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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Monday, October 31, 2005


[GMW #807] Wherever The Military Are The Peacemakers Will Be

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[GMW #807] Wherever The Military Are The Peacemakers Will Be
Monday 31 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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A United World To Create Paradise On Earth
Robert Muller's Interview on KPFK Radio
30 October 2005 - Listen to the full 20 minute interview, read & print excerpts.
If anyone would like to transcribe this wonderful interview that would be great and the full transcript will be added to Robert's website.


~ Idea 269 ~ 5 April 1995

Napoleon did not send his military trainees to Universities. He created military academies where they were taught a total science of war, a total strategy of war and a total methodology of war. The German General Clausewitz perfected that system in the 19th century by proclaiming that there was no limit to the use of violence. Since then we have hundreds of military "academies" in the world teaching this, with the recent amendment that the objective is no longer war but "defense". There exists nothing similar for peace.

After my forty years of UN service I thought that academia had done its job and developed a science, a strategy and a methodology of peace. There exists nothing of the sort. I have therefore decided to throw all my weight behind the first University for Peace on the planet, in demilitarized Costa Rica, and to develop a total science, a total strategy and total methodology of peace. Wherever the military are the peacemakers will be, from outer-space and star-wars to atomic and genetic warfare, which will be replaced with star-peace and atomic and genetic peace. You have your monuments, and medals to warriors, we will have them for peacemakers. This is why governments are so scared of this University: only 32 of 185 have ratified its statute and only three have provided it with minimal help.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Observe your children closely: they have often fundamental approaches and answers to the mysteries of life which we have lost as adults.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

The life of each person, group and nation is part of a mysterious global journey. What we do together amounts to much more than what we do individually. Only time and the future will tell what our real influence was.

Dear Friends,

The current issue of the Soka Gakkai Buddhist magazine SGI-Quarterly
features the United Nations. It is FABULOUS!!!

To view this issue, please visit:

Thank you!

A reply below to Robert's: "Someone told me that I was imitating Peace Pilgrim with my 5000 Ideas and Dreams. This is a very interesting thought. I might indeed be a pilgrim for a better world through my writings, my speeches and endless efforts. Perhaps someday next to the Peace Pilgrim's statue at the Peace Monument of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica there might be a statue of me as the Better World Ideas Pilgrim. This would be wonderful."
namaste robert.....I have always heard that if you don't know what to do....pick out your favoriite saint or person and emulate them.......I have tried to emulate Peace Pilgrim since reading her book in 1984......sometimes I feel that I have a long way to go and other times I just sit in the beauty of Thich Nhat Hanh...."I am here, in the Now" and enjoy the miracle of walking on the back of mother earth one more day.......blessings silver eagle
Athought to ponder from dmr9
As the shadow follows the body,
as we think, so we become....
>From Connie, a quote from Heart Math:
"Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves,
for they shall never cease to be amused."
- Anonymous

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"Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes.

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