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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


[GMW #703] Paying Attention For The Long Term Future of the World & Humanity

The image:

[GMW #703] Paying Attention For The Long Term Future of the World & Humanity
Tuesday 7 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6010 ~

A letter to the President of the 58th General Assembly:

Dear Mr. President,

As part of the revitalization of the UN General Assembly, this major question should be raised and placed on the agenda:

“Are humanity and the Earth properly governed? Are we paying sufficient attention to the future, the long-term future of the world and humanity?”

In view of the forthcoming sixtieth anniversary of the United Nations in 2005 this should receive highest priority.

I am sending you herewith a writing of mine on “The Absolute, Urgent Need for Proper Earth Government”.

Warmly yours,
Robert Muller

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is sad for me to believe that 40,000 world servants have been unable to produce a few philosophers, a new literature, a new ethics, a new art. In philosophy there has at least been Dag Hammarskj ld and in spirituality U Thant. O God, make it that these examples be followed by many.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

When I was a young UN official I thought that the following sign should be placed at the entrance of the UN:

"You who enter here, leave all hope."

Today I would say:

"You who enter here, never leave hope."

Send A One Line Prayer For Peace

email a one line prayer to:
Please copy and the prayers of peace from
GoodMorningWorld readers will be posted here.


Dear Friends,

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer.I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.

I request one line by each Participants Please.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :


May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace.
Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005 (Pakistan)

Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!
Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005 (Belgium/Japan)

May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace
Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005 (Nigeria)

Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future
Bert Monterona June 4,2005 (Philippines)

We belong to one another, so let peace reign!
Wang Feng June 5,2005 (Singapore)

Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to
become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens.
Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005 (USA)

Kindly Add Your Line and send
Looking forward

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem

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