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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, April 14, 2006


[GMW #926] Nature Our Guide

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[GMW #926] Nature Our Guide
Friday 14 April 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 1046 ~22 May 1997
We always think in terms of the power of human groups, their wealth, their weight, their importance, their leadership: political leaders, business leaders, military, spiritual, labour leaders, leaders of peoples' movements, local leaders, provincial leaders, national leaders, global leaders. For thousands of years we have been doing that. It is only now that all this is in upheaval, that the Earth herself, nature around us, the air, the waters, the soil and other species are becoming our guides, our demanding leaders.

Leonardo da Vinci already said that in all human affairs including art, nature should be our supreme guide.

I am glad that a World Party of Natural Law has been created in 85 countries. All other parties are on the way of becoming obsolete.

The Hindus and the great religions did not forget the heavens, the cosmos, the divine forces and laws, but they did not a give central place and role to nature, to the Earth as a manifestation of cosmic laws. Only the indigenous people around the world did. The 21st century might therefore indeed become the Century of the Indigenous People.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Evening prayer:
Thank You, O God, for having let me live one more day, for having let me see so many things, thought so many thoughts, felt so many feelings. Each day of life is one of Your incredible, heavenly, meaningful free gifts. Thank You, O God, I adore You.

We ought to have a Richter scale for conflicts and political crises, similar to that for natural tremors and earthquakes. The parties to a conflict, the politicians and the media all too often love to transform a mere tremor into an earthquake. It is just one more technique of entity promotion.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 9

You may ask:
"What can I do to contribute to the spirituality of the world?"
Simply this:

Decide to be a Spiritual Person

Render others spiritual

Irradiate your spirituality

Treat every moment of your life with divine respect

Love passionately your Godgiven, miraculous life

Be endlessly astonished at your brief, breathtaking conciousness of the universe

Thank God every moment for the tremendous gift of life

Lift your heart to the heavens always

Be a cosmic, divine being an integral conscious part of the universe

Contemplate with wonder the miraculous Creation all around you

Fill your body, mind, heart and soul with divine trepidation

Know that you are coming from somewhere and that you are going somewhere in the universal stream of time

Be always open to the entire universe

Know yourself and the heaven and the Earth

Act spiritually

Think spiritually

Love spiritually

Treat every person and living being with humaneness and divine respect

Pray, meditate, practice the art of spiritual living

And be convinced of eternal life and resurrection


Dearest Barbara and Robert and all GMW readers:

I would like to share with you a new PEACE CORNER or RINCĂ“N DE PAZ that was put together at the end of a session with elders about Spirituality and Aging For A Better Life. Each elder participating in the program learned how to make its own PEACE CORNER at home, and this photo collage is about the happy and meaningful PEACE CORNER that is now alive and getting better and better at Long Branch Recreation Center in Maryland.

Many blessings and PEACE be with you.
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

133 entries since 12 Dec 2005.
Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia
is yet to be represented on the guestbook map.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Prophet Cover
The Life of Robert Muller
by Douglas Gillies
To order: Phone: 800-942-7617. For those of you who are interested in my life, there is a beautiful biography which I love very much. Order from .
- Robert Muller
Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

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