Happy birthday Robert! Chris Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld --
Happy Birthday Robert: Your proposal to move the UN from New York to Costa Rica is marvelous. My memory of Costa Rica dates back to 1959 when I walked from Progreso, Panama to La Cuesta, CR (because the road was not complete then. I felt a sense of peace as I passed through Costa Rica on my way to Nicaragua. Locating the UN in Costa Rica would change the entire venue of the UN, freeing it from U. S. dominance and making it a true uniter of nations. I have been inspired since the very founding of the UN in Dumbarton Oaks and have always looked for a peaceful world. Thank you for your dedication and daily words of encouragement. When we weep for the destruction and killing of innocent civilians in these wars as we do for our american soldiers we will have inched our way to feeling the pang of wars destruction. Charles Hinkley -- Birthday wish for Robert's 84TH Namaste Dear Robert My birthday wish for you and the planet is that during your 84th revolution around the sun ALL OF YOUR 6,000 PLUS WONDERFUL IDEAS COME TO FRUITION FOR THE EARTH AND WE TRULY HAVE A "GOOD MORNING WORLD" on Janury 1, 2008........happy earthday birthday and thank you for continuing on, continuously, with your work....silver eagle -- Happy Happy Birthday from Adele Foutz at Navajo United Methodist Center at Farmington, New Mexico -- Happy Birthday Robert! Dear Robert: I do want to send you good wishes on your upcoming birthday!!! I started recieving good morning world this winter and it has been a great great gift. I have always dreamed of peace in my heart and known it is possible. Yet, I have also let my own failures weaken me. I am learning now I must immediately forgive myself and all those around me, and put all my energies toward acting in the way i know is right in my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your vision - with love and determination. If you had been timid what would have been gained? Your vision gives me strength to carry and care for my own. I am a single mom who is starting a Montessori School in Montana. Lots to learn and I am so lucky to be able to do it! I now also have a dream of traveling to Costa Rica to the University for Peace. I wish you the happiest day, knowing all the love that surrounds you. Bev Morse -- Happy Birthday! Dear Robert: Happy, Happy Birthday to you and may God's blessings continue to shine on you. The good that you have done in the world is incalculable and will live on forever. As a member of the School of Ageless Wisdom in Arlington, Texas for many years I had the privilege of meeting you in person several times and also talked with Barbara on the telephone once regarding an immigration matter for a friend of hers. I now live in East Texas in the country surrounded by beautiful pine trees and am so grateful to have an opportunity to get acquainted with Mother Earth. Was also thrilled to be included as an author along with you and others I greatly admire on Henry Guy's Visions for Humanity website. We all pray that there are now enough of us on this great earth to finally make a big difference in the way that people see life and all events and therefore change the quality of humanity's actions. Once again, very best wishes on your 84th birthday and may you celebrate many more. In Lighted Cooperation, Nancy Connally --- anniversaire de Monsieur Muller Pour l'anniversaire de Monsieur MULLER et ses combats en faveur der la culture de la paix et de la préservation de la planète, j'offre: ce poème qui : mieux qu'un discours exprime il me semble sa philosophie de la vie. Respectueusement. Guy CREQUIE poète et écrivain français For the birthday of Mr MULLER and his combat in favor DER the culture of the peace and the safeguarding of planet, I offer: this poem which: better than a speech it expresses seems to to me its philosophy of the life. Respectfully. Guy CREQUIE French poet and writer [The poem in French & Spanish resulted in extraneous characters for the unique French and Spanish letters and have been deleted as they are unreadable. if anyone wants French of Spanish versions reply to this email and request them and they will be emailed to you.]
