| | | [GMW #729] Countering & Eliminating Danges, Negative Human Beliefs & Attitudes | Wednesday 13 July 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English • Portuguese • Español | | Idea Dreams 6001-6500 | ~ Idea 3878 ~ Here is a second list of permanent dangers and negative human beliefs and attitudes which should be countered and eliminated by the United Nations: wars violence armaments militarism corruption national and religious fundamentalism imperialism dictatorship highjacking terrorism kidnapping wrong human settlements on the planet Others might be added. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | Evening prayer: Thank You, O God, for having let me live one more day, for having let me see so many things, thought so many thoughts, felt so many feelings. Each day of life is one of Your incredible, heavenly, meaningful free gifts. Thank You, O God, I adore You. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | As Albert Schweitzer said: "Example is not the main thing in influencing people. It is the only thing." Like my Alsatian compatriot I tried to make my life an example too. * | | Quotes with notes on Robert's book Most of all They Taught Me Happiness, Quotation #2 from the chapter entitled “U Thant’s Four Roads to Happiness”, volume 4 “Lessons from Other People”: “Modern man has reduced morality and spirituality to a minimum, often to a mere hour in church on Sunday. He has chased it from everyday life, from public service, political life, work, schools, and the media. How many political men and businessmen would dare to practice morality and spirituality in their offices with the same fervour as they do shrewdness and intelligence? U Thant could not understand it. And I can’t either.” My related comments: Indeed it often appears to be almost a crime if a person openly declares their spiritual beliefs beyond the walls of their church or meditation room, so deep is the cleavage between “daily life” and spiritual practice. Yet it is likely that only through the “spiritualization” of day-to-day reality can the answer be found that will bring an end to injustice and violent conflict. Conflict in itself is, of course, not a negative thing as it is often representative of the need to cross over a threshold into a newer, brighter sphere. However, if spiritual perspectives could be assimilated into everyday living, including in the work place and on the international political scene, there would appear clear indications of the ways in which conflict can be transcended without the recourse to violence. The challenge, nevertheless, would remain for humanity to correctly interpret those truths which lie at the heart of all spiritual and religious practices without distorting them to make them fit into the pockets of vested interests and biased perspectives. For many adults it is, perhaps, too late to learn this new way of being and acting; the hope for the future, therefore, lies in the education of the children and young people, especially since oftentimes they experience an innate idealism and vision which, unless nurtured, is eventually snubbed out by the “norms” of modern day society. - Vicky Rossi * | Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages: * Recent Guest Book Entries: * | | | | | | |