary Home and
Place in the Univers
Our Place in Time

From the Infinitely Large

+ The Universe, the stars, outer space
+ Our relations with the sun
+ The Earth's physics
+ The atmosphere
+ The biosphere
+ The seas and oceans
+ The polar caps
+ The Earth's land masses
+ The Earth's arable lands
+ The deserts
+ The mountains
+ The Earth's water
+ Plant life
+ Animal life
+ Human life
+ The Earth's energy
+ The Earth's crust and depths

To the Infinitely Small

+ Microbiology
+ Genetics
+ Chemistry
+ Nuclear physics
The Past, Present and
Future of

+ The Universe

+ The sun

+ The globe

+ The climate

+ The biosphere

+ The family of humanity

Age composition
Levels of health
Standard of living
World organizations

+ The individual

+ To the cell, genes and atom

The Family of Humanity
The Miracle of Individual Life
Qualitative Characteristics

+ Our levels of nutrition
+ Our levels of health
+ Our standards of life (rich/poor)
+ Our skills and employment
+ Our levels of education
+ Our moral levels
+ Our spiritual levels

Quantitative Characteristics

+ The total world population and its changes
+ Human geography and migrations
+ Human longevity
+ Races
+ Sexes
+ Children
+ Youth
+ Adults
+ The elderly
+ The handicapped

Human Groupings

+ The family
+ Human settlements
+ Professions
+ Corporations
+ Institutions
+ Nations
+ Federations
+ Regional organizations
+ Religions
+ Multinational business
+ Transnational networks
+ World organizations
Good Physical Lives

+ Knowledge and care of the body
+ Teaching to see, to hear, to observe,
to create, to do, to use well all our senses
and physical capabilities vastly extended by
science and technology

Good Emotional (Sentimental),
Moral Lives

+ Teaching to love
+ Teaching truth, understanding, humility,
liberty, reverence for life, compassion,

Good Mental Lives

+ Knowledge
+ Teaching to question, think, analyze,
synthesize, conclude, communicate
+ Teaching to focus from the infinitely
large to the infinitely small, from the distant
past and present to the future

Good Spiritual Lives

+ Spiritual exercises of interiority,
meditation prayer, communication with the
universe, eternity and God


+ The World Core Curriculum -- Foundations and Implementation (New, 1999) $35.00

+ The World Core Curriculum Journal, Volume I $35.00

+ Video on Global Education in The Robert Muller School $25.00
All of the above publications are available through

The Robert Muller School International Coordinating Center
6005 Royaloak Drive
Arlington, Texas, 76016 USA

(Prices do not include postage and handling, and must be for US dollars. MC and Visa accepted.)

2005 World Core Curriculum Conference
Fall 2005

Location: Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics
in Fairview, Texas
Robert Muller Schools International Coordinating Center

+ How to Start a Robert Muller School
+ A Revolution in Education is Needed
+ Balanced Beginnings
+ Global Elementary Model United Nations
+ Links to related sites
+ Robert Muller School Publications
Please send questions or comments to The Robert Muller School.

Robert Muller LIFE Schoo,Panajachel, Guatemala

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Dear Dr. Muller,

You have shed and spread so much light during your life, we do hope that recent treatments on your eyes has been effective.

In love and light a fellow server,
Rebecca Field


I subscribe to one of Robert's email letters.
I also had the occasion to listen to Andy Rooney's commentary this evening on 60 Minutes talking about MEMORIAL DAY
and his desire to find an alternative to war as he lost many of his close friends in the last war. In any event.

I couldn't help but be inspired to send him and email suggesting that he visit Robert's site as his IDEA 4000 calling
for empowerment of the United Nations was a direct answer to his prayer for an alternative to war! Hopefully,
he will be encouraged to take some initiative - seeing that he is in the media.

I'm praying that someone will set off a spark that will rally people to urge their governments to initiate action on IDEA 4000.



I have been enjoying your communications -- we are on the same wavelength, and you are so eloquent about it.
I have been your fan for decades now.

My thought about what's vital to do is to get the need for a change of worldview into popular conversation.
I've attached a draft of what I contemplate sending out to a potential team -- am meeting with people
individually first. I could use some muscle behind me -- like a George Soros, who could get the Larry Kings
and the Bill Moyers of the world to attend the kind of event I have in mind. I am confident I can deliver
something powerful but I don't want to preach to the choir, and getting the right audience there is a
You also might enjoy my blog:

Robert and Barbara:

Thank you for your beautiful note and all your blessings for my better health. Your lines are always saying
so much in beautiful simple ways. What a precious gift you are to all of us. We are listening!!!

Robert wrote: "Catalina, we have a peace monument with a white dove on its top at the University for
Peace in Costa Rica. It has this inscription: Happy the Costa Rican Mother who, when she gives birth
to a child, knows that he will never be a soldier. May we become the planet where all mothers will be
able to say that. Robert and Barbara Muller. "


Dearest Drs. Robert and Barbara Muller,

I am a professional mediator who has returned to school to complete my PhD. research in consciousness
evolution and the support of natural law at Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield Iowa.

Perhaps you will recall that we met briefly last fall, outside the entrance to the Patanjali Golden Dome.
I was with a friend Robert Schueler, and we shared our appreciation with Barbara for your mutual
contribution to the value of the conference.

