| | | [GMW #679A] No More Veteran's Days Since There Are No More Wars | Wednesday 4 May 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact | Ending War | ~ Idea 2807 ~ 11 November 1999 Today the US and several western countries celebrated a Veteran's Day in honor of the survivors of World War I and II. There are many veterans left from World War II, but very few, if any from World War I. I pray that the time will come soon when there will be no longer any Veteran's Days celebrated on planet Earth because there will no longer be any wars. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | The greatest contribution to the world and to human evolution would be for the two major current ideologies to sit down, to relax their orthodoxy and to think more honestly and humbly about the needs and yearnings of this planet and of all humanity. A common, new ideology vision of the 21st century is urgently needed. What does not adapt perishes. * We need political ecumenism, religious ecumenism, philosophical ecumenism, ideological ecumenism, psychological ecumenism. But above all we need individual ecumenism, a liberation of the individual from his group allegiance(s) and his commitment to our Mother Earth and to all humanity. * Nations, ideologies, religions and political systems have created chaos for too long in the world. Individuals should quit these prisons and say: “I am a brother or sister of all other human beings. You can count me out until you have created a world order in which I can be a brother or sister of the whole human family.” * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 1 | We need a new vision, a new ideology for the next stage of the human journey on this planet. The UN shows us the following paths: Harmony with the Earth Harmony among all groups and peoples Harmony with the heavens Harmony with the past and the future Harmony of the individual with total Creation. By its Charter, the UN is called upon to "harmonize the actions of nations". But it is already deeply involved in the development of these vast harmonies, far beyond the fences of nations.
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