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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Monday, May 02, 2005


[GMW #677A] Wealthy People Creating New Institutions For Human Well-being, Peace, Happiness & Nature

[GMW #677A] Wealthy People Creating New Institutions For Human Well-being, Peace, Happiness & Nature
Monday 2 May 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact


~ Idea 2885 ~

Ideas which came to my mind during the inauguration at the UN University for Peace of the bust of Henri Dunant, a famous Swiss businessman who, seeing the horrors of World War I in Solferino, Italy, decided to create the International Red Cross and also the Young Men's Christian Association:

Idea 2885 if only all wealthy people of the world would follow Henri Dunant's example and create or support new institutions devoted to the increase of human well-being, peace, happiness, and the preservation of our beautiful planet Earth. I'm so glad that we have already on the campus of the UN University for Peace the busts of Gandhi, Tolstoy, Albert Schweitzer, Sasakawa, Eleanor Roosevelt, Konrad Adenauer, Simon Bolivar, Yishak Rabin and now also Henri Dunant.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The question is not being right or left, but being right in the sense of truth and justice. The political notions of right and left must be eliminated from our minds. Each person, action, proposal must be judged on its intrinsic merit for a better world.
Evolution is what encompasses all thinking, all efforts, all dreams, all actions of the human species. This is why the United Nations is a main evolutionary instrument of human ascent and development.
The greatest thing a human being can do is to feel most intensely and deeply the evolutionary dreams of his time, to look forward not backward and to contribute to those dreams.
I am a mystic of my own life. For me the universe, the Earth, eternity, all living beings, including myself are mystical phenomena. I try to understand them through seeing, thinking, knowledge, learning and love, but also through mystical elevation and the most total possible merging with them. I try to dissolve myself into them, to become them and as a result better understand them.
To receive thoughts can be as important as to think.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

Write down the thoughts that come to you, wherever you are, in your office, in a meeting, in a bus, in a plane, at home, during the day or the night. Remember the Latin advice: Nul/us dies, sine linea. Not a day without a line.

Listening For Better Nutrition & Quality Of Life
From: Kathy Ward

A meaningful quality improvement project with Latino elders came to completion last Wednesday, April 27 at the Veterans Affair Hospital in Washington D.C. The two studies were conducted in collaboration with 25 Latino elders representing 13 nationalities from EOFULA Spanish Senior Center in Washington DC.

A new model to deliver health care services focused on Listening to nurture better practices was planned, tested, implemented and evaluated by everyone, proving that listening for better health shows that all of us can learn a lot by noticing and directing attention and interpreting what is heard. We congratulate the elders and interdisciplinary team members for their great ability to listen, share their ideas and special ways and adjust their lives with the resources they have.

Studies were conducted on: "Listening For Better Nutrition and a Better Quality of Life for Latino Elders" and "Listening to Nurture Better Prescription Medication Management For A Better Health For Latino Elders"

Here is a photo collage ...

Please notice that among the interventions used to nurture better ways the book Robert Golden Sayings by Robert Muller was discussed during the Weekly Listening Group Meetings and it was an inspiration to for our elders and everyone to better their quality of life.

Latino elders and interdisciplinary team members

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