| | | [GMW #867] Unprecedented Vision, Blolness & Courage To Fashion A New, Promising, Better Future | Friday 19 January 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish | | Peace | ~ Idea 4085~ Something is not yet right and ripe in our human society at the beginning of the 21st century and third millennium: missing is an unprecedented vision, boldness and courage to fashion a new, promising, better future. Our beliefs, society, ways of life, institutions and future goals must be reviewed and reappraised fundamentally from scratch as I said in Ideas 527 to 547. I must repeat here that we need: a new political system for planet Earth a new economics a new education a new media and communications a new democracy a new global leadership a spiritual Renaissance and inter-religious cooperation a non-violent human society a well preserved planet a decent well being for all humans an urgent stabilization of the world population right human settlements on the planet the disarmament, demilitarization, denuclearization and global security of the planet a new science and technology a new anthropology, sociology and new ways of life a new human biology a new philosophy, cosmology and long-term view of evolution a new world ethics and justice a new world psychology a new science and art of planetary management a new art and culture * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
| Robert's Golden Sayings | There is need for global hope as there is need for individual hope. There are also the innumerable hopes of the numerous businesses and human institutions on Earth. There is need for a comprehensive science of hope * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6 | While so much has been accomplished by science and technology, the only three worthwhile, imaginative achievements in the political field during the last forty years are: the UN, the Marshall Plan, and the European Community. There is an insufficient list of accomplishments for a world beset with a host of mounting global problems. The UN is a much better forum for the democratic management of world relations in contrast to letting national interests use force and greed rule the planet. The UN is still very new at it. The tasks before this forum have never been attempted before. A new world political system must sooner or later be devised with effective legislative, executive and judicial powers. * | | www.gratefulness.org WORD FOR THE DAY Wednesday, Jan. 18 | Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. | G.K. Chesterton | Re: [GMW #858] New Forms of Armaments That May Endanger Peaceful Countries To... Dear Dr. Muller,
I did not know you wrote a preface to Ken Keyes book "Planethood." I have not read that particular book.
I did read the following books of Ken Keyes: Handbook to Higher Consciousness, How To Make Your Life Work Or Why Aren't You Happy, Prescriptions for Happiness, Your Life Is A Gift, An Operator's Manual.
I have these books listed on my reading list for books on happiness on my web site: www.happinessclub.com. Just want to mention that your book, Most Of All They Taught Me Happiness, is on our 20 Best Books on Happiness List.
I had the good fortune of interviewing Ken Keyes on my radio talk show called: Successful Living, in 1993, just a couple of years before Ken passed away.
I mention all this because it just became apparent to me that you both have been doing similar work. I just did not know that you knew of each other. It makes me feel wonderful that the two of you were aware of one another's work. Ken Keyes, like you, was a great teacher of spiritual values and wisdom. His work has done much to promote peace and happiness.
Thank you Dr. Muller for your continuing work in the contribution of peace and happiness to mankind. We have come to the time where we need to develop together with one another, inclusion rather than exclusion. We all live on a very tiny planet called Earth, so we need to develop our individual responsibility to peace and happiness.
Once we have tasted peace and happiness, why would we want anything else for ourselves? All we really need is to realize this. Happiness is wisdom!
Sharing Love, Peace and Happiness with you, Lionel Ketchian www.happinessclub.com
In response to:
I mention all this because I once asked my son Francois what grade he would give humanity for the way our planet was being managed. He answered; "I would give humans a triple "D": Dumb, Dangerous and Disastrous". This encouraged me to express a similar view in a preface I wrote for the book "Planethood" by Ken Keyes and Ben Ferencz. This book raises, in effect, the following fundamental question: "What would be the fate of the United States if each of its fifty states were sovereign, possessed an army, a President, a Supreme Court, a State Department, a CIA, a national hymn, a national flag, national days, and the exclusive power to levy taxes on its citizens? What if the United States government were no more than a United Nations without sovereignty, without legislative, executive, judicial, and fiscal powers, unable to make decisions and laws, but only recommendations and exhortations? You would exclaim: 'What an indescribable mess it would be!' Well, this is exactly the state of your planet torn up into 175 pieces!"'
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