Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, April 28, 2006


[GMW #936] Meditating & Living As Cosmic Beings

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[GMW #936] Meditating & Living As Cosmic Beings
Friday 28 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3439 ~
The United Nations Meditation Room, conceived by Dag Hammarskjöld is incomplete in my view.

It shows a ray of light beaming in obscurity from the ceiling of the room on the top of a high, rectangular block of fine iron ore he imported from Sweden, his country of origin.

Its symbol is that this iron block was created by the energy of the cosmos. It is part of the cosmos as is all matter of the Earth. He considered himself to have come from Sweden as a hard, rational economist and was transformed by the United Nations into a mystic. This iron ore block was shown floating in the universe in a famous film by Stanley Kubrik: Space Odyssey 2000.

The change that I would introduce is that after a while the ray should fall on the head of the meditating person to convey to him or her that the human being is a cosmic reality too: we are born from the Earth which is all born from the cosmos, hence we are all cosmic, living, heavenly beings, the most advanced of all on this particular planet.

Such a realization can change our life and the entire human society and its relations with the Earth and with the heavens.

The great founders of religions were not wrong. This was the message of all of them. Most of them gave it the name God. A United Religions has now been created to bring back spirituality, the belief of humans in their heavenly cosmic nature, origin and role.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
All religions must get together and decree universal, cosmic laws and commandments which would then be applied politically and socially.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 1

The UN reflects the stage and dynamics of human progress:
- As a universal political organization it is the culmination of 2000 years of history and dreams for a world organization;
- While war has always been the rule in history, the UN asserts peace as the dominant new rule of civilized behavior;
- The UN has begun the decisive battle against armaments, the military and violence;
- It has subdued the trade and financial rivalries which have led to so many wars;
- It has started novel histories of world cooperation in development, the environment, education, health, outer-space, the seas and oceans, population, children, women, the handicapped, the elderly, races, etc;

- It has started the world-wide defense and protection of individual human rights;

Re: Social Phenomena

Dear Robert,

I have written some essays characterizing social phenomena like poverty and violence in such a way that it is obvious what to do.

They are published on a website: These are original works based on the work of Rudolf Steiner. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please tell them of the website.

Thank you,
Bob Bovaird

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
Aymee San Francisco, CA

Yeah for glorious beings!

Peace love and happiness unite!

View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

136 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Thursday, April 27, 2006


[GMW #935] Eradicating War From The Values Of Humanity

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[GMW #935] Eradicating War From The Values Of Humanity
Thursday 27 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |


What we are witnessing these days is the eradication of war from the values of humanity. This will have momentous effects.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The UN is the first security valve for pent-up feelings, verbal explosions, expressions of outrage and hurt of national pride. Without it, our present still erratic stage of evolution would be much worse.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 4

"Example is not the main thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." - Albert Schweitzer.

Dear Dr. Muller,

I had a wonderful experience about 10 years ago. I was fortunate enough to be able to take year away from work, so I traveled, visited old friends and met a number of new ones. When I was on this sabbatical I realized that the table had turned for me 180 degrees. I realized that while younger, we are always dependant upon someone; our parents, our relatives, our teachers, our employers. What I realized in this shift is that I was no longer dependant upon anyone, and a profound shift occurred so that I started living a proactive life rather then a reactive one.

I realized during this process, that many people in the world never get to have this experience and I want to spend the rest of my life trying to help humanity shift as I did. During this period of my life, I would wake up in the morning and see the sun shining brightly, I would go outside and see the roses blooming and I would say to myself “LIFE IS AMAZING!”

That’s when I had the idea to start the Life is Amazing Foundation [which is actually just me at the moment]. I decided that I wanted to create projects that would inspire humanity.

All the warmest regards,


Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
Ocean Largo, FL
A healthy world is a peaceful world.

View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the heartland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006


[GMW #934] Focusing On World Changes For The Better

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[GMW #934] Focusing On World Changes For The Better
Wednesday 26 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |

Idea Dreams 6501-7000

~ Idea 6593 ~

There are constantly movements and changes inside nations and between nations. Added up for 192 nations they would amount to very big figures, but the actual changes in world relations and in the life of the Earth would amount to little. This matter should be taken up by the United Nations.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Idea Dreams 6501-7000,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Our thoughts give meaning to reality and the cosmic reality around us is the foundation of our thoughts. We are indissolubly interdependent with the cosmos, we are part of the whole universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 4

Isn't it strange that most peacemakers, prophets and visionaries ever had any wealth or power and were often persecuted and killed? 'This phenomenon has been so consistent throughout history right into modern times that there must be a law to it. I believe the law is this:

Evolution brings to the fore a small number of visionaries - men, 'omen and recently also institutions such as the United Nations and le University for Peace - which have no power, no money and are being accused of idealism, naivete and irreality. These visionaries are persecuted and killed when they become too effective. Nevertheless, they are the harbingers and pathfinders of the coming age, and sooner or later are proved to be right and do succeed.

At the same time evolution produces masses of people and institutions which cling to the past, to power, money, armies, values and education in order to assert the past and oppose the prophets and visionaries.

The reason is simple. Evolution does not want to go too fast, or it would create havoc with the great masses of people who could not take it.

Prophets, visionaries and peacemakers must therefore accept their original, difficult role as being quite natural and must not expect immediate results. But they can be very relaxed as they will win against all armies, powers, wealth and mis-education.

When I exposed this view to the depressed Secretary-General after a day of harassments, he looked at me gently and said: “You always find a way to cheer me up."


Dear Dr. Robert Muller,

I hope this note finds you in state of perfect peace.

On April 24, 2006, a friend of mine wrote to me and said, "I believe you might find in Dr. Robert Muller a soul brother."

My dear brother,
I have not seen you for years,
I have so much to share.
I heard that you really care,
People like you are very rare.
I do not how and where,
I hope to see you in person or in my prayers.

“The voices of heroes of my heart who scarified their lives for our freedom, spiritual union, and unity of mankind, the voice of voiceless, the voice of justice for all living beings who been ignorantly sacrificed, the voice of my human family bothers and sisters who have been prejudiced and persecuted because of the color of their race, religion, creeds, ethnicity, gender and nationality, the voice of children around the world who have been physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually starving have inspired me to write this book. This is my calling to let the whole world know where do I stand! This book is about the love story of my heart with God, Mother Earth and all humanity,” says Dr. Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh.

There is nothing more pleasing to the Father, Lord, God, Allah, Khoda, Aura Mazda and The Light of Unity than to see the day that we the people of the world, Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestant, Muslim and Christian, black and white, Iranian and American, men and women embrace one another for the great losses of all humanity and begin an era of world unity.

