| | | [GMW #802] Better World Ideas Pilgrim | Monday 24 Oct 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish | | Peace | ~ Idea 4958 ~ Someone told me that I was imitating Peace Pilgrim with my 5000 Ideas and Dreams. This is a very interesting thought. I might indeed be a pilgrim for a better world through my writings, my speeches and endless efforts. Perhaps someday next to the Peace Pilgrim's statue at the Peace Monument of the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica there might be a statue of me as the Better World Ideas Pilgrim. This would be wonderful. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | Don’t be a Catholic or a Jew before being human. Don’t be American or Russian before being human. Remember that for the first time in history to be human comes first, absolutely. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | "Perhaps the United Nations may be considered as a great 'all nations', 'all languages' word processor. Light or active intelligence streams into this center of humanity where world leaders and thinkers process these ideas into words through the medium of the forum of debate. The radiations of light descend vertically and at this center point of all races, they are worked out, transmitted into words and radiate forth horizontally, encircling the earth." - Brian Arrowsmith * | UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive Dear Freinds, I am sending you this Link to my peace project i made with my Peace friend Liza Leyla from Belgium, for United Nation Day Blessings and Peace Mohammad Iqbal Behleem and Liza Leyla peace project on United Nation DAY October 24,2005 Listen the song click http://behleem.com/salam.html Salam a peace song THE PEACE STAR A star is dancing in the blue sky A Peace star is singing the love of the butterfly SALAM The Peace Ring of Kingdom Endless Spring of magic Wisdom The split moon hearth of sparkling The full moon port of Blessing The love of the mother engenders the palm of our blessing brother with our sisters balm A Star is dancing in the blue sky A Peace Star is singing the love of the butterfly SALAM SALAM SALAM SALAM by Liza Leyla UNITED NATIONS DAY OCTOBER 24 United Nations Day (24 October) The anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945 has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. It has traditionally been marked throughout the world by meetings, discussions and exhibits on the achievements and goals of the Organization. In 1971, the General Assembly recommended that Member States observe it as a public holiday (resolution 2782 (XXVI)). United Nations Day World Federation of United Nations Associations UN's Dag Hammarskjold Library Links Global Policy Forum: UN History UN Days & Years Meditation Initiative
| Robert Muller Interview on KPFK Radio Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am Robert was recently interviewed on KPFK radio in LA and on internet world wide. It was a wonderful interview about his years of world work and how he always remained optimistic. It will be on aired Sunday morning October 30 at 10:00am on http://www.kpfk.org/ .. On World Focus With Blase Bonpane. Please join us, click listen live and alert others too.. Love, Barbara * | Good morning Dearest Readers, Friday we took Most of All They Taught Me Happiness to Roberts eye doctors office and put the book in the waiting room. In less than a minute it was picked up by a young man who just kept reading and smiling and even when he was leaving he kept it in his hands. The receptionist seeing the book asked him where he got it and he said on the table. As soon as he left she came right out to pick it up and began reading it. Pretty soon every one was wanting a copy. I had 10 copies in the trunk of my car and they were gone in 5 minutes. If you've been wanting to read Most of All They Taught Me Happiness Tuesday would be a perfect day to order it and make Robert happy too. Your purchase on October 25th will help get Most of All They Taught Me Happiness by Robert Muller into the top 25 on Amazon. And since Oprah's recommended book is #1 she may even become aware of Robert Muller and have him on her show..one never knows as Robert says. Here are two ways to order tomorrow from Amazon or from Becky. A million Thanks..Barbara Muller | | ORDERING INFORMATION Telephone: 800-727-2782 Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206 Please make checks payable to Amare Media LLC. Each copy $12.95, plus $3.99 for shipping and handling For all orders shipped to California, please add $1.00 (7.75% Sales Tax) "Robert Muller's extraordinary vision, courage and ebullience can't help but engender hope in anyone who hears or reads his words. How, you might wonder, can a man who, as an Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, was within the circles of power in the last half of the bloody 20th century have so much enthusiasm for human possibilities? Somehow he manages to see half full glasses as full glasses in the making. He has inspired my life as I read this book and allow him to do the same for you." -Vicki Robin, co-author Your Money or Your Life, founder Conversation Cafes. * Subscribe to Better World News: http://at7.us/mailman/listinfo/bwn_at7.us . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy. | | | | | | |