Inspired by your speech and the conference in general, I was motivated to found;
a LLC affiliated with HAPPE Programs, Inc. a 501-C3 Not-for-profit Corporation. is dedicated to supporting knowledge and technologies validated to create Peace.
Our Plan to establish Peace on earth in 20 days requires the support and vision of millions of people.
Therefore, I am writing to request your help in reaching more peace loving people by asking you to place
links to our site from your sites and visa versa.

Additionally, since I am relatively new to the web, I would sincerely appreciate networking URL’s to
related sites that you are aware of and to provide us with as much visibility as your heart feels
comfortable with.

Thanking you for your support and all you continue to do.

Wishing you both peace in love.


Stan Kendz, founder,

Please join,

Together we will create World Peace.

I hope you're well. Please look at the message, below, to Antioch College history prof, Irwin Abrams-- world authority
on Nobel prize winners. I hope to see him next week , at a 50th reunion. Please also look at the Resolution,
below, which I am vigorously promoting-- tho with only partial success....
Howard Cort ---- & love to Barbara...
----- Original Message -----

Subject: Fw: Implementation of Resolution S.3 Resolving the Israel-Palestine Conflict

Dear Irwin, It will be a real pleasure to see you next week & participate in the Dinner. Thank you, Larry, for providing
Irwin's addrress.

Below is the text of a United Nations Association (UNA-USA) Resolution which passed on March 7 , 2005
at our convention in NY City. Our NYS Capital Area UNA-USA Chapter (of which I am President) was one
of the co-sponsors, & I am now actively working for the implementation of Recommendations 4 & 5.
(Recommendation 6 recently began implementation re. a recent gathering in Monctclair, N J, which I also
I hope we might strategize a bit about this issue next week.

I am also cc-ing Community Solutions (Community Service, Inc.)- as well as Reunion Co-ordinator Barbara
Schram- & have written Faith Morgan & Mr. Murphy re. my hope to meet with the CSI Board &/or some of
the key folks next week (certainly including Jane Morgan).
Over the past several years, I have become well acquainted with Dr. Robert Mueller, former UN Under
Secretary General, & I recently mentioned you to him--which elicited a fine, international smile!
BTW, there is an interesting connection between my promoting Recommendations 4 & 5, below, & my
studies with, & perception of the central approach, of Arthur Morgan--namely looking into all alternatives
in cases of important public policy.

Mir y druzhba,
Howard Cort

4. Further recommends that—to support and complement the peace process—there be developed a
Compendium of Alternative Approaches to Palestinian-Israeli Co-existence;

5. Calls upon UNA-USA, in cooperation with the World Federation of United Nations Associations
(WFUNA), to apprise the Quartet of this intent, and to seek funding for this study, and to ensure that
all relevant parties are adequately represented in its development, operations and conclusions;

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Monday, June 20, 2005


[GMW #712] Examinations of Conscience Toward Earth and Humanity

The image:

[GMW #712] Examinations of Conscience Toward Earth and Humanity
Monday 19 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |


~ Idea 2422 ~

Every human being, every institution, every corporation, every head of religion should ask themselves these questions each day, at the end of each year and at the end of their life:

What have I done to help the further evolution of planet Earth, its beauty, its peace, the fulfillment of all its species, especially the most advanced, most knowledgeable, the human one?

What have I done that caused it damage, destruction and regress?

We badly need such examinations of conscience toward the Earth and humanity. The present western beliefs, values, institutions and ways of life are killing the regenerative capacity of the Earth, its waters, species, air, soils, vegetation, climate. How long can this last on such a colossal scale?

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We must believe in evolution which is the key and way to humanity’s success

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The UN is the will and product of evolution, so much so that its worst enemies cannot touch it. Nor can they touch or discourage me.

From Robert

Re: [GMW #711] Collecting Ideas & Dreams From Children To Elders

Dear Debbie Milam and Bonnie of Louisville ,
Your belief that my vision is not through my eyes but through my heart is very important.
These words came to me: We feel already through the heart and why not also think through the heart and as you say see through the heart? What a different world this would create.
When this is accepted and practiced we will have a happy humanity and it begins with each of us.
I bless each of you and all our daily readers and ask each to spend today seeing with your heart.
My heart is happy with messages and friends like you, Robert Muller


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Thank you, Dr. Muller, from the bottom of my heart, you are a joy to the world and true hero.

With love,
Jan Biddle

Hero's One and All
Hello My Beloved,

It is always a joy to read Good Morning World with the love and wisdom that
Robert shares with us.

I wish to comment on Robert's statement, "Many people try to make a hero out
of me! Don't they know that I want every human person to be a hero? To
single me out as an exception is to defeat my efforts, making it difficult
for ordinary people to be like me."

He is so correct . . . we are all on a grand Hero's Journey. This journey is
called life and it is our challenge to find the love and wisdom that resides
within each and every one of us. We are then called upon to deliver our gift
of unity to a world hungry for such news.

I have often said, "Life is a Hero's Journey filled with challenges and
rewards. The biggest battle is to face our self and find the treasure
within." When we can all tap into this wonderful resource in our own essence
we will tap into the Universal energy that unites us all.

