1. Send Robert birthday best wishes along with your ideas & dreams for a better world to Good Morning World -
Click here to send an email or simply reply to this email. All these greetings will be compiled in order received and sent out to Robert in a special edition of Good Morning World on Robert's birthday.
- 31 Birthday best wishes received so far. 2.
Sign up and send Robert a question -
your most important question - for the birthday teleconfernce interview and listen by phone live or later on the web. See the following invitation from Robert's biographer Douglas Gillies -
Hear Robert Muller LIVE on his Birthday below.
 | Robert Muller's Birthday "What is your most important question about the life of Robert Muller as we celebrate his 83rd birthday?" |  |
Robert Muller | Hear Robert Muller LIVE on his Birthday | Douglas Gillies |
Dear Friends,
Robert Muller's 83rd birthday is this Saturday and the momentum is building. We've received questions from all over the world for Robert to answer about his life, and I know we'll get to most of them during our conference call with Robert.
There is still time to sign up at
www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com where you can ask your most important question about Robert's life. I'll send you a reply email with the phone number and access code. This is a free call. The only cost will be your regular long distance charges (I used to pay 2.9 cents a minute, but now I pay a flat rate for long distance). Then on March 11 at 9:00 a.m. PST (12 noon EST) Robert will answer YOUR questions about his remarkable life.
I'm going to professionally record the call. Anyone who signs up will get a chance to listen to the audio on their computer or download it to their iPod or MP3 player, so it's no problem if you miss the call.
A lot of people receiving this email have read "Prophet the Hatmaker's Son." If you would like a copy of Robert's biography, you can still buy "Prophet" wholesale for only $14.95. That's what the bookstores pay, and I'll even cover the postage to ship it free by Priority Mail anywhere in the United States. Find out how Robert Muller fought in the French Resistance during World War II and then dedicated his life to be a peacemaker at the United Nations. This special price ends at midnight
on Sunday, March 12.
I think this is going to be fun and I hope you can join us.
To sign up, go to:
http://www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com All the best,
Douglas Gillies
East Beach Press
(805) 682-7033
PO Box 6890
Santa Barbara, CA 93160