The time has come for us to recognize that valuing our uniqueness, unity, interdependencies and common humanity leads to creativity, productivity, cooperation and a congenial local and global community/workplace. The time has come for people of goodwill everywhere, regardless of race, religion, gender and nationality to work together like fingers of one hand to cure the blight on our unity.

The human family members have harbored so many heart-wrenching tragedies toward their brothers and sisters throughout the ages. Countless lives of innocent human beings of every race, religion, nationality and creed have been lost during these tragedies. The power of our diversity has been sapped by misunderstandings, prejudices, and suspicions. The adolescent era of humanity has been very painful and costly. For thousands of years, we have been killing each other and justifying our selfish conduct in the name of God, race, religion, nationality…even in the name of freedom. Our ego has blocked our light. We have been conditioned to live in darkness. This darkness has led to an endless cycle of personal, local, and global disunity.

Now more than ever, we, the people of the world, need a collective, unifying vision to bind us together to end this era of darkness. I envision a United Nations proclamation declaring September 11 to be World Unity Day, to kindle the Light of Unity in the heart of all humanity. It will acknowledge the past with forgiveness and celebrate a new beginning with universal acceptance, association and appreciation toward an era of oneness in diversity. The foundation upon which we build world unity must be based on the principle of oneness that we are all children of one God, expressions of one spirit, members of one race and citizens of one country, and the roots of our oneness are celebrated in the beauty and power of our diversity.

More specifically, the main purpose of this book is the following:
- Plant the seeds of understanding, unity and love in the heart of every human being
- Be like a lens and gather thousands of rays of light of unity and love to illuminate the heart of humanity
- Promote personal, local and global unity
- Promote a world of ideas to bridge between the East and West
- Promote world wide debate, dialogue, association, acceptance, appreciation
- Promote a vision of unity that transcends race, religion, nationally and gender
- Promote spirituality and the oneness of spirituality
- Promote the blend of best ideals of every race, religion, nation and gender
- Promote a world unity conference as a common project among all universities
- Promote building of peace universities around the world to promote peace, democracy, a culture based on world unity
- Promote September 11 as World Unity Day


Dr. Hooshmand Kalayeh

The Light of Unity Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of an exceptional book entitled The Light of Unity. This book is a simple reminder that we all are separated as the rays of sun on earth but also, like the rays of sun, we all have come from a common Source. Therefore, the main purpose of this book is to be like a lens and gather the millions of scattered rays of Spiritual Sun from around the world to cure the blight on our personal, local and global unity.

About the Author:
Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh's country of origin is Iran but he considers himself as a world citizen! He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. He is currently working as a Senior Scientist at ITT Company. Hooshmand is the founder of The Light of Unity. He is the organizer of 1998 Unity Day in Wilmington, DE and his 2002 dedication for the cause of unity has led to an official public declaration of September 11 as World Unity Day in Rochester, Buffalo and the District of Columbia. Hooshmand is also the author of the World Unity Proclamation, Petition

Title: The Light of Unity
Author: Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh
Occupation: Scientist, Ph.D.
Publisher: Publish America

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006


[GMW #933] Education and Inducation For Life Long Learning

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[GMW #933] Education and Inducation For Life Long Learning
Tuesday 25 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6277 ~

There is need for a Life-long Education Curriculum because there is so much more information needed by adults.

To education we should add inducation, the continued education of adults.

Yes, there is urgent need for life-long information and ways of fulfillment of adults until the end of their lives.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I love all my children but with different loves, each adapted to the child’s particular nature. Thus is God’s love for all His children on Earth.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

I should have called my book, "New Genesis, Shaping a Global Spirituality". "United Nations, The Birth of a Global Soul".

Dear Robert,
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your 'Happiness' book and
for putting me in touch with Dr Coue's 'Self Mastery' book. You have
given me a view of the UN that I could not acquire anywhere else and
that I value deeply.
Thank you,

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Monday, April 24, 2006


[GMW #932] Creating Peaceful Cooperating Communities Throughout Earth

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[GMW #932] Creating Peaceful Cooperating Communities Throughout Earth
Monday 24 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |


~ Idea 288 ~ 24 April 1995

We must create on this Earth human peaceful, cooperating communities around common natural, geographic features: for example an Arctic Community, and Antarctic community, a North Atlantic Community, a Pacific Community, a Mediterranean Community, an Andean Community, a Middle East Community, etc.

The military should not have the monopoly of a NATO and a SEATO.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Sometimes I wish there was something greater than words to express the magnificence, the miracle of life and of our planet. That is the role of art, of music. Remembered will be only those who chanted that magnificence. Beethoven, Mozart and other great classics will never be forgotten.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

Sometimes I wish there was something greater than words to express the magnificence, the miracle of life and of our planet. That is the role of art, of music. Remembered will be only those who chanted that magnificence. Beethoven, Mozart and other great classics will never be forgotten.

UN delegates and staff members should read the prophecies and deep spiritual insights of the United Nations' Guru, Sri Chinmoy. The young people who are looking to oriental sages and spiritual seers for enlightenment should also turn to him who has come from India to interpret the spiritual journey of the United Nations.

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Friday, April 21, 2006


[GMW #931] Each of Us Is Born for the Whole World & Universe - Our Home, The Incredible,Breathtaking Temple of Our Life

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[GMW #931] Each of Us Is Born for the Whole World & Universe - Our Home, The Incredible,Breathtaking Temple of Our Life
Friday 21 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |


~ Idea 2456 ~
I was brought to a sacred place of the world, Mt. Rasur in Costa Rica to tell my human brothers and sisters that none of us was born for a specific corner or nation of the Earth, but that the whole world and universe are our home, the incredible, breathtaking temple of our life.

We are all transient but very vital cosmic agents in the evolution of the universe. We are all living cells of the total heavens, of the Earth and of humanity. This is what all great prophets and founders of religions have told us. What a great, incredible privilege it is to be alive and human, especially on the eve of a new century and millennium.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Today is a good day to love. Every day is.
We love to live, (a gypsy proverb).

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

We must teach children to love this planet and their human family more than any group claiming their allegiance.

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Jung

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Recent Guesdbook Entries:

Jordan from Jackson, WY
Peace on Earth an goodwill towards man

maryann from Portland, OR
We DO love you, Robert Muller, we hold the dream of Peace for all the children of LIght!

