| | | [GMW #743] United Peoples' Organization Evolves >From The United Nations | Tuesday 2 Aug 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English • Portuguese • Español | | Idea Dreams 6001-6500 | ~ Idea 6059 ~ I hope that some day there will be a United World Citizens Organization if the United Nations cannot become the United Peoples’ Organization. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | May your life be a beautiful work of art. Work at it always. Make it your priority. Repeat to yourself: I have made my life a work of art. * The beauty and purity of this planet requires our own beauty and purity of body, mind, heart and soul. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | "The world is my country. Humanity is my family. To do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine * | | Dear Dr. Muller, and Mrs. Muller also: I very much appreciate being on your emailing list. We have met several times at the U.N.; I am CCC/UN Secretary and Member of Board. I am pleased to tell you I am working on a book on the U.N. which I mean to edit, and I would very much like to send you an invitation to share your words for the very fortunate readership. This grew out of my being the Research Assistant to Prof. Blaine Sloan, when I was in Law School; it was for the volume (1991) United Nations General Assembly Resolutions in our Changing World (Transnational Publishers). I send my warmest regards to you and your wife (Last time we met I made a small video of you and Dr. Harry Lerner - my dear friend and colleague - in Conference Room 4; I believe it was the time of the CSD meetings, a few months back). Sending my very best wishes, Linda. ------------ New: join www.yahoogroups.com/groups/portal-pwpi People with Pain International / and / HRPP Human Rights of People with Pain. === Dear Dr. Muller, Thank you for your heartfelt preface to Jill Jackson Miller's book "Let There Be Peace on Earth." I am writing an article about the Peace Song for Science of Mind Magazine, to appear in the December 2005 issue on the fiftieth anniversary of the Peace Song. I am interested in finding out about any recent activity relating to the Peace Song (in addition to its being sung in Religious Science and Unity churches). Thank you very much for any help you may be able to give me with this. It is greatly appreciated. Peace and blessings, Kathy === Dear Robert, I meet you in Rio in 1992 at the Global Forum. You spoke for the NGO I was with “the Global Heart.” I was really touched by your speech and thought that if I ever had the chance to speak with you again I would like to do that. Will you be in the country in August? I plan to be in CR August 3 – 26. Is it possible to see you. I would like to see your Peace University. I will be speaking at Unity Church on August 21 at the English speaking service and giving a workshop afterwards and extend to you an invitation to attend. I am sending an article I wrote when the United Stated declared war on Iraq. It is written from a spiritual/metaphysical point of view for Americans. I’m enclosing it in the e-mail (since so many people seem to have problems opening an attachment) and as an attachment (since it keeps its formatting this way). I look forward to hearing from you. Peace, Anne You may be at war, but I am at peace. March 20, 2003 “Nonviolence is not sterile passivity, but a powerful moral force which makes for social transformation.” Martin Luther King, Jr. === Hi, The UN has produced a new planetary ideology and spirituality consisting of five basic harmonies. i. Harmony between humanity and the planet (population, conservation, environment, no armaments). ii. Harmony of the human family and of its natural and human-made groups (races, sexes, generations, nations, cultures, languages, religions, corporations, no wars, no violence, all conflicts and differences being resolved with civilized, peaceful means). iii. Harmony with the past and with the future (preservation of genetic material, of nature's elements, of the earth's living species' and flora, of cultures, preservation and preparation of a better, safer and more beautiful planet for future generations). iv. Harmony with the heavens: the religions are cooperating in a United Religions Organization and have produced a code of cosmic laws to be followed by all peoples and groups on our celestial body. v. The fulfillment, happiness, harmony, and contribution of each human being to the human family, to the planet, to the universe, and to the stream of eternal time. The art of peaceful, happy, responsible, contributing living is taught to all. -- In Bali, we have philosophy of Tri Hita Karana. This is a life philosophy that has been rooted from the Hindu community in Bali, namely (1) harmonious relation between human and physical environment (Palemahan); (2) harmonious relation between human and its social environment (Pawongan); and (3) harmonious relation between human and the Supreme God (Parhyangan). Let make the world harmony!!! Wisnu Wardana Chief Editor of Bali Travel News www.bali-travelnews.com === From: Karen: Let fly your hopes on wings of peace Dear friend, I´m Nicky Davies, Disarmament Coordinator for Greenpeace International. Next weekend, August 6th, is the 60th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. http://www.greenpeace.or.jp/cyberaction/hiroshima60/en?nro=gpi I´ll be in Hiroshima to honour the 210,000 people who died in the world´s first attack with nuclear weapons, and to call upon world leaders to abolish the 30,000 nuclear weapons that continue to threaten our world, our children, and our future. I ask you to join us by writing a short message about your hopes and aspirations for a nuclear free and peaceful world. Messages will be printed on feather-shaped cards and put on dove-shaped balloons that will be flown in Hiroshima on August 5th at 8:15 a.m. (exactly 24 hours before the anniversary of the bombing). Lasting peace is possible - but not before every nation agrees to remove one of our world´s most destructive and destabilizing forces - nuclear weapons and the materials that are used to make those weapons. We are asking the world to set a timetable for disarmament. Japan can take the first step by halting its plans to make nuclear weapons-usable plutonium at the Rokkasho reprocessing plant in Rokkasho-Mura, Aomori. My friend Atsuko Nogawa, Greenpeace Japan´s Nuclear Campaigner says that "In Japan, we can mark a significant step towards achieving a nuclear free world if we stop the Rokkasho reprocessing plant. Please send us your messages now". You´re just a click away from joining us in Hiroshima. Please send your message now, and know that your hopes and your words will fly with those of others all over the world on Hiroshima day, in a global call for peace. http://www.greenpeace.or.jp/cyberaction/hiroshima60/en?nro=gpi Blogathon 2005! Blog for Peace! Our friend John, a supporter who runs a personal weblog called Logical Voice, will be Blogging for Greenpeace in the 2005 Blogathon on August 6th and 7th. This annual event challenges bloggers around the world to post every half hour for 24 hours to raise money for charity. John's blog will feature guest entries from Hiroshima, where our campaigner Rianne will be commemorating the bombing with a delegation of children. If you'd like to sponsor John as he struggles to keep his eyes open and type sensibly for an entire day, you can make a pledge here: http://tinyurl.com/a4bcn Even if you can't make a pledge, drop in on John's blog to cheer him on next weekend! If you'd like to find out more about the blogathon, or stay up late on August 6th to blog for peace yourself, you can find out more here: http://www.blogathon.org/ Reply to: supporter.services@int.greenpeace.org if you'll be blogging for Greenpeace. We'd love to hear from you. * | Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages: RE: [GMW #742] Dealing With Humanity's & Nature's This, I feel, really hits the mark. Best wishes, Howard Cort * Recent Guest Book Entries: * | | | | | | |