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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


[GMW #934] Focusing On World Changes For The Better

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[GMW #934] Focusing On World Changes For The Better
Wednesday 26 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Idea Dreams 6501-7000

~ Idea 6593 ~

There are constantly movements and changes inside nations and between nations. Added up for 192 nations they would amount to very big figures, but the actual changes in world relations and in the life of the Earth would amount to little. This matter should be taken up by the United Nations.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Idea Dreams 6501-7000,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Our thoughts give meaning to reality and the cosmic reality around us is the foundation of our thoughts. We are indissolubly interdependent with the cosmos, we are part of the whole universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 4

Isn't it strange that most peacemakers, prophets and visionaries ever had any wealth or power and were often persecuted and killed? 'This phenomenon has been so consistent throughout history right into modern times that there must be a law to it. I believe the law is this:

Evolution brings to the fore a small number of visionaries - men, 'omen and recently also institutions such as the United Nations and le University for Peace - which have no power, no money and are being accused of idealism, naivete and irreality. These visionaries are persecuted and killed when they become too effective. Nevertheless, they are the harbingers and pathfinders of the coming age, and sooner or later are proved to be right and do succeed.

At the same time evolution produces masses of people and institutions which cling to the past, to power, money, armies, values and education in order to assert the past and oppose the prophets and visionaries.

The reason is simple. Evolution does not want to go too fast, or it would create havoc with the great masses of people who could not take it.

Prophets, visionaries and peacemakers must therefore accept their original, difficult role as being quite natural and must not expect immediate results. But they can be very relaxed as they will win against all armies, powers, wealth and mis-education.

When I exposed this view to the depressed Secretary-General after a day of harassments, he looked at me gently and said: “You always find a way to cheer me up."


Dear Dr. Robert Muller,

I hope this note finds you in state of perfect peace.

On April 24, 2006, a friend of mine wrote to me and said, "I believe you might find in Dr. Robert Muller a soul brother."

My dear brother,
I have not seen you for years,
I have so much to share.
I heard that you really care,
People like you are very rare.
I do not how and where,
I hope to see you in person or in my prayers.

“The voices of heroes of my heart who scarified their lives for our freedom, spiritual union, and unity of mankind, the voice of voiceless, the voice of justice for all living beings who been ignorantly sacrificed, the voice of my human family bothers and sisters who have been prejudiced and persecuted because of the color of their race, religion, creeds, ethnicity, gender and nationality, the voice of children around the world who have been physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually starving have inspired me to write this book. This is my calling to let the whole world know where do I stand! This book is about the love story of my heart with God, Mother Earth and all humanity,” says Dr. Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh.

There is nothing more pleasing to the Father, Lord, God, Allah, Khoda, Aura Mazda and The Light of Unity than to see the day that we the people of the world, Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestant, Muslim and Christian, black and white, Iranian and American, men and women embrace one another for the great losses of all humanity and begin an era of world unity.

The time has come for us to recognize that valuing our uniqueness, unity, interdependencies and common humanity leads to creativity, productivity, cooperation and a congenial local and global community/workplace. The time has come for people of goodwill everywhere, regardless of race, religion, gender and nationality to work together like fingers of one hand to cure the blight on our unity.

The human family members have harbored so many heart-wrenching tragedies toward their brothers and sisters throughout the ages. Countless lives of innocent human beings of every race, religion, nationality and creed have been lost during these tragedies. The power of our diversity has been sapped by misunderstandings, prejudices, and suspicions. The adolescent era of humanity has been very painful and costly. For thousands of years, we have been killing each other and justifying our selfish conduct in the name of God, race, religion, nationality…even in the name of freedom. Our ego has blocked our light. We have been conditioned to live in darkness. This darkness has led to an endless cycle of personal, local, and global disunity.

Now more than ever, we, the people of the world, need a collective, unifying vision to bind us together to end this era of darkness. I envision a United Nations proclamation declaring September 11 to be World Unity Day, to kindle the Light of Unity in the heart of all humanity. It will acknowledge the past with forgiveness and celebrate a new beginning with universal acceptance, association and appreciation toward an era of oneness in diversity. The foundation upon which we build world unity must be based on the principle of oneness that we are all children of one God, expressions of one spirit, members of one race and citizens of one country, and the roots of our oneness are celebrated in the beauty and power of our diversity.

More specifically, the main purpose of this book is the following:
- Plant the seeds of understanding, unity and love in the heart of every human being
- Be like a lens and gather thousands of rays of light of unity and love to illuminate the heart of humanity
- Promote personal, local and global unity
- Promote a world of ideas to bridge between the East and West
- Promote world wide debate, dialogue, association, acceptance, appreciation
- Promote a vision of unity that transcends race, religion, nationally and gender
- Promote spirituality and the oneness of spirituality
- Promote the blend of best ideals of every race, religion, nation and gender
- Promote a world unity conference as a common project among all universities
- Promote building of peace universities around the world to promote peace, democracy, a culture based on world unity
- Promote September 11 as World Unity Day


Dr. Hooshmand Kalayeh

The Light of Unity Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of an exceptional book entitled The Light of Unity. This book is a simple reminder that we all are separated as the rays of sun on earth but also, like the rays of sun, we all have come from a common Source. Therefore, the main purpose of this book is to be like a lens and gather the millions of scattered rays of Spiritual Sun from around the world to cure the blight on our personal, local and global unity.

About the Author:
Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh's country of origin is Iran but he considers himself as a world citizen! He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. He is currently working as a Senior Scientist at ITT Company. Hooshmand is the founder of The Light of Unity. He is the organizer of 1998 Unity Day in Wilmington, DE and his 2002 dedication for the cause of unity has led to an official public declaration of September 11 as World Unity Day in Rochester, Buffalo and the District of Columbia. Hooshmand is also the author of the World Unity Proclamation, Petition

Title: The Light of Unity
Author: Hooshmand Mahmood Kalayeh
Occupation: Scientist, Ph.D.
Publisher: Publish America

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Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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