In saying this I share with you a poem of mine called

Dancing Butterflies All

You are a gentle rain, carried on a breath of wind in the willows.
You are here and You are there.
You are golden wheat
Reflecting the sunlight at high noon.
You are the same sunlight
reflected as sparkling diamonds in mountain-top snow.
You are the morning silence,
Yearning the rooster's crow,
That will send you into the sky
as a swirl of sparrows.
You are the night
that surrounds the evening stars
and You are the stars.
You are young/old, male/female,
black, white, red and yellow.
You are dream and You are reality
Doing a joyful dance,
In a field beyond judging and blaming.
You are a thousand dancing butterflies
Arching the River of Love like a living rainbow
You are the one who accepts or denies who You are.
Dance on sweet butterflies and know Your power.
Copyright ©2003 Bob Boxall

May love and laughter be your constant gift to the world and in so being you
will receive the peace and power that is your inherent birthright.

Thanks again Robert and keep encouraging others to accept their personal
Hero's Journey. By sharing your light you illuminate the path for all those
in your circle of influence. And to anyone else who may read this please did
deep so that the joy of your being radiates and lights your path. In so
doing you will light the path for others and help create a new world filled
with peaceful and joyful souls.

Bob Boxall

PS. If you ever decide to "discard" your boxes of notes and writings PLEASE
send that treasure trove to me.

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Friday, June 17, 2005


[GMW #711] Collecting Ideas & Dreams From Children To Elders

The image:

[GMW #711] Collecting Ideas & Dreams From Children To Elders
Friday 17 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: EnglishPortugueseEspañol |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3742 ~
We need on this planet clubs or movements of dreamers and idea people who would collect ideas from children to the elderly as well as ideas of social groups like the family, city dwellers, religions, national leaders, world civil servants, etc.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your body
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your mind
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your heart
Know well the anatomy and functioning of your soul

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Love is the radiance of happiness. I have loved the United Nations, the Earth and humanity, and my secretary called me "sunshine man".

Dear Jennifer Whalen,
Your message of love uplifted me. It had this great effect:
This morning I had a negative thought about my innumerable files collected over the years on every topic important for the future of our Planet and humanity.
Should I discard them, toss them out?
After your message I seized one at random. It was titled: Enlightenment and Great Decisions. I loved it so much that I decided not to throw any files away and will ask my wife and family to preserve them. Perhaps sooner or later a human brother or sister will find an answer to a world problem in one of these files.
Thank you for your great and inspiring message which came at exactly the right time.
Love, Robert Muller

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Dear Robert and Barbara,
My prayers are with you .....It is my belief that you see through the heart and this is where Robert Muller has always seen his vision for the world. This will continue no matter what else happens.
Peace, love and joy,
Bonnie, Louisville, KY USA

Dear Dr. Muller,
You have shed and spread so much light during your life, we do hope that recent treatments on your eyes has been effective.
In love and light a fellow server,
Rebecca Field

To have such good news about Robert. We send him our best wishes...All the group,here in Resende, Brazil sending him a big and warm smille... - Elisa
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Thursday, June 16, 2005


[GMW #710] Better Ways Of Responding To Challenge Of Terrorism

The image:

[GMW #710] Better Ways Of Responding To Challenge Of Terrorism
Thursday 16 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 4278 ~

5 October 2001
Dear Dr. Muller,

Thank you for your recent communications suggesting ways in which the United Nations might best respond to the challenge of terrorism.

Your long experience at the United Nations and truly international spirit are manifest in your well-considered suggestions. I have asked Mr. Kieran Prendergast, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and chairman of the Executive Committee on Peace and Security to take your suggestions into account as the committee examines the avenues we might pursue.

With best personal regards,

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We need a global anthropology or science of humanity in its entirety. Margaret Mead, the anthropologist used to say to her students: “Go and study the United Nations which is for you what New Guinea was for me when I was young, a new fascinating field of anthropology.” This is why she spent her last years as a representative of a non-governmental organization at the United Nations.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

One of the contributions of my life was to help incorporate all aspects of life and of our planetary home into the UN, and the UN into our lives and homes.
1 am one of the rare human beings who after two contradictory national programmings was lucky to be rightly reprogrammed by the United Nations as a member of the human family and as an inhabitant of planet Earth.

Dear Robert and Barbara and Good Morning world people,

The idea of a daily SERVER'S (not servant) reader is a great idea. We might all want to do this together, creating a dialogue among ourselves leading to a manual.

I would like to respond and make a suggestion concerning the word "servant." In the esoteric Ageless Wisdom studies the word more applicable than "servant" would be SERVER. The word "servant" is one who, on the personality level, is learning to serve but this service is done in one's personal, day to day, among one's intimates, personality (not Soul) life.

With Esoteric Astrology, Psychology & Philosophy (the Tibetan's/Alice Bailey blue books) there are three signs of the WORLD SERVER (Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - all world serving signs).

Capricorn - when the disciple becomes the Initiate and wants to stay with his/her Father but hears the cries of humanity. This leads to the realizing, for the first time, that one aspires to Serve the entire world (Capricorn is our civilization). S/he therefore leaves the mountain top. The Capricorn goat becomes the Unicorn who Serves God, the Will of the Father. The horn of the Unicorn represents the Light of God found on the mountaintop (from the Sun). This is the ajna (third eye) center, where Light is radiated out to humanity as a Service.

