[GMW #749] World Security With Total Elimination Of All Nuclear Arms |
Wednesday 10 Aug 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English • Portuguese • Español | |
Ending War |
~ Idea 2987 ~ I was happy to learn that General Butler, former US High Commander of all American nuclear arms and six other US generals have recommended the total elimination of all nuclear armaments on planet Earth. May I suggest to them a way of getting there: the United Nations Charter provides that the chiefs of armies of the five permanent members of the Security Council should meet in a UN Military Staff Committee which would work out a World Security System whereafter they would disarm the planet. The cold war alas prevented that course from being pursued. I recommend that General Butler and his colleagues set up a shadow UN Military Staff Committee, work out a World Security System and world disarmament plan and offer them the whole membership of the United Nations. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality |
Robert's Golden Sayings |
Peace as non-war is a pretty poor concept. And yet, what a momentous first achievement it is! * Peace is a lucid, conscious desire for conditions under which life can unfold to its fullness, to its divinity. * |
My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 |
After a speech in which I mentioned that I came from a hatmaker's family and that I was a fully trained hatmake, a listener commented: "You never ceased to be a hatmaker. At the UN you are trying to make a hat fitting the whole world." * |
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