| | | [GMW #1111] Making Imagination And Ideas Become Rich Reality And Beautiful Facts | Friday 22 December 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream | ~ Idea 6381 ~ Make imagination become the richest reality. Make ideas become the most beautiful facts. * |
| NEW! Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living | Several years ago, one day, walking from the UN with a dear friend, Janis Roze, representing a Non-governmental Organization at the UN, he asked me if I had an idea for a new venture his organization could undertake. I thought it over and said to him that what was very needed these days was to give hope to the people. Why not create an Institute for the Science of Hope? He liked the idea, submitted it to his colleagues and a Center for a Science of Hope* was created in New York City in 1986, to my great delight. I have received since then, in addition to their HopeWatch magazine, a remarkable book Aspects of Hope (1993), which has on its back this statement of mine: "In all my writings I have advocated for years that we should apply scientific methods to the study of bold concepts modeled by humanity over the millennia to keep it on an upward path, concepts such as hope, love, beauty, joy, happiness, faith. Scientists shy away from them because they do not lend themselves so easily to scientific investigation. But if we try, we will discover many things." In 1982 I had already written a book entitled Planet of Hope with chapters on the Span of Life, the Four Cardinal Virtues, Writing and Speaking, Our Growth and Evolution, Work for Peace and the Birth of a Global Age. In 1990 this was followed by a volume of Dialogues of Hope with various personalities on three subjects: Political Hope, Spiritual Hope and Individual Hope. Alas, these books are out of print. Perhaps someday they will be republished in The Classics of Robert Muller, planned by my wife Barbara. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 | The League of Nations was right, not Hitler, Mussolini, nor the Japanese war lords who destroyed it. The United Nations is right, not those who wish to diminish or destroy it. Even the UN, like the League of Nations, were to go under, God forbid, it would still be right and would be reborn in a new, better form, according to the laws of evolution. No one can go for long against evolution and human ascent. * | UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive Where would we be today if certain women, men, young people, and also children had not arisen at moments when the human family seemed destined for the worst? They did not say: "Let things take their course!" Beyond the confrontations between persons, peoples, and spiritual families, they prepared a way of trusting. Their lives bear witness to the fact that human beings have not been created for hopelessness. - Brother Roger of Taize, from "Peace of Heart in All Things: Meditations for Each Day of the Year." - Verse & Voice - Sojourners | Dearest Friends of Happiness, Thank you for your Wednesday orders and wonderful personal stories..Our Happiness goal for this season is 100 orders to keep Robert thinking of aging to 100 and we are well on the way thanks to you... if you would like a photo I took of Robert at the beach just mention that to Becky and she will include it..
We appreciate and thank each and everyone of you for subscribing and inviting your friends to subscribe to GoodMorningWorld by clicking here or sending an e-mail to mail1@goodmorningworld.org. This daily blessing comes from our hearts to you.
For the Holiday season we are offering Robert's book Most of All They Taught Me Happiness and his wonderful hour long interview on DVD.
A recent buyer of Most of All They Taught Me Happiness from our Santa Barbara Airport read the book on the airplane, and when he arrived home he ordered a case of 40 books to share with all his friends.
We will include a FREE DVD of Robert's popular interview Conversations with Remarkable People, with any order of three or more books -- while supplies last. With its inspirational message, Most of All They Taught Me Happiness makes the perfect holiday gift for those you love and want to be happy.
To order: Phone: 800-727-2782, or Email: Becky@ParaPublishing.com Peace and love, Barbara and Robert Muller | Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection | 148 entries since 12 Dec 2005. View or add yourself to the guestbook map. | | | | | | | |