NANCY from Kokomo, IN

Sig from Robertstown,GA.."new occasions teach new duties, time makes ancient good uncouth;they must upward still and onward, who would keep abreast of truth" James Russell Lowell (d.1891)...thank you, Mullers, for keeping on speaking truth.

Lin from Santa Barbara (CA). What a wonderful Sunday March 19 at your sharing of these inspiring ideas in santa barbara, california. THANK YOU.

Sandra from Fort Wayne (IN). Vision: One World, One Dream, In the Spirit of Unity.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Thursday, April 20, 2006


[GMW #930] Publish Your Wisdom - The Journal Is Key To Experiencing the Joy of Living and Writing

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[GMW #930] Publish Your Wisdom - The Journal Is Key To Experiencing the Joy of Living and Writing
Thursday 20 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |

Planet Of Hope

Hidden wisdom is no good. Every wise person must publish their wisdom through speaking, writing, action, story telling at every stage of their life.
Don't be only consumers. don't read newspapers and books or watch television all the time. Produce something. Write down yhour thoughts, feelings, and memories. It will validate your life and make you feel great.
The most fundamental form of writing is the journal as a means of observing the functioning of your being, your heart, your mind, and your senses in relation to the surrounding world, the living and the dad, the past, the present, and the future. The journal is the key, the great secret, to experiencing the joy of writing and living.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Refuse to live in homes, in schools, in factories, in offices, in hospitals without windows. Do not let yourself be cut off from nature, the sun and the heavens. We have a fundamental right to them.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

For centuries the religions have claimed the allegiance of the people, promising them paradise but in reality causing some of the bloodiest wars on this planet. Now nations are doing the same and again the people fall for it. Do we never learn anything from history? Dear people, it is high time that you proclaim your allegiance to the planet and to the human family. Politics and governments must become the servants of that higher allegiance.

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

135 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006


[GMW #929] A World Security System With Effective Disarmament

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[GMW #929] A World Security System With Effective Disarmament
Wednesday 19 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch |

New Blog:
Dutch From Toon: Last week I undertook to translate in Dutch the ' Ten Commandments to all Humans' as formulated by the Honourable Robert Mueller. I have tried to do so for the blog. A translation in Dutch of 'My Commitments' is also on the blog.Please do not hesitate to have my translation checked by other Dutch speakers.

Send translations of your favorite Good Morning World ideas and dreams from Robert so they can be posted to a blog of the translated language. Please include the GMW #.


Introduction (Ideas 301 to 400)

3. Absolute necessity for a World Security System

The United Nations Charter established a Military Staff Committee of the Security Council in which the heads of the armies of the five permanent members were supposed to come up with a world security system whereafter they would turn to the disarmament of the planet.

This sensible way was cut short by the cold war, and still has not been revived since the end of that war. If the five permanent members of the Security Council do not comply with this requirement of the UN Charter, the Secretary General of the UN should come up with his proposals for a world security system allowing effective disarmament thereafter. It is gratifying that the Worldwide Consultative Association of Retired Generals and Admirals has taken up that task and has come up with proposals for a world and regional security system.

My own proposals for a world security system include the creation at the United Nations of a World Peace Room similar to the War Room of NATO to monitor all potential conflicts and inform immediately the Security Council and the Secretary-General. Another proposal is to create an instantaneous telecommunications system between the Secretary General and all heads of states, open day and night. There are several other proposals in these 2000 ideas.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The government of a great country announced the creation of a panel to prevent nuclear terrorism by individuals against cities and civilian populations. This is a strange decision by a country which holds practically every city on Earth under its nuclear threat. Should one not call such countries ‘nuclear terrorists’? This reminds me of this famous passage in St. Augustine’s City of God:

When Alexander the Great asked a captured pirate what he meant by infesting the sea, the pirate boldly answered: “and what do you mean by warring on the whole world? I do my fighting on a tiny ship, and they call me a pirate; you do yours with a large fleet, and they call you a commander.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

What is my greatest wish for the UN?

That the world will increase immensely its support for it, so that all humanity can be ushered peacefully into the next millennium.

For centuries the religions have claimed the allegiance of the people, promising them paradise but in reality causing some of the bloodiest wars on this planet. Now nations are doing the same and again the people fall for it. Do we never learn anything from history? Dear people, it is high time that you proclaim your allegiance to the planet and to the human family. Politics and governments must become the servants of that higher allegiance.

We must teach children to love this planet and their human family more than any group claiming their allegiance.

Robert Muller responds to World Heritage Day

Dear Linda,
Your April 18 International Monument Day is marvelous, a significant contribution to human happiness. Thank you for sending it to Barbara and me.
It reminds me of a remark of U Thant, "In every capital I visit they take me to a Monument to the Unknown Soldier, but never to the Monument for the Unknown Peacemaker."
Where are also are monuments to women? Barbara and I have one to Eleanor Roosevelt at the University for Peace in Costa Rica.
And why for 60 years did we have only men as Secretary Generals of the United Nations and never a woman? That is my dream that a woman will be the glorious next United Nations Secretary General.
Warm Embraces, Robert Muller
PS We need an agency for injustices and of the not yet achieved dreams for a better world..just a thought..
In a message dated 4/18/2006 12:29:17 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Dear Friends,
There are many Environment Days in the year we can celebrate. Today is one of them!
April 18 World Heritage Day - Environment includes not just the natural surroundings but also the human made ones.
World Heritage is the shared wealth of humankind. Protecting and preserving this valuable asset demands the collective efforts of the international community. This special day offers an opportunity to raise the public's awareness about the diversity of cultural heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as draw attention to its vulnerability.
The International Day for Monuments and Sites was created on 18th April, 1982, by ICOMOS and later approved at the 22nd UNESCO General Conference in 1983. This special day offers an opportunity to raise public’s awareness concerning the diversity of the world’s heritage and the efforts that are required to protect and conserve it, as well as to draw attention to its vulnerability.

There are many monuments in the world we can think about on this day -- these include:
The Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, the Pyramids and Sphinx, the Temples of Malta, the statues of Easter Island, Machu Picchu, the Mayan Temples, Angkor Wat, the Colosseum in Rome, the Great Wall of China, the Parthenon, and so many more they can't be listed here. You can find information on the internet easily and hopefully on this day many people will join in celebrating our wonderful World Heritage.
Linda Strickler
Peace Ambassador in Universal Peace Circle

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134 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006


[GMW #928] Shifting Allegiance From Quarrelling Nations To One Great Love For The World

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[GMW #928] Shifting Allegiance From Quarrelling Nations To One Great Love For The World
Tuesday 18 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6449 ~

From an interviewer, whose name I forget, at The Hague Peace Conference in 1998:
“I had interviewed Robert Muller a dozen times during the previous five years. At the Hague Appeal for Peace, I watched him light up audience after audience with his audacious humor and his energetic, creative mind. He was almost 80 years old and he still inspired hope and courage everywhere he spoke.

