| | | [GMW #1146] The Combined Invisible Energies Of Humans Making Earth A Paradise | Friday 9 February 2007, Editor: Easy | RobertMuller.org | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe | | GMW Blogs: English | Portuguese | Spanish | Tagalog | Dutch | | Idea Dream - Paradise Earth - Celebrating Robert's 84th Birthday 10 March | #3) The invisible often shapes the visible. When a child inflates a balloon, invisible air gives it shape. It is the same with the invisible energies of humans. If the combined forces of our brains—the global brain—decided to make the Earth a paradise, it would assume the shape of a paradise.
Starting 7 March Good Morning World is featuring one paragraph each day from Robert's 23 paragraph 2 page monograph Paradise Earth edited by Douglas Gillies, Robert's biographer. Paradise Earth is compiled from Robert's first 6,000 Ideas and Dreams for a Better World. The 23 pararaphs will lead to Douglas's teleseminar with Robert on Saturday March 10 at 9:00 am Pacific Time. Douglas will ask Robert questions from you and the listeners about his vision for Paradise Earth. This will hopefully be followed by a series of teleseminars on Paradise Earth with Robert and one special guest each time. To submit a question for Robert and to sign up for this free teleseminar click here: http://www.robertmullerpeacemaker.com . Send your ideas for Paradise Earth and birthday wishes for Robert's birthday by replying to this email or Contact Good Morning World. * |
| Robert's The Miracle, Joy and Art of Living | Coincidences start from the moment you begin to dream and to look out for them. Believe in them, open yourself to them, be attentive to them and you will be astonished. * | My Testament to the UN -A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 10 | Rio de Janeiro, 5 June 1992 When in turn I visited Christ's statue, I did the same, closed my eyes, lifted my arms and knew that the answer to my prayer would be given. The following morning I was asked to speak at the Global Forum to a new movement which had just been created to endow humanity with a Global Heart. A dream I had harbored for many years was fulfilled and Christ's message to me was to help it succeed. * | | Dear Robert and Barbara, Less than a year ago I met Margery R. Layton over the Internet, through the GMW. I had read her beautiful poem, A Child, that she sent to Robert for his birthday. I loved the poem, and wrote Easy if he could check with Margery, if it is ok. with her if I posted her poem on my web page devoted to children rights http://community.netidea.com/danas/children_are_our_flowers.htm She said, yes. It is how our friendship started. Recently, Margery sent me a letter with more of her poetry. Again, I loved it. I put her new poems on the web page I devoted entirely to Margery's poetry http://community.netidea.com/danas/margery_layton.htm I called the page "Transitions" as is the common title of several of her short poems. She writes in her little poems how "the warmth and breadth of human understandings" can change our perception of the world. How true! What we need is "the warmth and breath of human understandings" to change not only our perception of the world, but to actually change the world. And no one needs "the warmth and breath of human understandings" more than children do. Let's start with them. Truly, Dana --- Here is one of Margery's beautiful poems on her selected poems Transitions webpage: Caregifting
A gift from the heart of true knowing carries with it an eternal light, one that glows beyond the storms, shines through the clouds and on forevermore.
The sounds of birds unheard and songs unsung give notes to meanings, forms to life and treasures beyond all measures.
Hold the spirit softly and surely, then let it go soaring high and free and mightily where it will.
For Anthony Ray, Caregifter, 2004 *
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