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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Thursday, June 02, 2005


[GMW #700A] World Property Organization Showing What Belongs To Whom

[GMW #700A] World Property Organization Showing What Belongs To Whom
Thursday 2 June 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 113 ~31 October 1994
We must do what the young French revolutionaries did for France at the time: establish a world "Cadastre," or world property record showing what belongs to whom, one of the most basic official documents in most countries. It would show what the world's common properties are: the seas and oceans beyond national jurisdiction (two thirds of the planet's surface), the moon, outer-space, the upper atmosphere, the inner core of the Earth; it should show national properties, state or provincial properties, municipal properties, religious properties, business properties, civic associations properties, individual properties.

We have already a World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in the United Nations system. It deals with authors’ rights, patents, inventions and copyrights in the world. We need to make it the World Property Organization covering also the full range of real estate.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
At the beginning of human evolution, knowledge and love were synonymous. Then they became separate. Nothing could be more important than to reunite them again.
There are so many ways of learning: seeing, thinking, reading, meditating, doing, touching, listening, praying, associating with learned people. Like an octopus, we must use all our God-given tools.
Ours is basically a despiritualized world:

there is no global spirituality
there is no world religion
there is no world religious institution
there is no common God
there are no world saints
there are no world prophets
there are no world miracles
there are no world sanctuaries and pilgrimages
there are no world religious holidays

We should work on all these items.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The United Nations was for me a universal home, the most extraordinary school on Earth. It aggrandized me from a narrow national being (once French, once German) to belonging to the entire planet and human family. This is why I pray so much that the United Nations will be transformed into the united nation of all peoples of this Earth

Learning Spanish With Roberto's Frases Doradas - Robert's Golden Sayings
By Kathy Ward

This is one of the most fun and interesting ways to learn Español. I gave the students in the Elder's Spanish class Frases Doradas and Robert Golden Sayings. Some have the book in English, some in Spanish. I asked them to choose a page randomly and choose a 'short' saying, one of the elders reads it to the class and then as a group and using the dictionaries we translate the saying. Of course, they want more, so we stop and talk about 'what Robert is saying' ...

Piensa con el corazón
Ve con el corazón
Eschucha con el corazón
Siente con el corazón
Actúa con el corazón
Habla con el corazón
Por que el amor es la capacidad humana más alta, fuerte y duradera.

... so Gertrude said... this is what is also called 'to be a human and act like a human'

Luis reading Robert Golden Sayings in English for the group to translate the saying from English into Spanish.

Gertrudis reading in Spanish and the group is now working with the dictionaries and translating into English.

In every class we are going to invest the first 20 minutes translating Robert's Golden Sayings... I just love to hear their comments and see their eyes as they brain process Robert's words, and then ... here it comes... their comments they too possess golden sayings.

Peace be with you!

Kathy J. Ward

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