Upon re-entering earth, the Initiate becomes the World Server. This is the task of Aquarius. After Aquarius the Initiate (World Server) then becomes the World Savior (still serving and in service). This is Pisces.

Servant therefore is not a world task. It's an individual task of self development within the personality (prior to Soul infusion). Servant is the lower level of Pisces and is subordinate to other personalities.

A World Server is one who SERVES (a different much higher quality than being a servant) the entire world. Therefore I would suggest that we create a WORLD SERVERS DAILY READER. This title goes hand in hand with the Esoteric New Group of World Servers, now being prepared to be the externalization of the Hierarchy (inner world government on Earth).

These are my thoughts and suggestions only. I offer them to you.

With love to all World Servers, Risa

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005


[GMW #709] Never Lose Your Sense Of Wonder

The image:

[GMW #709] Never Lose Your Sense Of Wonder
Wednesday 15 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 2989 ~

What is beautiful with little children is their sense of marvel: so many things around them are marvelous, extraordinary, true wonders. They should tell us adults: "Never lose your sense of wonder because all this planet around you is a miracle and do not spoil it with wars, destruction, hatred, ambitions and non-smiling, somber faces."


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I am both a captive and a free agent of the universe.
I am a center of the universe. And so are you.

The arms race is like economics: you hear the most sophisticated, intelligent, endlessly complicated reasons, but basically, fundamentally it is all wrong It would be infinitely better for these fine minds to begin working on proper, peaceful planetary management.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Many people try to make a hero out of me! Don't they know that I want every human person to be a hero? To single me out as an exception is to defeat my efforts, making it difficult for ordinary people to be like me.

I dream all that can be dreamt
I believe all that can be believed
I hope all that can be hoped
I do all that can be done
I endure all that can be endured

Those were my guiding rules in the United Nations.

Good afternoon dearest Goodmorningworld friends,
I am so happy to report that Robert is doing fantastically after his eye treatment and I thank all of you for your prayers and good wishes. He sends you his warmest thanks also.
Bless each of you in a very special way, Barbara Muller

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005


[GMW #708] World Servant's Daily Reader

The image:

[GMW #708] World Servant's Daily Reader
Tuesday 14 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6080 ~

I would like to see written and published in all languages a World Servant’s Daily Reader. It should start with the 1st of January, the UN’s International Day of Peace, and give every day advice to the reader what he or she can do for a better world, a happier humanity, a true paradise. It would include all the other World Days proclaimed by the United Nations. As a world servant of the United Nations I have been missing such a guide for half a century.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We are all meant to be entity-servants or victims, if we are not watchful.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

1 am not only an international civil servant, I am a server of God, of life, of the universe, of this planet and of humanity.

Dear Robert, may your outer sight match your true hearted, all encompassing and always
inspirational visions. My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always. Love, peace and
light, Margery (Layton)

Dear Robert and Barbara,
My prayers are with both of you. I always believe that there is a spiritual component to every malady. How profound that you Robert, a man with such a powerful vision for humanity, is experiencing eye problems. Although your ability to see is essential, I so believe your vision is not through your eyes, but through your heart.
May you be blessed with a quick and total healing.
With love and light,
Debbie Milam

Dear Barbara and Robert; I just received the GMW and learned about your eyes. I wanted to say that at this very moment you are healed and getting better and better. Sending blessings from my heart to both of you I few lines came up;

Bless are those who have seen so much!

Light blue screen windows
no more pure than the essence you behold
Steps between the heart and what it seems
one more time, one more day
into blossom
seeking more than what is there
where the sweetness of simplicity
are the best parts of the day.

If I could see with your eyes
what would I see?
Perhaps I would understand you better
Perhaps I would not see the walls anywhere anymore
Perhaps I would not waste more time
For one thing I know for sure
I would not feel lost

...because most of all
they would have thought me happiness.

My lips your name is blessing.

May the moon-lit and sun-light heal and repair your precious eyes.


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Monday, June 13, 2005


[GMW #707] Beautiful Cities Of Dreams In The Midst of Nature

The image:

[GMW #707] Beautiful Cities Of Dreams In The Midst of Nature
Monday 13 June 2005, Editor: Easy | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |


~ Idea 2740 ~

Sacramento, the capital of California is such a beautiful city, totally built in the midst of intertwined innumerable ancient giant trees that I recommend that it be declared a City of Dreams. On many of its benches it should affix the golden Bench of Dreams stick-ons which we use in Costa Rica. I left several of them with Mrs. Ester Franklin, the head of the United Nations Association of Sacramento who had invited me to speak at the United Nations Day of Peace Celebration on 24 October 1999.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Nature all around us is so beautiful, a real magic, a true palace. And what is behind it is probably even more beautiful. It is that transcendent beauty and meaning which we must seek at this stage of our evolution. And for that purpose we must settle our earthly problems and differences quickly for we are losing much precious time.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I will never stop trying to do, each day, more for this beautiful planet and for humanity than the day before.