He’s more than a man, I realized. Muller had worked for enlightened world governance so long that he embodied the spirit of public service, but his lifelong commitment to peace had lifted him another notch. Robert Muller was a prophet.

If there is to be a civilized world in another hundred years, Muller’s words will ring out like a clarion. His ideas, his spiritual fortitude, and his passion for life will leave an indelible impression on future generations. He will be remembered as a visionary whose message during a time of transition laid the foundation for humanity’s shift of allegiance from too many quarrelling nations to one great love for the world.

Robert Muller’s life makes sense of the 20th Century. The more time that passes, the brighter his light will shine.”
How wonderful and gratifying it is to receive such compliments!

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Planet Earth is the only one we got. We better take good care of it.
There is deep happiness in the mere expectation of a forthcoming happiness. This is part of individual futurology. Humans have the wonderful capacity to look forward, to live in the future, to expect, to plan and to dream. This is a manifestation of the will for life. Our expectations of the future are much more positive than negative; if not, the certainty of death would destroy all our efforts and illusions. Humans are a very positive species.
The human species should take it a little bit more easy. We have a lot of time before us.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

In response to the Secretary General's appeal for the fortieth anniversary of the UN, Canada, the USSR and a number of other ,countries convened meetings of some of their best minds to review the UN at forty. I pray that on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary in 1995, all countries of the world will follow this example

From: Douglas Gillies. I think you'll enjoy my description of the Glorious Beings Award ceremony on Good Friday at :

April 14, 2006. Glorious Beings Award

Frank Kelly asked me to present the 1st Annual Glorious Beings Award to Robert and Barbara Muller on Good Friday at the Santa Barbara Music Academy. Frank is a great sage at 92 years old, a prolific writer, co-founder of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation and the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, and a speech writer who helped Harry Truman win the Presidential election in 1948.

When I first heard that there was to be a celebration of the Glorious Beings Award, my mind had to stretch to embrace that concept because glory is a word that most of us don't use very often. It is so lofty that it almost seems like we'll get into trouble if we use such a word anywhere but in church. Yet Frank Kelly has spoken of glorious beings for all the years that I have known him. He describes the people who come to see him and attend his gatherings as glorious beings. Whenever Frank uses that expression, a part of me wants to stretch a little higher so that I can comprehend what he is saying.

After we enjoyed an evening of masterful music played by Stephen Kelly, Carol Manzi, Ray Tischer, accompanied by performances of Misa Kelly and Devyn Duex in the beautiful surroundings of the Music Academy, we turned a page in the human story.

Webster's Dictionary falls all over itself trying to capture a definition for glory:
--lofty praise extended by common consent
--worshipful honor
--an occasion of jubilant pride
--a source of intense joy
--a highly distinguished, splendid quality

Glorious carries the theme even higher. Even the adjectives need adjectives:
--marked by great beauty or splendor
--extremely pleasant
--intensely delightful
--highly enjoyable
--archaic: hilariously drunk

We took a step on Good Friday. Glory is a concept that usually refers to something that is bestowed upon us. If we're lucky and we are in the right place at the right time and we have the necessary skill, glory might move through us. Now Frank has turned a new page in the story and glory has become a quality to be found within a human being. I believe that he takes us to a new stage in human evolution. There has never been, until now, an acknowledgment of people as glorious beings. There wasn't space for it; it wasn't appropriate. We didn't deserve it and if we had tried to claim it for ourselves we would have found ourselves in a lot of trouble--until Frank smiled that Frank Kelly smile and said, "It's time to acknowledge the first Glorious Beings."

This award is a fitting acknowledgment to Robert and Barbara Muller, but it is also a gift to humankind from the state of being that Frank Kelly has achieved during his lifetime. It was a great honor for me to stand on that stage and try to reach with my mind through my heart in the direction of what Frank had been talking about for all these years.

It so happened that the award was going to my two dearest friends, so that gave me an added incentive to try to bring the audience to a level where I could point to those two glorious beings. I met Barbara Gaughen in 1985 in San Francisco when I came home after a long day of work. She was sitting on the couch in my living room, a house guest for the weekend. As a trial lawyer, I was involved in the world's largest lawsuit and I was working 18-hour days writing a summary judgment motion to get our client out of the case. I wasn't feeling glorious, but I think I was starting to feel that I might be heading towards great, which is a long way from glory.

I found Barbara in my living room, and I asked her, "What do you do?" She said, "I help people figure out their life purpose." I didn't need any of that because I was a lawyer, but I was curious, so I said, "How do you do that?" She said, "It's a two-day workshop I give, but we could probably do it in about an hour."

It was only 8:00 o'clock, so what the heck. We went through the exercise and I began to experience what I now can describe as a glorious being. At the end of the hour, she asked, "So what percentage of your potential are you using as a trial lawyer?" It was such a simple question, and yet it was the only question that could have changed my life as dramatically as it did. I said, "I don't know, perhaps 15%."

On the subway ride to my office the next morning, I wondered what I was going to tell the other lawyers. I couldn't tell them that I was going to quit law and start writing books and making movies and try to save the world. They would have thrown me out. So when I met with my associates I said, "I've decided to go into business." They all nodded and smiled, because lawyers think that if they go into business they'll make the real money, and that allowed me to transition out of my office gracefully.

Years went by, and I met Barbara again at a meeting in Santa Barbara, where she became the champion of the La Casa Invitational, an event which I produced with her encouragement for the next three years. Each year, the Board of La Casa de Maria selected a host who had asked a profound question to be addressed by 80 guests during a five-day conference. Robert Muller asked the question for our second Invitational, "What is the meaning of life; what is the meaning of death?" The following year, Jean Houston was the host and she asked, "What is the grail of a new story that will lead us out of the wasteland and into a greening?" But the first year, our question was "How can we speed up the shift to wholistic thinking?"

Near the end of that first Invitational in 1994, Barbara said, "In July, it will be 2,000 days to the year 2000. Let's work together to come up with one idea each day for a better world, and by the year 2000 we'll have 2,000 ideas for a better world.

Robert Muller stood up and said, "I'll do it." That's when Robert Muller and Barbara Gaughen became a couple.