POEM A MY BROTHER (The human one of XXIè century) The human being Would be developed the most Having the capacity to think To modify, to anticipate the world where it saw Wolf for the man as HOBBES indicated it Simple witness of the time which passes Or actor of his time He has the panoply Service for others Construction of its own life Since God was made the redeemer of the man For the Christian Since Allah is miséricordieux The Moslems express Since Iaveh* proposes alliance According to the followers of the Judaism Since each human being lays out Possibility of activating its state of Buddha The Buddhists indicate Since spiritualities of India and China The smiles and interior wisdom cause Since the man is an end and not a simple means For the free thinkers Then why: Not to dream to see the blue sky on the ground The glare of the coral Pinks in range Sand dunes of the mirage The lagoon with the colors of emerald The glossed crystal mountain Under the luminosity of the sun Frozen water of the two poles ....................................... The producing man of direction So that live the following destinies From generation to generation Leaving in heritage: A not polluted ground Architectural richnesses Treasures of the thought, expert hand Yes of the music which connects the lives Since to reproduce is a rule of existence Like nourishing themselves and liking Then, to reflect its conditions of existence To transmit the service to the young growths Who will build tomorrow Don't they constitute a challenge of citizenship? To show that it is other glories That capacity or money The violence which degrades Or the despair which demolishes The pure war madness Whose people are only destroyed To dialog with nature This Co-partner of humanity To grow rich by our differences That of the harmony of the two sexes But also to impregnate richnesses From the five continents The rainbow of diversity Beyond the colors of skin Rites, habits, cultures and confessions The man is only one Citizen of the world Universal citizen With the service of the life Who grows it Quite invaluable, raison d'être Mankind For the dialog and the co-operation Between civilizations So that ?the multitudes live? Our next. * Is written in French ?Yahvé?: that which is. It is the name of revealed God with Moïse in the Old will. Copyright Guy CRÉQUIE -- Dear Robert, Thank you so much for continuing the good work . frederique and i wish you the very best birthday. paul pinson -- Birthday Boy A very happy birthday, Robert. May your highest and holiest dreams all come true. You are Loved, S. Minanel -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dearest Robert, My heart is jumping with joy as your birthday approaches. I?m so very happy you were born! The valuable contributions you make will continue to influence generations to come. Happy Birthday! You and my Mother were born on the same date, which makes you all the more special. Warmest wishes always to you and Barbara, Love, Sue Novato, CA USA -- A BIRTHDAY WISH FOR ROBERT. FROM NANCY & JIM RUMBAUGH -- I add my good wishes for Robert Muller's birthday. He has inspired moves around the world for humanizing and democratizing the UN and world citizens. -- Doug N Everingham Australian Health Minister 1972-75 Member, National Consultative Committee on Peace 1998-2000 -- Birthday Message for Robert Happy Birthday, Angel of Peace!
You have brought hope and transformation to many. May the light birthed in each person you've touched, shine back upon you in full force and blissfull feelings.
I was reaffirmed last night of the miraculous power of dreams, and remembered you, whom was instrumental in my transformation from apathy to joy back in 2003.
Many, Many good things we have dreamed, and Many, Many good things will come!
You are a beacon of light and we are blessed to have you among us!
Frances Yasmeen Motiwalla --
Birthday wishes
Dear Dr. Muller, For the second time already, I am privileged to be among those who send you the best wishes for your birthday. First of all I wish you a very long life for the benefit of all of us. I wish you everything what you have dreamed of, most of all happiness. I want you to know that many people are doing all they can to bring yours, and their own, dreams to life. At the website http://kootenaygardening.com/ , that I have created and continue to work on, you can see for yourself some paradizers (as you would call them) from the Kootenays region, British Columbia, Canada, where I live. The aim of my website is to show the best organic gardens in our region to the world and to pass the message that organic gardening can be a source of beauty, health and satisfaction, a source of happiness. When you open the home page you will see the label: Some of our finest gardens, click on any link below to see our paradizers and their gardens. With love, Dana Sokolowska -- Birthday wish Dear Robert Muller, you have inspired, influenced and guided so many of us in so many different ways all through the years, with all of the "cranes" you have sent out causing us to send out many more of our own "cranes," that I know your light, heart, strength and wisdom will continue to shine and grow all through the years to come for the benefit of all humankind. Brightest and best, Margery Layton -- Happy Birthday! Robert Dear,
The world is a much better place for you being in it! Every magical moment of your life continues to encourage and inspire everyone, especially our young people.
Thank you for being born, for being so generous with your time, energy and love, and for leading the way toward a peaceful and sustainable future.