Please send something to the GMW world so all others can have the opportunity to wish Robert well.
Offering the other people around the World the chance to send their individual power to heal him too!
With much love to you both,
From Mount Rasur directly to you.
Roy T of Costa Rica
So here it is...dear Good Morning World readers,
We went to the ophthalmologist yesterday for Robert's regular check-up and had many computerized photographs of his dry Macular Degeneration of the right eye and it has gone from dry to slightly wet and he will have a laser treatment on Monday.
We have the best doctors both Dr. Avery and Dr. Castellarin checked his eye and suggested we do the laser on Monday and Robert is 100% ready..We will keep you posted and send you our love and hope you are all happy.
And Robert is pleased and proud to announce he just finished 6500 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World and we are celebrating...go to for the first 4000 ideas.
Much Love, Barbara

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Friday, June 10, 2005


[GMW #706] Religions & Cultures A Precious Asset Of Humanity - Not For Hate Or War

The image:

[GMW #706] Religions & Cultures A Precious Asset Of Humanity - Not For Hate Or War
Friday 10 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3646 ~
I will recommend to the United Religions Initiative to compare the cosmic messages of all great, heavenly messengers, to hold services at which the words of several of them will be read.

Religions and cultures are a most precious asset of humanity. They must be well-preserved and cherished and should not hate and go to war against each other.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The beauty, culture and sharing of hearts and minds that occurs in the United Nations on a day-to-day basis is astounding and should not be measured on the yardstick of instantaneous results, as some would want.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Since I was miraculously saved during that war, my fife became a challenge to all wars. I will win, for myself, for my dead comrades, for my children and grandchildren, for our beautiful planet and for its extraordinary human race.


Dear Friends,

I come up today with an update for the Prayer ,Thank you so much for your contributions
Please check your name country name and prayer and confirm to me if its ok.
Further I request all my Peace friends to participate

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer. I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.
I request one line by each participant Please.

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005 (Pakistan)
May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace.

Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005 (Belgium/Japan)
Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!

Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005 (Argentina)
May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace

Bert Monterona June 4,2005 (Philipines)
Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future

Wang Feng June 5,2005(Singapore/USA)
We belong to one another, so let peace reign!

Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005 (USA)
Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens.

Rik Palieri June 5,2005 (USA)
Please grant us peace ,dignity, freedom and good health for all !

Guido Vermulen June 5,2005 (Belgium)
Like clouds, peace dreams never sleep.

Laura Mckinon June 6,2005 (USA)
May God give peace to the broken hearted and lonely people of the world and help us stand strong together

Huma Vachha June 6,2005 (India)
May we always have Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds. Humata, Huktha, Havarashta! (Good thoughts, words and deed)

Lida Sherafatmand June 6,2005 (Iran/Malta)
May the life force inside each of us be awakened to share joy and happiness with all.

Christophe Barbey June 6,2005 (Switzerland)
Humanity on Earth, all together for the good of all !

Eliana Gilad June 6,2005 (Israel)
May you know that you ARE THAT which you are seeking. Peace is your very own nature.

Gabriela Lasko June 6,2005 (Canada)
May the light of healing fill the earth with its love meeting away all anger.Shinning blessings, sparkling new day!

Luiza Brown June 6,2005 (New England)
May we hold our hearts so full of joy at the beauty of Creation that we have nothing but joy to give!

Frances Key Jacksonville 6,2005 (USA)
May we grow to see that we are one entity, and that to harm one part is
to harm the whole. May we understand that we are as stones falling into a
pond, creating ripples that affect all living things, Only then shall we strive to send forth only ripples of peace and goodwill.

Leigh Golterman June 7,2005 (USA)
Make all our leaders out there listen, as we the people want peace, please.

Linda Ipsen June 8,2005 (USA)
God loves each one of us as though there were only one of us; let all
of us experience that Love and then share it, one with the other.

Lily Haggerty June 8,2005 (Hawaii)
Peacefulness Beneath Me,Peacefulness Above Me,Peacefulness Within Me
All Around Me Peaceful

Shahnaz Behleem June 8,2005 (Pakistan/USA)
Allah !! Please help those who are in need, please spread fragrance of love every where among all humans, spread shining of peace every where in world

Bob Boxall June 8,2005 (Canada)
Peace is always ours; awaiting our acceptance.May Peace be your constant companion and may Love and Laughter your gift to the world.

Rais Neza Boneza June 8,2005 (Norway)
Amani na Mapendo Duniani (Love and Peace in World)

Serge Ayotte June 8,2005 (Canada)
Dear God, as St-Francis many years ago said, make each and all of us an Instrument of Your PEACE. Namaste…

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Thursday, June 09, 2005


[GMW #705] Education For Everyone To Fulfill Their Abilities To Nurture A Better World

The image:

[GMW #705] Education For Everyone To Fulfill Their Abilities To Nurture A Better World
Thursday 9 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |


~ Idea 2953 ~

Human life is an incredible mystery, by far not yet fully understood. We are all born for a specific purpose by God or by nature or by invisible energies of the universe. We are given talents to do it. Alas, all is organized in such a way that we are educated and profoundly influenced by what others want us to do: a nation, a religion, a business, all sorts of groups, institutions and beliefs, and most of us die without having fulfilled our inborn function and received the education and means to fulfill it. What a gigantic reform of the human society and of education this will require! I did my best but it was of little avail. At least my World Core Curriculum for a proper education of all humans is beginning to receive some attention.

