[GMW #1084] Creating Many Thousands More Ideas For A Better World And Life |
Wednesday 15 November 2006, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese I Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | |
Idea Dream |
~ Idea 6197 ~ Advertisements are mushrooming to such an extent in the world that they might render the people sick of them and no longer wish to live on this planet. Mark this prediction of mine. ~ Idea 6198 ~ If people will say to you that I am crazy to come up with thousands of ideas for a better world and life, tell them to think of the many more thousands of advertisements they will have to see during their life to spend money and to buy things they often do not need. ~ Idea 6199 ~ All governments should provide yearly statistics to the UN of the advertisements produced in their country. The world total would be staggering. And to think that all the sums spent on them are included in the gross national products!! * |
Robert's Golden Sayings |
I would like to see a world with only beautiful names, like : Cura ao, the Heart; Sri Lanka, the beautiful island; Canada, the land of many villages; France, the land of the free; Pakistan, the land of the pure; Philippines, the country of the horse lovers; Tanganyka, the lake surrounded by trees, etc. * |
My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 |
I often remember this answer of General de Gaulle to a journalist who asked him what he thought of international organiza¬tions: "Regarding these organizations, it will be one of two things: either they will serve no purpose or they will serve a purpose. If they serve no purpose, except to provide good jobs for some people, then it will be for the good of these people, provided they will serve no purpose. I f, on the other hand, these institutions serve a purpose, then it will be the end of France." And after a moment of reflection, looking at the distant horizon as he used to do, he added: "Everything has an end. Why should not France have an end too? Perhaps my mission was a last effort towards the summits. Perhaps I have written the last page of France's grandeur." * |
Robert's Poem Decide to be Happy in Heron Dance: http://www.herondance.org/A_Pause_for_Beauty_160_by_Ann_W410.cfm and in Cow Pi Journal: http://cowpi.com/journal/2006/11/decide_to_be_happy.html |
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