[GMW #1098] Mothers Bring Total Peace To The Human Race - Never Allowing Their Sons To Kill Sons |
Tuesday 5 December 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | |
Idea Dream |
~ Idea 6231 ~ No man on Earth will ever have the feeling of a mother who each time when she looks at her child can say to herself, "This child was born from my flesh. It grew in me into a new little human being, came out alive from my body, grew up and will continue to live after my death." This is why only mothers will be able to bring total peace to the human race. If they had power, they would never allow that their sons to kill the sons, the flesh of the flesh of other mothers. Mother Earth: "Dear Robert, thank you for saying, proclaiming this. In view of the failure of males to bring peace to humanity a new age should indeed be born, namely the age of the rule of mothers, of women on this planet." * |
Robert's Golden Sayings |
I want my life to be a hymn to the Creator. * |
My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 |
Irrealistic, idealistic fools are not those who request the total destruction of armaments on this planet, but those who believe that nations will agree on arms control or limitation. If both categories should be irrealistic, I prefer to belong to the first one. * |
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