I have personally succeeded to perform the function for which I was born. I began to do it after three wrong national educations (French, German and American) when I received at long last a right, global world-wide, all human education from the United Nations.

Alas, the 34 Robert Muller Schools in the world which give that education are a mere drop of water in the ocean of mis-education still prevailing on this planet promoted by the nations' Ministries of National Education instead of World Education or simply Education.

What was your fate, your education, your life fulfillment, dear reader?

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Since governments do not give us the right world education, it is our individual responsibility to denationalize ourselves and to learn objectively everything we can about the human family and our planetary home: a truly global education.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I have seen evolution at work through the United Nations. I have seen emerge in it new challenges and crises, unprecedented preoccupations and opportunities in human history. Within its workings, I have seen how humanity is progressively finding its way on this planet, toddling along amidst many difficulties, idiosyncrasies and obstacles, but always on an upward path. It is a very fascinating story.


(In a single line.)

By Good Morning World Friends

"Thank you Father for using us as an instrument of your Peace, Love & Will on Earth"
Connie Day

Dear God, as St-Francis many years ago said, make each and all of us an Instrument of Your PEACE. Namaste…

La Paz es la semilla de la evolución - el jardín de flores que alimenta
mi corazón y me enseña a amar.
Peace is the seed of evolution - the garden of flowers that nurture
my heart and show me how to love.

Catalina - Washington D.C.

Please email a one line prayer to:
and copy the email to

Prayers of peace received from GoodMorningWorld readers will be posted here as they come in.

Dear Friends,

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer.I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.

I request one line by each participant.

Kindly Add Your Line and send.

Looking forward.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :

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Wednesday, June 08, 2005


[GMW #704] Universal Alliance Of Saints, Spirits & Souls Of Humans Killed In All Past Wars To Work With The Living For Permanent Unbroken Peace

The image:

[GMW #704] Universal Alliance Of Saints, Spirits & Souls Of Humans Killed In All Past Wars To Work With The Living For Permanent Unbroken Peace
Wednesday 8 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Ending War

~ Idea 2467 ~

In the year 2000 there should be a universal alliance of saints, spirits and souls of humans killed in all past wars to work with the living and bring about at long last a permanent, unbroken peace on this magnificent planet in the heavens.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I cannot repeat it enough: the human person has been created to feel and serve the greatness of the universe and of infinity, i.e. to fulfill the will of God.
I felt great only from the moment when I diminished my I and emptied me of myself. Then the whole world and the universe streamed into me.
When I became a world servant I became a friend of the world. The world then loved me and I was no longer a mere servant.
Lower the dams of your ego and the floods of divine spirit will enter you and give you immeasurable bliss. Your life will become an endless joy and source of miracles. It cannot be otherwise: you have let enter the spirit of life which will do its evolutionary cosmic work through you as an instrument. This is why you were given life in the first place.
If you love life, then everything will fall into place. Love is the touchstone of right priorities and values, the opening gate to the cosmic forces.
Enthusiasm: God (theos) in yourself, i.e. by God possessed. Enthusiasm for life: God incarnated in you and doing God's miracles through you.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Out of devotion arises an habitual faith which makes the object of devotion part of your life.
Select therefore a worthy object of devotion: God, your family, your home, your profession, peace, justice, art, a better world.
I have made this planet, humanity and the United Nations the objects of my devotion and they became part of my life.

(In a single line.)
By Good Morning World Friends

May the sweetness of GAIA (mother earth) blossom in humanity, Namaste
Stanley Sabre/Silver Eagle, Seattle WA USA 6/7/05

Our love comes softly, like warm summer rain.
Cort, Hudson Valley

...To achieve PEACE ON EARTH, the world must first put the kibosh on human hypocrisy!
Idaho Roy

Let there be Peace on Earth and peace begins with me!!
Jenny Eshed, Negev Israel


Please email a one line prayer to:
and copy the email to

rayers of peace received from GoodMorningWorld readers will be posted here as they come in.

Dear Friends,

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer.I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.

I request one line by each participant.

Kindly Add Your Line and send.

Looking forward.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :

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Tuesday, June 07, 2005


[GMW #703] Paying Attention For The Long Term Future of the World & Humanity

The image:

[GMW #703] Paying Attention For The Long Term Future of the World & Humanity
Tuesday 7 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6010 ~

A letter to the President of the 58th General Assembly:

Dear Mr. President,

As part of the revitalization of the UN General Assembly, this major question should be raised and placed on the agenda:

“Are humanity and the Earth properly governed? Are we paying sufficient attention to the future, the long-term future of the world and humanity?”

In view of the forthcoming sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations in 2005 this should receive highest priority.

I am sending you herewith a writing of mine on “The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government”.

Warmly yours,
Robert Muller

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is sad for me to believe that 40,000 world servants have been unable to produce a few philosophers, a new literature, a new ethics, a new art. In philosophy there has at least been Dag Hammarskj ld and in spirituality U Thant. O God, make it that these examples be followed by many.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

When I was a young UN official I thought that the following sign should be placed at the entrance of the UN:

"You who enter here, leave all hope."

Today I would say:

"You who enter here, never leave hope."

Send A One Line Prayer For Peace

email a one line prayer to:
Please copy and the prayers of peace from
GoodMorningWorld readers will be posted here.


