I fell in love with Robert's Decide To … poems
[Robert's Decide To poems are here. They include the link to Dana's beautiful composition of them.]
Hallo Robert and Barbara,
When wandering in the virtual world, through series of links and searches I suddenly entered a castle filled with treasure. I started to explore the jewels there, going from room to room, and back again, finding still new doors to another rooms. I don't know if, and when, I will be able to see everything what is there, but what I have already seen fills me with new hope and joy.
That castle is your websites. How much I agree with what you have to say!
Strangely, I have never heard neither of you nor of your websites before. Evidently, this is not what media consider worth talking about.
The virtual world on the net creates new wonderful opportunities. May be, finally, the kindred spirits, great like you and small like me, will be able to find each other and unite together to create a critical mass, capable of shifting the consciousness on the planet away from the direction of self-destruction.
I have my own website. It is a personal website reflecting some of my ideals and beliefs and humbly trying to depict the joy of existence.
However, the main purpose of my website is to rise awareness about enormous harm that is being done to children throughout the world.
Children are educated not only at schools. First of all they are educated by what they experience in their homes and their families, and in societies they live in. Much too often they are educated there by means of violence and suffering.
Suffering does not teach happiness and peace of mind. Experiencing violence and abuse does not teach peace and tolerance. Being forced to witness violence and abuse without complaining does not teach compassion and empathy.
If we want to create a better world we have to start with children.
To learn more about situation of children throughout the world please see Children are our Flowers at my website.
When visiting your websites I fell in love with your Decide To … poems. It gives me great joy to include a page into my website devoted to you and your poems. Here it is:
http://community.netidea.com/danas/robert_muller.htm .
Your poems are very beautiful and I think they should be published in as many places on the internet as possible, with links to your sites, so, using your own words (about the UN), your ideas "could be better known, understood and hence more effective for the good of all"
Thank you for the great messages I receive each morning for several days already from the Good Morning World.
With warm regards
Crescent Valley, BC, Canada