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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Monday, September 12, 2005


[GMW #772] Celebrations & Psychology Nurturing Entire Humanity And Earth

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[GMW #772] Celebrations & Psychology Nurturing Entire Humanity And Earth
Monday 12 September 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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~ Idea 1020 ~ 26 April 1997

A fresh look should be given to the practice of celebrations which have the virtue of bringing together humans and creating ties of sentiment from the family, the city, the nation to the entire humanity and planet. All calendars published in the world should mention celebrations. The United Nations publishes each year an updated list of world celebrations.

These will help fulfill Sigmund Freud's vision when he gave the following answer to Einstein who could not understand why humans continued to make war on each other and to produce armaments:

Freud noted that humans are divided between instincts of aggression and love. Peace would require the development of ties of sentiment among people. "The love of country has succeeded in binding people at the national level. The great new historical challenge is to develop love among all Earth inhabitants, and for the Earth itself," he said.

How right this statement is! It should open an important chapter in the new science, art and methodology of global psychology. Theses on the subject should be written by students in Universities. I am glad that a book on celebrations by Linda Grover is a current best-seller in the United States.

It is not surprising that the extreme right conservatives of the United States are against any new celebrations and world conferences by the UN. They claim that they cost too much money. Well, I hope that someone will calculate how much military celebrations in nations cost the taxpayers. That is an expense which could usefully be shifted to urgent social needs.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The human society has never been studied on a planetary scale heretofore. There are thrilling new fields open to the social sciences: global anthropology, global sociology, global psychology, global philosophy, global political science. They will help us to better understand our new social relations and evolution, and thereby contribute to a better functioning of the world society.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Positive affirmations uproot negative thoughts in us. They influence the subconscious which breeds success or failure, and shields us against external, dismal influences. This is true of individuals as it is for groups.

Therefore, if humanity repeats consistently its affirmations of peace, justice, kindness, love and brotherhood, they will become realities. This is why the UN will not fail. It is the right universal affirmative organization, miraculously born at this moment of our evolution.

A New Bench of Dreams

Here is a photo collage of today's Grandparent's Day - a Celebration of Life and Dreams:

Here are a couple of the photos from the photo collage:
A Bench of Dreams at Byron House, a community of happy elders and heart's desires for a better life, a better present and future... Here is The Bench of Dreams in a beautiful therapuetic garden where elders come daily to enjoy nature. One of our elders said "I dream for all people to be as civilized as the animals."
Ruth and Magdalene cutting the ribbon of our new Bench of Dreams.
Grandparents dreaming... 1. I dream for love to change the way we live and for our grandchildren to speak more about happiness. 2. I dream that humanity never forget to be grateful. 3. I dream of more family togetherness.
More intergenerational dreams "All Gods tell us to love one another and to take care of each other. I dream of a day that we will not fight or hate another person because of 'different believes or religions'.

The rest of the photos are here:


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