[GMW #1124] World Peace Plan 2010 Point 5 - Annual World Summits |
Wednesday 10 January 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | |
Idea Dream |
From Robert - World Peace Plan 2010 - Updated 1 Jan 2007 - 25 Ways for Peace 5. World summit meetings should be held annually between all heads of state:
i. They decide to chart a new course for humanity and the Earth-a Global Renaissance, a new Planetary Deal unfolding better ways to administer properly and peacefully our magnificent planet.
ii. They agree to total nuclear disarmament by the year 2010 and total disarmament and demilitarization by the year 2020.
iii. They agree to stop all arms sales and call for a United Nations conference on the worldwide prohibition of arms sales and production.
iv. New world priorities are set, to be implemented with the huge resources released by disarmament and demilitarization.
v. High-technology video and sound communications systems are established between the offices and the homes of the heads of state in order that they can remain in direct, instantaneous communication at any time on any crisis, problem, idea, proposal or action for peace and a better world. * |
Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living |
Illusion is probably the most commonly shared human virtue, but it is not very often expressed and made an ideal worth looking up to. * We all live as if we were immortal. Thank God! * We should raise our heads and hearts above current reality and think and dream of a new reality more in line with the imperatives of our cosmic evolution and will of God. * |
My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 |
There is nothing more fascinating on Earth than to see the birth of a central administration for this planet and for humanity by global servants from more than 175 nations! All the great dreamers, saints and philosophers of the past would be astonished and elated by it. And yet, nowhere in our blind contemporary society is there a single school or training place for this new, crucial administration. The University for Peace remains so far largely unimplemented due to the indifference of most nations, while it should occupy a priority place on the actions of the community of nations. * |
Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul. --John Muir Daily Good a service of CharityFocus |
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