With love and admiration always,
Susan J. Zipp, Co-Chair Global People's Asssembly --
Dear Robert, As I sit here working at the University for Peace with the students, I marvel at what you helped to create. I remember the time you showed my husband and me your bench of dreams and we made wishes. I often sit on a bench of dreams as I am counseling students about their dreams of taking what they are learning out to the world through their work. Also, as a watercolor artist, I love the natural beauty that surrounds me. It is truly paradise. Thank you! Christine Oatis Skinner -- Birthday message from Barbara  Decide to be marriedby Barbara Gaughen-Muller
Decide to be married To become one heart, one body, one mind and one soul To share your joy To live life as an art And to make every moment precious Whether together or apart Remember as a couple You are now more than one To create harmony and perfect love that will last through eternity even after this life is done Remember also there is a power In this union of two to protect this planet And humanity too As a couple you can do it It's in the deciding To be united in love To express your joyful oneness To every person you meet, and In every action you take And together a perfect marriage you'll make. (written for our wedding June 27, 1997) Happy Birthday dear Robert, I love you! Barbara --
Joyful Birthday Wishes Dear Robert, You are a glorious bridge to so many ways of inspiration. With deep appreciation and loving thanks !!!!!! **************** JOYFUL HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAY WISHES ********************** Gale -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT! yes, happy birthday to a man that has lived so much, experienced so much- the good, the bad, the sad and the ugly- and you still remain optimistic and supportive of the human spirit and the good within all living existence! yes, happy birthday to you- cheers and ode to joy! -- Dear Robert, I wish you a very Happy Birthday from the bottom of my heart! I want you to know that the happiness you have used in your life has done the world a great deal of good. By being happy you have showed all of us the way to using happiness to make life better for ourselves. It is now our job to understand and embrace happiness. I want you to celebrate the fact that your happiness has shown us the way to a brighter world. Your life has been a role model for enlightened people to follow. Please enjoy your Birthday and take a few moments to realize what a difference your life has made to promote peace and happiness for all. You have shown us the way! Thank you Dear Robert! -- Happy, Joyful Birthday to you, Robert!! You are giving the world such visions of peace and love and may these all be reflected back to you on your birthday. Thank you, Thank you for your wonderful book -- "Most of All, They Gave Me Happiness." It inspires me each time I read it. We will never forget the times we have met you and been with you -- in Laguna Beach and Santa Barbara. With much love to you on this special day, Kathie Housden and Jack Housden -- Dearest Robert, It is so good to know you are always very active in spreading goodwill, understanding and wisdom -- a fantastic cocktail when it is made up thru creativity, which you have shown throughout your life you are a master at! Happy birthday from all of your friends in Rome! Sergio Tripi -- Dear Robert, besides all the best I wish you for your anniversary, I add a very concrete wish: that you may participate in the "Word Culture Forum" which will take place from November 22 until 25 in Dresden. Your presence there would be very helpful to reshape the relationhips between culture and economics, by fostering global institutions (parliaments) for: basic values ? culture ? politics - econonomics. God bless You furthermore! Sincerely Yours Johannes Heinrichs Prof. f. Philosophie u. Sozialökologie In den Kämpen 13 47169 Duisburg T/F 0203/578 99 520 www.johannesheinrichs.de www.netz-vier.de -- Happy Birthday! Dear Robert, Happy Birthday! I am so happy to once again be able to wish you a Wonderful Birthday from abroad. Last year, I was able to great you from Egypt while working to broadcast the total solar eclipse and this year from China preparing to take part in the next glorious dance of our sun and moon next year. I wish you the very best and hope that we will all someday be able to live on Paradise Earth! Your truly, Gary Isse http://www.GaryInChina.com-- Happy Birthday! HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR BIRTHDAY TO ONE WHOSE LIFE IS A HEARTY GIFT TO OUR PLANET!..MAY YOU CONTINUE TO OFFER CHALLENGES TO US ALL TO DO GOOD LABOR FOR THE BENEFIT OF ALL AND THE CARE OF THE EARTH. WITH GREAT APPRECIATION FOR YOUR LIFE, SIG ARNESEN, ROBERTSTOWN, GA. -- Happy Birthday Robert. And thank you for your great work in the progress of Peace. Oh how I wish there were hundreds and thousands of peeople like you. Love, Joanne Styles -- Happy Birthday! Dear Robert, I send you birthday wishes for the Happiest Most Glorious Birthday you have ever had. The whole world is so blessed that you were born. You radiate Peace, Joy, and Forgiveness. This is so wonderful for the human race to be able to see how you live your life with such dignity and grace. Thank you for everything you do! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Peace and Love, Renee Jackson Texas -- Happy Birthday Robert Birthday Greetings Robert, Roger and I are holding you in our thoughts and hearts this 84th Birthday celebrating your life. We envision you being surrounded and in-filled with all of the Joy, Hope, Vision and Blessing that you have so imparted to us - along with the thousands and thousands of others touched by your work and spirit. You may not remember who we are - but this is of no matter. Your life endeavors have laid the foundation for many and have strengthened our own. We now have our own Bench of Dreams and our work is in encouraging others to envision the highest future possible for humanity and this sacred planet - indeed Paradise Earth! I attach a few photos. One of Roger and I in New Mexico - Dreaming the Big Dream of a Loving Humanity! One of our family with our 2 daughters Lara and Taran - carriers of the flame into the next generation! And finally a photo of Dorothy MacLean - now 87 who is currently teaching at Findhorn for 6 weeks before her return to Issaquah, Washington. Dorothy especially wants me to pass on her special regards. Dorothy and I have fond memories of staying with you and Barbara in Costa Rica in March 2003 - via Elinore Detiger. And Roger and I treasure our brief visit with you there in May 2005 (when you appropriately passed The World Joke Book on to Roger). I hope our paths will cross again when we next visit Santa Barbara. The last time we were there we could not see you or Barbara as your garage had just burned down! No doubt like the Phoenix it has risen form the ashes! And now? All good health, abundance of energy, love, joy and ever more spreading of your precious wisdom. Happy Day! Katherine (also on behalf of Roger Collis and Dorothy MacLean) -- Dear and most respected Robert Mueller, Wishing you the happiest and most joyful birthday ever, 84 glorious years of visionary leadership. Thank you so much ro what you have put out there in the Universe. Your dream(s) WILL come true, because Creator is behind everything you envision and have accomplished so far. Your star is shining brightly and we are seeing it and envisioning with you. Louise Taylor CorUnum OneHeart Centre Victoria, BC Canada PS. I first met you at the Human Unity Conference in Boston (circa 1980?) The King of Zululand and his entourage were there as well. You related the story of your bringing bicycles across the border from Strasbourg over to Germany right under the noses of the Gestapo. I fell for you at that moment. My grandmother Louise, also was from Strasbourg. She married my grandfather who was from Durlach, Germany just across the border. When she was pregnant with my father she crossed the channel over to England in the event that the baby would be a boy. She was a Freethinker as they were called in those days and was well aware that if the baby was a boy he would be under military conscription in France when came of age. Not wanting to risk that, she went over 'to the other side' and Maurice was instantly a British subject, free of Damocles' sword over his head. When the First World War broke out, my grandparents were repatriated to Germany. Because he could speak fluent French, my father at the age of six, became a cigarette-runner in exchange for chocolate for the French prisoners of war. He of course did not understand why his friends who could speak French and gave him chocolate were 'the enemy'. It did not make sense to him, nor did it ever make sense to have your friends being called enemies. As a matter of fact, Jesus said, call your enemies friends. But that is an aside. My grandmother died at the tender age of forty, of kidney failure. My grandfather immigrated to the United States and settled in Queens, New York, bringing with him his daughter Lucienne (my aunt) and son Maurice (my father). In the years of the depresion (1927-1931) my father was unemployed and desperate I might add. He admitted to me once that he contemplated suicide at that time. At this lowest of low points in his life, he remembers meeting an East Indian gentleman in the restroom of a restaurant on Third Avenue. This person told him that he would be going on a trip soon and that things would be better for him eventually. My father, of a quiet and unassuming nature, was given another point of view at that moment that fit in with his belief in the movement called International Workers of the World. It helped him decide to go to Russia where they were inviting skilled workers to teach and work with Russian workers. This was part of Stalin's Five-Year Plans. He met my mother who was born in Charlottenburg, a suburb of Berlin, who was working for a Quaker family in Bushkill Falls, Pennsylvania. She was in New York for a gathering of the Wandervoegel Movement, a philospohical, back-to-nature type cultural philosophy (outlawed by Hitler eventually) being held at my grandfather's house in Queens. There they met, there they decided to go to Russia together, there I was born in Leningrad in January