Dear Friends,

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer.I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.

I request one line by each Participants Please.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :


May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace.
Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005 (Pakistan)

Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!
Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005 (Belgium/Japan)

May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace
Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005 (Nigeria)

Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future
Bert Monterona June 4,2005 (Philippines)

We belong to one another, so let peace reign!
Wang Feng June 5,2005 (Singapore)

Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to
become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens.
Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005 (USA)

Kindly Add Your Line and send
Looking forward

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem

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Monday, June 06, 2005


[GMW #702A] Open A UN Peace Education Department

[GMW #702A] Open A UN Peace Education Department
Monday 6 June 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 3206 ~

I love these ideas of Cora Weiss, President of the Hague Appeal for Peace, in her speech to the Millennium Forum held at the United Nations on 22 May 2000:

1. Create an International Disarmament Organization
2. Give life to the Military Staff Committee foreseen in Chapter 7, Article 47 of the United Nations Charter
3. Re-open the United Nations Peace Education Unit. I would even recommend that it should be a major United Nations department. The UN University for Peace could become it.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A Hindu sage asked me:
“How do you see God?”
“I do not see God. I hear in me a silent voice which most lovingly and kindly answers my questions.”

The same Hindu sage asked me:
“How do you see yourself, especially your internal self?”
“When I look into myself, I see nothing, only emptiness, a void gently contained by the unfelt form of my being. I see and feel nothing. All functions so well, so perfectly. I am an emptiness which resonates the vibrations of the universe.”
The sage murmured:
“I have never heard that before.”

What I see is not out there. It is in me.
What I hear is not out there. It is in me.
What I think is not out there. It is in me.
What I feel is not out there. It is in me.

I am therefore filled with the out there. I am the out there. My being is a vessel of the out there. I must empty myself of myself in order to receive and contain the universe.

This reminds me that when I was an aide to former UN Secretary General U Thant, I once asked him: “I notice that when you receive visitors you almost never give them an idea, an exhortation to do something for peace and a better world. Why is that?” He answered with an astonished tone and face: “But my dear Robert, if a person comes to see me it is because that person has a message, something important to tell me. I must therefore empty myself of myself in order to receive that person’s message as fully as possible.”

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A nice message I received on Valentine's Day:

"Thank you for all you have done and are doing to bring the consciousness of God's peace and love to this world."

I am a product, a child of the United Nations. Anyone who wishes to become a loving universal being as I have become should get to know our mother, the United Nations.

Portuguese Good Morning Word Blog

For Portuguese readers Good Morning World Blog is now available as a preliminary draft:

Thoughts and comments are most welcome.

Elisa, in Brazil where autumn is just beginning, has joined our GoodMorningWorld staff of now 2 and is our Good Morning World Portuguese editor. Our staff of free will talent and skill givers is happy to provide this service and others nuturing a better world when and wherever we can.

Elisa was translating Good Morning World into Portuguese for friends and now with the GMW blog can share Robert's wonderful ideas and dreams with any Portuguese readers.

Soon we hope to have a Spanish Good Morning World Blog up for draft review.

The English language Blog can also be viewed at any time at:

By viewing a blog today's and past Good Morning Worlds can be read from any browser any where in the world without using email. Take a look when you have a chance. Blogs can be quite useful.

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Friday, June 03, 2005


[GMW #701A] Using Ideas And Words Of The Heart In Political Speeches And Documents

[GMW #701A] Using Ideas And Words Of The Heart In Political Speeches And Documents
Friday 3 June 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2884 ~
Ideas and words which are seldom used in political speeches and documents, even at the United Nations.

the heart
the soul
goddess Earth
Mother Earth

Why is that?

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
As you get older and wiser, you come closer to God. This will be the time to transmit your wisdom and art of living to the young and to future generations. It will be the time of conclusion and story telling.
We can all have a very simple rule of reference for planetary management: make Earth a paradise.
Each human being must be a responsible, positive agent of evolution, an instrument of God.
O Lord, make me an instrument of Thy universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Since I was miraculously saved during that war, my fife became a challenge to all wars. I will win, for myself, for my dead comrades, for my children and grandchildren, for our beautiful planet and for its extraordinary human race.

The UN is the will and product of evolution, so much so that its worst enemies cannot touch it. Nor can they touch or discourage me

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Thursday, June 02, 2005


[GMW #700A] World Property Organization Showing What Belongs To Whom

[GMW #700A] World Property Organization Showing What Belongs To Whom
Thursday 2 June 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 113 ~31 October 1994
We must do what the young French revolutionaries did for France at the time: establish a world "Cadastre," or world property record showing what belongs to whom, one of the most basic official documents in most countries. It would show what the world's common properties are: the seas and oceans beyond national jurisdiction (two thirds of the planet's surface), the moon, outer-space, the upper atmosphere, the inner core of the Earth; it should show national properties, state or provincial properties, municipal properties, religious properties, business properties, civic associations properties, individual properties.