Robert and Barbara Muller at the Glorious Beings Award.

That was in 1994; this is 2006. Do the math. If Robert had kept going, he would now be up to 4,400 ideas for a better world, but no. Robert Muller has published 6,900 Ideas for a Better World. They arrive on my computer each day by email. Jean Houston reads them on Good Morning World every day. I read them. It's hard to wrap my mind around one of Robert's ideas, but Robert has been knocking them out at the rate of almost two a day for the past 12 years. It's a glorious being who can see a world that we will strive towards during the next 1,000 years and report the details as if he's reading the letters coming out of the sky. It takes a glorious being like Barbara to ask one question that can change the course of your life.

We don't walk down the street and see glorious beings--not most of us, not yet. We see the weight, we see the clothes, the eyes, the lipstick. We make our judgments, we evaluate each other as we pass each other on the street. Frank Kelly is saying to us, "Look deeper. Everywhere you look you will see glorious beings."

That's the gift Frank has given us. I can look up and I can see ahead of me Barbara and Robert Muller travelling into that glorious light, and that's why they have received the 1st Annual Glorious Beings Award. But standing on top of the mountain with his arms wide open to greet them, naturally living in the glory, is Frank Kelly.

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

134 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Monday, April 17, 2006


[GMW #927] World Prizes To Recompense Advances In Peace and World Cooperation

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[GMW #927] World Prizes To Recompense Advances In Peace and World Cooperation
Monday 17 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog |
Good Morning World is happy to announce our new blog in Tagalog a language of the Philippines. Teresa is the latest GMW team member translating from English to Tagalog.


~ Idea 1920 ~

I recommend that the Earth Council, the new body created by the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the Environment should give every year a number of great prizes to people and institutions who have done something very remarkable to preserve the environment, to beautify the Earth, or who have come up with remarkable, impactful, successful new ideas. They should be tantamount to Nobel Prizes for Peace with the Earth.

More generally: why don't the 185 governments of the United Nations create substantial world prizes to recompense major advances in peace and world cooperation? A small contribution of 100,000 dollars a year per nation would represent a total of 18.5 million dollars for United Nations Prizes. They could be a major instrument for world progress in many fields such as peace, human rights, the environment, etc. I suggest that the Secretary General or a member government inscribe the subject of World Prizes on the agenda of the General Assembly 2000.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Healthy people have a better chance to get healthy leaders.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

The Three Supreme Commandments

You shall love the God of the universe with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.

You shall love your beautiful, miraculous planet and treat it with infinite care.

You shall love your human brothers and sisters as yourself.

There are no greater commandnents than these.

Dear Robert,

I first met you in 1986 when you spoke at the first John Denver/Tom Crum sponsored "Choices of the Future Symposium" at Snow Mass, CO. You inspired me then and you inspire me now, twenty years later. I think you might enjoy the lyrics to a song I wrote in 1985. I believe we are on the same cosmic wave length!

Wishing you and Barbara love, peace, joy, and hope.....Breeze


I choose joy every minute of every hour.
I choose joy every hour of every day.
I choose joy and it gives me greater power
to live my life is a peaceful loving way.

I choose joy in sunshine and in rain.
I choose joy with loss as well as gain.
I choose joy even when in pain!
I choose joy when it seems insane!

Joy is all I want, all I desire.
Joy's an energy that doesn't tire.
Joy's a flame that sets my soul on fire.
Joy makes my heart leap higher and higher.

I choose joy when problems surround me.
I choose joy when the answers confound me.
I choose joyous people all around me.
I choose joy, knowing I have found me.

I choose joy, always all around me!

C Breeze Bryson 1985
Words & Music
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

134 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Friday, April 14, 2006


[GMW #926] Nature Our Guide

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[GMW #926] Nature Our Guide
Friday 14 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1046 ~22 May 1997
We always think in terms of the power of human groups, their wealth, their weight, their importance, their leadership: political leaders, business leaders, military, spiritual, labour leaders, leaders of peoples' movements, local leaders, provincial leaders, national leaders, global leaders. For thousands of years we have been doing that. It is only now that all this is in upheaval, that the Earth herself, nature around us, the air, the waters, the soil and other species are becoming our guides, our demanding leaders.

Leonardo da Vinci already said that in all human affairs including art, nature should be our supreme guide.

I am glad that a World Party of Natural Law has been created in 85 countries. All other parties are on the way of becoming obsolete.

The Hindus and the great religions did not forget the heavens, the cosmos, the divine forces and laws, but they did not a give central place and role to nature, to the Earth as a manifestation of cosmic laws. Only the indigenous people around the world did. The 21st century might therefore indeed become the Century of the Indigenous People.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Evening prayer:
Thank You, O God, for having let me live one more day, for having let me see so many things, thought so many thoughts, felt so many feelings. Each day of life is one of Your incredible, heavenly, meaningful free gifts. Thank You, O God, I adore You.

We ought to have a Richter scale for conflicts and political crises, similar to that for natural tremors and earthquakes. The parties to a conflict, the politicians and the media all too often love to transform a mere tremor into an earthquake. It is just one more technique of entity promotion.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

You may ask:
"What can I do to contribute to the spirituality of the world?"
Simply this:

Decide to be a Spiritual Person

Render others spiritual

Irradiate your spirituality

Treat every moment of your life with divine respect

Love passionately your Godgiven, miraculous life

Be endlessly astonished at your brief, breathtaking conciousness of the universe

Thank God every moment for the tremendous gift of life

Lift your heart to the heavens always

Be a cosmic, divine being an integral conscious part of the universe

Contemplate with wonder the miraculous Creation all around you

Fill your body, mind, heart and soul with divine trepidation

Know that you are coming from somewhere and that you are going somewhere in the universal stream of time

Be always open to the entire universe

Know yourself and the heaven and the Earth

Act spiritually

Think spiritually

Love spiritually

Treat every person and living being with humaneness and divine respect

Pray, meditate, practice the art of spiritual living

And be convinced of eternal life and resurrection


Dearest Barbara and Robert and all GMW readers:

I would like to share with you a new PEACE CORNER or RINCÓN DE PAZ that was put together at the end of a session with elders about Spirituality and Aging For A Better Life. Each elder participating in the program learned how to make its own PEACE CORNER at home, and this photo collage is about the happy and meaningful PEACE CORNER that is now alive and getting better and better at Long Branch Recreation Center in Maryland.

