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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, July 08, 2005


[GMW #726] Putting Prejudices And Discrimination On The Global Agenda

The image:

[GMW #726] Putting Prejudices And Discrimination On The Global Agenda
Friday 8 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2624 ~
The world is beset, hampered, wounded by many prejudices: sexual, racial, ethnic, political, religious, ideological, social and others.

It would be of great help to the world's progress if the United Nations would put the subject of prejudices and discriminations as items on its agenda. It would help the cause of truth. Two sciences or fields of study could be created: prejudiceology and discriminology.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you are self-realized, if you like what you do, you will be successful. My father was a good hatmaker because he loved to make hats. If you dislike what you do, you will not succeed.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Each time I see and chat with Secretary General Perez de Cuellar, I like myself better, because he makes me feel great.

Dear Easy,

Please add these happy birthday wished to tonight's Good Morning World. They are from this request to Good Morning World subscribers:

Dearest Goodmorningworld subscriber....Time to thank Easy!
There is a man in Spokane
Who does what he can
with joyful dancing fingers
to make our world a better place

connecting hearts
exchanging love and peaceful ways
e-mailing goodmorningworld with infininite grace!

His birthday is coming
July 9th this year
so let's surprise Easy
with a message from you

right here...

Bless you and thank you, Barbara and Robert Muller

Love, Barbara




Dearest Easy,
We wish you a very great, happy birthday. We are so happy you were born.
You cannot imagine how important you are to Barbara and me. Your faithful and loving attention to GoodMorningWorld makes our day and brings my Ideas and Dreams into reality and it is as if every day is a birthday when I read them.
Soon there will be GoodMorningEasy and we will be the first to send messages to you including this one. As I am sending this I am playing the Ode to Joy on my little 10 hole harmonica as you bring me so much daily joy. I love you.
Happy Birthday, Robert Muller

Dearest Easy,
Happy Birthday to you and may your day be bright and filled with sunshine and love from all of us who love you so much..
The above message was written by Robert and me and I wanted to add a few more lines of thanks and appreciation for your daily work to bring GoodMorningWorld to the Planet. Each day I tell more and more people about GMW and yesterday a good friend mentioned how wonderful it is to have Easy in our daily lives and e-mail.
She was right. It is wonderful to know that you are serving the world with such love and devotion.
May all your years be happy and may all the your happiness fill many, many more years to come. I love you.
Barbara Muller


Dear Easy,
another year older
another year bolder
you've aged
you've grown
your a gift to us all
we rise to your call
may you always be happy
may you always stand tall
one thing we can tell you
one thing you should know
you may be one person
but your part of us all
we love you dear easy
for your beautiful soul
the world has grown better
because of you dear trendsetter!
I Love You Dear Easy!
Thank you for all you do and for who you are.
You are beautiful!
Happy Birthday!!!
Sharing Love, Peace and Happiness with you,
Lionel Ketchian


Thank you for all your good work in transforming this world into a happier, more peaceful planet. May all your kindness and good will be returned to you this and every day. Be well my friend.
Happiest birthday wishes,
Julian - California


Here is a special birthday greeting to you, Easy. I've really appreciated all of your sincere, caring
efforts in regard to the Good Morning World messages. Even more so, I've been touched by
the sincere spirit and nature of the caring regard you have afforded me individually when I
have ordered additional copies of the little booklets, Robert's Golden Sayings. Your promptness
and efficiency were amazing and did a great deal to bolster the morale of the recipients.

I love this community of Colorado Springs and the natural beauty of the surroundings,
especially as a Colorado native, but am also very much aware that outside groups moving in here
have made it very difficult to exercise peaceful and progressive views and accompanying
actions. Therefore, I have been especially aware and appreciative of your prompt, courteous
and considerate responses and thoughtful supportiveness when, where and how it was most

Happy Birth and Rebirth Day! With peace and continuing light, Margery (Layton)

Sim, participar desta alegre ocasião,será um presente!

Poder enviar um abraço internauta ao aniversariante já,por si,é uma glória...

Thank you for the opportunity to express the way I
feel about Easy. He is surely Easy in as much as he is
approachable and friendly. Easy comes the reply from
him - yes, he is really prompt and eager to help and
welcome the new comers.

Our young people know about Easy and they wish they
were there in person to wish him a happy B'Day in
their own way. You can let Easy know that a group who
had not met him and don't know him fully well are
ready to wish him all the best for his birthday. May
the good Lord give him great health, peace and love he
needs to continue his supportive work.

I will try and send the photos in time along with hand
made Birthday greetings.

More later. Antony - UK


Dear Easy,
Wishing you a very 'Happy Birthday' and Many more to come.
I am writing to you from Central America where we take GMW to 'heart' each and every morning.
We appreciate, very much, you being there and working on behalf of all of us around the World. Your efforts are always above and beyond the call and the incredible effort that you put into your help on this really valuable cause is especially appreciated by me personally and I have benefited from being inspired all those mornings, reading GMW. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You !!!
Roy in Costa Rica





How pretentious I am!
Is my heart's desire
to reach the star I love?

And how do I know
about the right one for me?
In a dream I see myself
comfortably sitting
with my friends
the moon, the sky ...
Oh! the stars are waiting.

Let us have FUN
the whole box of crayons I will use
we'll paint the stars
the color of LOVE
one by one
let us use green
blue or pink
let us use white
yellow or red
let us use black.

Because LOVE
is the motive of my life
the rainbow
what keeps my fingers occupied
Because all I want
is to make each and every moment
the hearts to smile
Because dreaming I gave form
to my destiny
Because in my hand
I am holding
the ONE
the glue of life.

I am here
I am listening
I care

To my sweet love and inspiration
Feliz Cumpleaños Easy!


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