Karen Page & Andrew Dornenburg
Best wishes to your birthday Mr. Muller
Dear Dr. Muller!
We introduce us,
Barbara Plank-Bachselten (11th of March 1960, Asc. Aquarius) and
Gisela Günther-Ziegler (14th of March 1949, Asc. Cancer)
We are writing to you from a place in Austria called Refugium.
The Refugium is a life-school and a place for pilgrims to stay. We see ourselves as pilgrims as well, pilgrims on the journey of “living as souls”. Our roots are nourished by Buddhism (Namkai Norbu Rinpoche) and Christianity and the ageless wisdoms like Agni Yoga and Alice Bailey.
Since we came in contact with your books only a couple of days ago, we feel like we have met a well known brother again. Your writings seem to express exactly the vision we are following for many years by now. Two years ago we founded a small community “G.I.B. Gemeinschaft integralen Bewusstseins” and we started different projects, one of them concerning awareness and consciousness for teachers and pupils.
One of our project is the “Thank-you hand”. It has the word Danke written in 565 different languages and it is an item to connect with the whole world during a peace meditation.
We are searching for words, it would help us a lot, if we can write in German to you.
We would like to send you the descriptions of our projects and by now we only have them in German.
We want to congratulate you to this special birthday (12 times 7 years) and we pray for the greatest blessings to you.
We wish you all the best
Barbara and Gisela
Dear Robert,
HAPPY 84th BIRTHDAY. JOYEUX 84 ème ANNIVERSAIRE. ALLES LIEBE und GUTE ZUM 84. GEBURTSTAG. I do very much admire you and your life, who you are and what you do. Your existence is very important to me and to humanity.
Thank you so much for your outstanding leadership, and continue enjoying your life and inspiring many people around the planet with your wisdom and true happiness.
With Infinite Love and Gratitude,
Patrick U. Petit from Munich, Germany
The Goi Peace Foundation, European Office