Mr Robert,
MAY LIFE GIVE YOU ANOTHER GIFT,the one that made possible our world to be each day much more consciousness of the greatness that it is to be here,and know that by the sole,the ONE sole we are all one and the same to serve.
Thank you,bless you and enjoy that day, it is our wish from South America,
representing our Unity of Service for Holystic Education in Resende with contacts all over that continent sending a latino embrace!
Resende/Rio de Janeiro/Campinas/Recife/João Pessoa/ in BRASIL
Rosario/in ARGENTINA
Sta Cruz/Cochabamba/La Paz in BOLIVIA
Ben Ferencz Celebrating Robert's 83rd Birthday!
Cher Robert:
I join the throng in extending every good wish to you and Barbara on your birthday and every day of your life thereafter and hereafter.
My mother told me I was born on March 15, 1920 and she should know since I suspect that she was there and I wasn't taking notes. But it later appeared from various documents written in a language I couldn't understand that it was probably another day, either the 13th or even the 11th. I settled on the 11th. Today.
But being a man of compromise I decided to celebrate on all 3 day and to accept gifts on all three days - cash preferred.
That means that today I will enter my 87th year and will have celebrated over 250 birthdays.
I wish the same to you - in health, happiness and the satisfaction that you have helped make this a more humane world.
Gertrude joins in sending love.
Benjamin B. Ferencz
Good Morning and Happy Birthday!
Good morning Dr. Muller and a very happy birthday to you.
I first became aware of some of your work when you were interviewed on the wisdom channel several years ago. I was so the taken by your wonderfully optimistic view of the world. I too am an optimist and a universal citizen and I very pleased to learn of a kindred spirit.
I receive your e-mail bulletin each morning and I always find it such a pleasure to read. I do hope that I too can have a positive impact on the world as you have.
All the best wishes for your birthday,
John David Olsen
Celebrating Robert's 83rd Birthday!
What a wonderful testimony to a life of inspiration and influence. I hope and trust that these insights will reverberate with the world's youth and their descendants and this world will become the better place envisioned by Robert, Barbara and all their supporters.
Joanne Dufour
Celebrating Robert's 83rd Birthday!
Give me Fire Earth Volcanoes
Give me Silence Robert and Peace
Happy Birthday and wishing you many more years of health and happiness!
Lily Haggerty
Happy Birthday Robert Muller...
Dear Robert...
I send you all my love and gratitude on this the date of your 83rd Birthday...
It's me... your old friend from El Granada, CA... thanks to you I still have and do...
... a "Bench to ponder on" (with those words on the bench)
... a "Healing Chair" (with those words on the chair)
... a "Hope Chair" (with those words on the chair)
... the "Special Children of God" club where the only requirement for membership is a desire to belong... and where there are no dues or fees... and where our primary purpose is world peace and our motto is "let it begin with me"
... the "Angels Anonymous" club where every person on Planet Earth is eligible for membership.... and where our primary purpose is "World Peace" and our motto is "Let it Begin with Me..."
In addition, I've now come to believe that we're all created from a Source of Love... that our very lives are a gift of Love... in addition, the breath we breathe sustains our life so even breath is a gift... in fact, the breath we breathe has the intelligent healing love of God in it.
Thus... because of all of that... it's become clear to me that we're all 'in love' all the time... it does no matter if we're standing or sitting or working or swimming or gardening or playing or writing or whistling or walking or talking or sleeping or alone or with someone or on and on... we're doing all of it 'in love'... we can't get out of it even if we wanted to!
I learned and practice all of that because of you, Dear Mentor...
Thank you for that Great Gift of Love and Hope and for the practicality of putting all of it into practice.
I hope you can sense God smiling at the very core of your being. I can sense Him smiling whenever I think of you
:-) Your faithful friend,
Linda Ipsen
El Granada, CA
Wherever we are Love is...
happy birthday
Dear Robert,
I found out about your birthday late, but since the ideas of peace and justice come free with being born as a human child (and return to us with varying degrees of frequency and intensity as adults), and I associate you as a very determined champion and practioner of these things, I think of you pretty often.
I will remember as long as I live the day that Lily and I visited you and Barbara at Mount Rasur, and somewhere after coffee in the morning, I asked you if you could tell us something about that place. You didn't say a word, just looked thoughtful, and after a long time, Barbara said, "it's okay, he's thinking about the answer."
You then took the whole day to show us the answer, and it turns out the whole cosmology and practice of the transcendence of peace over war have all been played out and are still being played out right there where we were standing. From the original human inhabitants, to the generals and the leaders of Costa Rica, to the Japanese arms dealer who found peace there, to you and the University of Peace, it is all right there on that sacred ground. And now I find out you have written a book about it, which I won't be able to recommend highly enough for everyone.
Happy Birthday, Robert. You are truly a unique gift to the rest of the human beings, but you keep humbly reminding us that peace and love is found within all of us.
Aloha from Hawaii, Ed Johnson
Life is Giving and Receiving, Reflecting and Absorbing
Happy Birthday, Robert!
I hope your 84th year will be
filled with flowers
and joyful, peaceful,
love-filled hours.
May the things you do
use all your powers
to deal with sunshine
or stormy showers.
May you stay the course
toward the goals
you've set, so that
this year will end
with no regret!
And may we all do the same!
Love, peace, joy, and hope.....Breeze Bryson