| | | [GMW #681A] Ecological Globalism, Spiritual Globalism, Global Public Service Projects | Friday 6 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact | Religion & Spirituality | ~ Idea 2172 ~ There are growing criticisms against globalism. Rightly so because business globalism, the most gigantic one, fostered by rich countries which have an enormous advance in science, technology, patents and capital accumulations, etc. started its conquest and domination of the world with a global materialistic culture, consumption promotion, marketing, advertising, literature and media. As a result globalism has essentially become business globalism, business gigantism fostered by US and rich countries' world expansionism and power. There are other globalisms which should have precedence: global institutions like the UN, spiritual globalism of all religions, ecological globalism, great world engineering and public service projects, etc. This is now powerfully coming to the fore thanks be to God. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | The chief of the UN guides said to me: “I apologize that only half of the guides are here to listen to you. You deserve a much vaster audience.” I answered: “One human brother or sister listening to another is a most precious audience giving away one of the most precious possessions: a fraction of their life. One must therefore speak to one person as one would speak to the entire humanity. This is why you guides have such an important task: every day hundreds of human minds and hearts are listening to you. You are guides in a great new temple of humanity.” * Yes, we are all guides in a great temple: the Temple of God, the temple of nature, the temple of human achievements, of planet Earth, the Planet of God. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5 | It is not easy to be a human, surrounded by all the mysteries of the universe, of life and of death. It is good, therefore, to help each other, to cooperate, to stick together as a human race. Each one of us can do so much: encourage and inspire others, see a quality in all, radiate happiness and zest for life. What a result, what a validation and elevation of humanity it would be, multiplied by 5 billion people! This is what I have tried to prove at the UN. * | | | Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages: * Recent Guest Book Entries: * | | | | | | |