| | | [GMW #886] Universities for the Art of Living | Monday 20 February 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish | | Peace | ~ Idea 654 ~ 24 April 1996 Isn't it astonishing that in no University on Earth, to my knowledge, is there a Department or Faculty or Chair on the Art of Living, and that there exists not a single Doctorate of the Art of Living, when this should be the supreme objective of education? There is however hope: for centuries there has not been a Peace University or a Peace Department or Faculty in any University on Earth. But recently they are emerging, be it only under the concept of conflict resolution, a new, popular academic discipline. One can hope that the same will happen for the art of living. My writings could serve as the first textbooks as they do in the field of peace education. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
| Robert's Golden Sayings | Peace cannot be taken in isolation: hunger, oppression, injustice, unemployment, lack of meaning are all causes of conflict. To work on those causes is therefore to work for peace. * Garcia Lorca wrote: “Why should we work at all, why should we write at all in a world where one wants to shout all the time: ‘I protest, I protest, I protest.’” My answer: because it is a way to protest. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8 | If it is not impossible to visualize that each person on this Earth plays a useful role in an institution or group, than it is not impossible to visualize that each person has a useful role to play in the world society? Each person and group would then be validated as a coworker and contributor to human progress. The UN represents this ideal for the relations between nations, but alas only the small and powerless countries understand that role. Each big power sees itself as the ultimate entity that should rule the world. This is one of the main causes of our problems. * | | 15 Feb. 2006 A note from Robert: I learn so much from the contributions of Good Morning World readers. The large print Golden Sayings is my daily reading. The text of Katherine Peterson in Good Morning World #883 is so important: "Peace is not won by those who fiercely guard their differences, but by those who with open minds and hearts seek out connections." Robert Schuman* the main artisan of the United Europe would love it if he were alive. His view was that peace was not the end, it must be followed by cooperation and love. Who knows: Good Morning World might contribute to a better world. Many, many deepest thanks, Robert *Robert Schuman was an Alsace-Lorrainer who was Minister of Foreighn Affairs of France. Happiness is a Decision The United Nations’ legendary Robert Muller maintains with the Dalai Lama that happiness is the purpose of life. With the re-release of Muller’s 1978 classic Most of All They Taught Me Happiness, he and his wife Barbara Gaughen Muller are committed to teaching “why happiness works,” how it’s a choice, and that being happy is actually proof that you are living your code of destiny. Learn how DECIDING to be happy even in the most difficult situations contributes to the health and well-being of ourselves, each other and the entire planet.
Dr. Robert Muller & Barbara Gaughen Muller Sunday, March 19, 2006 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. (Registration begins at 1 p.m., closes at 1:30 p.m.) NO ADMISSION FEE The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum 21 W. Anapamu St. Santa Barbara, CA
Co-Sponsors: The Karpeles Manuscript Library Museum; Area Agency on Aging; Life Chronicles
Presented by the OMEGA Program of Santa Barbara City College, Continuing Education Division * | Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection | Sherman Buck Bellingham (WA)  Stay Awake 118 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 2 added today. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature. South America is yet to be represented on the guestbook map along with Southern Africa and the hearland of Asia. New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like. | | | | | | | |