| | | [GMW #720] A Future Approach - Doing More & Doing Less - For The Better | Thursday 29 June 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English • Portuguese • Español | | Earth's Ecology | ~ Idea 3925 ~ One thing one would expect to be a logical policy of the United Nations and of governments would be to divide the world into basically two major regions: one, the very 'advanced' regions which might now face soon a total breakdown in future evolution; two, the other regions in the world where there is still a long leeway for further evolution. A whole new approach to the future could be taken by looking at the planet from that point of view. Where could one do more and should one do more? And where should one stop and do less? To begin with there would be the enormous categories of the seas and oceans, of the north and south poles, of the arid desert regions and of the mountains. Yes, to look at the world from a biological, geobiological, natural and man-made point of view. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | “Your new book New Genesis has challenged me even more to join in with your efforts to bring love, beauty and happiness into our world ” Yes, this should be the world community’s agenda, but these words are seldom heard in the speeches of world leaders. We must restore the words love, beauty and happiness into the political language. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | My God, how dearly I have loved this planet and humanity! Please allow me to come back as a spirit to provoke the heads of states into the right directions! * | | A Meaningful Conversation with Remarkable Elders Robert Muller's Video Presentation -Conversations with Remarkable People And A Phone Conversation With Robert and Barbara http://goodmorningworld.org/rmevideo/ What a wonderful afternoon program with 28 elders, 3 staff members and 1 family member from Brighton Gardens at Friendship Hights in Maryland. Today we gathered in the Movie Theatre Room to talk about PEACE and how elders can contribute to the betterment of their communities, families and the world. We decided to first watch Dr. Robert Muller's video and listen to his views, ideas and dreams for a better world for everyone. Then at 2:55 p.m. Surprise!!! Barbara and Robert Muller were on the phone ready to speak to our elders, the phone danced from hand to hand everyone with tears in their eyes saying - is Dr. Muller on the phone?, I said "Yes, say hi Robert and talk with him." So they did. One of the elders said to Robert ..." oh you are doing a great work for this world and you will live many many more years." Robert ended his telephone visit by playing Ode to Joy by Beethoven using his harmonica. Views from our elders after LISTENING to Robert Muller: - He is so positive that makes me feel better.
- Robert told me on the phone he is 82 years old, he is just a kid. I am 94 and still can dance.
- I wish we could have more programs like this one on television. An inspiration to keep living and to be happy.
- Every person is responsible for making a better world by planting the seeds of patience, love and honesty deeply in the human heart. This is the education that Robert Muller is talking about and I agree with him. This is the kind of education we should help our children to pass on to our grandchildren.
- The rule for a happy life is the ability to live harmoniously with other people. To have PEACE we must enjoy PEACE in our own minds.
- We should not cling blindly to the traditions, customs, manners and rituals practiced by our forefathers or ancestors who adopted these practices according to their beliefs and understanding capacity.
- You may think that by raising your temper, showing an ugly face, and shouting at others, you can intimidate others into overlooking your shortcomings. This is a false and wrong attitude to adopt. Rudeness, yelling, anger and swearing are a weak man's imitation of strength.
- We--all of us--sincerely congratulate you Robert for bring PEACE and LOVE to our lives today.
- Healing the environment ... I like that. I will tell my family to be more mindful when they go on vacation not to hurt nature.
- Robert Muller is an example of the EVOLUTION of humanity.
Here are some photos of our beautiful event with elders. |  Elders from Brighton Gardens, Maryland gathered to watch "Robert Muller: Conversations with Remarkable People." |  And Robert said in the video, about Global Spirituality; "There will be world peace if we all have the same spiritual frame work." Margot 93 years old said "Of course, how meaningful and inspirational." |  And Robert said in the video, about Global Spirituality; "There will be world peace if we all have the same spiritual frame work." Margot 93 years old said "Of course, how meaningful and inspirational." |  Gladys said "We will always have each other and the most important thing we can always do is help one another." |  Lilian 89 said "How beautiful, he makes me feel better." In the back June 94 said "I love Dr. Muller ... he is just a kid, his words can not be more pure and kind." |  Dorian 91 also spoke with Robert on the telephone and then she won Robert's book in a drawing. Dorian, the happy winner. |  Mr. and Mrs. Stein in tears because she won a copy of Robert Golden Sayings. And then she said ... Can you imagine!!! |  The elders listened to Robert on the speaker phone as he played for all of us the Ode to Joy of Beethoven's 9th Symphony using his harmonica. How divine! |  From the garden of Friendship Heights to Barbara Muller for facilitating the video and helping with this beautiful event today. WE LOVE YOU Barbara !!! Peace be with you! Kathy J. Ward | | * | Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages: * Recent Guest Book Entries: * | | | | | | |