Many blessings and PEACE be with you.
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Thursday, April 13, 2006


[GMW #925] Use the Cosmic Enerygy in You for the Benefit of All

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[GMW #925] Use the Cosmic Enerygy in You for the Benefit of All
Thursday 13 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Use the cosmic energy in you. attract it like a magnet for the benefit of all. Cosmic energy is seeking to build. If it feels that you are a builder, it will come to you. If you ignore it, it will flee you. We have not yet learned to use the cosmic, divine forces in and around us.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Look who is still best remembered by humankind and who has still the largest number of followers. Is it politicians? No. Is it conquerors? No. Is it rich people? No. Is it scientists? No. But remembered are philosophers, religious prophets, great visionaries, saints and artists. This should give us a clue to the most permanent human values.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

For myself, here are my creed and commitments:


1. 1 believe in the absolute sacredness, uniqueness and prodigy of each human life;

2. 1 believe that humanity on this miraculous, wondrous, lifeteeming planet has a tremendous cosmic destiny to fulfill and that a major transformation is about to take place in our evolution;

3. I believe that unprecedented life fulfillment, consciousness, transcendence, happiness and union with God and the universe are the true objectives of life. I believe that cooperation, commitment to life, altruism, and love are the means to that fulfillment;

4. 1 believe that an unprecedented, all encompassing new evolutionary agenda now faces humanity, namely;

a. The harmony between humanity and our planet.
b. The harmony and peace of the human family.
C. Our harmony with time.
d. Our harmony with the heavens.
e. Our personal, individual harmony.

5. 1 believe that the main power, inspiration and wish for this transformation rests with each of the 5.5 billion individuals of this planet;

6. 1 believe that humanity must now transcend its magnificent material and scientific achievements into the moral, affective and spiritual fields. The next frontiers of humanity will be the heart and the soul of which an even lesser percentage than that of the brain is being used;

7. 1 believe in humanity's capacity for unparalleled thinking, perception, inspiration, elevation, planning, cooperation and love for the achievement of a major transformation by the year 2000, and the advent of a peaceful, a happy and spiritual third millennium;

8. 1 believe that humanity should hold a worldwide Bimillennium. Celebration of Life in the year 2000.


I commit myself¬

1. To thank God every day for the unbelievable gift of life;

2. To take good care of the miraculous cosmic unit I have been given, physically, mentally, morally and spiritually;

3. To be a peaceful, loving, kind, happy and healthy person all my life;

4. To irradiate my peace, my happiness and my belief in life;

5. To defend the first universal, cosmic law: 'Thou shall not kill, not even in the name of a nation or a faith;

6. To give thanks to God and society for the privilege of life by contributing to a better, more just, kinder, happier and peaceful world;

7. To devote every moment of my life, every thought, every action and every movement of my heart to the transformation of our planet into a true wonder in the universe;

8. To leave behind me children, friends, actions, thoughts and works which will continue to help humanity's further ascent and transformation towards universal, cosmic, divine fulfillment.

9. To spend my spiritual life after death in doing good for my beloved planet Earth.

You are Invited to Rhapsodies for Humanity

A Benefit for Sonneblauma Danscz Theatre

Frank Kelly & Douglas Gillies present Robert Muller & Barbara Gaughen-Muller
our "Glorious Beings Award"
April 14th, 2006 8:00 pm.
Company Member Stephen Kelly - piano
Carol Ann Manzi - soprano
& Ray Tischer - viola and violin

Call (805) 569-0389 for Advance Purchases

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


[GMW #924] Exciting Work To Do - Eliminating Wars, Injustices, Violence, Poverty, Creating Joy and Happiness for Everyone

The image:

[GMW #924] Exciting Work To Do - Eliminating Wars, Injustices, Violence, Poverty, Creating Joy and Happiness for Everyone
Wednesday 12 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 1395 ~ 6 May 1998

How can we not be excited to live at a time when there remain still so many exciting things to do and problems to be solved on this magnificent planet:
eliminate all wars
eliminate all injustices
eliminate all violence
eliminate all poverty
eliminate all unnecessary destruction of nature
etc. etc.

to create joy and happiness for all humans
to love and be excited by all other living species
to increase everywhere the beauty of our planet
to make it a true paradise for our descendants.

We should draw up a genial agenda of ideals and ideas for the new century. How exciting this would be! If I were the Secretary General, I would draw up such an agenda with the input of all UN agencies and offer it to the community of nations for adoption by the UN General Assembly 2000. If not, the People's Assembly could do it.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Someday humans will realize that the United Nations is one of the greatest biological phenomena of all times, a true turning point in our planet’s and human evolution.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

The Ten Commandments to all
Groups and Institutions

1. You shall practice truth, tolerance, and respect towards each other.

2. You shall live in unity and diversity, cooperate with each other, and shall not subvert each other.

3. You shall harmonize your actions and interests with the supreme interests of our planet and of the human family.

4. You shall not produce, trade, possess, or use any arms.

5. You shall not practice violence, neither physical, verbal nor mental, and shall resolve your differences peacefully.

6. You shall never require killing, violence, or unethical behavior from your members.

7. You shall respect the United Nations Charter and the unanimous rules, recommendations, and codes of conduct and ethics agreed to by humanity universally.

8. You shall adopt internal laws and rules of ethics in accord with the supreme interests of our planet and of humanity.

9. You shall protect the sacred rights of the human person, and obey the universal human rights injunctions of the United Nations.

10. You shall ensure the internal peace, love, and happiness of your members, and live in harmony with our planet, with all humanity and with the God of the universe.

Live in the present.
Do the things that need to be done.
Do all the good you can each day.
The future will unfold.

Peace Pilgrim

You are Invited to Rhapsodies for Humanity

A Benefit for Sonneblauma Danscz Theatre

Frank Kelly & Douglas Gillies present Robert Muller & Barbara Gaughen-Muller
our "Glorious Beings Award"
April 14th, 2006 8:00 pm.
Company Member Stephen Kelly - piano
Carol Ann Manzi - soprano
& Ray Tischer - viola and violin

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006


[GMW #923] The Ultimate Objective of Human Life Is More Than Peace & Happiness

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[GMW #923] The Ultimate Objective of Human Life Is More Than Peace & Happiness
Tuesday 11 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 6188 ~

Peace is only a condition. Happiness is the fulfillment. Peace is a basic condition, but not the sole ultimate objective. What is the ultimate objective of human life? It is even more than happiness.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The big powers are naive if they think that they can forever hold the world in their grips. Just have a look at history on the duration of empires.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

I hope that the second World Parliament of Religions in 1993 will agree on a set of commandments to be addressed to all people, governments, groups and institutions. The following is a draft they could consider:

The Ten Commandments to all Humans, see GMW #923 below
The Ten Commandments to all Groups and Institutions, see GMW #924
My Creed and Commitments, see GMW #925

The Ten Commandments to all Humans

1. You shall love each other, your planet, your family, the God of the universe, and your own miraculous life with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.

