| | | [GMW #834] World Leaders Do NOT Have To Destroy Earth For Selfish, Illusory Human Glory, Power and Greed | Monday 5 December 2005, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish | | Ending War | ~ Idea 2969 ~ I am more and more inclined to consider most of our leaders, especially our political, military and business leaders to be a destructive species on Earth. They believe they are great but they are in reality destroying the Earth for selfish, illusory human glory, power and greed. Few of them will leave a mark on their time and be remembered. What do you think, dear Earth? The Earth: "I minded already when they were destroying, diminishing each other in ancient wars. But now these wars are so destructive of my nature. World peace would end that but then they will proliferate even more and bring me to an end with their ceaseless inventions, productions, economics, overgrowth, hyper-consumption, wastes, activities, running around not knowing what to do more to exploit and change me. Why do they need to achieve something and prove their self to others? Can they not be happy with what they have, with the incredible miracle of life they are, with the miracle I am?" I: I cannot answer that. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality | | Robert's Golden Sayings | We must all learn to be at the vortex of the universe. * The world is made up of several billion individuals (4.7 billion in 1983, 6.3 billion in 2003). Each one of us counts. Tremendously. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | Look at the United Nations and you will see a perfect image of humanity, of the world and of yourself. After thousands of years of bloody history, we are lucky to have at long last a universal organization. It is only common sense for the people to welcome it, to rejoice at it, to support, nurture and strengthen the UN? >From a reader: "I brought a friend along to visit the UN. She was thrilled by the 'light' shining from so many men and women dedicated to nurturing and preserving our human family. I myself, each time I visit the UN, I am moved to tears." Pablo Casals too, cried every time he visited the UN. * | | "Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard-boiled egg." -Unknown HeartMath.com * | | | | | | | |