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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Friday, July 22, 2005


[GMW #736] Elevating The Entire Planet Into The Spiritual, Cosmic Throbbing Of The Universe

The image:

[GMW #736] Elevating The Entire Planet Into The Spiritual, Cosmic Throbbing Of The Universe
Friday 22 July 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 3476 ~
At a conference on world peace and inner peace in May 1999 at the International School of Amsterdam created on the basis of my World Core Curriculum, the following thought of mine was the guideline:

"The time has come for the implementation of a spiritual vision of the world's affairs. The entire planet must elevate itself into the spiritual, cosmic throbbing of the universe."

During the conference these other statements were also cited:

"Our main task today is to raise individuals to a higher spiritual level enabling them to respect their inner selves and be impelled by a moral force."

"If in the next ten years we do not succeed in giving a soul, a spirituality selfhood and a meaning to Europe our efforts will have been in vain."
Jacques Delors
President of the European Commission

"What I believe is that Europe needs more soul."
Jacques Santer
Prime Minister of Luxembourg

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I am as great as the thoughts I conceive
I am as great as the universe I perceive
I am as great as the love of my heart
I am as great as the God in my soul.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

People often tell me: "You have done so much for the United Nations." In reality, they will never know how little I did and how much the UN has done for me. It was a beautiful love story of a mother for her child. I hope to write as much as I can about it in order to inspire others.

Dear Friends,

Thanks a lot for your support and making this Peace Prayer Project Successful So far I have received 52 entries from 19 Countries I am thankful to you all who participate without your efforts I am not able to do , here are some details I want to share, If you are an Artist and haven’t send the prayer lines of yours kindly send me so I can add your valuable Prayer

Details :

I am preparing "WORLD PEACE PRAYER FOR PEACE BY ALL ARTISTS "Kindly Add your Prayer for Peace. On completion of the prayer. I will add Music background to the prayer and will try to make a Prayer with the help of a Voice over.
I request one line by each Member Please.


Mohammad Iqbal Behleem.



(With the name of Allah Almighty The Most Beneficent and Merciful)

May Allah! Heal this world and give Us Peace, Let each human being shine with joy and creativity, Nam myoho renge kyo!, May God Almighty grant us the wisdom of Peace, Give us peace based on justice to heal the past and build the future, We belong to one another, so let peace reign!, Provide our children with the awareness and tools that they need to become thoughtful, active and peaceful citizens. Please grant us peace ,dignity, freedom and good health for all !,Like clouds, peace dreams never sleep, May God give peace to the broken hearted and lonely people of the world and help us stand strong together, May we always have Good thoughts, Good words, and Good deeds. Humata, Huktha, Havarashta! (Good thoughts, words and deed), May the life force inside each of us be awakened to share joy and happiness with all. Humanity on Earth, all together for the good of all! May you know that you ARE THAT which you are seeking. Peace is your very own nature, May the light of healing fill the earth with its love meeting away all anger. Shinning blessings, sparkling new day! May we hold our hearts so full of joy at the beauty of Creation that we have nothing but joy to give!, May we grow to see that we are one entity, and that to harm one part is to harm the whole. May we understand that we are as stones falling into a pond, creating ripples that affect all living things, Only then shall we strive to send forth only ripples of peace and goodwill, Make all our leaders out there listen, as we the people want peace, please, God loves each one of us as though there were only one of us; let all of us experience that Love and then share it, one with the other, Peacefulness Beneath Me, Peacefulness Above Me, Peacefulness Within Me All Around Me Peaceful, Allah !! Please help those who are in need, please spread fragrance of love every where among all humans, spread shining of peace every where in world, Peace is always ours; awaiting our acceptance. May Peace be your constant companion and may Love and Laughter your gift to the world,Amani na Mapendo Duniani (Love and Peace in World),Dear God, as St-Francis many years ago said, make each and all of us an Instrument of Your PEACE. Namaste…,A peace wave is rolling over the ocean : I hear its song of love and creativity, May my art be again more violent and chaotic...only my artworks, but please God take away violence and chaos from the world, please put violence and chaos in my art...take them away from the world... ,May the sunshine on the people who struggle every day, looking for peace and love in their hearts, May the youth shoulder the future with justice, friendship and joyful songs in their hearts - Nam myoho renge kyo!,Peace P for People E for Everywhere, A for Act for C for Compassionately Towards Earth,Peace is a Process,May we all realize that the space between us is sacred and that each of us is responsible for creating peaceful possibilities, We would have to make something more than request for peace...!Let us all, in our own way, pray, or want, or desire for every man That he would have the things he needs: Peace, Bread and Roses,P(assion) E(nergy) A(ction) C(ommunication)E(motion) - it should be more then an idea..............................................!,May Peace be our Gift to Our Children, Peace is the seed of evolution - the garden of flowers that nurture my heart and show me how to love and also how to forgive, May we cast only stones of peace into the oceans of life, sending ripples of goodwill to all living things, May we as a human family overcome the darkness of violence with gratitude for the gift of life and creation, Light a candle. Let the dancing flame give witness to the love we share. And then blow your peace out into the world, Let each of us simply open our hearts to ourselves, to the joyful rhythm of the universe, and to all the people we meet. Let us open our mouths and have the courage to speak the truth. And let us open our ears and listen to each other. May peace be manifested now on earth, May we come to understand that our bodies are, indeed, worthy vehicles for our spirits. May there be song where there is now only suffering. May there be music where there is now only misery. May there be true peace where there is now only the nightmare of war and injustice. If you are happy and not afraid of this then do something helpful and nice for someone his is, my thoughts and desires apply for writing humans. May their sentences the peace of the heart serve Many, May the children of human kind learn the wisdom of our green Mother the Earth, Love and Peace should rule the world and all of us will sing these words over and over again......Nam myoho renge kyo,Healers ARISE!!! NOW for All Humanity sake in the name of Brotherly LOVE, PEACE and UNITY!! AHO, ASHE, and AMEN! O Lord, Shower The World With Your Blessings Of PEACE & LOVE.Allah, bless this world with Peace. Let our peaceful protest carry to the world the words of danger first spoken by the shadows of the flowers burned into the walls of Hiroshima. Mitakwe oyashin – for all my relations, Allah Grant Peace for every Human every individual, and every nation. Amen. CONTINUE......................





