| | | [GMW #1022] Elders Seeing So Much To Learn, To Try, To Succeed, To Love | Monday 28 August 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream | ~ Idea 6255 ~ My 80th birthday anniversary. At the age of eighty I have lived so much, dreamt, learned and experimented so much that I could consider myself a fulfilled human being. Alas I still see so much to learn, to try, to succeed, to love. Should I feel desperate? No, I should feel like a young adolescent. * Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 1 - 6999, Ending War, Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality |
| Robert's Golden Sayings | We can all have a very simple rule of reference for planetary management: make Earth a paradise. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 4 | It is incredible what the UN has done to inform the people about the conditions of the world and of humanity. This alone would merit ten times the insignificant sums spent on it. * | | [KJW #051] WEL, World Elder Land issues a Proclamation for: "World Elder Peace Week" September 17 - September 23, 2006 (The Proclamation is also here.) WEL, World Elder Land joins the worldwide movement to facilitate a global ceasefire and a week of community-based peace events and non-violence, for the evolution of humanity toward a better and more peaceful world for everyone. Only by practicing kindness, peaceful ways and mutual cooperation we will live in our own peaceful world. Let's create it together...  |  |  | elders, caregivers and all community members where elders live, know that our actions, thoughts, words and attitudes are ways to contribute with the evolutionary process of peacemaking |  | our elders, our treasures, know that we are living in a beautiful world whose respect and reverence for human life and all living things, makes nurturing PEACE and better ways to live 'TOGETHER' a priority |  | in 1981 the United Nations proclaimed that the International Day of Peace, September 21, would be "devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace among all nations and all human beings" and all elders in the world are invited to actively join this special commemoration |  | WEL, World Elder Lands extends an invitation to all elders, caregivers and the communities where elders live, to include the call for a week of global ceasefire and non-violence, and invite all nations and people in the world to honor the cessation of hostilities among members of the human family and all living things |  | let there be PEACE on Earth and let it begins with me... in my actions, in my thoughts, in my words, in my hands, in my writings, in my heart and in my soul. All elders are invited to read the "Reflection For Peace" poem and to write their own heart's desires for a better world |  | WEL, World Elder Land, elders of the world and the human family, do hereby join the United Nations to proclaim September 21, as "The International Day of Peace" and September 17 - 23, as | |  | © Kathy J. Ward Universal Peace Ambassador President of WEL, World Elder Land | Signed this 17 of August 2006, PEACE BE WITH YOU! | | PRINT AND POST Click here for a printable pdf copy of the Proclamation: "World Elder Peace Week" Join the celebration... let's us know about the activities and programs your community of elders and caregivers have planned. Send them to: wel@worldelderland.com  Chapter For Peace" remodeling a house of an elder suffering from HIV  In-service in Long Term Care about better ways to deliver health care services. | Reflection For Peace by Kathy J. Ward May the divine LOVE nurture and help me become an INSTRUMENT OF PEACE. May there be PEACE on earth. I am giving peace a chance, it means JUSTICE, LOVE, KINDNESS in my thoughts, in my writings, in my heart, in my words, in my actions, in my hands, in my eyes, in my soul. For the war is not only around me but perhaps trapped... in my thoughts, my writings, my heart, my words, my actions, my hands, my eyes, my soul... So I begin today, for tomorrow will be much too late, day-by-day progress is made waves of love are attained: for those who lose dreaming are lost, for what I am only part of what I create. I am a child of this universe, a peacemaker, a JOY to the world. Sing a song for PEACE tonight sing with me, YOU and I holding hands, letting the sound travel and the fragrance of love inspire new beginnings, turning times and tides... Together... always together. PEACE begins with one spark, it all begins with YOU and I. | Below are links to special WEL community-based PEACE projects. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS BETTER BECAUSE OF ME? DECIDE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE DECIDE TO DO IT NOW! | | |