2. You shall practice truth, kindness, and tolerance towards each other.

3. You shall never kill a human brother or sister, not even in the name of a nation.

4. You shall not produce, trade, wear, or use any arms or instruments of violence.

5. You shall never be violent, neither physically, verbally nor mentally.

6. You shall respect the lives, peace, happiness, and uniqueness of all your human brothers and sisters.

7. You shall cooperate with each other, help each other, inspire each other.

8. You shall contribute your peace, love, and happiness to the peace, love and happiness of the human family.

9. You shall live in harmony with yourself, with your family, with nature and your environment, with all humanity, and with the God of the universe.

10. You shall live a responsible life in accord with the supreme interests of our planet and of the human family.

You are Invited to Rhapsodies for Humanity

A Benefit for Sonneblauma Danscz Theatre

Frank Kelly & Douglas Gillies present Robert Muller & Barbara Gaughen-Muller
our "Glorious Beings Award"
April 14th, 2006 8:00 pm.
Company Member Stephen Kelly - piano
Carol Ann Manzi - soprano
& Ray Tischer - viola and violin

Call (805) 569-0389 for Advance Purchases

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Monday, April 10, 2006


[GMW #922] Building Benches of Dreams Throughout The World

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[GMW #922] Building Benches of Dreams Throughout The World
Monday 10 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 324 ~ 30 May 1995

In my Peace Park on Mt. Rasur, overlooking the University for Peace I have a bench of dreams where I ask visitors to sit, close their eyes and formulate a dream. Following a rite which was taught to me by a girl from Holland, Mara van der Lugt, one takes a pebble or stone in each hand, presses the two hands together, closes one's eyes and dreams intensely. When opening the eyes one throws one stone on the Earth, so that the sacred earth will remember the dream, and the other stone one takes home to be reminded of the dream. I wish that benches of dreams be built in many places on Earth.

Humanity and the Earth badly need our dreams. (See Ideas 729 and 749.)
Note: By 1997 about two dozen have been built around the world.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
When I was a child, to describe my love and enthusiasm for life, I used the biggest adjective I could find: I called life ‘g ttlich, i.e. divine. I never found a better one.
Care well for the garden of your life, that precious, wonderful little garden on a planet floating in the vast universe, destined to become Paradise Earth, a model to all other planets.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw humans restore God and the human person as the Alpha and Omega, reducing institutions, beliefs, politics, governments and all human entities to mere servants of God and of the people. And God saw them adopt as their supreme law: 'You shall love the God of the universe with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength. You shall love your beautiful, miraculous planet and treat it with infinite care. You shall love your human brothers and sisters as yourself. There are no greater commandments than these.'

And God said: that is good. And it was the seventh day of the Planet of God.

An optimist isn't necessarily a blithe, sappy whistler in the dark. To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. If we remember those times and places where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us energy to act and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction.

Howard Zinn

uestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Friday, April 07, 2006


[GMW #921] Nurturing Souls of Old Homes and Buildings

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[GMW #921] Nurturing Souls of Old Homes and Buildings
Friday 7 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 728 ~7 July 1996
Homes of people acquire a soul, the souls of all those who lived in them before. We must recognize these souls, feel their presence, be helped and inspired by them. We should not destroy so easily homes. We should preserve and restore them.

It is such a pity that old churches in great cities are being destroyed and replaced by skyscrapers which will never acquire a soul, because there is no spirituality in these arrogant buildings defying the Creator with God Pluto, the God of money and profit.

The only modern high building in New York which is acquiring a soul is the United Nations. This is why, whenever I visit it as an elder who has worked so long in it, the tears come to my eyes.

I can feel the souls of all those who have labored there for peace and a better world. Please, dear reader, respect and restore old homes. I have saved and restored two of them in my life-time.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If only all people would try to know what their name means, what the name of their village, city and country means. It would teach them so much about the human story.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw that nations were destroying their arms, bombs, missiles, warships and warplanes, dismantling their bases and disbanding their armies, keeping only policemen of peace to protect the good from the bad and the normal from the mad.

And God said: that is good. And it was the sixth day of the Planet of Reason.

Here's a start for giving as much to peace as to war!
Orlando, Florida

The Peace Alliance

Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace

Floridians Lobbying for a Cabinet Level Department of Peace



Featuring: Lynn McMullen,
Dept. of Peace National Campaign Coordinator

Heart Phoenix & Jeffrey Weisberg - Board Members
Cynthia Seymour - Florida State Coordinator


Who should attend?

  • Anyone interested in organizing for your Congressional District
  • Anyone with a desire to create awareness for passage of the bill
  • Anyone interested in a vision of peace for our country and world

You will discover:

  • How to communicate your vision for peace to your Congressperson, family and friends
  • The process for getting a bill through Congress
  • How to create awareness and build coalitions to gain support for the DOP bill
  • How to respond to objections and Frequently Asked Questions
  • The next level of participation for yourself

What is the Department of Peace Campaign? - A Bill (HR 3760) and (S. 1756) to establish a U.S. cabinet-level Department of Peace (DOP) is currently in Congress. These Bills establish non-violence as an organizing principle of American society, providing the President with an array of peace-building policy options for domestic and international use. Domestically, the Department would be responsible for addressing gang and drug violence, child abuse, prison reform, domestic abuse and other issues of conflict. Internationally, the Department would gather research, analyze foreign policy and focus on non-military peaceful conflict resolution. The Bill would establish a Peace Academy modeled after the military academies that would train in conflict resolution and peace-building strategies.

Learn more at:

Your payment at the higher end helps those that can only afford to pay at the lower end.

To Register or For Questions, Contact:
Cynthia Seymour - - 954-444-9955
Heart - - 352 246-7205

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

132 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Thursday, April 06, 2006


[GMW #920] Spending At Least As Much On Peace As Is Spent On War

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[GMW #920] Spending At Least As Much On Peace As Is Spent On War
Thursday 6 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Planet Of Hope

The time absolutely must come when the world spends on peace what it now spends on war.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Even if all doors are closed to you, even if you are in prison, have no fear: call for God. God will come and awaken in you the spirit which knows no doors and barriers.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw that humans were living in harmony with their planet and in peace with one another, wisely managing their resources, avoiding waste, curbing excesses, replacing hatred with love, greed with contentment, arrogance with humility, division with cooperation, and mistrust with understanding.