03) Ugwuoha Clarius June 3,2005

36) Maria ELena June 13,2005


02) Olivier Urbain June 2, 2005

08) Guido Vermulen June 5,2005

24) Liza Leyla June 9,2005

31) Guy De Boeck June 11,2005


48) Emmanuel Fonyuy S July 19, 2005


06) Lyn X (Lynette) June 5,2005

14) Gabriela Lasko June 6,2005

21) Bob Boxall June 8,2005

23) Serge Ayotte June 8,2005


27) Jacob Kragh June 10,2005


32) Peter Dencker June 12,2005

43) Ulrike M. Dierkes July 14, 2005


10) Huma Vachha June 6,2005


11) Lida Sherafatmand June 6,2005


13) Eliana Gilad June 6,2005


25) Claudio Parentela June 9,2005


38) Joan Anderson June 24, 2005


22) Rais Neza Boneza June 8,2005


01) Mohammad Iqbal Behleem June 2, 2005

20) Shahnaz Behleem June 8,2005

33) Rabia Naeem June 12,2005

49) Hina Kehkashan Behleem July 19, 2005

52) Allaudin M Bande ALI July 21, 2005


04) Bert Monterona June 4,2005


05) Wang Feng June 5,2005


34) Catalina Ward June 12,2005

40) Marisa Anitonaya July 04, 2005


45) Monika Lilja July 16, 2005


12) Christophe Barbey June 6,2005


07) Rik Palieri June 5,2005

09) Laura Mckinon June 6,2005

16) Frances Key Jacksonville 6,2005

17) Leigh Golterman June 7,2005

18) Linda Ipsen June 8,2005

26) Jill Friedman-Giyana June 9,2005

28) Misa Kelly June 10,2005

29) Patricia C. Coleman June 11,2005

35) Frances Key June 13,2005

37) Art Goodtimes June 24, 2005

39) Rev. Harriett Walden June 26, 2005

41) Steve Suffet July 13, 2005

42) dotwav July 14, 2005

44) Valentine Doyle July 15, 2005

46) Lisa Iris July 17, 2005

47) JAH KINGS July 18, 2005

19) Lily Haggerty June 8,2005

15) Luiza Brown June 6,2005

50) Storm “No Nukes Prayer” July 20, 2005

51) Martha July 20,2005

(Kindly Send you Entries@ )

Note : Participants Numbering as received

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