of 1932, all three of us British subjects according to the laws of the Empire. The five year plan was short-circuited when my mother was raped by Russian soldiers, and they decided to return to New York in 1936 where my sister Sonja was born in May. Though the ideology of communism allows for violent social changes where called for, my father in his very nature, was not for force. They supported the Fellowship of Reconciliation who's slogan at that time was "Build Friendships not Warships for National Defence'. Even though my family maintained the language of German in the family, German culture in food, celebrations and reading, we still were British subjects and that to me, an eight year old when Pearl Harbor broke out, was most important. Though we spoke the language of the Axis enenmy, we were not the enemy. |We had the Seal of the Tudor Rose and Lion on our passports to prove it. So much for feeling connected to you through geography, language, and raison d'etre. Second time, I saw your vision in action was in Arlington, Texas, where i attended the first graduation of the Robert Mueller School. It was your World Curriculum in action. I myself bought 'Balanced Begginings' because I was developping a prenatal music course. Now to fast forward, I wish to tell you that here in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada a group of eight people, began a movement to establish a Department of Peace in the Canadian government. Though it is a grass roots movement initiated by two musicians, Anne Mortiffee, originally from South Africa and Shivon Robinsong, founder of the Getting Higher Choir, now numbering well over five hundred present and past members, the Victoria Action Group includes two film-makers, a social anthropologist, a World Federalist, an visual artist, a retired headmaster, another musician (myself) the group is supported by former Foreign Relations minister, Lloyd Axworthy and retired Senator Douglas Roche. The four years that the VAG has been in action, its activities have included sponsoring the 2nd Summit Meeting for the Global Initiative for Departments of Peace held at Royal Roads University in Victoria, with forty foreign representatives being present. The next summit will be held in Japan. On March 15, five days after your birthday, we will be presenting an awareness -raising program at the University of Victoria. Other than some speeches, there will be some singing and circle dancing and food, so that everyone can participate on the very basic of levels. Body, Mind and Spirit all three celebrating. I offer up a toast to you on your birthday for having sustained the vision of Paradise Here On Mother Earth (H.O.M.E.) for so long. Deepest gratitude to and Barara for sustaingin the Vision. Yours, Louise Taylor -- Happy Birthday, Robert! May all of your days bring you many smiles. :0) You are one of my heroes and such a gift to our precious planet. I will always remember and be grateful for the day you came to Laguna Beach and spoke to my CLC students. Such fun! I'm sending you love and blessings. Laia Hansen -- -- "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched...but are felt in the heart." With regards Dinesh Kumar S.N -- It is rare to find one who truly exemplifies what he speaks........... and you are that diamond, my friend. It is felt in the very energy you eminate without a word spoken. You are an inspiration to us all and may your passion for life, earth and the ressurection of humanity be made manifest. Love to you on your b-earth-day celebration, ~ >From many of one heart in Florida -- Happy Birthday! Dear Dr. Muller,
We celebrate the day you were born with joy, as our lives, and the lives of all on Earth have been enriched by your presence.
Thank you! And have a wonderful HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Joann M. Anderson and Family --
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROBERT! You make us all hopeful not only for the future of the Earth itself but for our own longevity seeing how much you do at this glorious age of 84. It's hard to believe you're not a young enthusiastic and idealistic 30-year old. Keep it up. You're so encouraging. Many thanks for all that you do. ~~Alana Gorfaine -- Best wishes for your birthday, Robert. You just keep plugging along, thank goodness for the world. Love Desmond and Gerri -- Happy Birthday, Robert! j --
Happy Birthday Robert!!!
Happy Birthday Robert!!! We wish you a Peaceful day, full of Joy, Laughter & Love! Here enclosed is a very 'peaceful' photo a friend of mine sent me in Mississippi. This fawn kept coming into their property with no fear whatsoever, the mama stayed in the woods always keeping an eye on her little one. The horses got use to the fawn coming around and let her come close and 'cuddle up' while eating along w/ them:) We found this precious and thought you would like it. I sent several of these photos a few months ago, you might have received it already. We use it as wallpaper in our computer. Thank you so much to you and Barbara for all the wonderful work and encouragement you do. We love you. Peace, Connie & Tony Day
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