And God said: that is good. And it was the fifth day of the Golden Planet.


I now have a blog for my poetry and proposals for peace. Each entry is in French with an English translation below. My recent proposals are for peace with the Middle East and the conflict with Iran. Please visit my blog, and you are are most welcome to leave a message in my world map guestbook.

French poet and writer
Messenger of the peace of Proclamation 2000 De UNESCO
Universal ambassador of peace
Prize winner of the academies: European and world of the culture and arts
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection

Posted by: Rog Rydberg, Minneapolis

View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


[GMW #919] Transforming the UN into an Earth Federal Republic Resolving Global Environmental Issues

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[GMW #919] Transforming the UN into an Earth Federal Republic Resolving Global Environmental Issues
Wednesday 5 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 2907 ~

I pray that President Clinton will leave a great mark on human history and make this brief statement at the Millennium 2000 heads of states UN Assembly:

Dear leaders of the peoples of the world,

>From the bottom of my heart I recommend most passionately and urgently the transformation of the United Nations into an Earth Federal Republic in order to solve the increasing environmental conflicts which will arise between nations in the 21st century and third millennium. I simply add my voice to that of another President of my large, federated country, President Harry S. Truman when he said:

"When Kansas and Colorado have a quarrel over the water in the Arkansas River, they don't call out the National Guard in each state and go to war over it. They bring suit in the Supreme Court of the United States and abide by the decision. There isn't a reason in the world why we cannot do that internationally. It will be just as easy for nations to get along in a republic of the world as it is to get along in the republic of the United States."

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We are all fellow-students of life.
We never cease being students of life.

Zest for life is the main motor of positive living.
Despite the daily news, ninety-nine percent of humanity did not commit any murder, act of violence or rape.
Do not nibble at the greatness of life. Gobble it.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw that humans were suppressing hunger, disease, ignorance and suffering all over the globe, providing each human person with a decent, conscious and happy life, and reducing the greed, the power and the wealth of the few.

And God said: that is good. And it was the fourth day of the Planet of Justice.

From Connie Day:


Imagine there's no heaven,
It's easy if you try,
No hell below us,
Above us only sky,
Imagine all the people
living for today...

Imagine there's no countries,
It isnt hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...

Imagine no possesions,
I wonder if you can,
No need for greed or hunger,
A brotherhood of man,
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
by John Lennon

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

132 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006


[GMW #918] Putting An End To Misery On Earth

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[GMW #918] Putting An End To Misery On Earth
Tuesday 4 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

Idea 6026
Henceforth we can no longer ignore the total sum of misery which exists on Earth. Humans must also learn what the human soul can undertake to put an end to that misery.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Our epoch is one of confrontation between beliefs from the past and new requirements of the future. These frictions must be transformed into something positive, into a learning process and unprecedented, right adaptation of our species to evolution. That is what God and the cosmos expect from us.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw that humans were loving the whole Creation, the stars and the sun, the day and the night, the air and the oceans, the earth and the waters, the fishes and the fowl, the flowers and the herbs, and all their human brethren and sisters.

And God said: that is good. And it was the third day of the Happy Planet.

Dear Barbara and Robert:

Many blessings to you. I would like to say to you and to Robert - people, wherever I go, want to listen more and more about Robert, his dreams, message and beautiful words.

Please meet Jean, a 98 1/2 (as she says) y.o. wonderful elder that comes to one of my exercise classes. Jean is showing in these photos, to everyone, how after 9 weeks coming to my exercise class, she can bent over and tied up her shoes. Jean was not able to sit or stand up on her own without the help of two caregivers. Now she is able to get up in the morning with no help and the caregivers usually find her in the shower, all by herself, etc.

Jean is amazing as many other elders that come to some of my programs and talks. I am not longer surprise of the elders I work with in the book club or exercises, etc. that are 99 + y.o. I say this to Robert and I say to him that he CAN NOT RETIRE yet! He is toooo young, and people - regular people - want to listen to his words and beautiful mind. Today more than ever we need him. So Robert, decide to be a joyful elder and keep on going...

Here is a photo collage of a recent elder exercise class:

Below is Jean who is 98 years and 1/2, with her shoes off, showing everyone ... how to do it!

Blessings and much love to Barbara and Robert

Peace be with you!

Kathy J. Ward

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

132 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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Monday, April 03, 2006


[GMW #917] Taking Good Care Of The Earth

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[GMW #917] Taking Good Care Of The Earth
Monday 3 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 2468 ~

How is it that so often in the middle of the night I wake up with this obsessive thought: why are we humans destroying this Earth? What can I do to help prevent it? After my obsession with peace in the world since World War II this has become my new main obsession since the United Nations Stockholm Conference on the Environment in 1972.

Humans born from the Earth, all made of Earth, instead of taking good care of the Earth seem to have taken a wrong way. See her complaints, her laments in many of my ideas. We must urgently change course if we don't want to bring an end to paradise Earth and to the further incredible potential evolution of this planet and of ourselves.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A child thinks that life is really beautiful and that it will become even more beautiful. It is the duty of society to fulfill that expectation.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

And God saw that soldiers of peace were separating the combatants of quarrelling nations, that differences were being resolved by negotiation and reason instead of arms, and that the leaders of nations were seeing each other, talking to each other and joining their hearts, minds, souls and strength for the benefit of all humanity.

And God said: that is good.
And it was the second day of the Planet of Peace

"There is a wonderful mythical law of nature
that the three things we crave most in life
-- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind --
are always attained by giving them to someone else."

"Emotions are the next frontier to be understood and conquered. To manage our emotions is not to drug them or suppress them, but to understand them so that we can intelligently direct our emotional energies and intentions...It's time for human beings to grow up emotionally, to mature into emotionally managed and responsible citizens. No magic pill will do it."

Doc Childre []

Dear Robert and Barbara,

Just wanted to let you know of another source of Good News. 6 Friends is currently publishing, The Friendly News, monthly, letting our readers know about what children and adults are doing all over the world to create enduring relationships across distance and diversity. The April issue has an article about teacher and student exchanges, letters from students in Rwanda and a review of the book, The Flat World ( a must read for those of us concerned about the future of this planet.). To read the current and archived editions of The Friendly News go to

Thank you for your wonderful blog. It is a daily inspiration for me.

In Peace and Friendship,

Aleia Schaum

Director of Education

6 Friends

Establishing enduring relationships across distance and diversity

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

132 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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