We have already a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United Nations system. It deals with authors’ rights, patents, inventions and copyrights in the world. We need to make it the World Property Organization covering also the full range of real estate.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
At the beginning of human evolution, knowledge and love were synonymous. Then they became separate. Nothing could be more important than to reunite them again.
There are so many ways of learning: seeing, thinking, reading, meditating, doing, touching, listening, praying, associating with learned people. Like an octopus, we must use all our God-given tools.
Ours is basically a despiritualized world:

there is no global spirituality
there is no world religion
there is no world religious institution
there is no common God
there are no world saints
there are no world prophets
there are no world miracles
there are no world sanctuaries and pilgrimages
there are no world religious holidays

We should work on all these items.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The United Nations was for me a universal home, the most extraordinary school on Earth. It aggrandized me from a narrow national being (once French, once German) to belonging to the entire planet and human family. This is why I pray so much that the United Nations will be transformed into the united nation of all peoples of this Earth

Learning Spanish With Roberto's Frases Doradas - Robert's Golden Sayings
By Kathy Ward

This is one of the most fun and interesting ways to learn Español. I gave the students in the Elder's Spanish class Frases Doradas and Robert Golden Sayings. Some have the book in English, some in Spanish. I asked them to choose a page randomly and choose a 'short' saying, one of the elders reads it to the class and then as a group and using the dictionaries we translate the saying. Of course, they want more, so we stop and talk about 'what Robert is saying' ...

Piensa con el corazón
Ve con el corazón
Eschucha con el corazón
Siente con el corazón
Actúa con el corazón
Habla con el corazón
Por que el amor es la capacidad humana más alta, fuerte y duradera.

... so Gertrude said... this is what is also called 'to be a human and act like a human'

Luis reading Robert Golden Sayings in English for the group to translate the saying from English into Spanish.

Gertrudis reading in Spanish and the group is now working with the dictionaries and translating into English.

In every class we are going to invest the first 20 minutes translating Robert's Golden Sayings... I just love to hear their comments and see their eyes as they brain process Robert's words, and then ... here it comes... their comments they too possess golden sayings.

Peace be with you!

Kathy J. Ward

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005


[GMW #699A] World Humanitarian Government For Eliminating Preventable Evils

[GMW #699A] World Humanitarian Government For Eliminating Preventable Evils
Wednesday 1 June 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Ending War

Introduction To Ideas 2701-2800

The following is an extract from Bertrand Russell's excellent book Political Ideals.

"Few men seem to realize how many of the evils from which we suffer are wholly unnecessary, and that they could be abolished by a united effort within a few years. If a majority in every civilized country so desired, we could, within twenty years, abolish all abject poverty, quite half the illness in the world, the whole economic slavery which binds down nine tenths of our population; we could fill the world with beauty and joy and secure the reign of universal peace. It is only because men are apathetic that this is not achieved, only because imagination is sluggish, and what always have been is regarded as what always must be. With good-will, generosity, intelligence, these things could be brought about."

Lord Russell (Bertrand Russell) goes on to say that the world is full of preventable evils which most people would like to see prevented.

Among other things, this could be done by a World Humanitarian Government possibly elected through a plebiscite conducted by a union of all the world's humanitarian organizations.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is collective knowledge, experience and progress of humanity that guides and shapes our soul into ever vaster realms.
Very few people see this, but the transformation of the world will take place through the United Nations as an unprecedented, new biological instrument of global understanding and convergence. It is in the UN that the new history of the world will be principally shaped, not only in the relations between nations. I pity those countries who believe that they are the future. This basic mistake on their part will cost them and the world a lot. They must understand the deeper currents of evolution.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

My first commentary as Chancellor of the University for Peace was this:

"Generals inflamed their soldiers for victory. Their proclamations are often great, historic, literary texts. Who has ever inflamed peacemakers? Where are the great, historic literary, uplifting peace proclaimers? Not more than a handful, mostly the prophets and religious leaders. The University for Peace must join its inspiring voice to that of the religions and of the United Nations."

God has given me the urge and capacity to fight for underdogs. Today, the most downtrodden and defenseless underdogs are humanity and the Earth. This is why I am a fanatic of the United Nations which is the first universal instrument for the defense of underdogs.

I have made it a habit to think of the world and humanity from morning to evening and wherever I am. I even program myself to do it during my sleep. Try to do he same and you will be astonished by the results.

I am a specialist in impossibilities: I deal primarily with what seems impossible, in particular to make ours a peaceful, happy and beautiful planetary home.

I am a specialist in generalities. The universe, eternity, the earth, humanity, happiness, the soul, life, death, God, peace, justice, etc., I try to grasp it all. I am a forerunner of what more and more ordinary people will be in the next millennium.

I defended the UN when the Catholics attacked it during the McCarthy period. And I am a Catholic.

I defended the UN when colonialist France attacked it. And I am a Frenchman.


I defended the UN when General de Gaulle attacked it. And I was one of his underground fighters.

I defend the UN now that the Jews attack it. And some of my best friends are Jews.

I defend the UN now that the conservatives attack it. And I am politically a conservative.

Whoever might be next on the fist, I will always defend the UN as long as humanity will not create a better world organization.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Subject: I applaud your noble work

Dear Robert and Barbara Muller

I would like to applaud for the beautiful work you do to embellish our world and make it a better one in which people will be able to to experience harmony, humanity, and peace. God bless you, your work, your family and everyone you are in contact with and witness your noble peace work!

Joy and Peace be in your heart! Amen!
Jeannette of Nazareth
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