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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, June 10, 2005


[GMW #706] Religions & Cultures A Precious Asset Of Humanity - Not For Hate Or War

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[GMW #706] Religions & Cultures A Precious Asset Of Humanity - Not For Hate Or War
Friday 10 June 2005, Editor: Easy * | | Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3646 ~
I will recommend to the United Religions Initiative to compare the cosmic messages of all great, heavenly messengers, to hold services at which the words of several of them will be read.

Religions and cultures are a most precious asset of humanity. They must be well-preserved and cherished and should not hate and go to war against each other.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The beauty, culture and sharing of hearts and minds that occurs in the United Nations on a day-to-day basis is astounding and should not be measured on the yardstick of instantaneous results, as some would want.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Since I was miraculously saved during that war, my fife became a challenge to all wars. I will win, for myself, for my dead comrades, for my children and grandchildren, for our beautiful planet and for its extraordinary human race.


Dear Friends,

I come up today with an update for the Prayer ,Thank you so much for your contributions
Please check your name country name and prayer and confirm to me if its ok.
Further I request all my Peace friends to participate

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace.On completion of the prayer. I will Add Music background to the paryer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.
I request one line by each participant Please.

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.
email :


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005 (Pakistan)
May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace.

Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005 (Belgium/Japan)
Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!

Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005 (Argentina)
May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace

Bert Monterona June 4,2005 (Philipines)
Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future

Wang Feng June 5,2005(Singapore/USA)
We belong to one another, so let peace reign!

Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005 (USA)
Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens.

Rik Palieri June 5,2005 (USA)
Please grant us peace ,dignity, freedom and good health for all !

Guido Vermulen June 5,2005 (Belgium)
Like clouds, peace dreams never sleep.

Laura Mckinon June 6,2005 (USA)
May God give peace to the broken hearted and lonely people of the world and help us stand strong together

Huma Vachha June 6,2005 (India)
May we always have Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds. Humata, Huktha, Havarashta! (Good thoughts, words and deed)

Lida Sherafatmand June 6,2005 (Iran/Malta)
May the life force inside each of us be awakened to share joy and happiness with all.

Christophe Barbey June 6,2005 (Switzerland)
Humanity on Earth, all together for the good of all !

Eliana Gilad June 6,2005 (Israel)
May you know that you ARE THAT which you are seeking. Peace is your very own nature.

Gabriela Lasko June 6,2005 (Canada)
May the light of healing fill the earth with its love meeting away all anger.Shinning blessings, sparkling new day!

Luiza Brown June 6,2005 (New England)
May we hold our hearts so full of joy at the beauty of Creation that we have nothing but joy to give!

Frances Key Jacksonville 6,2005 (USA)
May we grow to see that we are one entity, and that to harm one part is
to harm the whole. May we understand that we are as stones falling into a
pond, creating ripples that affect all living things, Only then shall we strive to send forth only ripples of peace and goodwill.

Leigh Golterman June 7,2005 (USA)
Make all our leaders out there listen, as we the people want peace, please.

Linda Ipsen June 8,2005 (USA)
God loves each one of us as though there were only one of us; let all
of us experience that Love and then share it, one with the other.

Lily Haggerty June 8,2005 (Hawaii)
Peacefulness Beneath Me,Peacefulness Above Me,Peacefulness Within Me
All Around Me Peaceful

Shahnaz Behleem June 8,2005 (Pakistan/USA)
Allah !! Please help those who are in need, please spread fragrance of love every where among all humans, spread shining of peace every where in world

Bob Boxall June 8,2005 (Canada)
Peace is always ours; awaiting our acceptance.May Peace be your constant companion and may Love and Laughter your gift to the world.

Rais Neza Boneza June 8,2005 (Norway)
Amani na Mapendo Duniani (Love and Peace in World)

Serge Ayotte June 8,2005 (Canada)
Dear God, as St-Francis many years ago said, make each and all of us an Instrument of Your PEACE. Namasteā€¦

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